101,469 research outputs found

    A Framework for Agile Development of Component-Based Applications

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    Agile development processes and component-based software architectures are two software engineering approaches that contribute to enable the rapid building and evolution of applications. Nevertheless, few approaches have proposed a framework to combine agile and component-based development, allowing an application to be tested throughout the entire development cycle. To address this problematic, we have built CALICO, a model-based framework that allows applications to be safely developed in an iterative and incremental manner. The CALICO approach relies on the synchronization of a model view, which specifies the application properties, and a runtime view, which contains the application in its execution context. Tests on the application specifications that require values only known at runtime, are automatically integrated by CALICO into the running application, and the captured needed values are reified at execution time to resume the tests and inform the architect of potential problems. Any modification at the model level that does not introduce new errors is automatically propagated to the running system, allowing the safe evolution of the application. In this paper, we illustrate the CALICO development process with a concrete example and provide information on the current implementation of our framework


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    System Development Life Cycles (SDLCs) for organizations are often based upon traditional software development models such as the waterfall model. These processes are complex, heavy in documentation deliverables, and are rigid and less flexible than other methods being used in modern software development. Consider by contrast, agile methods for software development. In essence, agile methods recommend lightweight documentation and simplified process. The focus shifts to completed software as the "measure of success" for delivery of product in software projects, versus accurate and comprehensive documentation, and the accomplishment of static milestones in a work breakdown structure. This thesis implements, explores, and recommends a hybrid agile approach to Scrum in order to satisfy the rigid, document-laden deliverables of a waterfall-based SDLC process. This hybrid Scrum is a balance of having enough documentation and process - but not too much - to meet SDLC deliverables, while at the same time focusing on timely product delivery and customer interactions that come from an agile approach to software development.M.S

    Methods of labor economy increasing in educational organization

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    The urgency of problem under investigation due to fact that increasing demand of the information technology infrastructure development in current conditions of educational institutions functioning, including formation of the information-educational environment point of view. Offered organizational and economic model of constructing processes for software development is based on agile project management, regarded as an object-oriented tool for optimizing labor economics. The purpose of article is in model for labor economy processes optimization as a part of software development based on agile project management methodology in departments associated with development of information technologies in educational organization. The leading method to the problem study is in measurement of labor economics key indicators, including specific metrics of technical expert’s human capital growth. As an experimental base of research are considered educational organizations, at different times, using classical approach for software development and agile project management. The article presents research results of educational organizations departments engaged in project activities for development of information technologies, which are in the development of software products using classical approach for software development and agile project management. Article submissions may be useful to create a culture for constructing labor economics and human capital system based on sustainable growth in departments of educational institutions working in the field of information technology. © 2016 Dorozhkin et al


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    This research was conducted at educational institutions, especially at Institute of Technology and Business Asia Malang as known as Institut Asia Malang by develop a staffing information system that was previously still manual (by paper) and supported by a simple data processing application to become a web-based information system that can be accessed anywhere and at anytime so that requests for approval (submission of permits and changes to work schedules) do not wait long. In the future, this system will develop both as a platform and as a whole in managing employee data. This research uses the Agile Development method which is adjusted to the demands of users who want the application to be used immediately. The Agile Development model used is the Scrum model where the activities of the model are: analyzing system requirements; design; code generation, testing and support.Penelitian ini dilakukan di institusi pendidikan khususnya Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang (Institut Asia Malang) dengan membangun sebuah sistem informasi kepegawaian yang sebelumnya masih bersifat manual (by paper) dan didukung aplikasi pengolah data sederhana menjadi sistem informasi web base yang bisa diakses dimana saja dan kapan saja sehingga permohonan persetujuan (pengajuan ijin dan perubahan jadwal kerja) tidak menunggu waktu lama. Ke depan sistem ini akan berkembang baik sacara platform maupun secara pengelolaan data kepegawaian secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Agile Development yang disesuaikan dengan permintaan user yang menginginkan aplikasi segera digunakan. Model Agile Development yang digunakan adalah model Scrum dimana kegiatan model tersebut adalah : menganalisa kebutuhan sistem; desain; code generation, testing dan support

    Knowledge Mobilization in Agile Information Systems Projects: A Literature Analysis

