77 research outputs found

    Wittgenstein and Contemporary Theories of Language

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    Papers read at the French-Norwegian seminar in Skjolden, 23-26 May 199

    The Interpretation of Tables in Texts

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    Annotated text databases in the context of the Kaj Munk corpus:One database model, one query language, and several applications

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    Information Outlook, April 2001

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    Volume 5, Issue 4https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_2001/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Standards - access for everyone. Converting OOXML, ODF and HTML.

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    This thesis sets out to find out if it is possible to create a system that converts documents between Office Open XML (OOXML), Open Document Format (ODF) and HyperText Markup Language (HTML). In addition to this, some studies in their context is executed. By looking at their specifications, it becomes clear that the structure of content is the same. Regarding formatting, the open standards differ. With OOXML and ODF it is a mere difference in structure of the document. HTML on the other hand need CSS in order to include equivalent presentation qualities as the other two formats. A system was designed to create mappings between the formats. The scope was narrowed down to converting only text, without any presentational qualities. This was done to locate the lowest common denominator to build further on, and to make sure the conversions between the formats was feasible. With this restriction, the resulting system had successful conversions between documents containing text. The only exception to the system was that it failed to convert the contents of DOCX to ODT and HTML. However, the remaining conversions ran successfully; between HTML and ODT, from ODT to DOCX and from HTML to DOCX. Even if the system was not carrying out complete conversions between all the formats, it shows great promise towards accomplishing this, hence affirming the possibility to convert between the three priorly mentioned formats

    SLIS Connecting, Volume 10, Issue 2 Fall/Winter

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    SLIS Connecting -- the whole issue with all three Columns, one editorial, one professional article, and seven research articles


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    The last half a decade has been extremely vibrant in the field of web and mobile technologies. The industry has seen some revolutionary innovations, HTML5 is one prospect. Comvise wanted me to do the research on two of the most awaited features of HTML5, multimedia and storage. The objective was to study about the features of Multimedia and Storage, and their support on major mobile Operating Systems. The research was made so that it provides the reader, information about the sub-topics, guidelines for implementing the features and their compatibility. Another objective of the research was to build a PhoneGap application using the web –technologies, HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, which could be ported to major mobile operating systems to prove its cross-platform nature. It was interesting because, the native functionalities of the phone were being accessed by web technologies. Sencha Touch 2 was chosen to build the user interface for Android and iOS operating systems and jQuery Mobile was used for Windows Phone. The application allowed users to capture images and record video which are then stored locally in Secure Digital (SD) card of the phone. The images captured were uploaded to the server. An additional feature, implementing Facebook’s Graph Application Programming Interface (API) was tested in the application for further development of the application in future. The same code base was used in all three major mobile operating systems but the environment was set-up individually for each operating systems.Viimeinen puolivuosikymmen on ollut erittäin eloisa netti- ja mobiiliteknologioiden alalla. Ala on nähnyt monta mullistavaa innovaatiota, ja HTML5 on yksi niistä. Comvise Oy pyysi tutkimaan sen kahta odotetuinta ominaisuutta, Multimedia ja Storage. Tavoitteena oli tutkia niiden ominaisuuksia ja kuinka ne ovat tuettuina tärkeimmissä mobiilikäyttöjärjestelmissä. Tutkimus tehtiin siten, että lukija saa käsityksen niiden ala-aiheista, ohjeita toteutukseen ja niiden yhteensopivuudesta. Toinen tavoite oli tehdä PhoneGap-ohjelma käyttäen nettiteknologioita, HTML5:ttä, CSS:ää ja JavaScriptiä, jotka voidaan portata tärkeimmille mobiilikäyttöjärjestelmille jotta voidaan näyttää toteen sen cross-platform-luonne. Se oli mielenkiintoista koska nettiteknologiat käyttivät puhelimien natiiveja toimintoja. Käyttöliittymän tekemisessä käytettiin Sencha Touch 2:ta Android- ja iOS-käyttöjärjestelmissä ja jQuery Mobileä Windows Phone -käyttöjärjestelmässä. Ohjelma antaa käyttäjän ottaa kuvia tai tallentaa videota Secure Digital (SD) -muistikortille. Otetut kuvat lähetettiin palvelimelle. Ylimääräistä ominaisuutta, Facebook Graph Application Programming Interface (API), testattiin myös ohjelman jatkokehitystä varten. Samaa koodia käytettiin jokaisessa kolmessa mobiilikäyttöjärjestelmässä, mutta testiympäristöt luotiin erikseen jokaiselle käyttöjärjestelmälle

