448 research outputs found

    A simulation study of the use of electric vehicles as storage on the New Zealand electricity grid

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    This paper describes a simulation to establish the extent to which reliance on non-dispatchable energy sources, most typically wind generation, could in the future be extended beyond received norms, by utilizing the distributed battery capacity of an electric vehicle fleet. The notion of exploiting the distributed battery capacity of a nation’s electric vehicle fleet as grid storage is not new. However, this simulation study specifically examines the potential impact of this idea in the New Zealand context. The simulation makes use of real and projected data in relation to vehicle usage, full potential non-dispatchable generation capacity and availability, taking into account weather variation, and typical daily and seasonal patterns of usage. It differs from previous studies in that it is based on individual vehicles, rather than a bulk battery model. At this stage the analysis is aggregated, and does not take into account local or regional flows. A more detailed analysis of these localized effects will follow in subsequent stages of the simulation

    Optimization methods for developing electric vehicle charging strategies

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered to be a crucial and proactive player in the future for transport electrification, energy transition, and emission reduction, as promoted by policy-makers, relevant industries, and the academia. EV charging would account for a non-negligible share in the future electricity demand. The integration of EV brings both challenges and opportunities to the electricity system, mainly from their charging profiles. When EV charging behaviors are uncontrolled, their potentially high charging rate and synchronous charging patterns may result in the bottleneck of the grid capacity and the shortage of generation ramping capacity. However, the promising load shifting potential of EVs can alleviate these problems and even bring additional flexibilities to the demand side for further applications, such as peak shaving and the integration of renewable energy. To grasp these opportunities, novel controlled charging strategies should be developed to help integrate electric vehicles into energy systems. However, corresponding methods in current literature often have customized assumptions or settings so that they might not be practically or widely applied. Furthermore, the attention of literature is more paid to explaining the results of the methods or making consequent policy recommendations, but not sufficiently paid to demonstrating the methods themselves. The lack of the latter might undermine the credibility of the work and hinder readers’ understanding. Therefore, this thesis serves as a methodological framework in response to the fundamental and universal challenges in developing charging strategies for integrating EV into energy systems. The discussions aim to raise readers’ awareness of the essential but often unnoticed concerns in model development and hopefully would enlighten future researchers into this topic. Specifically, this cumulative thesis comprises four papers and analyzes the research topic from two perspectives. With Paper A and Paper B, the micro perspective of the thesis is more applied and focuses on the successful implementation of charging scheduling solutions for each EV individually. Paper A proposes a two-stage scenario-based stochastic linear programming model to schedule EV charging behaviors and considers the uncertainties from future EVs. The model is calculated in a rolling window fashion with updated parameters. Scenario generation for future EVs is simulated by inhomogeneous Markov chains, and scenario reduction is achieved by a fast forward selection method to reduce the computational burden. The objective function is formulated as variance minimization so that the model can be flexibly implemented for various applications. Paper B applies the model proposed in Paper A to investigate how the generation of a wind turbine could be correlated with the EV controlled charging demand. An empirical controlled charging strategy is designed for comparison where EVs would charge as much as possible when wind generation is sufficient or would postpone charging otherwise. Although these two controlled charging strategies perform similarly in terms of wind energy utilization, the solutions from the proposed model could additionally alleviate the volatility of wind energy generation by matching the EV charging curve to the electricity generation profile. With Paper C and Paper D, the macro perspective of the thesis is more explorative and investigates how EVs as a whole would contribute to energy transition or emission reduction. Paper C investigates the greenhouse gas emissions of EVs under different charging strategies in Europe in 2050. Methodologically, the paper proposes an EV module that enables different EV controlled charging strategies to be endogenously determined by energy system models. The paper concludes that EVs would contribute to a 36% emission reduction on the European level even under an uncontrolled charging strategy. Unidirectional and bidirectional controlled charging strategies could further reduce emissions by 4% and 11%, respectively, compared with the original level. As a follow-up study of Paper C, Paper D develops, demonstrates, improves, and compares three different types of EV aggregation methods for integrating an EV module into energy system models. The analysis and demonstration of these methods are achieved by having a simplified energy system model as a testbed and the results from the individual EV modeling method as the benchmark. As different EV aggregation methods share the same data set as for the individual EV modeling method, the disturbance from parameters is minimized, and the influence from mathematical formulations is highlighted. These EV aggregation methods are compared from multiple aspects

