8 research outputs found

    Distributed Decision Through Self-Synchronizing Sensor Networks in the Presence of Propagation Delays and Asymmetric Channels

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    In this paper we propose and analyze a distributed algorithm for achieving globally optimal decisions, either estimation or detection, through a self-synchronization mechanism among linearly coupled integrators initialized with local measurements. We model the interaction among the nodes as a directed graph with weights (possibly) dependent on the radio channels and we pose special attention to the effect of the propagation delay occurring in the exchange of data among sensors, as a function of the network geometry. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the proposed system to reach a consensus on globally optimal decision statistics. One of the major results proved in this work is that a consensus is reached with exponential convergence speed for any bounded delay condition if and only if the directed graph is quasi-strongly connected. We provide a closed form expression for the global consensus, showing that the effect of delays is, in general, the introduction of a bias in the final decision. Finally, we exploit our closed form expression to devise a double-step consensus mechanism able to provide an unbiased estimate with minimum extra complexity, without the need to know or estimate the channel parameters.Comment: To be published on IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Distributed controller synthesis and decision making

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    Distributed controller design and distributed decision making have been hot topics of investigation in the last few years. New technologies have led to systems where it is critical to identify architectures that distribute the controller effort over sub-controllers to respect the information flow and/or resource constraints. The communication uncertainty between sub-controllers partly governs the optimality of the architecture of the controller. The related synthesis methodology for optimal distributed controller has to address internal stability concerns and has to incorporate the effect of communication uncertainty into the performance metric. In the first part of this thesis, a methodology is developed to address the concerns of sub-controller communication uncertainty. It is demonstrated that different canonical architectures of a centralized design result in appreciably different performance. Methods to identify architectures of information flow where the optimal performance problem is convex are developed. In addition, synthesis methods to incorporate robustness measures with respect to model uncertainty of the communication channel are obtained for the associated distributed architectures. These methods are further refined for specific structures of information flow in the system. In the second part of this thesis, issues in distributed decision making in a large network of nodes are discussed, in particular a distributed averaging consensus protocol is considered which converges asymptotically. However, each node individually never comes to know of the occurrence of convergence, and thus it keeps running required computation and communication throughout its life. This is not desired, as in most of the networks the power of each node is a very limited resource. This thesis provides a distributed algorithm through which each node can distributively detect when the convergence has occurred within a given error margin. This distributed detection takes finite time and happens simultaneously

    Distributed consensus algorithms for wireless sensor networks: convergence analysis and optimization

