326 research outputs found

    Compressive and Noncompressive Power Spectral Density Estimation from Periodic Nonuniform Samples

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    This paper presents a novel power spectral density estimation technique for band-limited, wide-sense stationary signals from sub-Nyquist sampled data. The technique employs multi-coset sampling and incorporates the advantages of compressed sensing (CS) when the power spectrum is sparse, but applies to sparse and nonsparse power spectra alike. The estimates are consistent piecewise constant approximations whose resolutions (width of the piecewise constant segments) are controlled by the periodicity of the multi-coset sampling. We show that compressive estimates exhibit better tradeoffs among the estimator's resolution, system complexity, and average sampling rate compared to their noncompressive counterparts. For suitable sampling patterns, noncompressive estimates are obtained as least squares solutions. Because of the non-negativity of power spectra, compressive estimates can be computed by seeking non-negative least squares solutions (provided appropriate sampling patterns exist) instead of using standard CS recovery algorithms. This flexibility suggests a reduction in computational overhead for systems estimating both sparse and nonsparse power spectra because one algorithm can be used to compute both compressive and noncompressive estimates.Comment: 26 pages, single spaced, 9 figure

    Filtering Nonuniformly Sampled Grid-Based Signals

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    This paper presents an example application of digital alias-free signal processing, where a sequence of irregularly spaced, yet uniformly gridded, samples of a bandlimited discrete-time signal is filtered by using an oversampled finite impulse response filter. The mathematical model of the proposed filter is introduced, and a new interpolation formula for calculating the convolution operation of the filter, based on nonuniform sampling, is derived. In addition, uniform grid versions of Total Random, Stratified and Antithetical Stratified random sampling techniques are demonstrated. We carry out numerical comparison between these techniques and the proposed one in terms of Fourier transform estimates of the filtered output signal. The proposed interpolation technique shows enhancements over other sampling techniques after certain number of sampling points. Furthermore, it has a faster uniform convergence rate of the normalized root mean squared error than other techniques

    Random sampling of long-memory stationary processe

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    This paper investigates the second order properties of a stationary process after random sampling. While a short memory process gives always rise to a short memory one, we prove that long-memory can disappear when the sampling law has heavy enough tails. We prove that under rather general conditions the existence of the spectral density is preserved by random sampling. We also investigate the effects of deterministic sampling on seasonal long-memory

    Alias-Free Spectral Estimation of Stochastic Processes

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    A scheme for the practical estimation of power spectrum from randomly-timed samples is proposed and investigated for wide-sense stationary point processes. The sampling process {tn} is assumed to be stationary point process statistically independent of the sampled process X(t). Stationarity of {tn} admits that joint statistics of tk, tk+n do not depend on k. Closed form analytical formulae are derived for the spectral window Qm(f) and for cov{S^(fr), S^(fq)}, var{S^(fr)} for the particular case of independent identically distributed sampling intervals. Results confirm the alias-free character of the Poisson sampling scheme even for non-bandlimited spectra. It is shown further that for Gaussian processes with very smooth spectra Poisson sampling process can yield more reliable estimates (i.e., with a smaller variance) than the well known method of periodic sampling.</p

    Alias-free Discrete-time FIR System Realisation Using Hybrid Stratified Sampling

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    This paper proposes a method for system realisation, where the realised system is described by a continuous-time, finite-duration impulse response. The proposed discrete-time implementation deploys Digital Alias-free Signal Processing. It means that despite the use of digital signal processing, the produced results do not suffer from aliasing. However, owing to the use of random sampling, the approach relies on constructing a suitable estimator of the system output. This paper shows that the proposed estimator is unbiased. It is also consistent, i.e. its variance goes to zero when the density of signal samples increasing. It is proven that under moderately restrictive assumptions, the estimator goes to zero proportionally to the fifth power of the average distance between the samples


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    The relationship between two sets of real variables defined for the same individuals can be evaluated by a few different correlation coefficients. For the functional data we have one important tool: canonical correlations. It is not immediately straightforward to extend other similar measures to the context of functional data analysis. In this work we show how to use the distance correlation coefficient for a multivariate functional case. The approaches discussed are illustrated with an application to some socio-economic data

    Applications of nonuniform sampling in wideband multichannel communication systems

