93 research outputs found

    Implicitizing rational hypersurfaces using approximation complexes

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    We describe an algorithm for implicitizing rational hypersurfaces with at most a finite number of base points, based on a technique already described by Busé and Jouanolou, where implicit equations are obtained as determinants of certain graded parts of an approximation complex. We detail and improve this method by providing an in-depth study of the cohomology of such a complex. In both particular cases of interest of curve and surface implicitization we also present algorithms which involve only linear algebra routines

    Representing rational curve segments and surface patches using semi-algebraic sets

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    We provide a framework for representing segments of rational planar curves or patches of rational tensor product surfaces with no singularities using semi-algebraic sets. Given a rational planar curve segment or a rational tensor product surface patch with no singularities, we find the implicit equation of the corresponding unbounded curve or surface and then construct an algebraic box defined by some additional equations and inequalities associated to the implicit equation. This algebraic box is proved to include only the given curve segment or surface patch without any extraneous parts of the unbounded curve or surface. We also explain why it is difficult to construct such an algebraic box if the curve segment or surface patch includes some singular points such as self-intersections. In this case, we show how to isolate a neighborhood of these special points from the corresponding curve segment or surface patch and to represent these special points with small curve segments or surface patches. This framework allows us to dispense with expensive approximation methods such as voxels for representing surface patches.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    Implicitizing Rational Curves by the Method of Moving Algebraic Curves

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    AbstractA functionF(x,y,t)that assigns to each parametertan algebraic curveF(x,y,t)=0is called a moving curve. A moving curveF(x,y,t)is said to follow a rational curvex=x(t)/w(t),y=y(t)/w(t)ifF(x(t)/w(t), y(t)/w(t),t)is identically zero. A new technique for finding the implicit equation of a rational curve based on the notion of moving conics that follow the curve is investigated. For rational curves of degree 2nwith no base points the method of moving conics generates the implicit equation as the determinant of ann×nmatrix, where each entry is a quadratic polynomial inxandy, whereas standard resultant methods generate the implicit equation as the determinant of a 2n× 2nmatrix where each entry is a linear polynomial inxandy. Thus implicitization using moving conics yields more compact representations for the implicit equation than standard resultant techniques, and these compressed expressions may lead to faster evaluation algorithms. Moreover whereas resultants fail in the presence of base points, the method of moving conics actually simplifies, because when base points are present some of the moving conics reduce to moving lines

    The μ-basis of improper rational parametric surface and its application

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    The μ-basis is a newly developed algebraic tool in curve and surface representations and it is used to analyze some essential geometric properties of curves and surfaces. However, the theoretical frame of μ-bases is still developing, especially of surfaces. We study the μ-basis of a rational surface V defined parametrically by P(t¯),t¯=(t1,t2) not being necessarily proper (or invertible). For applications using the μ-basis, an inversion formula for a given proper parametrization P(t¯) is obtained. In addition, the degree of the rational map ϕP associated with any P(t¯) is computed. If P(t¯) is improper, we give some partial results in finding a proper reparametrization of V. Finally, the implicitization formula is derived from P (not being necessarily proper). The discussions only need to compute the greatest common divisors and univariate resultants of polynomials constructed from the μ-basis. Examples are given to illustrate the computational processes of the presented results.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade
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