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    Wireless sensor networks are developed to monitor areas of interest with the purpose of estimating physical parameters or/and detecting emergency events in a variety of military and civil applications. A wireless sensor network can be seen as a distributed computer, where spatially deployed sensor nodes are in charge of gathering measurements from the environment to compute a given function. The research areas for wireless sensor networks extend from the design of small, reliable hardware to low-complexity algorithms and energy saving communication protocols. Distributed consensus algorithms are low-complexity iterative schemes that have received increased attention in different fields due to a wide range of applications, where neighboring nodes communicate locally to compute the average of an initial set of measurements. Energy is a scarce resource in wireless sensor networks and therefore, the convergence of consensus algorithms, characterized by the total number of iterations until reaching a steady-state value, is an important topic of study. This PhD thesis addresses the problem of convergence and optimization of distributed consensus algorithms for the estimation of parameters in wireless sensor networks. The impact of quantization noise in the convergence is studied in networks with fixed topologies and symmetric communication links. In particular, a new scheme including quantization is proposed, whose mean square error with respect to the average consensus converges. The limit of the mean square error admits a closed-form expression and an upper bound for this limit depending on general network parameters is also derived. The convergence of consensus algorithms in networks with random topology is studied focusing particularly on convergence in expectation, mean square convergence and almost sure convergence. Closed-form expressions useful to minimize the convergence time of the algorithm are derived from the analysis. Regarding random networks with asymmetric links, closed-form expressions are provided for the mean square error of the state assuming equally probable uniform link weights, and mean square convergence to the statistical mean of the initial measurements is shown. Moreover, an upper bound for the mean square error is derived for the case of different probabilities of connection for the links, and a practical scheme with randomized transmission power exhibiting an improved performance in terms of energy consumption with respect to a fixed network with the same consumption on average is proposed. The mean square error expressions derived provide a means to characterize the deviation of the state vector with respect to the initial average when the instantaneous links are asymmetric. A useful criterion to minimize the convergence time in random networks with spatially correlated links is considered, establishing a sufficient condition for almost sure convergence to the consensus space. This criterion, valid also for topologies with spatially independent links, is based on the spectral radius of a positive semidefinite matrix for which we derive closed-form expressions assuming uniform link weights. The minimization of this spectral radius is a convex optimization problem and therefore, the optimum link weights minimizing the convergence time can be computed efficiently. The expressions derived are general and apply not only to random networks with instantaneous directed topologies but also to random networks with instantaneous undirected topologies. Furthermore, the general expressions can be particularized to obtain known protocols found in literature, showing that they can be seen as particular cases of the expressions derived in this thesis.Las redes de sensores inalámbricos se utilizan para monitorizar zonas de interés con el propósito final de estimar parámetros físicos y/o detectar situaciones de emergencia en gran variedad de aplicaciones militares y civiles. Una red de sensores inalámbricos puede ser considerada como un método de computación distribuido, donde nodos provistos de sensores toman medidas del entorno para calcular una función que depende de éstas. Las áreas de investigación comprenden desde el diseño de dispositivos hardware pequeños y fiables hasta algoritmos de baja complejidad o protocolos de comunicación de bajo consumo energético. Los algoritmos de consenso distribuidos son esquemas iterativos de baja complejidad que han suscitado mucha atención en diferentes campos debido a su gran espectro de aplicaciones, en los que nodos vecinos se comunican para calcular el promedio de un conjunto de medidas iniciales de la red. Dado que la energía es un recurso escaso en redes de sensores inalámbricos, la convergencia de dichos algoritmos de consenso, caracterizada por el número total de iteraciones hasta alcanzar un valor estacionario, es un importante tema de estudio. Esta tesis doctoral aborda problemas de convergencia y optimización de algoritmos de consenso distribuidos para la estimación de parámetros en redes de sensores inalámbricos. El impacto del ruido de cuantización en la convergencia se estudia en redes con topología fija y enlaces de comunicación simétricos. En particular, se propone un nuevo esquema que incluye el proceso de cuantización y se demuestra que el error cuadrático medio respecto del promedio inicial converge. Igualmente, se obtiene una expresión cerrada del límite del error cuadrático medio, y una cota superior para este límite que depende únicamente de parámetros generales de la red. La convergencia de los algoritmos de consenso en redes con topología aleatoria se estudia prestando especial atención a la convergencia en valor esperado, la convergencia en media cuadrática y la convergencia casi segura, y a partir del análisis se derivan expresiones cerradas útiles para minimizar el tiempo de convergencia. Para redes aleatorias con enlaces asimétricos, se obtienen expresiones cerradas del error cuadrático medio del estado suponiendo enlaces con probabilidad idéntica y con pesos uniformes, y se demuestra la convergencia en media cuadrática al promedio estadístico de las medidas iniciales. Se deduce una cota superior para el error cuadrático medio para el caso de enlaces con probabilidades de conexión diferentes y se propone, además, un esquema práctico con potencias de transmisión aleatorias, que mejora el rendimiento en términos de consumo de energía con respecto a una red fija. Las expresiones para el error cuadrático medio proporcionan una forma de caracterizar la desviación del vector de estado con respecto del promedio inicial cuando los enlaces instantáneos son asimétricos. Con el fin de minimizar el tiempo de convergencia en redes aleatorias con enlaces correlados espacialmente, se considera un criterio que establece una condición suficiente que garantiza la convergencia casi segura al espacio de consenso. Este criterio, que también es válido para topologías con enlaces espacialmente independientes, utiliza el radio espectral de una matriz semidefinida positiva para la cual se obtienen expresiones cerradas suponiendo enlaces con pesos uniformes. La minimización de dicho radio espectral es un problema de optimización convexa y, por lo tanto, el valor de los pesos óptimos puede calcularse de forma eficiente. Las expresiones obtenidas son generales y aplican no sólo para redes aleatorias con topologías dirigidas, sino también para redes aleatorias con topologías no dirigidas. Además, las expresiones generales pueden ser particularizadas para obtener protocolos conocidos en la literatura, demostrando que éstos últimos pueden ser considerados como casos particulares de las expresiones proporcionadas en esta tesis

