2,599 research outputs found

    On fundamental diffraction limitation of finesse of a Fabry-Perot cavity

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    We perform a theoretical study of finesse limitations of a Fabry-Perot (FP) cavity occurring due to finite size, asymmetry, as well as imperfections of the cavity mirrors. A method of numerical simulations of the eigenvalue problem applicable for both the fundamental and high order cavity modes is suggested. Using this technique we find spatial profile of the modes and their round-trip diffraction loss. The results of the numerical simulations and analytical calculations are nearly identical when we consider a conventional FP cavity. The proposed numerical technique has much broader applicability range and is valid for any FP cavity with arbitrary non-spherical mirrors which have cylindrical symmetry but disturbed in an asymmetric way, for example, by tilt or roughness of their mirrors.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Reconstruction of time-dependent coefficients: a check of approximation schemes for non-Markovian convolutionless dissipative generators

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    We propose a procedure to fully reconstruct the time-dependent coefficients of convolutionless non-Markovian dissipative generators via a finite number of experimental measurements. By combining a tomography based approach with a proper data sampling, our proposal allows to relate the time-dependent coefficients governing the dissipative evolution of a quantum system to experimentally accessible quantities. The proposed scheme not only provides a way to retrieve full information about potentially unknown dissipative coefficients but also, most valuably, can be employed as a reliable consistency test for the approximations involved in the theoretical derivation of a given non-Markovian convolutionless master equation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, revised version published on PR

    Random sampling of long-memory stationary processe

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    This paper investigates the second order properties of a stationary process after random sampling. While a short memory process gives always rise to a short memory one, we prove that long-memory can disappear when the sampling law has heavy enough tails. We prove that under rather general conditions the existence of the spectral density is preserved by random sampling. We also investigate the effects of deterministic sampling on seasonal long-memory

    Linear phase cosine modulated maximally decimated filter banks with perfect reconstruction

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    We propose a novel way to design maximally decimated FIR cosine modulated filter banks, in which each analysis and synthesis filter has a linear phase. The system can be designed to have either the approximate reconstruction property (pseudo-QMF system) or perfect reconstruction property (PR system). In the PR case, the system is a paraunitary filter bank. As in earlier work on cosine modulated systems, all the analysis filters come from an FIR prototype filter. However, unlike in any of the previous designs, all but two of the analysis filters have a total bandwidth of 2π/M rather than π/M (where 2M is the number of channels in our notation). A simple interpretation is possible in terms of the complex (hypothetical) analytic signal corresponding to each bandpass subband. The coding gain of the new system is comparable with that of a traditional M-channel system (rather than a 2M-channel system). This is primarily because there are typically two bandpass filters with the same passband support. Correspondingly, the cost of the system (in terms of complexity of implementation) is also comparable with that of an M-channel system. We also demonstrate that very good attenuation characteristics can be obtained with the new system

    Accurate and efficient implementation of the time-frequency matched filter

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    The discrete time--frequency matched filter should replicate the continuous time--frequency matched filter. But the methods differ. To avoid aliasing the discrete method transforms the real-valued signal to the complex-valued analytic signal. The theory for the time--frequency matched filter does not consider the discrete case using the analytic signal. We find that the performance of the matched filter degrades when using the analytic, rather than real-valued, signal. This performance degradation is dependent on the signal to noise ratio and the signal type. In addition, we present a simple algorithm to efficiently compute the time--frequency matched filter. The algorithm with the real-valued signal, comparative to using the analytic signal, requires one-quarter of the computational load. Hence the real-valued signal---and not the analytic signal---enables an accurate and efficient implementation of the time--frequency matched filter

    Numerical Methods for Aeroacoustic Analysis of Turbomachines

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    Numerical simulations are important tools for developing new aircraft that can meet future needs. When numerical simulations are used to compute aircraft noise, a two-step procedure is often employed. In the first step, the noise sources are determined using, e.g., computational fluid dynamics. In the second step, noise propagation between the sources and the observers is then computed, often by solving an acoustic analogy. In this thesis, a range of numerical methods that are useful when turbomachinery tonal noise is computed based on such a two-step procedure are considered. For the first step, the time-domain Harmonic Balance method proposed by Hall et al. is used. To improve the accuracy of this method, the impact of time sampling on aliasing is investigated for both the single frequency and the multiple frequency problem. A new oversampling strategy for the multiple frequency problem is also developed for this purpose. Another challenge associated with the Harmonic Balance method is numerical instabilities. This problem is investigated using a von Neumann stability analysis. Based on knowledge gained from this analysis, a novel preconditioner that stabilizes an explicit Harmonic Balance solver is then developed. To minimize reflections of waves against boundaries of the computational domain, a generic formulation of the exact, nonlocal, nonreflecting boundary condition introduced by Giles is also derived and implemented to work with the Harmonic Balance method. For the second step, the convective Ffowcs Williams - Hawkings equation for permeable surfaces proposed by Najafi-Yazidi\ua0et al. is used. A detailed derivation of this equation is first presented. The solution to this equation for the case when the surface is stationary relative to the observer is then derived. Finally, a tool for computing duct modes based on a normal mode analysis of the linearized Euler equations is presented. In summary, the work reported in this thesis provides a detailed analysis of the aforementioned methods, that should be valuable for people who are interested in adopting them. It also provides some improvements, which can help to further improve the results obtained with these methods

    Wigner function for a particle in an infinite lattice

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    We study the Wigner function for a quantum system with a discrete, infinite dimensional Hilbert space, such as a spinless particle moving on a one dimensional infinite lattice. We discuss the peculiarities of this scenario and of the associated phase space construction, propose a meaningful definition of the Wigner function in this case, and characterize the set of pure states for which it is non-negative. We propose a measure of non-classicality for states in this system which is consistent with the continuum limit. The prescriptions introduced here are illustrated by applying them to localized and Gaussian states, and to their superpositions.Comment: 19 pages (single column), 7 figure
