4,403 research outputs found

    Multi-Sided Boundary Labeling

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    In the Boundary Labeling problem, we are given a set of nn points, referred to as sites, inside an axis-parallel rectangle RR, and a set of nn pairwise disjoint rectangular labels that are attached to RR from the outside. The task is to connect the sites to the labels by non-intersecting rectilinear paths, so-called leaders, with at most one bend. In this paper, we study the Multi-Sided Boundary Labeling problem, with labels lying on at least two sides of the enclosing rectangle. We present a polynomial-time algorithm that computes a crossing-free leader layout if one exists. So far, such an algorithm has only been known for the cases in which labels lie on one side or on two opposite sides of RR (here a crossing-free solution always exists). The case where labels may lie on adjacent sides is more difficult. We present efficient algorithms for testing the existence of a crossing-free leader layout that labels all sites and also for maximizing the number of labeled sites in a crossing-free leader layout. For two-sided boundary labeling with adjacent sides, we further show how to minimize the total leader length in a crossing-free layout

    Mixed Map Labeling

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    Point feature map labeling is a geometric problem, in which a set of input points must be labeled with a set of disjoint rectangles (the bounding boxes of the label texts). Typically, labeling models either use internal labels, which must touch their feature point, or external (boundary) labels, which are placed on one of the four sides of the input points' bounding box and which are connected to their feature points by crossing-free leader lines. In this paper we study polynomial-time algorithms for maximizing the number of internal labels in a mixed labeling model that combines internal and external labels. The model requires that all leaders are parallel to a given orientation θ[0,2π)\theta \in [0,2\pi), whose value influences the geometric properties and hence the running times of our algorithms.Comment: Full version for the paper accepted at CIAC 201

    Boundary Labeling for Rectangular Diagrams

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    Given a set of n points (sites) inside a rectangle R and n points (label locations or ports) on its boundary, a boundary labeling problem seeks ways of connecting every site to a distinct port while achieving different labeling aesthetics. We examine the scenario when the connecting lines (leaders) are drawn as axis-aligned polylines with few bends, every leader lies strictly inside R, no two leaders cross, and the sum of the lengths of all the leaders is minimized. In a k-sided boundary labeling problem, where 1 <= k <= 4, the label locations are located on the k consecutive sides of R. In this paper we develop an O(n^3 log n)-time algorithm for 2-sided boundary labeling, where the leaders are restricted to have one bend. This improves the previously best known O(n^8 log n)-time algorithm of Kindermann et al. (Algorithmica, 76(1):225-258, 2016). We show the problem is polynomial-time solvable in more general settings such as when the ports are located on more than two sides of R, in the presence of obstacles, and even when the objective is to minimize the total number of bends. Our results improve the previous algorithms on boundary labeling with obstacles, as well as provide the first polynomial-time algorithms for minimizing the total leader length and number of bends for 3- and 4-sided boundary labeling. These results settle a number of open questions on the boundary labeling problems (Wolff, Handbook of Graph Drawing, Chapter 23, Table 23.1, 2014)

    An Algorithmic Framework for Labeling Road Maps

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    Given an unlabeled road map, we consider, from an algorithmic perspective, the cartographic problem to place non-overlapping road labels embedded in their roads. We first decompose the road network into logically coherent road sections, e.g., parts of roads between two junctions. Based on this decomposition, we present and implement a new and versatile framework for placing labels in road maps such that the number of labeled road sections is maximized. In an experimental evaluation with road maps of 11 major cities we show that our proposed labeling algorithm is both fast in practice and that it reaches near-optimal solution quality, where optimal solutions are obtained by mixed-integer linear programming. In comparison to the standard OpenStreetMap renderer Mapnik, our algorithm labels 31% more road sections in average.Comment: extended version of a paper to appear at GIScience 201

    Planar Drawings of Fixed-Mobile Bigraphs

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    A fixed-mobile bigraph G is a bipartite graph such that the vertices of one partition set are given with fixed positions in the plane and the mobile vertices of the other part, together with the edges, must be added to the drawing. We assume that G is planar and study the problem of finding, for a given k >= 0, a planar poly-line drawing of G with at most k bends per edge. In the most general case, we show NP-hardness. For k=0 and under additional constraints on the positions of the fixed or mobile vertices, we either prove that the problem is polynomial-time solvable or prove that it belongs to NP. Finally, we present a polynomial-time testing algorithm for a certain type of "layered" 1-bend drawings

    A Framework for Robust Assimilation of Potentially Malign Third-Party Data, and its Statistical Meaning

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    This paper presents a model-based method for fusing data from multiple sensors with a hypothesis-test-based component for rejecting potentially faulty or otherwise malign data. Our framework is based on an extension of the classic particle filter algorithm for real-time state estimation of uncertain systems with nonlinear dynamics with partial and noisy observations. This extension, based on classical statistical theories, utilizes statistical tests against the system's observation model. We discuss the application of the two major statistical testing frameworks, Fisherian significance testing and Neyman-Pearsonian hypothesis testing, to the Monte Carlo and sensor fusion settings. The Monte Carlo Neyman-Pearson test we develop is useful when one has a reliable model of faulty data, while the Fisher one is applicable when one may not have a model of faults, which may occur when dealing with third-party data, like GNSS data of transportation system users. These statistical tests can be combined with a particle filter to obtain a Monte Carlo state estimation scheme that is robust to faulty or outlier data. We present a synthetic freeway traffic state estimation problem where the filters are able to reject simulated faulty GNSS measurements. The fault-model-free Fisher filter, while underperforming the Neyman-Pearson one when the latter has an accurate fault model, outperforms it when the assumed fault model is incorrect.Comment: IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, special issue on GNSS-based positionin