    Cooperative control of a network of multi-vehicle unmanned systems

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    Development of unmanned systems network is currently among one of the most important areas of activity and research with implications in variety of disciplines, such as communications, controls, and multi-vehicle systems. The main motivation for this interest can be traced back to practical applications wherein direct human involvement may not be possible due to environmental hazards or the extraordinary complexity of the tasks. This thesis seeks to develop, design, and analyze techniques and solutions that would ensure and guarantee the fundamental stringent requirements that are envisaged for these dynamical networks. In this thesis, the problem of team cooperation is solved by using synthesis-based approaches. The consensus problem is defined and solved for a team of agents having a general linear dynamical model. Stability of the team is guaranteed by using modified consensus algorithms that are achieved by minimizing a set of individual cost functions. An alternative approach for obtaining an optimal consensus algorithm is obtained by invoking a state decomposition methodology and by transforming the consensus seeking problem into a stabilization problem. In another methodology, the game theory approach is used to formulate the consensus seeking problem in a "more" cooperative framework. For this purpose, a team cost function is defined and a min-max problem is solved to obtain a cooperative optimal solution. It is shown that the results obtained yield lower cost values when compared to those obtained by using the optimal control technique. In game theory and optimal control approaches that are developed based on state decomposition, linear matrix inequalities are used to impose simultaneously the decentralized nature of the problem as well as the consensus constraints on the designed controllers. Moreover, performance and stability properties of the designed cooperative team is analyzed in presence of actuator anomalies corresponding to three types of faults. Steady state behavior of the team members are analyzed under faulty scenarios. Adaptability of the team members to the above unanticipated circumstances is demonstrated and verified. Finally, the assumption of having a fixed and undirected network topology is relaxed to address and solve a more realistic and practical situation. It is shown that the stability and consensus achievement of the network with a switching structure and leader assignment can still be achieved. Moreover, by introducing additional criteria, the desirable performance specifications of the team can still be ensured and guaranteed

    Distributed Control of Networked Nonlinear Euler-Lagrange Systems

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    Motivated by recent developments in formation and cooperative control of networked multi-agent systems, the main goal of this thesis is development of efficient synchronization and formation control algorithms for distributed control of networked nonlinear systems whose dynamics can be described by Euler-Lagrange (EL) equations. One of the main challenges in the design of the formation control algorithm is its optimality and robustness to parametric uncertainties, external disturbances and ability to reconfigure in presence of component, actuator, or sensor faults. Furthermore, the controller should be capable of handling switchings in the communication network topology. In this work, nonlinear optimal control techniques are studied for developing distributed controllers for networked EL systems. An individual cost function is introduced to design a controller that relies on only local information exchanges among the agents. In the development of the controller, it is assumed that the communication graph is not fixed (in other words the topology is switching). Additionally, parametric uncertainties and faults in the EL systems are considered and two approaches, namely adaptive and robust techniques are introduced to compensate for the effects of uncertainties and actuator faults. Next, a distributed H_infinity performance measure is considered to develop distributed robust controllers for uncertain networked EL systems. The developed distributed controller is obtained through rigorous analysis and by considering an individual cost function to enhance the robustness of the controllers in presence of parametric uncertainties and external bounded disturbances. Moreover, a rigorous analysis is conducted on the performance of the developed controllers in presence of actuator faults as well as fault diagnostic and identification (FDI) imperfections. Next, synchronization and set-point tracking control of networked EL systems are investigated in presence of three constraints, namely, (i) input saturation constraints, (ii) unavailability of velocity feedback, and (iii) lack of knowledge on the system parameters. It is shown that the developed distributed controllers can accomplish the desired requirements and specification under the above constraints. Finally, a quaternion-based approach is considered for the attitude synchronization and set-point tracking control problem of formation flying spacecraft. Employing the quaternion in the control law design enables handling large rotations in the spacecraft attitude and, therefore, any singularities in the control laws are avoided. Furthermore, using the quaternion also enables one to guarantee boundedness of the control signals both with and without velocity feedback