69,541 research outputs found

    A Behavioral Analysis of WOWA and SUOWA Operators

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    Producción CientíficaWeighted ordered weighted averaging (WOWA) and semiuninorm-based ordered weighted averaging (SUOWA) operators are two families of aggregation functions that simultaneously generalize weighted means and OWA operators. Both families can be obtained by using the Choquet integral with respect to normalized capacities. Therefore, they are continuous, monotonic, idempotent, compensative, and homogeneous of degree 1 functions. Although both families fulfill good properties, there are situations where their behavior is quite different. The aim of this paper is to analyze both families of functions regarding some simple cases of weighting vectors, the capacities from which they are building, the weights affecting the components of each vector, and the values they return.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (ECO2012-32178)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA066U13

    Invariant functionals on completely distributive lattices

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    In this paper we are interested in functionals defined on completely distributive lattices and which are invariant under mappings preserving {arbitrary} joins and meets. We prove that the class of nondecreasing invariant functionals coincides with the class of Sugeno integrals associated with {0,1}\{0,1\}-valued capacities, the so-called term functionals, thus extending previous results both to the infinitary case as well as to the realm of completely distributive lattices. Furthermore, we show that, in the case of functionals over complete chains, the nondecreasing condition is redundant. Characterizations of the class of Sugeno integrals, as well as its superclass comprising all polynomial functionals, are provided by showing that the axiomatizations (given in terms of homogeneity) of their restriction to finitary functionals still hold over completely distributive lattices. We also present canonical normal form representations of polynomial functionals on completely distributive lattices, which appear as the natural extensions to their finitary counterparts, and as a by-product we obtain an axiomatization of complete distributivity in the case of bounded lattices

    Axiomatizations of signed discrete Choquet integrals

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    We study the so-called signed discrete Choquet integral (also called non-monotonic discrete Choquet integral) regarded as the Lov\'asz extension of a pseudo-Boolean function which vanishes at the origin. We present axiomatizations of this generalized Choquet integral, given in terms of certain functional equations, as well as by necessary and sufficient conditions which reveal desirable properties in aggregation theory

    Towards a Queueing-Based Framework for In-Network Function Computation

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    We seek to develop network algorithms for function computation in sensor networks. Specifically, we want dynamic joint aggregation, routing, and scheduling algorithms that have analytically provable performance benefits due to in-network computation as compared to simple data forwarding. To this end, we define a class of functions, the Fully-Multiplexible functions, which includes several functions such as parity, MAX, and k th -order statistics. For such functions we exactly characterize the maximum achievable refresh rate of the network in terms of an underlying graph primitive, the min-mincut. In acyclic wireline networks, we show that the maximum refresh rate is achievable by a simple algorithm that is dynamic, distributed, and only dependent on local information. In the case of wireless networks, we provide a MaxWeight-like algorithm with dynamic flow splitting, which is shown to be throughput-optimal

    Q investment models, factor complementary and monopolistic competition

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    The observed fact that firms invest even if capacities are not fully employed does not fit well into most standard formalizations of optimal firm behavior. In this paper, the q investment approach is adapted to an imperfectly competitive economy where the representative firm is assumed to face demand uncertainty. Nominal rigidities and short-run factor complementarity are imposed as sufficient conditions to allow for the coexistence of investment and excess capacity. Since capacities are underemployed, marginal q is shown to diverge from average q. Finally, excess capacity subsists at steady state which makes it more than a shortrun phenomeno