461 research outputs found

    Bayesian network prior: network analysis of biological data using external knowledge

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    Motivation: Reverse engineering GI networks from experimental data is a challenging task due to the complex nature of the networks and the noise inherent in the data. One way to overcome these hurdles would be incorporating the vast amounts of external biological knowledge when building interaction networks. We propose a framework where GI networks are learned from experimental data using Bayesian networks (BNs) and the incorporation of external knowledge is also done via a BN that we call Bayesian Network Prior (BNP). BNP depicts the relation between various evidence types that contribute to the event ‘gene interaction’ and is used to calculate the probability of a candidate graph (G) in the structure learning process. Results: Our simulation results on synthetic, simulated and real biological data show that the proposed approach can identify the underlying interaction network with high accuracy even when the prior information is distorted and outperforms existing methods

    An improved Framework for Biometric Database’s privacy

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    Security and privacy are huge challenges in biometric systems. Biometrics are sensitive data that should be protected from any attacker and especially attackers targeting the confidentiality and integrity of biometric data. In this paper an extensive review of different physiological biometric techniques is provided. A comparative analysis of the various sus mentioned biometrics, including characteristics and properties is conducted. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the most relevant physiological biometrics is achieved. Furthermore, we propose a new framework for biometric database privacy. Our approach is based on the use of the promising fully homomorphic encryption technology. As a proof of concept, we establish an initial implementation of our security module using JAVA programming language


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    The application of rational drug design principles in the era of network-pharmacology requires the investigation of drug-target and target-target interactions in order to design new drugs. The presented research was aimed at developing novel computational methods that enable the efficient analysis of complex biomedical data and to promote the hypothesis generation in the context of translational research. The three chapters of the Dissertation relate to various segments of drug discovery and development process. The first chapter introduces the integrated predictive drug discovery platform „SmartGraph”. The novel collaborative-filtering based algorithm „Target Based Recommender (TBR)” was developed in the framework of this project and was validated on a set of 28,270 experimentally determined bioactivity data points involving 1,882 compounds and 869 targets. The TBR is integrated into the SmartGraph platform. The graphical interface of SmartGraph enables data analysis and hypothesis generation even for investigators without substantial bioinformatics knowledge. The platform can be utilized in the context of target identification, drug-target prediction and drug repurposing. The second chapter of the Dissertation introduces an information theory inspired dynamic network model and the novel “Luminosity Diffusion (LD)” algorithm. The model can be utilized to prioritize protein targets for drug discovery purposes on the basis of available information and the importance of the targets. The importance of targets is accounted for in the information flow simulation process and is derived merely from network topology. The LD algorithm was validated on 8,010 relations of 794 proteins extracted from the Target Central Resource Database developed in the framework of the “Illuminating the Druggable Genome” project. The last chapter discusses a fundamental problem pertaining to the generation of similarity network of molecules and their clustering. The network generation process relies on the selection of a similarity threshold. The presented work introduces a network topology based systematic solution for selecting this threshold so that the likelihood of a reasonable clustering can be increased. Furthermore, the work proposes a solution for generating so-called “pseudo-reference clustering” for large molecular data sets for performance evaluation purposes. The results of this chapter are applicable in the lead identification and development processes

    Identification of genetic network dynamics with unate structure

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    Motivation: Modern experimental techniques for time course measurement of gene expression enable the identification of dynamical models of genetic regulatory networks. In general, identification involves fitting appropriate network structures and parameters to the data. For a given set of genes, exploring all possible network structures is clearly prohibitive. Modelling and identification methods for the a priori selection of network structures compatible with biological knowledge and experimental data are necessary to make the identification problem tractable. Results: We propose a differential equation modelling framework where the regulatory interactions among genes are expressed in terms of unate functions, a class of gene activation rules commonly encountered in Boolean network modelling. We establish analytical properties of the models in the class and exploit them to devise a two-step procedure for gene network reconstruction from product concentration and synthesis rate time series. The first step isolates a family of model structures compatible with the data from a set of most relevant biological hypotheses. The second step explores this family and returns a pool of best fitting models along with estimates of their parameters. The method is tested on a simulated network and compared with state-of-the-art network inference methods on the benchmark synthetic network IRMA. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Modeling gene expression regulatory networks with the sparse vector autoregressive model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying important biological processes, a detailed description of the gene products networks involved is required. In order to define and understand such molecular networks, some statistical methods are proposed in the literature to estimate gene regulatory networks from time-series microarray data. However, several problems still need to be overcome. Firstly, information flow need to be inferred, in addition to the correlation between genes. Secondly, we usually try to identify large networks from a large number of genes (parameters) originating from a smaller number of microarray experiments (samples). Due to this situation, which is rather frequent in Bioinformatics, it is difficult to perform statistical tests using methods that model large gene-gene networks. In addition, most of the models are based on dimension reduction using clustering techniques, therefore, the resulting network is not a gene-gene network but a module-module network. Here, we present the Sparse Vector Autoregressive model as a solution to these problems.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have applied the Sparse Vector Autoregressive model to estimate gene regulatory networks based on gene expression profiles obtained from time-series microarray experiments. Through extensive simulations, by applying the SVAR method to artificial regulatory networks, we show that SVAR can infer true positive edges even under conditions in which the number of samples is smaller than the number of genes. Moreover, it is possible to control for false positives, a significant advantage when compared to other methods described in the literature, which are based on ranks or score functions. By applying SVAR to actual HeLa cell cycle gene expression data, we were able to identify well known transcription factor targets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed SVAR method is able to model gene regulatory networks in frequent situations in which the number of samples is lower than the number of genes, making it possible to naturally infer partial Granger causalities without any <it>a priori </it>information. In addition, we present a statistical test to control the false discovery rate, which was not previously possible using other gene regulatory network models.</p

