223 research outputs found

    Simulations of Implementation of Advanced Communication Technologies

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    Wireless communication systems have seen significant advancements with the introduction of 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile standards. Since the simulation of entire systems is complex and may not allow evaluation of the impact of individual techniques, this thesis presents techniques and results for simulating the performance of advanced signaling techniques used in 3G, 4G, and 5G systems, including Code division multiple access (CDMA), Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems, and Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes. One implementation issue that is explored is the use of quantized Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) outputs and their impact on system performance. Code division multiple access (CDMA) is a popular wireless technique, but its effectiveness is limited by factors such as multiple access interference (MAI) and the near far effect (NFE). The joint effect of sampling and quantization on the analog-digital converter (ADC) at the receiver\u27s front end has also been evaluated for different quantization bits. It has been demonstrated that 4 bits is the minimum ADC resolution sensitivity required for a reliable connection for a quantized signal with 3- and 6-dB power levels in noisy and interference-prone environments. The demand for high data rate, reliable transmission, low bit error rate, and maximum transmission with low power has increased in wireless systems. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver side can meet these requirements by exploiting diversity and multipath propagation. The focus of MIMO systems is on improving reliability and maximizing throughput. Performance analysis of single input single output (SISO), single input multiple output (SIMO), multiple input single output (MISO), and MIMO systems is conducted using Alamouti space time block code (STBC) and Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) technique used for transmit and receive diversity for Rayleigh fading channel under AWGN environment for BPSK and QPSK modulation schemes. Spatial Multiplexing (SM) is used to enhance spectral efficiency without additional bandwidth and power requirements. Minimum mean square error (MMSE) method is used for signal detection at the receiver end due to its low complexity and better performance. The performance of MIMO SM technique is compared for different antenna configurations and modulation schemes, and the MMSE detector is employed at the receiving end. Advanced error correction techniques for channel coding are necessary to meet the demand for Mobile Internet in 5G wireless communications, particularly for the Internet of Things. Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are used for error correction in 5G, offering high coding gain, high throughput, low latency, low power dissipation, low complexity, and rate compatibility. LDPC codes use base matrices of 5G New Radio (NR) for LDPC encoding, and a soft decision decoding algorithm is used for efficient Frame Error Rate (FER) performance. The performance of LDPC codes is assessed using a soft decision decoding layered message passing algorithm, with BPSK modulation and AWGN channel. Furthermore, the effects of quantization on LDPC codes are analyzed for both small and large numbers of quantization bits

    Improved Spatial Modulation Techniques for Wireless Communications

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    Transmission and reception methods with multiple antennas have been demonstrated to be very useful in providing high data rates and improving reliability in wireless communications. In particular, spatial modulation (SM) has recently emerged as an attractive transmission method for multiple-antennas systems due to its better energy efficiency and lower system complexity. This thesis is concerned with developing transmission techniques to improve the spectral efficiency of SM where antenna/subcarrier index involves in conveying information bits. In the first part of the thesis, new transmission techniques are developed for SM over frequency-flat fading channels. The first proposed scheme is based on a high-rate space-time block code instead of using the classical Alamouti STBC, which helps to increase the spectral efficiency and achieve a transmit diversity order of two. A simplified maximum likelihood detection is also developed for this proposed scheme. Analysis of coding gains and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms previously-proposed SM schemes at high data transmission rates. Then, a new space-shift keying (SSK) modulation scheme is proposed which requires a smaller number of transmit antennas than that required in the bi-space shift keying (BiSSK). Such a proposed SSK-based scheme is obtained by multiplexing two in-phase and quadrature generalized SSK streams and optimizing the carrier signals transmitted by the activated antennas. Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with other SSK-based schemes via minimum Euclidean distance analysis and computer simulation. The third scheme proposed in this part is an improved version of quadrature SM (QSM). The main feature of this proposed scheme is to send a second constellation symbol over the in-phase and quadrature antenna dimensions. A significant performance advantage of the proposed scheme is realized at the cost of a slight increase in the number of radio-frequency (RF) chains. Performance comparisons with the most recent SM schemes confirm the advantage of the proposed scheme. The last contribution of the first part is an optimal constellation design for QSM to minimize the average probability of error. It is shown that, the error performance of QSM not only depends on the Euclidean distances between the amplitude phase modulation (APM) symbols and the energies of APM symbols, but also on the in-phase and quadrature components of the QSM symbols. The analysis of the union bound of the average error probability reveals that at a very large number of transmit antennas, the optimal constellations for QSM converge to a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) constellation. Simulation results demonstrate the performance superiority of the obtained constellations over other modulation schemes. In the second part of the thesis, the applications of SM in frequency-selective fading channels are studied. First, a new transmission scheme that employs SM for each group of subcarriers in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission is investigated. Specifically, OFDM symbols in each group are passed through a precoder to maximize the diversity and coding gains, while SM is applied in each group to convey more information bits by antenna indices. Performance analysis and simulation results are carried out to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed scheme over a previously-proposed combination of SM and OFDM. Next, the performance of OFDM based on index modulation and a flexible version of OFDM, knows as OFDM with multiple constellations, is compared for both case of "no precoding'' and "with precoding'' of data symbols. It is shown that the precoded OFDM with multiple constellations outperforms precoded-IM based OFDM systems over frequency-selective fading channels. The last part of the thesis investigates a multiuser downlink transmission system based on in-phase and quadrature space-shift keying modulation and precoding to reduce the minimum number of transmit antennas while keeping the complexity of the receiver low. In addition to the maximum likelihood (ML) detection, the low complexity zero forcing (ZF) receiver is also studied. Theoretical upper bounds for the error probabilities of both ML and ZF receivers are obtained and corroborated with simulation results