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    This study focuses on how knowledge is mobilized in agile information systems (IS) projects. One crucial success factor of those projects is to mobilize knowledge through different knowledge management processes. It is vital to establish efficient knowledge management (KM) processes to generate a knowledge culture based on transparency and communication. Communication channels, digital tools, and platforms are essential for establishing a KM infrastructure supporting the knowledge work of the project organization. Thus, each IS implementation team should maintain a knowledge base and a knowledge potential at some level. However, this is not always the case. We conducted a literature review to survey the extant research on the role of KM in agile system development projects. The agile approach is often associated with the networking model and tacit knowledge. The findings indicate that the agile approach is supposed to promote KM. While tacit knowledge is rooted in the analogue process of continuous actions and informal communication, explicit knowledge is captured in digital records of documentation and databases. In KM, the personalization model (behavioural, networking) and the codification (technocratic, repository) model is central. The choice of system development method (agile versus plan-driven) influences how knowledge is mobilized in the project organization. An agile approach heavily relies on informal communication, tacit knowledge sharing, and light documentation. In contrast, the plan-driven methods such as the waterfall approach generate more explicit knowledge through documentation. Communities of practice are important structures for transforming from plan-driven to agile approaches. We present a framework showing specific challenges the literature identifies concerning the efficient mobilization of knowledge in the agile context. For large-scale agile projects, informal coordination mechanisms were important. This study identifies several measures for overcoming barriers and risks for knowledge sharing in the agile context.Knowledge Mobilization in Agile Information Systems Projects: A Literature AnalysispublishedVersio


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    Agile software development tools have been created to assist project management and enhance productivity. However, it may be challenging to properly employ those tools, especially in a hybrid work environment. Techniques are presented herein, which may be referred to herein as a MaPM system, that leverage a conferencing platform to offer a real-time agile project risk management and prediction framework that utilizes multi-modal collaboration data sources. Aspects of the presented techniques encompass an artificial intelligence (AI)-backed summarization model that may be utilized to extract project details and an auto-agile that model may consume those loggings and generate the predicted project sprint backlogs and their risks. Further aspects of the presented techniques support an optimization module that may jointly update the predicted sprint backlogs and the estimated task risks to realize the finalized backlog sequences. In summary, an MaPM system, according to the presented techniques, offers four novelties compared with conventional agile project management tools – a conferencing platform-centralized solution for automatic agile project risk prediction and management, a real-time multi-modal-based project risk monitoring and prediction system, the generation of sprint backlogs based on fully evaluated contexts that are collected from all of a project’s participants, and the liberation of project contributors from having to conduct manual project tracking and recording

    Enhancing Requirements Change Request Categorization and Prioritization in Agile Software Development Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    Software development now relies heavily on agile methods, which call for the efficient administration and prioritization of change requests. In order to improve requirement prioritization using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Agile methods, this study article presents a new framework for classifying software requirements into Small Change Requests (SCRs) and Large Change Requests (LCRs). The paper examines the difficulties associated with requirement prioritization and categorization in Agile settings and offers a methodical system for dividing change requests into categories based on complexity, impact, and timeline. In order to provide a thorough grasp of the project scope and objectives, the framework considers both functional and non-functional needs. A case study containing several Agile software development projects is used to evaluate the performance of the suggested categorization and prioritization model. According to the findings, the combination of SCR and LCR categorization with AHP enables more effective teamwork and greater matching of development goals with partner objectives. The research also shows that the suggested framework's integration into the Agile development process results in a more efficient decision-making process, less time wasted on talks, and improved resource distribution. The model aids in risk mitigation by allowing a methodical and quantifiable approach to requirement prioritization. These risks are related to quick changes in project scope and changing client requirements. By presenting a fresh framework for requirement categorization and prioritization, this study adds to the current discussion on successful requirement management in Agile methods. Agile software development projects become more effective and adaptable overall thanks to the incorporation of AHP, which guarantees a more methodical and objective prioritization process. This study has the potential to greatly improve the administration of shifting needs and user expectations in Agile settings by offering a structured method to classify and rank change requests