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    This research is an investigation into utilising randomised sampling in communication systems to ease the sampling rate requirements of digitally processing narrowband signals residing within a wide range of overseen frequencies. By harnessing the aliasing suppression capabilities of such sampling schemes, it is shown that certain processing tasks, namely spectrum sensing, can be performed at significantly low sampling rates compared to those demanded by uniform-sampling-based digital signal processing. The latter imposes sampling frequencies of at least twice the monitored bandwidth regardless of the spectral activity within. Aliasing can otherwise result in irresolvable processing problems, as the spectral support of the present signal is a priori unknown. Lower sampling rates exploit the processing module(s) resources (such as power) more efficiently and avoid the possible need for premium specialised high-cost DSP, especially if the handled bandwidth is considerably wide. A number of randomised sampling schemes are examined and appropriate spectral analysis tools are used to furnish their salient features. The adopted periodogram-type estimators are tailored to each of the schemes and their statistical characteristics are assessed for stationary, and cyclostationary signals. Their ability to alleviate the bandwidth limitation of uniform sampling is demonstrated and the smeared-aliasing defect that accompanies randomised sampling is also quantified. In employing the aforementioned analysis tools a novel wideband spectrum sensing approach is introduced. It permits the simultaneous sensing of a number of nonoverlapping spectral subbands constituting a wide range of monitored frequencies. The operational sampling rates of the sensing procedure are not limited or dictated by the overseen bandwidth antithetical to uniform-sampling-based techniques. Prescriptive guidelines are developed to ensure that the proposed technique satisfies certain detection probabilities predefined by the user. These recommendations address the trade-off between the required sampling rate and the length of the signal observation window (sensing time) in a given scenario. Various aspects of the introduced multiband spectrum sensing approach are investigated and its applicability highlighted

    Novel Digital Alias-Free Signal Processing Approaches to FIR Filtering Estimation

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    This thesis aims at developing a new methodology of filtering continuous-time bandlimited signals and piecewise-continuous signals from their discrete-time samples. Unlike the existing state-of-the-art filters, my filters are not adversely affected by aliasing, allowing the designers to flexibly select the sampling rates of the processed signal to reach the required accuracy of signal filtering rather than meeting stiff and often demanding constraints imposed by the classical theory of digital signal processing (DSP). The impact of this thesis is cost reduction of alias-free sampling, filtering and other digital processing blocks, particularly when the processed signals have sparse and unknown spectral support. Novel approaches are proposed which can mitigate the negative effects of aliasing, thanks to the use of nonuniform random/pseudorandom sampling and processing algorithms. As such, the proposed approaches belong to the family of digital alias-free signal processing (DASP). Namely, three main approaches are considered: total random (ToRa), stratified (StSa) and antithetical stratified (AnSt) random sampling techniques. First, I introduce a finite impulse response (FIR) filter estimator for each of the three considered techniques. In addition, a generalised estimator that encompasses the three filter estimators is also proposed. Then, statistical properties of all estimators are investigated to assess their quality. Properties such as expected value, bias, variance, convergence rate, and consistency are all inspected and unveiled. Moreover, closed-form mathematical expression is devised for the variance of each single estimator. Furthermore, quality assessment of the proposed estimators is examined in two main cases related to the smoothness status of the filter convolution’s integrand function, \u1d454(\u1d461,\u1d70f)∶=\u1d465(\u1d70f)ℎ(\u1d461−\u1d70f), and its first two derivatives. The first main case is continuous and differentiable functions \u1d454(\u1d461,\u1d70f), \u1d454′(\u1d461,\u1d70f), and \u1d454′′(\u1d461,\u1d70f). Whereas in the second main case, I cover all possible instances where some/all of such functions are piecewise-continuous and involving a finite number of bounded discontinuities. Primarily obtained results prove that all considered filter estimators are unbiassed and consistent. Hence, variances of the estimators converge to zero after certain number of sample points. However, the convergence rate depends on the selected estimator and which case of smoothness is being considered. In the first case (i.e. continuous \u1d454(\u1d461,\u1d70f) and its derivatives), ToRa, StSa and AnSt filter estimators converge uniformly at rates of \u1d441−1, \u1d441−3, and \u1d441−5 respectively, where 2\u1d441 is the total number of sample points. More interestingly, in the second main case, the convergence rates of StSa and AnSt estimators are maintained even if there are some discontinuities in the first-order derivative (FOD) with respect to \u1d70f of \u1d454(\u1d461,\u1d70f) (for StSa estimator) or in the second-order derivative (SOD) with respect to \u1d70f of \u1d454(\u1d461,\u1d70f) (for AnSt). Whereas these rates drop to \u1d441−2 and \u1d441−4 (for StSa and AnSt, respectively) if the zero-order derivative (ZOD) (for StSa) and FOD (for AnSt) are piecewise-continuous. Finally, if the ZOD of \u1d454(\u1d461,\u1d70f) is piecewise-continuous, then the uniform convergence rate of the AnSt estimator further drops to \u1d441−2. For practical reasons, I also introduce the utilisation of the three estimators in a special situation where the input signal is pseudorandomly sampled from otherwise uniform and dense grid. An FIR filter model with an oversampled finite-duration impulse response, timely aligned with the grid, is proposed and meant to be stored in a lookup table of the implemented filter’s memory to save processing time. Then, a synchronised convolution sum operation is conducted to estimate the filter output. Finally, a new unequally spaced Lagrange interpolation-based rule is proposed. The so-called composite 3-nonuniform-sample (C3NS) rule is employed to estimate area under the curve (AUC) of an integrand function rather than the simple Rectangular rule. I then carry out comparisons for the convergence rates of different estimators based on the two interpolation rules. The proposed C3NS estimator outperforms other Rectangular rule estimators on the expense of higher computational complexity. Of course, this extra cost could only be justifiable for some specific applications where more accurate estimation is required
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