63 research outputs found

    Multiphase complete exchange on a circuit switched hypercube

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    On a distributed memory parallel computer, the complete exchange (all-to-all personalized) communication pattern requires each of n processors to send a different block of data to each of the remaining n - 1 processors. This pattern is at the heart of many important algorithms, most notably the matrix transpose. For a circuit switched hypercube of dimension d(n = 2(sup d)), two algorithms for achieving complete exchange are known. These are (1) the Standard Exchange approach that employs d transmissions of size 2(sup d-1) blocks each and is useful for small block sizes, and (2) the Optimal Circuit Switched algorithm that employs 2(sup d) - 1 transmissions of 1 block each and is best for large block sizes. A unified multiphase algorithm is described that includes these two algorithms as special cases. The complete exchange on a hypercube of dimension d and block size m is achieved by carrying out k partial exchange on subcubes of dimension d(sub i) Sigma(sup k)(sub i=1) d(sub i) = d and effective block size m(sub i) = m2(sup d-di). When k = d and all d(sub i) = 1, this corresponds to algorithm (1) above. For the case of k = 1 and d(sub i) = d, this becomes the circuit switched algorithm (2). Changing the subcube dimensions d, varies the effective block size and permits a compromise between the data permutation and block transmission overhead of (1) and the startup overhead of (2). For a hypercube of dimension d, the number of possible combinations of subcubes is p(d), the number of partitions of the integer d. This is an exponential but very slowly growing function and it is feasible over these partitions to discover the best combination for a given message size. The approach was analyzed for, and implemented on, the Intel iPSC-860 circuit switched hypercube. Measurements show good agreement with predictions and demonstrate that the multiphase approach can substantially improve performance for block sizes in the 0 to 160 byte range. This range, which corresponds to 0 to 40 floating point numbers per processor, is commonly encountered in practical numeric applications. The multiphase technique is applicable to all circuit-switched hypercubes that use the common e-cube routing strategy

    All-to-All Communication on the Connection Machine CM-200

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    Intensive hypercube communication Prearranged communication in link-bound machines,

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    Hypercube algorithms are developed for a variety of communication-intensive tasks such as transposing a matrix, histogramming, sending a (long) message from one node to another, broadcasting a message from one node to all others, broadcasting a message from each node to all others, and exchanging messages between nodes via a fixed permutation. The algorithm for exchanging via a fixed permutation can be viewed as a deterministic analog of Valiant's randomized routing. The algorithms are for link-bound hypercubes in which local processing time is ignored, communication time predominates, message headers are not needed because all nodes know the task being performed, and all nodes can use all communication links simultaneously. Through systematic use of techniques such as pipelining, hatching, variable packet sizing, symmetrizing, and completing, for all these problems algorithms which achieve a time with an optimal highest-order term are obtained.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/28830/1/0000664.pd

    Transposition of banded matrices in hypercubes : a "nearly isotropic" task

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 19).Supported by NSF. NSF-DDM-8903385 Supported by the ARO. DAAL03-92-G-0115by Emmanouel A. Varvarigos, Dimitri P. Bertsekas

    Optimal pre-scheduling of problem remappings

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    A large class of scientific computational problems can be characterized as a sequence of steps where a significant amount of computation occurs each step, but the work performed at each step is not necessarily identical. Two good examples of this type of computation are: (1) regridding methods which change the problem discretization during the course of the computation, and (2) methods for solving sparse triangular systems of linear equations. Recent work has investigated a means of mapping such computations onto parallel processors; the method defines a family of static mappings with differing degrees of importance placed on the conflicting goals of good load balance and low communication/synchronization overhead. The performance tradeoffs are controllable by adjusting the parameters of the mapping method. To achieve good performance it may be necessary to dynamically change these parameters at run-time, but such changes can impose additional costs. If the computation's behavior can be determined prior to its execution, it can be possible to construct an optimal parameter schedule using a low-order-polynomial-time dynamic programming algorithm. Since the latter can be expensive, the performance is studied of the effect of a linear-time scheduling heuristic on one of the model problems, and it is shown to be effective and nearly optimal

    Hypercube-Based Topologies With Incremental Link Redundancy.

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    Hypercube structures have received a great deal of attention due to the attractive properties inherent to their topology. Parallel algorithms targeted at this topology can be partitioned into many tasks, each of which running on one node processor. A high degree of performance is achievable by running every task individually and concurrently on each node processor available in the hypercube. Nevertheless, the performance can be greatly degraded if the node processors spend much time just communicating with one another. The goal in designing hypercubes is, therefore, to achieve a high ratio of computation time to communication time. The dissertation addresses primarily ways to enhance system performance by minimizing the communication time among processors. The need for improving the performance of hypercube networks is clearly explained. Three novel topologies related to hypercubes with improved performance are proposed and analyzed. Firstly, the Bridged Hypercube (BHC) is introduced. It is shown that this design is remarkably more efficient and cost-effective than the standard hypercube due to its low diameter. Basic routing algorithms such as one to one and broadcasting are developed for the BHC and proven optimal. Shortcomings of the BHC such as its asymmetry and limited application are clearly discussed. The Folded Hypercube (FHC), a symmetric network with low diameter and low degree of the node, is introduced. This new topology is shown to support highly efficient communications among the processors. For the FHC, optimal routing algorithms are developed and proven to be remarkably more efficient than those of the conventional hypercube. For both BHC and FHC, network parameters such as average distance, message traffic density, and communication delay are derived and comparatively analyzed. Lastly, to enhance the fault tolerance of the hypercube, a new design called Fault Tolerant Hypercube (FTH) is proposed. The FTH is shown to exhibit a graceful degradation in performance with the existence of faults. Probabilistic models based on Markov chain are employed to characterize the fault tolerance of the FTH. The results are verified by Monte Carlo simulation. The most attractive feature of all new topologies is the asymptotically zero overhead associated with them. The designs are simple and implementable. These designs can lead themselves to many parallel processing applications requiring high degree of performance