    The Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) Channel Modeling, Simulation and Applications

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    This thesis mainly focus on the Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) channel modeling, simulation and applications. There are several ways to design a MIMO channel. Most of the examples are given in Chapter 2, where we can design channels based on the environments and also based on other conditions. One of the new MIMO channel designs based on physical and virtual channel design is discussed in Unitary-Independent- Unitary (UIU) channel modeling. For completeness, the different types of capacity are discussed in details. The capacity is very important in wireless communication. By understanding the details behind different capacity, we can improve our transmission efficiently and effectively. The level crossing rate and average duration are discussed.One of the most important topics in MIMO wireless communication is estimation. Without having the right estimation in channel prediction, the performance will not be correct. The channel estimation error on the performance of the Alamouti code was discussed. The design of the transmitter, the channel and the receiver for this system model is shown. The two different types of decoding scheme were shown - the linear combining scheme and the Maximum likelihood (ML) decoder. Once the reader understands the estimation of the MIMO channel, the estimation based on different antenna correlation is discussed. Next, the model for Mobile-to-Mobile (M2M) MIMO communication link is proposed. The old M2M Sum-of-Sinusoids simulation model and the new two ring models are discussed. As the last step, the fading channel modeling using AR model is derived and the effect of ill-conditioning of the Yule-Walker equation is also shown. A number of applications is presented to show how the performance can be evaluated using the proposed model and techniques

    Técnicas de pré-codificação para sistemas multicelulares coordenados

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    Doutoramento em TelecomunicaçõesCoordenação Multicélula é um tópico de investigação em rápido crescimento e uma solução promissora para controlar a interferência entre células em sistemas celulares, melhorando a equidade do sistema e aumentando a sua capacidade. Esta tecnologia já está em estudo no LTEAdvanced sob o conceito de coordenação multiponto (COMP). Existem várias abordagens sobre coordenação multicélula, dependendo da quantidade e do tipo de informação partilhada pelas estações base, através da rede de suporte (backhaul network), e do local onde essa informação é processada, i.e., numa unidade de processamento central ou de uma forma distribuída em cada estação base. Nesta tese, são propostas técnicas de pré-codificação e alocação de potência considerando várias estratégias: centralizada, todo o processamento é feito na unidade de processamento central; semidistribuída, neste caso apenas parte do processamento é executado na unidade de processamento central, nomeadamente a potência alocada a cada utilizador servido por cada estação base; e distribuída em que o processamento é feito localmente em cada estação base. Os esquemas propostos são projectados em duas fases: primeiro são propostas soluções de pré-codificação para mitigar ou eliminar a interferência entre células, de seguida o sistema é melhorado através do desenvolvimento de vários esquemas de alocação de potência. São propostas três esquemas de alocação de potência centralizada condicionada a cada estação base e com diferentes relações entre desempenho e complexidade. São também derivados esquemas de alocação distribuídos, assumindo que um sistema multicelular pode ser visto como a sobreposição de vários sistemas com uma única célula. Com base neste conceito foi definido uma taxa de erro média virtual para cada um desses sistemas de célula única que compõem o sistema multicelular, permitindo assim projectar esquemas de alocação de potência completamente distribuídos. Todos os esquemas propostos foram avaliados em cenários realistas, bastante próximos dos considerados no LTE. Os resultados mostram que os esquemas propostos são eficientes a remover a interferência entre células e que o desempenho das técnicas de alocação de potência propostas é claramente superior ao caso de não alocação de potência. O desempenho dos sistemas completamente distribuídos é inferior aos baseados num processamento centralizado, mas em contrapartida podem ser usados em sistemas em que a rede de suporte não permita a troca de grandes quantidades de informação.Multicell coordination is a promising solution for cellular wireless systems to mitigate inter-cell interference, improving system fairness and increasing capacity and thus is already under study in LTE-A under the coordinated multipoint (CoMP) concept. There are several coordinated transmission approaches depending on the amount of information shared by the transmitters through the backhaul network and where the processing takes place i.e. in a central processing unit or in a distributed way on each base station. In this thesis, we propose joint precoding and power allocation techniques considering different strategies: Full-centralized, where all the processing takes place at the central unit; Semi-distributed, in this case only some process related with power allocation is done at the central unit; and Fulldistributed, where all the processing is done locally at each base station. The methods are designed in two phases: first the inter-cell interference is removed by applying a set of centralized or distributed precoding vectors; then the system is further optimized by centralized or distributed power allocation schemes. Three centralized power allocation algorithms with per-BS power constraint and different complexity tradeoffs are proposed. Also distributed power allocation schemes are proposed by considering the multicell system as superposition of single cell systems, where we define the average virtual bit error rate (BER) of interference-free single cell system, allowing us to compute the power allocation coefficients in a distributed manner at each BS. All proposed schemes are evaluated in realistic scenarios considering LTE specifications. The numerical evaluations show that the proposed schemes are efficient in removing inter-cell interference and improve system performance comparing to equal power allocation. Furthermore, fulldistributed schemes can be used when the amounts of information to be exchanged over the backhaul is restricted, although system performance is slightly degraded from semi-distributed and full-centralized schemes, but the complexity is considerably lower. Besides that for high degrees of freedom distributed schemes show similar behaviour to centralized ones