    Edició hipertextual, multilingüe i anotada de Friar Bungay de Robert Greene (1594): exploració d'eines digitals en l'edició i traducció del teatre anglés dels segles XVI i XVII

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    Els objectius de la present tesi són quatre i comporten l’aplicació de tres disciplines: crítica textual, traductologia i tractament digital de textos, que rau completament dins les Humanitats Digitals. Aquests objectius i disciplines se centren en la comèdia The Honourable History of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay de Robert Greene, publicada en Londres l’any 1594, i convergeixen en l'elaboració d'una edició hipertextual i multilingüe d'aquesta comèdia per a la col·lecció EMOTHE (Early Modern European Theatre), del grup de recerca ARTELOPE a la Universitat de València. La tesi és llavors en part una posada en pràctica del mètode de treball d’aquest grup d’investigació que segueix el següent esquema: 1)EDICIÓ CRÍTICA. La meua edició ha estat més aviat eclèctica i he inclòs en l'aparat crític les variants rellevants, no merament ortogràfiques, sense cap pretensió de confeccionar una edició variorum. He recopilat les edicions anteriors de l’obra, des de les primeres en quart dels segles XVI i XVII fins a les del segles XXI. Per a basar la meua edició crítica en el quart de 1594 he elaborat una transcripció electrònica diplomàtica exacta d'aquest. A tal fi he fet ús de l’eina digital Juxta Commons i del motor de cerques en EEBO-TCP, una base de dades amb una gran quantitat de textos de l’anglés modern primerenc. Al remat he fet una pacient comparació visual lletra per lletra i espai per espai entre el quart i la meua transcripció. L’edició vol ser una eina profitosa per al lector actual. 2)TRADUCCIÓ. Les traduccions d’autors elisabetians s’han centrat sobre tot en les obres de Shakespeare, i vist que fins ara no s’havia traduït al castellà cap obra de Robert Greene, he intentat fer una aportació profitosa per als lectors i perquè Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay puga ser posada en escena per a un públic que no entenga l’anglés. És una traducció en prosa amb notes a peu de pàgina on he considerat necessari. L’eina digital AntConc m’ha permés analitzar el lèxic de l’obra original i comparar els resultats amb els de la meua traducció. 3)EDICIÓ DIGITAL. El tractament digital dels textos per a la col•lecció EMOTHE comporta una marcació preliminar seguint les directrius del Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) per a la seua posterior publicació en el web. Arran de l’experiència he aportat propostes per a millorar el codi generat. 4)PROTOTIPUS DE DICCIONARI. He programat un prototipus de diccionari, amb paraules i expressions que apareixen a Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay i com les han traduït altres traductors al castellà d’obres teatrals de l'època. He creat una base de dades amb traduccions de paraules i expressions a partir de traduccions anteriorment publicades, i per a la seua consulta he programat una pàgina web allotjada als servidors de la universitat amb la intenció que siga de lliure accés i ampliable tant per mi com per altres estudiosos del teatre elisabetià. Aquest prototipus m’ha estat útil a l’hora de traduir Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, car en aquesta tasca he pogut comparar amb el que han fet traductors anteriors


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    This paper, entitled Expert Assessment Module (EAM) for Intelligence Tutoring System (ITS), looks into theway of implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) components into an online learning system that could help tertiary students to master the subject of Structure Programming in C. The main objective ofthis project isto develop aprototype of EAM that is capable of assessing, diagnosing and categorizing students into three main level of expertise based ontheir performance, so that learning experience can be much more effective. Currently, most of the existing online learning systems are only capable to cater one-way-communication direction in which the lecturer of a particular subject will upload all the relevant study materials at one end and students will download and learn them firom the other end. Unfortunately, slow learners might find difficulty to understand complicated topics without any explanation or guidance from the lecturers. Nevertheless, the lecturer has less or no supervision of his students' performances and perhaps the tests conducted tend to be set according to the lecturer's own standard. Therefore, the scope of study for this project will covers the understanding ofcurrent online learning system and the field of Artificial Intelligence, the best pedagogical approach to design the course contents for learning modules based on the student's performance, prototype development of EAM and integration of the system as a whole. The EAM is expected to solve this problem by assessing the student's capability, providing guidance and tips, grading students, and deterrnining the best ways of presenting the lecture materials according to the student's level of expertise. The Waterfall Model is used to assist and monitor all activities through out the project's lifetime. The methodology consists of five phases including the requirement definition phase, system and software design phase, development and unit testing phase, implementation and system testing phase and project closing and submission phase. This project is seen to be capable of improving the capability of current online learning system andthe output obtained is expected to assist both students and lecturers in learning and teaching the subject ofCPrograrnming more conveniently and effectively.