31 research outputs found

    Accessible interactive digital signage for visually impaired

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    In this workshop we discuss the potential of cross-modal haptic-auditory feedback for empowering visually impaired people to experience Interactive Digital Signage

    Mid-Air Haptics for Control Interfaces

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    Control interfaces and interactions based on touch-less gesture tracking devices have become a prevalent research topic in both industry and academia. Touch-less devices offer a unique interaction immediateness that makes them ideal for applications where direct contact with a physical controller is not desirable. On the other hand, these controllers inherently lack active or passive haptic feedback to inform users about the results of their interaction. Mid-air haptic interfaces, such as those using focused ultrasound waves, can close the feedback loop and provide new tools for the design of touch-less, un-instrumented control interactions. The goal of this workshop is to bring together the growing mid-air haptic research community to identify and discuss future challenges in control interfaces and their application in AR/VR, automotive, music, robotics and teleoperation

    Modern piano teaching technologies

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    The article deals with certain approaches and methods using the latest technology to improve the results of piano teaching. Back in the nineteenth century, some teachers tried to develop special mechanical devices for their students. However, their efforts mostly failed or reduced piano playing to simple mechanical algorithms of the performer without improvising. Currently, two approaches for introducing modern technologies have become apparent in piano teaching: making group lessons more interactive and increasing the scope of individual learning along with gradual withdrawal of the teacher. In recent years, the second method has been applied more often due to the increasing technological autonomy of each person through the use of the Internet and the revolutionary advancements in the field of augmented reality tools. However, a number of new technical solutions are far from being ready for use by educational institutions and individuals; therefore, it currently seems relevant to combine modern technology with conventional music teaching practices

    UltraBots: Large-Area Mid-Air Haptics for VR with Robotically Actuated Ultrasound Transducers

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    We introduce UltraBots, a system that combines ultrasound haptic feedback and robotic actuation for large-area mid-air haptics for VR. Ultrasound haptics can provide precise mid-air haptic feedback and versatile shape rendering, but the interaction area is often limited by the small size of the ultrasound devices, restricting the possible interactions for VR. To address this problem, this paper introduces a novel approach that combines robotic actuation with ultrasound haptics. More specifically, we will attach ultrasound transducer arrays to tabletop mobile robots or robotic arms for scalable, extendable, and translatable interaction areas. We plan to use Sony Toio robots for 2D translation and/or commercially available robotic arms for 3D translation. Using robotic actuation and hand tracking measured by a VR HMD (e.g., Oculus Quest), our system can keep the ultrasound transducers underneath the user's hands to provide on-demand haptics. We demonstrate applications with workspace environments, medical training, education and entertainment.Comment: UIST 2022 SI

    Lift distribution and longitudinal stability of an airplane

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    The preliminary calculation of the airplane polar and hence of the flight performances and characteristics rests on the assumption of an elliptical lift distribution at all altitudes. For large angles of attack below C(sub a (sub max)), this method of calculation yields no satisfactory agreement with measurements made in flight. An attempt is made to eliminate the errors in the preliminary calculation by the assumption of a disturbance of the lift distribution in this angle-of-attack range, which is so important for the constructor. An explanation is also given of the great differences found in flight with and without propeller slipstream

    AplikasiMarawis Digital Menggunakan Sensor Leap Motion

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    Intisari - Marawis adalah salah satu jenis "band tepuk” dengan perkusi sebagai alat musik utamanya. Musik  ini  merupakan  kolaborasi  antara  kesenian Timur  Tengah dan Betawi,  dan  memiliki  unsur keagamaan yang kental. Itu tercermin dari berbagai lirik lagu yang dibawakan yang merupakan pujian dan kecintaan kepada Sang Pencipta. Pada saat ini memainkan alat musik marawis masih dengan cara manual dengan cara memukul alat musik marawis tersebut dengan sekuat mungkin dan membutuhkan banyak tenaga, dan lama kelamaan tangan akan terasa sakit. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka di usulkan Aplikasi Marawis Digital Menggunakan Sensor Leap Motion. Aplikasi dibuat dengan Leap Motion  untuk  mendeteksi  titik-titk  koordinat  tangan  pengguna.  Untuk  menghasilkan  dua  suara marawis yang berbeda maka di buat mapping area untuk menentukan suara 1 dan suara 2. Aplikasi ini dapat menjadi alternative untuk memainkan alat musik marawis. Dari hasil uji coba yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini mampu menggantikan penggunaan tenaga manusia ke teknik digital. Kata Kunci : Leap Motion, Aplikasi Desktop, Marawi

    Mid-air haptic congruence with virtual objects modulates the implicit sense of agency

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    Hand-tracking technologies allow interactions with virtual environments unmediated by any physical tool. Mid-air haptic technologies further this interaction paradigm by providing the user with tactile feedback. As an additive sensation not strictly bound to physical-based laws of objects, there is much room for exploration of various integration methods. Here, we investigate whether the psychological variable known as the sense of agency (SoA) is sensitive to variations of a mid-air haptic stimulus, where SoA captures the user’s feeling of control and causal influence in the virtual environment. To that end, we use a virtual button press-tone (action-effect paradigm) to measure SoA at the behavioural level as well as through self-report. Mid-air haptics accompanying the visual element of the virtual button press were varied at 4 levels: dynamic, fixed, on completion and no feedback. Results show a significant influence at the behavioural level but were not self-reported. Additive mid-air haptics that was not congruent with the visual elements negatively impacted the implicit feeling of SoA

    Música y discapacidad

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017La humanidad tiene prisa por alcanzar, por lograr nuevos retos, nuevos avances tecnológicos. Pensamos que cuanto más lejos lleguemos, mejor viviremos. Pero, ¿qué queremos lograr? ¿Quizás la felicidad? Las mejores posesiones del ser humano no provienen de lo material, sino de lo espiritual y la música nos abre un mundo infinito de sensaciones, emociones. Desgraciadamente, no todo el mundo puede beneficiarse por igual de los placeres de la música, de la felicidad asociada al sentir de unas notas, al vibrar de unos sonidos que se apoderan de nuestro ser y nos transportan a mundos nuevos. Mi propósito es ayudar a despertar el interés por la música, especialmente para un colectivo que solemos olvidar: el de las personas con discapacidad. Hay que lograr que sea la música que se adapte a ellas y no a la inversa. En mi trabajo de Final de Grado quiero mostrar que existen metodologías, estrategias de aprendizaje, una serie de recursos, nuevas propuestas de materiales, instrumentos adaptados, que pueden ayudar a favorecer a las personas con discapacidad en su Educación Musical

    Haptic and Visual feedback in 3D Audio Mixing Interfaces

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    Accessible interactive digital signage for visually impaired

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    In this workshop we discuss the potential of cross-modal haptic-auditory feedback for empowering visually impaired people to experience Interactive Digital Signage