220 research outputs found

    Exploring Processor and Memory Architectures for Multimedia

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    Multimedia has become one of the cornerstones of our 21st century society and, when combined with mobility, has enabled a tremendous evolution of our society. However, joining these two concepts introduces many technical challenges. These range from having sufficient performance for handling multimedia content to having the battery stamina for acceptable mobile usage. When taking a projection of where we are heading, we see these issues becoming ever more challenging by increased mobility as well as advancements in multimedia content, such as introduction of stereoscopic 3D and augmented reality. The increased performance needs for handling multimedia come not only from an ongoing step-up in resolution going from QVGA (320x240) to Full HD (1920x1080) a 27x increase in less than half a decade. On top of this, there is also codec evolution (MPEG-2 to H.264 AVC) that adds to the computational load increase. To meet these performance challenges there has been processing and memory architecture advances (SIMD, out-of-order superscalarity, multicore processing and heterogeneous multilevel memories) in the mobile domain, in conjunction with ever increasing operating frequencies (200MHz to 2GHz) and on-chip memory sizes (128KB to 2-3MB). At the same time there is an increase in requirements for mobility, placing higher demands on battery-powered systems despite the steady increase in battery capacity (500 to 2000mAh). This leaves negative net result in-terms of battery capacity versus performance advances. In order to make optimal use of these architectural advances and to meet the power limitations in mobile systems, there is a need for taking an overall approach on how to best utilize these systems. The right trade-off between performance and power is crucial. On top of these constraints, the flexibility aspects of the system need to be addressed. All this makes it very important to reach the right architectural balance in the system. The first goal for this thesis is to examine multimedia applications and propose a flexible solution that can meet the architectural requirements in a mobile system. Secondly, propose an automated methodology of optimally mapping multimedia data and instructions to a heterogeneous multilevel memory subsystem. The proposed methodology uses constraint programming for solving a multidimensional optimization problem. Results from this work indicate that using today’s most advanced mobile processor technology together with a multi-level heterogeneous on-chip memory subsystem can meet the performance requirements for handling multimedia. By utilizing the automated optimal memory mapping method presented in this thesis lower total power consumption can be achieved, whilst performance for multimedia applications is improved, by employing enhanced memory management. This is achieved through reduced external accesses and better reuse of memory objects. This automatic method shows high accuracy, up to 90%, for predicting multimedia memory accesses for a given architecture

    Parallelization of an Unsteady ALE Solver with Deforming Mesh Using OpenACC

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    An Invertible Transform for Efficient String Matching in Labeled Digraphs

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    Let G = (V, E) be a digraph where each vertex is unlabeled, each edge is labeled by a character in some alphabet ?, and any two edges with both the same head and the same tail have different labels. The powerset construction gives a transform of G into a weakly connected digraph G\u27 = (V\u27, E\u27) that enables solving the decision problem of whether there is a walk in G matching an arbitrarily long query string q in time linear in |q| and independent of |E| and |V|. We show G is uniquely determined by G\u27 when for every v_? ? V, there is some distinct string s_? on ? such that v_? is the origin of a closed walk in G matching s_?, and no other walk in G matches s_? unless it starts and ends at v_?. We then exploit this invertibility condition to strategically alter any G so its transform G\u27 enables retrieval of all t terminal vertices of walks in the unaltered G matching q in O(|q| + t log |V|) time. We conclude by proposing two defining properties of a class of transforms that includes the Burrows-Wheeler transform and the transform presented here

