6 research outputs found

    Agent-oriented requirement engineering for mobile application development

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    Mobile application development is receiving much attention nowadays. With the enhancement of mobile application tools like an Android studio, etc. and kinds of online support, the development of the mobile application is getting easier. Indeed, mobile application development is not a trivial task. When given a particular problem, a novice mobile programmer will commonly sketch the mobile interface followed by coding. The rapid prototyping technique and trial from errors have led to issues such as poor domain understanding. We argue that a complete understanding of the domain is needed for mobile application development. Hence, requirements engineering is an important phase. This paper introduces a technique to assist mobile application development through Agent-Oriented Requirements Engineering (AORE). AORE consists of goal modelling to analyse and understand a mobile-based project. With goal modelling, AORE allows a modeller to identify and analyse the functionalities and non-functionalities of the system and present a holistic view of the proposed system. It showcases the services, operations and constraints of the proposed system. AORE is a useful part of the development phase and can complement current steps in mobile application development lifecycle

    User Experience Based Mobile Application Design for Boat Loaning at Marine Tourism in Indonesia

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    Boat loaning in marine tourism in Indonesia significantly impacts the continuity of tourism activities. It is because some nautical tourism destinations in Indonesia use ships as a means of transportation that cannot be separated from tourism activities. The problem is, there is a lack of information availability; for example, event information, destination, and access for boat loaning. That makes it difficult for tourists to be able to enjoy marine tourism. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to design a prototype of a mobile application that can help overcome the problem of limited information and access to marine tourism transportation, and be able to answer the needs of tourists regarding tourist information using the user experience as a design system. The user experience method will be applied in application design testing, to obtain development aspects in the ship transportation ordering application, according to user needs. The results of this study are the prototype design based on user experience. The final result shows 87.5% response agree with this prototype design. This study applies the method of boat loaning by utilising cooperation between agents and ship providers to provide Ease of access to information on marine tourism transportation to prospective tourists

    The development of a mobile application IsMind for formative students’ assessment

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    Сьогодні мобільне навчання з використанням мобільних додатків набуло широкого поширення завдяки своїй гнучкості та численним перевагам. Однак доступність мобільних додатків в освіті, особливо для оцінювання, є обмеженою і все ще залишається новою темою, незважаючи на підтвердження їх позитивного впливу на результати навчання та мотивацію студентів. Складність процесу розробки мобільних додатків, який містить визначення вимог, моделювання, проєктування, розробку, тестування та оцінювання, може бути одним з факторів, що сприяють вирішенню цієї проблеми. Це дослідження мало на меті запропонувати рекомендації щодо проєктування та розробки освітніх мобільних додатків на прикладі розробки додатка IsMind, який фокусується на формуючому оцінюванні. Еволюційне прототипування, методологія в межах гнучкого підходу життєвого циклу розробки програмного забезпечення (SDLC), було застосовано для відповідності додатка освітнім вимогам шляхом інтеграції аспектів контенту, педагогіки та технологій для забезпечення кращого викладання та вивчення матеріалу. Кожний етап еволюційного прототипування, зокрема моделі, інструменти, методи та результати, детально обговорювався. Фаза аналізу та проєктування була виконана з використанням об'єктно-орієнтованого підходу з відповідними моделями (діаграмами) для представлення функціональних вимог до мобільного додатка. Надані пояснення різних CASE-інструментів, які прискорили процес розробки програмного забезпечення на різних його етапах. Програмне забезпечення UMLet було використано для створення діаграми варіантів використання, діаграми діяльності та діаграми послідовності. Дизайн інтерфейсу користувача, який відповідав Восьми золотим правилам інтерфейсу, був розроблений за допомогою програмного забезпечення Marvel. Під час розробки використовувались Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6, Unity 3D та Microsoft Visual Studio Code (C#). Мобільний додаток пропонує різноманітні типи питань, як-от: перетягування, множинний вибір, нумерація, правильно/неправильно, на відповідність та головоломки. Апробація IsMind показала його придатність як інтерактивного засобу оцінювання під час викладання та навчання. Описано кроки для створення цього освітнього мобільного додатка для оцінювання. Запропонована методологія складається з детального опису кожного етапу, видів діяльності в його межах, методів, моделей та інструментів, а також корисних рекомендацій для тих, хто зацікавлений у розробці подібного додатка.Nowadays, mobile learning utilizing mobile applications has become widely adopted due to its flexibility and the numerous benefits it offers. However, the availability of mobile apps in education especially for assessment is limited and still an emerging topic despite the affirmation of its positive impact on students’ learning outcomes and motivation. The complexity of the mobile application development process, which includes requirement elicitation, modeling, designing, developing, testing, and evaluating, could be a contributing factor to this issue. This study aimed to propose a guideline for designing and developing an educational mobile application through the development of an application named IsMind that focuses on formative assessment. Evolutionary Prototyping, a methodology under the agile approach of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was deployed to meet the educational application requirement by integrating content, pedagogy, and technology aspects to provide better teaching and learning material. The activities within each phase of evolutionary prototyping including the models, tools, techniques, and deliverables were discussed extensively. The analysis and design phase were done using an object-oriented approach with appropriate models (diagrams) to present the functional requirement of the mobile application. Various CASE tools which accelerated the development process in various stages of software development were explained.UMLet software was employed to create a use case diagram, activity diagram, and sequence diagram. The user interface design, which followed The Eight Golden Rules of Interface, was developed utilizing Marvel software. Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6, Unity 3D, and Microsoft Visual Studio Code (C#) were utilized in the development process. The mobile application provides a variety of question types, such as Drag And Drop, Multiple Choice, Numbering, True And False, Matching, and Puzzle. The evaluation of IsMind indicated its appropriateness as an interactive teaching and learning media for assessment. The proposed steps for constructing this assessment educational mobile app. The proposed methodology consists of the details of phases, various activities within each phase, techniques, models, and tools for each activity as well as deliverables of each phase offer a helpful guideline for anyone interested in developing a similar application