    Code Generation for High Performance PDE Solvers on Modern Architectures

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    Numerical simulation with partial differential equations is an important discipline in high performance computing. Notable application areas include geosciences, fluid dynamics, solid mechanics and electromagnetics. Recent hardware developments have made it increasingly hard to achieve very good performance. This is both due to a lack of numerical algorithms suited for the hardware and efficient implementations of these algorithms not being available. Modern CPUs require a sufficiently high arithmetic intensity in order to unfold their full potential. In this thesis, we use a numerical scheme that is well-suited for this scenario: The Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method on cuboid meshes can be implemented with optimal complexity exploiting the tensor product structure of basis functions and quadrature formulae using a technique called sum factorization. A matrix-free implementation of this scheme significantly lowers the memory footprint of the method and delivers a fully compute-bound algorithm. An efficient implementation of this scheme for a modern CPU requires maximum use of the processor’s SIMD units. General purpose compilers are not capable of autovectorizing traditional PDE simulation codes, requiring high performance implementations to explicitly spell out SIMD instructions. With the SIMD width increasing in the last years (reaching its current peak at 512 bits in the Intel Skylake architecture) and programming languages not providing tools to directly target SIMD units, such code suffers from a performance portability issue. This work proposes generative programming as a solution to this issue. To this end, we develop a toolchain that translates a PDE problem expressed in a domain specific language into a piece of machine-dependent, optimized C++ code. This toolchain is embedded into the existing user workflow of the DUNE project, an open source framework for the numerical solution of PDEs. Compared to other such toolchains, special emphasis is put on an intermediate representation that enables performance-oriented transformations. Furthermore, this thesis defines a new class of SIMD vectorization strategies that operate on batches of subkernels within one integration kernel. The space of these vectorization strategies is explored systematically from within the code generator in an autotuning procedure. We demonstrate the performance of our vectorization strategies and their implementation by providing measurements on the Intel Haswell and Intel Skylake architectures. We present numbers for the diffusion-reaction equation, the Stokes equations and Maxwell’s equations, achieving up to 40% of the machine’s theoretical floating point performance for an application of the DG operator

    Fault-tolerance embedding of rings and arrays in star and pancake graphs

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    The star and pancake graphs are useful interconnection networks for connecting processors in a parallel and distributed computing environment. The star network has been widely studied and is shown to possess attactive features like sublogarithmic diameter, node and edge symmetry and high resilience. The star/pancake interconnection graphs, {dollar}S\sb{n}/P\sb{n}{dollar} of dimension n have n! nodes connected by {dollar}{(n-1).n!\over2}{dollar} edges. Due to their large number of nodes and interconnections, they are prone to failure of one or more nodes/edges; In this thesis, we present methods to embed Hamiltonian paths (H-path) and Hamiltonian cycles (H-cycle) in a star graph {dollar}S\sb{n}{dollar} and pancake graph {dollar}P\sb{n}{dollar} in a faulty environment. Such embeddings are important for solving computational problems, formulated for array and ring topologies, on star and pancake graphs. The models considered include single-processor failure, double-processor failure, and multiple-processor failures. All the models are applied to an H-cycle which is formed by visiting all the ({dollar}{n!\over4!})\ S\sb4/P\sb4{dollar}s in an {dollar}S\sb{n}/P\sb{n}{dollar} in a particular order. Each {dollar}S\sb4/P\sb4{dollar} has an entry node where the cycle/path enters that particular {dollar}S\sb4/P\sb4{dollar} and an exit node where the path leaves it. Distributed algorithms for embedding hamiltonian cycle in the presence of multiple faults, are also presented for both {dollar}S\sb{n}{dollar} and {dollar}P\sb{n}{dollar}

    Real-time sound synthesis on a multi-processor platform

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    Real-time sound synthesis means that the calculation and output of each sound sample for a channel of audio information must be completed within a sample period. At a broadcasting standard, a sampling rate of 32,000 Hz, the maximum period available is 31.25 μsec. Such requirements demand a large amount of data processing power. An effective solution for this problem is a multi-processor platform; a parallel and distributed processing system. The suitability of the MIDI [Music Instrument Digital Interface] standard, published in 1983, as a controller for real-time applications is examined. Many musicians have expressed doubts on the decade old standard's ability for real-time performance. These have been investigated by measuring timing in various musical gestures, and by comparing these with the subjective characteristics of human perception. An implementation and its optimisation of real-time additive synthesis programs on a multi-transputer network are described. A prototype 81-polyphonic-note- organ configuration was implemented. By devising and deploying monitoring processes, the network's performance was measured and enhanced, leading to an efficient usage; the 88-note configuration. Since 88 simultaneous notes are rarely necessary in most performances, a scheduling program for dynamic note allocation was then introduced to achieve further efficiency gains. Considering calculation redundancies still further, a multi-sampling rate approach was applied as a further step to achieve an optimal performance. The theories underlining sound granulation, as a means of constructing complex sounds from grains, and the real-time implementation of this technique are outlined. The idea of sound granulation is quite similar to the quantum-wave theory, "acoustic quanta". Despite the conceptual simplicity, the signal processing requirements set tough demands, providing a challenge for this audio synthesis engine. Three issues arising from the results of the implementations above are discussed; the efficiency of the applications implemented, provisions for new processors and an optimal network architecture for sound synthesis
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