    Real-time operating system support for multicore applications

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2014Plataformas multiprocessadas atuais possuem diversos níveis da memória cache entre o processador e a memória principal para esconder a latência da hierarquia de memória. O principal objetivo da hierarquia de memória é melhorar o tempo médio de execução, ao custo da previsibilidade. O uso não controlado da hierarquia da cache pelas tarefas de tempo real impacta a estimativa dos seus piores tempos de execução, especialmente quando as tarefas de tempo real acessam os níveis da cache compartilhados. Tal acesso causa uma disputa pelas linhas da cache compartilhadas e aumenta o tempo de execução das aplicações. Além disso, essa disputa na cache compartilhada pode causar a perda de prazos, o que é intolerável em sistemas de tempo real críticos. O particionamento da memória cache compartilhada é uma técnica bastante utilizada em sistemas de tempo real multiprocessados para isolar as tarefas e melhorar a previsibilidade do sistema. Atualmente, os estudos que avaliam o particionamento da memória cache em multiprocessadores carecem de dois pontos fundamentais. Primeiro, o mecanismo de particionamento da cache é tipicamente implementado em um ambiente simulado ou em um sistema operacional de propósito geral. Consequentemente, o impacto das atividades realizados pelo núcleo do sistema operacional, tais como o tratamento de interrupções e troca de contexto, no particionamento das tarefas tende a ser negligenciado. Segundo, a avaliação é restrita a um escalonador global ou particionado, e assim não comparando o desempenho do particionamento da cache em diferentes estratégias de escalonamento. Ademais, trabalhos recentes confirmaram que aspectos da implementação do SO, tal como a estrutura de dados usada no escalonamento e os mecanismos de tratamento de interrupções, impactam a escalonabilidade das tarefas de tempo real tanto quanto os aspectos teóricos. Entretanto, tais estudos também usaram sistemas operacionais de propósito geral com extensões de tempo real, que afetamos sobre custos de tempo de execução observados e a escalonabilidade das tarefas de tempo real. Adicionalmente, os algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real para multiprocessadores atuais não consideram cenários onde tarefas de tempo real acessam as mesmas linhas da cache, o que dificulta a estimativa do pior tempo de execução. Esta pesquisa aborda os problemas supracitados com as estratégias de particionamento da cache e com os algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real multiprocessados da seguinte forma. Primeiro, uma infraestrutura de tempo real para multiprocessadores é projetada e implementada em um sistema operacional embarcado. A infraestrutura consiste em diversos algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real, tais como o EDF global e particionado, e um mecanismo de particionamento da cache usando a técnica de coloração de páginas. Segundo, é apresentada uma comparação em termos da taxa de escalonabilidade considerando o sobre custo de tempo de execução da infraestrutura criada e de um sistema operacional de propósito geral com extensões de tempo real. Em alguns casos, o EDF global considerando o sobre custo do sistema operacional embarcado possui uma melhor taxa de escalonabilidade do que o EDF particionado com o sobre custo do sistema operacional de propósito geral, mostrando claramente como diferentes sistemas operacionais influenciam os escalonadores de tempo real críticos em multiprocessadores. Terceiro, é realizada uma avaliação do impacto do particionamento da memória cache em diversos escalonadores de tempo real multiprocessados. Os resultados desta avaliação indicam que um sistema operacional "leve" não compromete as garantias de tempo real e que o particionamento da cache tem diferentes comportamentos dependendo do escalonador e do tamanho do conjunto de trabalho das tarefas. Quarto, é proposto um algoritmo de particionamento de tarefas que atribui as tarefas que compartilham partições ao mesmo processador. Os resultados mostram que essa técnica de particionamento de tarefas reduz a disputa pelas linhas da cache compartilhadas e provê garantias de tempo real para sistemas críticos. Finalmente, é proposto um escalonador de tempo real de duas fases para multiprocessadores. O escalonador usa informações coletadas durante o tempo de execução das tarefas através dos contadores de desempenho em