    A sparse Bayesian learning method for structural equation model-based gene regulatory network inference

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    Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are underlying networks identified by interactive relationships between genes. Reconstructing GRNs from massive genetic data is important for understanding gene functions and biological mechanism, and can provide effective service for medical treatment and genetic research. A series of artificial intelligence based methods have been proposed to infer GRNs from both gene expression data and genetic perturbations. The accuracy of such algorithms can be better than those models that just consider gene expression data. A structural equation model (SEM), which provides a systematic framework integrating both types of gene data conveniently, is a commonly used model for GRN inference. Considering the sparsity of GRNs, in this paper, we develop a novel sparse Bayesian inference algorithm based on Normal-Equation-Gamma (NEG) type hierarchical prior (BaNEG) to infer GRNs modeled with SEMs more accurately. First, we reparameterize an SEM as a linear type model by integrating the endogenous and exogenous variables; Then, a Bayesian adaptive lasso with a three-level NEG prior is applied to deduce the corresponding posterior mode and estimate the parameters. Simulations on synthetic data are run to compare the performance of BaNEG to some state-of-the-art algorithms, the results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm visibly outperforms the others. What’s more, BaNEG is applied to infer underlying GRNs from a real data set composed of 47 yeast genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae to discover potential relationships between genes

    A sparse Bayesian learning method for structural equation model-based gene regulatory network inference

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    Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are underlying networks identified by interactive relationships between genes. Reconstructing GRNs from massive genetic data is important for understanding gene functions and biological mechanism, and can provide effective service for medical treatment and genetic research. A series of artificial intelligence based methods have been proposed to infer GRNs from both gene expression data and genetic perturbations. The accuracy of such algorithms can be better than those models that just consider gene expression data. A structural equation model (SEM), which provides a systematic framework integrating both types of gene data conveniently, is a commonly used model for GRN inference. Considering the sparsity of GRNs, in this paper, we develop a novel sparse Bayesian inference algorithm based on Normal-Equation-Gamma (NEG) type hierarchical prior (BaNEG) to infer GRNs modeled with SEMs more accurately. First, we reparameterize an SEM as a linear type model by integrating the endogenous and exogenous variables; Then, a Bayesian adaptive lasso with a three-level NEG prior is applied to deduce the corresponding posterior mode and estimate the parameters. Simulations on synthetic data are run to compare the performance of BaNEG to some state-of-the-art algorithms, the results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm visibly outperforms the others. What’s more, BaNEG is applied to infer underlying GRNs from a real data set composed of 47 yeast genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae to discover potential relationships between genes

    Predicting state transitions in the transcriptome and metabolome using a linear dynamical system model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modelling of time series data should not be an approximation of input data profiles, but rather be able to detect and evaluate dynamical changes in the time series data. Objective criteria that can be used to evaluate dynamical changes in data are therefore important to filter experimental noise and to enable extraction of unexpected, biologically important information.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we demonstrate the effectiveness of a Markov model, named the Linear Dynamical System, to simulate the dynamics of a transcript or metabolite time series, and propose a probabilistic index that enables detection of time-sensitive changes. This method was applied to time series datasets from <it>Bacillus subtilis </it>and <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>grown under stress conditions; in the former, only gene expression was studied, whereas in the latter, both gene expression and metabolite accumulation. Our method not only identified well-known changes in gene expression and metabolite accumulation, but also detected novel changes that are likely to be responsible for each stress response condition.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This general approach can be applied to any time-series data profile from which one wishes to identify elements responsible for state transitions, such as rapid environmental adaptation by an organism.</p

    Virtual Mutagenesis of the Yeast Cyclins Genetic Network Reveals Complex Dynamics of Transcriptional Control Networks

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    Study of genetic networks has moved from qualitative description of interactions between regulators and regulated genes to the analysis of the interaction dynamics. This paper focuses on the analysis of dynamics of one particular network – the yeast cyclins network. Using a dedicated mathematical model of gene expression and a procedure for computation of the parameters of the model from experimental data, a complete numerical model of the dynamics of the cyclins genetic network was attained. The model allowed for performing virtual experiments on the network and observing their influence on the expression dynamics of the genes downstream in the regulatory cascade. Results show that when the network structure is more complicated, and the regulatory interactions are indirect, results of gene deletion are highly unpredictable. As a consequence of quantitative behavior of the genes and their connections within the network, causal relationship between a regulator and target gene may not be discovered by gene deletion. Without including the dynamics of the system into the network, its functional properties cannot be studied and interpreted correctly