    An Overview of Physical Layer Security with Finite-Alphabet Signaling

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    Providing secure communications over the physical layer with the objective of achieving perfect secrecy without requiring a secret key has been receiving growing attention within the past decade. The vast majority of the existing studies in the area of physical layer security focus exclusively on the scenarios where the channel inputs are Gaussian distributed. However, in practice, the signals employed for transmission are drawn from discrete signal constellations such as phase shift keying and quadrature amplitude modulation. Hence, understanding the impact of the finite-alphabet input constraints and designing secure transmission schemes under this assumption is a mandatory step towards a practical implementation of physical layer security. With this motivation, this article reviews recent developments on physical layer security with finite-alphabet inputs. We explore transmit signal design algorithms for single-antenna as well as multi-antenna wiretap channels under different assumptions on the channel state information at the transmitter. Moreover, we present a review of the recent results on secure transmission with discrete signaling for various scenarios including multi-carrier transmission systems, broadcast channels with confidential messages, cognitive multiple access and relay networks. Throughout the article, we stress the important behavioral differences of discrete versus Gaussian inputs in the context of the physical layer security. We also present an overview of practical code construction over Gaussian and fading wiretap channels, and we discuss some open problems and directions for future research.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (1st Revision

    High rate space time code with linear decoding complexity for multiple transmitting antennas

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    The multipath nature of the wireless channel, results in a superposition of the signals of each path at the receiver. This can lead to either constructive or destructive interference. Strong destructive interference is frequently referred to as deep fade and may result in temporary failure of communication due to the severe drop in the channel\u27s signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). To avoid this situation, signal diversity might be introduced. When having more than one antenna at the transmitter and / or receiver, forming a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channel, spatial diversity can be employed to overcome the fading problem. Space time block codes (STBC) have been shown to be used well with the MIMO channel. Each type of STBC is designed to optimize a different criteria such as rate and diversity, while other characteristics of the code are its error performance and decoding computational complexity. The Orthogonal STBC (OSTBC) family of codes is known to achieve full diversity as well as very simple implementation of the Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoder. However, it was proven that, with complex symbol constellation one cannot achieve a full rate code when the number of transmitting antennas is larger than two. Quasi OSTBC are codes with full rate but with the penalty of more complex decoding, and in general does not achieve full diversity. In this work, new techniques for OSTBC transmission / decoding are explored, such that a full rate code can be transmitted and decoded with linear complexity. The Row Elimination Method (REM) for OSTBC transmission is introduced, which basically involves the transmission of only part of the original OSTBC codeword, resulting in a full rate code termed Semi-Orthogonal STBC (SSTBC). Novel decoding scheme is presented, such that the SSTBC decoding computational complexity remains linear although the transmitted codeword is not orthogonal anymore. A new OSTBC, that complies with the new scheme\u27s requirements, is presented for any number of transmit antennas. The performance of the new scheme is studied under various settings, such as system with limited feedback and multiple antennas at the receiver. The general decoding techniques presented for STBC, assume perfect channel knowledge at the receiver. It was shown, that the performance of any STBC system is severely degraded due to partial channel state information, results from imperfect channel estimation. To minimize the performance loss, one may lengthen the training sequences used for the channel estimation which, inevitably, results in some rate loss. In addition, complex decoding schemes can be used at the receiver to jointly decode the data while enhancing the channel estimation. It is suggested in this work to apply adaptive techniques to mitigate the performance loss without the penalty of additional rate loss or complex decoding. Namely, the bootstrap algorithm is used to further refine the received signals, resulting in better effective rate and performance in the presence of channel estimation errors. Modified implementations for the bootstrap\u27s weights calculation method are also presented, to improve the convergence rate of the algorithm, as well as to maintain a very low computational burden