hardware. Com base nos valores dos contadores, o escalonador detecta quando tarefas de melhor esforço o interferem com tarefas de tempo real na cache. Assim é possível impedir que tarefas de melhor esforço acessem as mesmas linhas da cache que tarefas de tempo real. O resultado desta estratégia de escalonamento é o atendimento dos prazos críticos e não críticos das tarefas de tempo real.Abstracts: Modern multicore platforms feature multiple levels of cache memory placed between the processor and main memory to hide the latency of ordinary memory systems. The primary goal of this cache hierarchy is to improve average execution time (at the cost of predictability). The uncontrolled use of the cache hierarchy by realtime tasks may impact the estimation of their worst-case execution times (WCET), specially when real-time tasks access a shared cache level, causing a contention for shared cache lines and increasing the application execution time. This contention in the shared cache may leadto deadline losses, which is intolerable particularly for hard real-time (HRT) systems. Shared cache partitioning is a well-known technique used in multicore real-time systems to isolate task workloads and to improve system predictability. Presently, the state-of-the-art studies that evaluate shared cache partitioning on multicore processors lack two key issues. First, the cache partitioning mechanism is typically implemented either in a simulated environment or in a general-purpose OS (GPOS), and so the impact of kernel activities, such as interrupt handlers and context switching, on the task partitions tend to be overlooked. Second, the evaluation is typically restricted to either a global or partitioned scheduler, thereby by falling to compare the performance of cache partitioning when tasks are scheduled by different schedulers. Furthermore, recent works have confirmed that OS implementation aspects, such as the choice of scheduling data structures and interrupt handling mechanisms, impact real-time schedulability as much as scheduling theoretic aspects. However, these studies also used real-time patches applied into GPOSes, which affects the run-time overhead observed in these works and consequently the schedulability of real-time tasks. Additionally, current multicore scheduling algorithms do not consider scenarios where real-time tasks access the same cache lines due to true or false sharing, which also impacts the WCET. This thesis addresses these aforementioned problems with cache partitioning techniques and multicore real-time scheduling algorithms as following. First, a real-time multicore support is designed and implemented on top of an embedded operating system designed from scratch. This support consists of several multicore real-time scheduling algorithms, such as global and partitioned EDF, and a cache partitioning mechanism based on page coloring. Second, it is presented a comparison in terms of schedulability ratio considering the run-time overhead of the implemented RTOS and a GPOS patched with real-time extensions. In some cases, Global-EDF considering the overhead of the RTOS is superior to Partitioned-EDF considering the overhead of the patched GPOS, which clearly shows how different OSs impact hard realtime schedulers. Third, an evaluation of the cache partitioning impacton partitioned, clustered, and global real-time schedulers is performed.The results indicate that a lightweight RTOS does not impact real-time tasks, and shared cache partitioning has different behavior depending on the scheduler and the task's working set size. Fourth, a task partitioning algorithm that assigns tasks to cores respecting their usage of cache partitions is proposed. The results show that by simply assigning tasks that shared cache partitions to the same processor, it is possible to reduce the contention for shared cache lines and to provideHRT guarantees. Finally, a two-phase multicore scheduler that provides HRT and soft real-time (SRT) guarantees is proposed. It is shown that by using information from hardware performance counters at run-time, the RTOS can detect when best-effort tasks interfere with real-time tasks in the shared cache. Then, the RTOS can prevent best effort tasks from interfering with real-time tasks. The results also show that the assignment of exclusive partitions to HRT tasks together with the two-phase multicore scheduler provides HRT and SRT guarantees, even when best-effort tasks share partitions with real-time tasks

