251 research outputs found

    Offshore oil spill detection using synthetic aperture radar

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    Among the different types of marine pollution, oil spill has been considered as a major threat to the sea ecosystems. The source of the oil pollution can be located on the mainland or directly at sea. The sources of oil pollution at sea are discharges coming from ships, offshore platforms or natural seepage from sea bed. Oil pollution from sea-based sources can be accidental or deliberate. Different sensors to detect and monitor oil spills could be onboard vessels, aircraft, or satellites. Vessels equipped with specialised radars, can detect oil at sea but they can cover a very limited area. One of the established ways to monitor sea-based oil pollution is the use of satellites equipped with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to identify optimum set of feature extracted parameters and implement methods at various stages for oil spill detection from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. More than 200 images of ERS-2, ENVSAT and RADARSAT 2 SAR sensor have been used to assess proposed feature vector for oil spill detection methodology, which involves three stages: segmentation for dark spot detection, feature extraction and classification of feature vector. Unfortunately oil spill is not only the phenomenon that can create a dark spot in SAR imagery. There are several others meteorological and oceanographic and wind induced phenomena which may lead to a dark spot in SAR imagery. Therefore, these dark objects also appear similar to the dark spot due to oil spill and are called as look-alikes. These look-alikes thus cause difficulty in detecting oil spill spots as their primary characteristic similar to oil spill spots. To get over this difficulty, feature extraction becomes important; a stage which may involve selection of appropriate feature extraction parameters. The main objective of this dissertation is to identify the optimum feature vector in order to segregate oil spill and ‘look-alike’ spots. A total of 44 Feature extracted parameters have been studied. For segmentation, four methods; based on edge detection, adaptive theresholding, artificial neural network (ANN) segmentation and the other on contrast split segmentation have been implemented. Spot features are extracted from both the dark spots themselves and their surroundings. Classification stage was performed using two different classification techniques, first one is based on ANN and the other based on a two-stage processing that combines classification tree analysis and fuzzy logic. A modified feature vector, including both new and improved features, is suggested for better description of different types of dark spots. An ANN classifier using full spectrum of feature parameters has also been developed and evaluated. The implemented methodology appears promising in detecting dark spots and discriminating oil spills from look-alikes and processing time is well below any operational service requirements

    Offshore oil seepage visible from space : a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) based automatic detection, mapping and quantification system

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    Offshore oil seepage is believed to be the largest source of marine oil, yet very few of their locations and seepage fluxes have been discovered and reported. Natural oil seep sites are important as they serve as potential energy sources and because they are hosts to a very varied marine ecosystem. These seeps can also be associated with gas hydrates and methane emissions and hence, locating natural oil seeps can provide locations where the sources of greenhouse gases could be studied and quantified. A quantification of the amount of crude oil released from natural oil seeps is important as it can be used to set a background against which the excess anthropogenic sources of marine oil can be checked. This will provide an estimate of the 'contamination' of marine waters from anthropogenic sources. Until the onset of remote sensing techniques, field measurements and techniques like hydroacoustic measurements or piston core analysis were used to obtain knowledge about the geological settings of the seeps. The remote sensing techniques either involved manual or semi-automatic image analysis. An automatic algorithm that could quantitatively and qualitatively estimate the locations of oil seeps around the world would reduce the time and costs involved by a considerable margin. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors provide an illumination and weather independent source of ocean images that can be used to detect offshore oil seeps. Oil slicks on the ocean surface dampen the small wind driven waves present on the ocean surface and appear darker against the brighter ocean surface. They can, hence, be detected in SAR image. With the launch of the latest Sentinel-1 satellite aimed at providing free SAR data, an algorithm that detects oil slicks and estimates seep location is very beneficial. The global data coverage and the reduction of processing times for the large amounts of SAR data would be unmatchable. The aim of this thesis was to create such an algorithm that could automatically detect oil slicks in SAR images, map the location of the estimated oil seeps and quantify their seepage fluxes. The thesis consists of three studies that are compiled into one of more manuscripts that are published, accepted for publication or ready for submission. The first study of this thesis involves the creation of the Automatic Seep Location Estimator (ASLE) which detects oil slicks in marine SAR images and estimates offshore oil seepage sites. This, the first fully automatic oil seep location estimation algorithm, has been implemented in the programming language Python and has been tested and validated on ENVISAT images of the Black Sea. The second study reported in this thesis focuses on the optimisation of the created ASLE and comparison of the ASLE with other existing algorithms. It also describes the efficiency of the ASLE with respect to other existing algorithms and the results show that the ASLE can successfully detect seeps of active seepages. The third study aimed to provide the status of the offshore seepage in the southern Gulf of Mexico estimated from the ASLE using SAR images from ENVISAT and RADARSAT-1. The ASLE was used to detect natural oil slicks from SAR images and estimate the locations of feeding seeps. The estimated seep locations and the slicks contributing to these estimations were then analysed to quantify their seepage fluxes and rates. The three case studies illustrate that an automatic offshore seepage detection and estimation system such as the Automatic Seep Location Estimator (ASLE) is very beneficial in order to locate global oil seeps and estimate global seepage fluxes. It provides a technique to detect offshore seeps and their seepage fluxes in a fast and highly efficient manner by using Synthetic Aperture Radar images. This allows global accessibility of offshore oil seepage sites. The availability of large amounts of historic SAR datasets, the presence of 5 active SAR satellites and the latest launch of the European Space Agency satellite Sentinel-1, which provides free data, shows that there is no shortage in the availability of SAR data. The result of the work done in this thesis provides a means to utilise this large SAR dataset for the purpose of offshore oil seepage detection and offshore seepage related geophysical applications. The created system will be an important tool in the future not just to estimate offshore seepage in local seas but in global oceans that are otherwise challenging for field analysis