    Large Scale Integration of Electric Vehicles into the Power Grid and Its Potential Effects on Power System Reliability

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    In this thesis, the potential effects of large scale integration of electric vehicles into the power grid are discussed in both the beneficial and detrimental aspects. The literature review gives a comprehensive introduction about the existing smart charging algorithms. According to the system structure and market mechanism, the smart charging algorithms can be divided into centralized and distributed method. With the knowledge of driving patterns and charging characteristics of electric vehicles, both the centralized and decentralized smart charging algorithms are studied in this research. Based on the smart charging pricing and sequential price update mechanism, a multi-agent based distributed smart charging algorithm is used in this research to flatten the load curve and therefore mitigate the potential detrimental effects caused by uncoordinated charging. Each EV agent has some extent of intelligence to solve its own charging scheduling problem. The optimization method used in this research is the binary hybrid GSA-PSO algorithm, which combines the merits of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and gravitational search algorithm (GSA), and has very good exploration and exploitation abilities. A V2G enabled centralized smart charging algorithm is also introduced in this thesis, each EV can earn revenues by discharging power into the grid. The dominant search matrix is used to resolve the \u27\u27curse of dimensionality\u27\u27 problem existing in the centralized optimization problems. Numerical case studies show both the distributed and V2G enabled smart charging algorithms can effectively transfer the charging load from the peak load period to the load valley hours. Because of the limited integration ratio of electric vehicles, most power system reliability methods do not evaluate the charging load of EVs separately in their analytical procedures. However, with a fast increasing integration level, the potential effects of large scale integration of EVs on the power system reliability should be comprehensively evaluated. The effects of EV charging on power system reliability in the planning phase is analyzed in this research based on the RBTS. The results show the uncontrolled charging will deteriorate the reliability level while the smart charging can effectively decrease the detrimental effect. The potential application of aggregated EV providing operating reserve to the grid as a kind of ancillary service is also discussed, and the related effects on power system reliability in operating phase are calculated using the modified PJM method. The case study shows the unit commitment risk of the system can decrease to a very low level with the additional operating reserve capacity provided by aggregated EVs, which can not only improve the system\u27s reliability level but also save the cost

    Optimal electric vehicle scheduling : A co-optimized system and customer perspective

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    Electric vehicles provide a two pronged solution to the problems faced by the electricity and transportation sectors. They provide a green, highly efficient alternative to the internal combustion engine vehicles, thus reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Secondly, they bear the potential of supporting the grid as energy storage devices while incentivizing the customers through their participation in energy markets. Despite these advantages, widespread adoption of electric vehicles faces socio-technical and economic bottleneck. This dissertation seeks to provide solutions that balance system and customer objectives under present technological capabilities. The research uses electric vehicles as controllable loads and resources. The idea is to provide the customers with required tools to make an informed decision while considering the system conditions. First, a genetic algorithm based optimal charging strategy to reduce the impact of aggregated electric vehicle load has been presented. A Monte Carlo based solution strategy studies change in the solution under different objective functions. This day-ahead scheduling is then extended to real-time coordination using a moving-horizon approach. Further, battery degradation costs have been explored with vehicle-to-grid implementations, thus accounting for customer net-revenue and vehicle utility for grid support. A Pareto front, thus obtained, provides the nexus between customer and system desired operating points. Finally, we propose a transactive business model for a smart airport parking facility. This model identifies various revenue streams and satisfaction indices that benefit the parking lot owner and the customer, thus adding value to the electric vehicle --Abstract, page iv