    High fidelity progressive reinforcement learning for agile maneuvering UAVs

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    In this work, we present a high fidelity model based progressive reinforcement learning method for control system design for an agile maneuvering UAV. Our work relies on a simulation-based training and testing environment for doing software-in-the-loop (SIL), hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) and integrated flight testing within photo-realistic virtual reality (VR) environment. Through progressive learning with the high fidelity agent and environment models, the guidance and control policies build agile maneuvering based on fundamental control laws. First, we provide insight on development of high fidelity mathematical models using frequency domain system identification. These models are later used to design reinforcement learning based adaptive flight control laws allowing the vehicle to be controlled over a wide range of operating conditions covering model changes on operating conditions such as payload, voltage and damage to actuators and electronic speed controllers (ESCs). We later design outer flight guidance and control laws. Our current work and progress is summarized in this work

    Testes incrementais em um desenvolvimento guiado por testes baseados em modelo

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    Orientador: Eliane MartinsDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O desenvolvimento de sistemas pode ser realizado seguindo diversos modelos de processo. Os métodos ágeis propõem realizar implementações iterativas e incrementais e testes antecipados, buscando uma validação antecipada do sistema. Algumas técnicas ágeis adicionam a característica de um desenvolvimento de sistema baseado em testes, como as técnicas de Desenvolvimento Baseado em Teste (do inglês Test Driven Development (TDD)) e Desenvolvimento Baseado em Comportamento (do inglês Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)). Recentemente algumas técnicas propõem a união de técnicas ágeis de desenvolvimento baseado em testes com técnicas consolidadas da área de testes, com o objetivo principal de auxiliar na etapa de criação de testes, que serão utilizados para guiar o desenvolvimento do sistema. Um exemplo é a técnica de Desenvolvimento Guiado por Testes Baseados em Modelo (do inglês Model-Based Test Driven Development (MBTDD)) que une os conceitos de Testes Baseados em Modelo (do inglês Model-Based Testing (MBT)) e Desenvolvimento Baseado em Teste (TDD). Portanto em MBTDD, testes são derivados de modelos que representam os comportamentos esperados do sistema, e baseado nesses testes, o desenvolvimento iterativo e incremental ocorre. Entretanto quando lidamos com processos iterativos e incrementais, surgem problemas decorrente da evolução do sistema, como por exemplo: como reutilizar os artefatos de testes, e como selecionar os testes relevantes para a codificação da nova versão do sistema. Nesse contexto, este trabalho explora um processo no qual o desenvolvimento ágil de sistema é guiado por testes baseados em modelos, com o enfoque no auxílio do reúso dos artefatos de testes e no processo de identificação de testes relevantes para o desenvolvimento de uma nova versão do sistema. Para tanto, características do processo de MBTDD são unidas com características de uma técnica que busca o reúso de artefatos de testes baseado em princípios de testes de regressão, denominada Testes de Regressão SPL Baseados em Modelo Delta (do inglês Delta-Oriented Model-Based SPL Regression Testing). Para realizar a avaliação da solução proposta, ela foi aplicada em exemplos existentes e comparada com a abordagem no qual nenhum caso de teste é reutilizadoAbstract: Systems can be developed following different process models. Agile methods propose iterative and incremental implementations and anticipating tests, in order to anticipate system validation. Some agile techniques add the characteristic of development based on tests, like in Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). Recently some techniques proposed joining the agile techniques of development based on tests with techniques consolidated in the field of testing, with the main purpose of aiding in the test creation stage, which are used to guide the development of the system. An example is Model-Based Test Driven Development (MBTDD) which joins the concepts of Model-Based Testing (MBT) and Test Driven Development (TDD). Therefore in MBTDD, tests are derived from models that represent the expected behaviour of the system, and based on those tests, iterative and incremental development is performed. However, when iterative and incremental processes are used, problems appear as the consequence of the evolution of the system, such as: how to reuse the test artefacts, and how to select the relevant tests for implementing the new version of the system. In this context, this work proposes a process in which the agile development of a system is guided by model based tests, focusing on helping with the reuse of test artefacts and on the process of identifying tests relevant to development. To achieve this goal, MBTDD process characteristics are joined with characteristics from a technique that aims to find reusability of test artefacts based on principles of regression tests, called Delta-Oriented Model-Based SPL Regression Testing. To evaluate the proposed solution, it was applied to existing examples and compared to the approach without any test case reuseMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestra em Ciência da Computação151647/2013-5CNP