    Oil-Spill Pollution Remote Sensing by Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Wavelet Analysis for Wind Fields Estimation

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    Wind field analysis from synthetic aperture radar images allows the estimation of wind direction and speed based on image descriptors. In this paper, we propose a framework to automate wind direction retrieval based on wavelet decomposition associated with spectral processing. We extend existing undecimated wavelet transform approaches, by including à trous with B3 spline scaling function, in addition to other wavelet bases as Gabor and Mexican-hat. The purpose is to extract more reliable directional information, when wind speed values range from 5 to 10 ms−1. Using C-band empirical models, associated with the estimated directional information, we calculate local wind speed values and compare our results with QuikSCAT scatterometer data. The proposed approach has potential application in the evaluation of oil spills and wind farms

    Advanced Geoscience Remote Sensing

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    Nowadays, advanced remote sensing technology plays tremendous roles to build a quantitative and comprehensive understanding of how the Earth system operates. The advanced remote sensing technology is also used widely to monitor and survey the natural disasters and man-made pollution. Besides, telecommunication is considered as precise advanced remote sensing technology tool. Indeed precise usages of remote sensing and telecommunication without a comprehensive understanding of mathematics and physics. This book has three parts (i) microwave remote sensing applications, (ii) nuclear, geophysics and telecommunication; and (iii) environment remote sensing investigations

    Oil Spill Segmentation in Fused Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite systems are very efficient in oil spill monitoring due to their capability to operate under all weather conditions. Systems such as the Envisat and RADARSAT have been used independently in many studies to detect oil spill. This paper presents an automatic feature based image registration and fusion algorithm for oil spill monitoring using SAR images. A range of metrics are used to evaluate the performance of the algorithm and to demonstrate the benefits of fusing SAR images of different modalities. The proposed framework has shown 45% improvement of the oil spill location when compared with the individual images before the fusio

    Investigating SAR algorithm for spaceborne interferometric oil spill detection

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    The environmental damages and recovery of terrestrial ecosystems from oil spills can last decades. Oil spills have been responsible for loss of aquamarine lives, organisms, trees, vegetation, birds and wildlife. Although there are several methods through which oil spills can be detected, it can be argued that remote sensing via the use of spaceborne platforms provides enormous benefits. This paper will provide more efficient means and methods that can assist in improving oil spill responses. The objective of this research is to develop a signal processing algorithm that can be used for detecting oil spills using spaceborne SAR interferometry (InSAR) data. To this end, a pendulum formation of multistatic smallSAR carrying platforms in a near equatorial orbit is described. The characteristic parameters such as the effects of incidence angles on radar backscatter, which support the detection of oil spills, will be the main drivers for determining the relative positions of the small satellites in formation. The orbit design and baseline distances between each spaceborne SAR platform will also be discussed. Furthermore, results from previous analysis on coverage assessment and revisit time shall be highlighted. Finally, an evaluation of automatic algorithm techniques for oil spill detection in SAR images will be conducted and results presented. The framework for the automatic algorithm considered consists of three major steps. The segmentation stage, where techniques that suggest the use of thresholding for dark spot segmentation within the captured InSAR image scene is conducted. The feature extraction stage involves the geometry and shape of the segmented region where elongation of the oil slick is considered an important feature and a function of the width and the length of the oil slick. For the classification stage, where the major objective is to distinguish oil spills from look-alikes, a Mahalanobis classifier will be used to estimate the probability of the extracted features being oil spills. The validation process of the algorithm will be conducted by using NASA’s UAVSAR data obtained over the Gulf of coast oil spill and RADARSAT-1 dat