    PV Charging and Storage for Electric Vehicles

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    Electric vehicles are only ‘green’ as long as the source of electricity is ‘green’ as well. At the same time, renewable power production suffers from diurnal and seasonal variations, creating the need for energy storage technology. Moreover, overloading and voltage problems are expected in the distributed network due to the high penetration of distributed generation and increased power demand from the charging of electric vehicles. The energy and mobility transition hence calls for novel technological innovations in the field of sustainable electric mobility powered from renewable energy. This Special Issue focuses on recent advances in technology for PV charging and storage for electric vehicles

    Modelling scenarios for enhancing the effective implementation of secure, affordable and sustainable electricity on the Greek islands

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    The Greek islands’ power system is fragmented into 29 autonomous electrical systems relying on oil-fired generators to supply 82% of their electricity demand. Local power grids are only allowed to absorb a maximum renewable energy share of approximately 30% to secure the stability of the network and avoid abrupt frequency alterations. Inevitably, fossil-fuel dominated, isolated systems lead to increased generation costs, high carbon intensity and frequent power cuts. A novel integrated methodological approach has been developed to address these challenges consisting of: I) Long and short-term modelling considering interconnections and energy storage in the form of batteries versus the current energy autonomy, using the PLEXOS integrated energy model (Energy Exemplar, 2019) for a projection horizon extending between 2020 and 2040. II) ISLA demand model (Spataru, 2013), adapted to the Greek islands (ISLA_EGI), preceded by an extensive data processing, to anticipate annual demand scenarios. The two models inform each other and support the analysis of 35 scenarios. III) The development of methods to simulate electromobility in PLEXOS considering various charging strategies. This analysis contextualises the impact of innovative technologies in providing feasible solutions on the Greek islands in line with the Energy Trilemma Index (security, affordability, sustainability). It was concluded that when combining submarine interconnections and batteries (Scenario IB.x.1.0.a), generation prices were reduced by 42% at the regional and 10% at the national level compared to a BAU scenario (A.y.1.0.a), while carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) emissions are reduced by 99% and 74% respectively. Also, power outage events are abolished. The benefits of a High-Efficiency demand scenario produced by ISLA_EGI show further reductions of 2.5% in emissions between 2020 and 2040. The results unveil that certain small, remote systems should remain autonomous, supported by battery storage. The operation of EVs highlights that primarily V2G scenarios and occasionally, scheduled unidirectional charging bring the ultimate benefits

    Wind Farms and Flexible Loads Contribution in Automatic Generation Control: An Extensive Review and Simulation

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    With the increasing integration of wind energy sources into conventional power systems, the demand for reserve power has risen due to associated forecasting errors. Consequently, developing innovative operating strategies for automatic generation control (AGC) has become crucial. These strategies ensure a real-time balance between load and generation while minimizing the reliance on operating reserves from conventional power plant units. Wind farms exhibit a strong interest in participating in AGC operations, especially when AGC is organized into different regulation areas encompassing various generation units. Further, the integration of flexible loads, such as electric vehicles and thermostatically controlled loads, is considered indispensable in modern power systems, which can have the capability to offer ancillary services to the grid through the AGC systems. This study initially presents the fundamental concepts of wind power plants and flexible load units, highlighting their significant contribution to load frequency control (LFC) as an important aspect of AGC. Subsequently, a real-time dynamic dispatch strategy for the AGC model is proposed, integrating reserve power from wind farms and flexible load units. For simulations, a future Pakistan power system model is developed using Dig SILENT Power Factory software (2020 SP3), and the obtained results are presented. The results demonstrate that wind farms and flexible loads can effectively contribute to power-balancing operations. However, given its cost-effectiveness, wind power should be operated at maximum capacity and only be utilized when there is a need to reduce power generation. Additionally, integrating reserves from these sources ensures power system security, reduces dependence on conventional sources, and enhances economic efficiency
