8,064 research outputs found

    Algorithms and Data Structures for Multi-Adaptive Time-Stepping

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    Multi-adaptive Galerkin methods are extensions of the standard continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods for the numerical solution of initial value problems for ordinary or partial differential equations. In particular, the multi-adaptive methods allow individual and adaptive time steps to be used for different components or in different regions of space. We present algorithms for efficient multi-adaptive time-stepping, including the recursive construction of time slabs and adaptive time step selection. We also present data structures for efficient storage and interpolation of the multi-adaptive solution. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms and data structures is demonstrated for a series of benchmark problems.Comment: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 35(3), 24 pages (2008

    Algorithms and data structures for adaptive multigrid elliptic solvers

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    Adaptive refinement and the complicated data structures required to support it are discussed. These data structures must be carefully tuned, especially in three dimensions where the time and storage requirements of algorithms are crucial. Another major issue is grid generation. The options available seem to be curvilinear fitted grids, constructed on iterative graphics systems, and unfitted Cartesian grids, which can be constructed automatically. On several grounds, including storage requirements, the second option seems preferrable for the well behaved scalar elliptic problems considered here. A variety of techniques for treatment of boundary conditions on such grids are reviewed. A new approach, which may overcome some of the difficulties encountered with previous approaches, is also presented

    Exploiting non-constant safe memory in resilient algorithms and data structures

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    We extend the Faulty RAM model by Finocchi and Italiano (2008) by adding a safe memory of arbitrary size SS, and we then derive tradeoffs between the performance of resilient algorithmic techniques and the size of the safe memory. Let δ\delta and α\alpha denote, respectively, the maximum amount of faults which can happen during the execution of an algorithm and the actual number of occurred faults, with αδ\alpha \leq \delta. We propose a resilient algorithm for sorting nn entries which requires O(nlogn+α(δ/S+logS))O\left(n\log n+\alpha (\delta/S + \log S)\right) time and uses Θ(S)\Theta(S) safe memory words. Our algorithm outperforms previous resilient sorting algorithms which do not exploit the available safe memory and require O(nlogn+αδ)O\left(n\log n+ \alpha\delta\right) time. Finally, we exploit our sorting algorithm for deriving a resilient priority queue. Our implementation uses Θ(S)\Theta(S) safe memory words and Θ(n)\Theta(n) faulty memory words for storing nn keys, and requires O(logn+δ/S)O\left(\log n + \delta/S\right) amortized time for each insert and deletemin operation. Our resilient priority queue improves the O(logn+δ)O\left(\log n + \delta\right) amortized time required by the state of the art.Comment: To appear in Theoretical Computer Science, 201

    Parameterized Strings: Algorithms and Data Structures

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    A parameterized string (p-string) T = T[1] T[2]...T[n] is a sophisticated string of length n composed of symbols from a constant alphabet Sigma and a parameter alphabet pi. Given a pair of p-strings S and T, the parameterized pattern matching (p-match) problem is to verify whether the individual constant symbols match and whether there exists a bijection between the parameter symbols of S and T. If the two conditions are met, S is said to be a p-match of T. A significant breakthrough in the p-match area is the prev encoding, which is proven to identify a p-match between S and T if and only if prev(S) == prev(T). In order to utilize suffix data structures in terms of p-matching, we must account for the dynamic nature of the parameterized suffixes (p-suffixes) of T, namely prev(T[ i...n]) ∀ i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.;In this work, we propose transformative approaches to the direct parameterized suffix sorting (p-suffix sorting) problem by generating and sorting lexicographically numeric fingerprints and arithmetic codes that correspond to individual p-suffixes. Our algorithm to p-suffix sort via fingerprints is the first theoretical linear time algorithm for p-suffix sorting for non-binary parameter alphabets, which assumes that each code is represented by a practical integer. We eliminate the key problems of fingerprints by introducing an algorithm that exploits the ordering of arithmetic codes to sort p-suffixes in linear time on average.;The longest previous factor (LPF) problem is defined for traditional strings exclusively from the constant alphabet Sigma. We generalize the LPF problem to the parameterized longest previous factor (pLPF) problem defined for p-strings. Subsequently, we present a linear time solution to construct the pLPF array. Given our pLPF algorithm, we show how to construct the pLCP (parameterized longest common prefix) array in linear time. Our algorithm is further exploited to construct the standard LPF and LCP arrays all in linear time.;We then study the structural string (s-string), a variant of the p-string that extends the p-string alphabets to include complementary parameters that correspond to one another. The s-string problem involves the new encoding schemes sencode and compl in order to identify a structural match (s-match). Current s-match solutions use a structural suffix tree (s-suffix tree) to study structural matches in RNA sequences. We introduce the suffix array, LCP, and LPF data structures for the s-string encoding schemes. Using our new data structures, we identify the first suffix array solution to the s-match problem. Our algorithms and data structures are shown to apply to s-strings and also p-strings and traditional strings

    lllustrative applications on algorithms and data structures

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    Verifying algorithms and data structures in Dafny

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Matemáticas (Universidad Complutense, Facultad de Informática, curso 2015/2016)La verificación formal de un programa es la demostración de que este funciona de acuerdo a una descripción del comportamiento esperado en toda posible ejecución. La especificación de lo deseado puede utilizar técnicas diversas y entrar en mayor o menor detalle, pero para ganarse el título de formal esta ha de ser matemáticamente rigurosa. El estudio y ejercicio manual de alguna de esas técnicas forma parte del currículo común a los estudios de grado de la Facultad de Informática y del itinerario de Ciencias de la Computación de la Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, como es el caso de la verificación con pre- y postcondiciones o lógica de Hoare. En el presente trabajo se explora la automatización de estos métodos mediante el lenguaje y verificador Dafny, con el que se especifican y verifican algoritmos y estructuras de datos de diversa complejidad. Dafny es un lenguaje de programación diseñado para integrar la especificación y permitir la verificación automática de sus programas, con la ayuda del programador y de un demostrador de teoremas en la sombra. Dafny es un proyecto en desarrollo activo aunque suficientemente maduro, que genera programas ejecutables.The formal verification of a program is the proof that it works according to a description of its expected behaviour in any possible execution. The specification of what is desired can use different techniques and go into more or less detail, but to win the formal title it must be mathematically rigorous. The study and manual exercise of some of those techniques is part of the common curriculum of the degree studies at the School of Computer Science and of the Computer Science itinerary at the School of Mathematics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, such as verification with pre- and postconditions or Hoare logic. In the current work, the automation of those methods is explored through the language and verifier Dafny, with has been used to specify and verify some algorithms and data structures of diverse complexity. Dafny is a programming language designed to integrate specification and allow automatic verification of its programs, with the help of the programmer and a theorem prover in the shade. Dafny is in active development but mature enough and it generates executable programs.Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Algorithms and data structures for grammar-compressed strings

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    Algorithms and Data Structures

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    Cодержит теоретические сведения о языке С++. Рассмотрены примеры написания программ в среде Microsoft Visual Studio C++. Представлены задания для лабораторных работ по дисциплине «Основы алгоритмизации и программирования». Может быть полезно ИТ-инженерам, научным работникам, преподавателям, специалистам, самостоятельно изучающим основы алгоритмизации и программирования