    Efficient Scheduling and High-Performance Graph Partitioning on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems

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    Heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems have emerged as a power-efficient platform for high performance parallelization of the applications. However, effectively exploiting these architectures faces a number of challenges including differences in the programming models of the CPU (MIMD) and the GPU (SIMD), GPU memory constraints, and comparatively low communication bandwidth between the CPU and GPU. As a consequence, high performance execution of applications on these platforms requires designing new adaptive parallelizing methods. In this thesis, first we explore embarrassingly parallel applications where tasks have no inter-dependencies. Although the massive processing power of GPUs provides an attractive opportunity for high-performance execution of embarrassingly parallel tasks on CPU-GPU systems, minimized execution time can only be obtained by optimally distributing the tasks between the processors. In contemporary CPU-GPU systems, the scheduler cannot decide about the appropriate rate distribution. Hence it requires high programming effort to manually divide the tasks among the processors. Herein, we design and implement a new dynamic scheduling heuristic to minimize the execution time of embarrassingly parallel applications on a heterogeneous CPU-GPU system. The scheduler is integrated into a scheduling framework that provides pre-implemented automated scheduling modules, liberating the user from the complexities of scheduling details. The experimental results show that our scheduling approach achieves better to similar performance compared to some of the scheduling algorithms proposed for CPU-GPU systems. We then investigate task dependent applications, where the tasks have data dependencies. The computational tasks and their communication patterns are expressed by a task interaction graph. Scheduling of the task interaction graph on a cluster can be done by first partitioning the graph into a set of computationally balanced partitions in such a way that the communication cost among the partitions is minimized, and subsequently mapping the partitions onto physical processors. Aside from scheduling, graph partitioning is a common computation phase in many application domains, including social network analysis, data mining, and VLSI design. However, irregular and data-dependent graph partitioning sub-tasks pose multiple challenges for efficient GPU utilization, which favors regularity. We design and implement a multilevel graph partitioner on a heterogeneous CPU-GPU system that takes advantage of the high parallel processing power of GPUs by executing the computation-intensive parts of the partitioning sub-tasks on the GPU and assigning the parts with less parallelism to the CPU. Our partitioner aims to overcome some of the challenges arising due to the irregular nature of the algorithm, and memory constraints on GPUs. We present a lock-free scheme since fine-grained synchronization among thousands of GPU threads imposes too high a performance overhead. Experimental results demonstrate that our partitioner outperforms serial and parallel MPI-based partitioners. It performs similar to shared-memory CPU-based parallel graph partitioner. To optimize the graph partitioner performance, we describe an effective and methodological approach to enable a GPU-based multi-level graph partitioning that is tailored specifically for the SIMD architecture. Our solution avoids thread divergence and balances the load over GPU threads by dynamically assigning an appropriate number of threads to process the graph vertices and irregular sized neighbors. Our optimized design is autonomous as all the steps are carried out by the GPU with minimal CPU interference. We show that this design outperforms CPU-based parallel graph partitioner. Finally, we apply some of our partitioning techniques to another graph processing algorithm, minimum spanning tree (MST), that exhibits load imbalance characteristics. We show that extending these techniques helps in achieving a high performance implementation of MST on the GPU

    Hardware Implementation Of Processor Allocator For Mesh Connected Chip Multiprocessors

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    The advancements in the semiconductor process technology and the current demand for highly parallel computing has led to the advent of Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs). CMP is the integration of two or more independent processor cores, which can read and execute program instructions, on to a single integrated circuit die. CMPs are the main computing platforms for research and development in parallel and high performance computing environments. They offer minimum inter-core communication latencies as the processor cores are present on a single chip. The Operating System (OS) plays a key role in using a CMP effectively. The OS should support a multi-user environment in which the jobs are executed in parallel on different cores. This is handled by the processor management system of the OS. The Processor Management System consists of Job Scheduler (JS) and Processor Allocator (PA). The JS aligns the jobs in a queue in an order which is determined by the scheduling policy employed and thus specifying the job that is to be executed next. The PA deals with the selection of appropriate set of processors to execute the job scheduled by the job scheduler. Efficient design of a PA is crucial if one is to harness the full computational power of a CMP in large parallel computing systems. This thesis deals with the processor allocation part of the processor management system. The motive of this thesis is the hardware implementation of a PA for a mesh-connected CMP. The PA is implemented and a synthesis report is presented which shows the amount of logic utilized. Many contiguous and non-contiguous allocation strategies have been proposed for mesh networks in the recent years. The Improvised First Fit algorithm is used to select the appropriate set of processors for executing an incoming job in this hardware implementation. This algorithm is a contiguous allocation algorithm and has complete sub-mesh recognition ability and uses a bit-map approach. The JS is assumed to be employing a First Come First Serve (FCFS) policy to schedule the jobs. This thesis also acts as the basis for the hardware implementation of PA that uses other allocation algorithms in different topologies
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