    Moglie: protótipo de aplicação mobile para autogerenciamento da Diabetes Mellitus

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    Pesquisa sem auxílio de agências de fomentoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O Diabetes Mellitus (DM) é uma doença grave e crônica que acomete a milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo. Essa patologia, quando não controlada adequadamente, pode acarretar no surgimento de inúmeras comorbidades e complicações. As soluções m-Health podem ser um aliado ao tratamento, a partir da continuação de comportamentos positivos contra a doença. O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento do protótipo de um aplicativo mobile para o autogerenciamento do diabetes mellitus, contemplando os principais recursos presentes nos aplicativos existentes no mercado, com uma abordagem simples e acessível, focada no autocuidado e na usabilidade. O Rational Unified Process (RUP) foi escolhido como metodologia para implementar a solução, sendo assim, as atividades metodológicas foram organizadas dentro das fases do RUP: Concepção, Elaboração, Construção e Transição. Foi apresentado um comparativo entre os principais aplicativos usados no gerenciamento e monitoramento à Diabetes Mellitus e uma solução que engloba o maior número de funcionalidades foi desenvolvida. Todos os casos de uso definidos foram divididos em 4 iterações, e ao final de cada iteração um protótipo executável foi gerado. O trabalho focou no desenvolvimento da primeira e da segunda iteração. Os conceitos de engenharia de software e o paradigma de orientação a objetos foram explorados e utilizados na implementação do aplicativo MOGLIE, nativo para dispositivos moveis com o sistema operacional Android. Desenvolvido e testado no ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado Android Studio, o aplicativo apresenta funções como registrar glicemia, medicamentos, refeições, exercícios, criar e gerenciar lembretes, consultar índice e carga glicêmica dos alimentos, entre outros. Foram utilizados os bancos de dados SQLite para armazenamento interno no dispositivo e o Firebase Realtime Database para armazenamento de um backup na nuvem

    Exploring Strategies for Capturing Requirements for Developing ICT4D Applications

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    Some software engineers make decisions using applications designed from poorly captured user requirements. The quality of user requirements is crucial in the requirements engineering process, costing 50 times more to remedy the defects of using poorly captured user requirements. Grounded in the socialization, externalization, combination and internalization model of Nonaka theoretical framework, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies software engineers in Southern African software houses and IT departments use for capturing information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) requirements. The participants consisted of software 12 engineers who were working in Southern Africa, capturing ICT4D requirements. The data were collected using semistructured interviews. Thematic analysis was used, and four themes emerged: (a) interacting with stakeholders—socialization, (b) transforming interactive knowledge into user requirements—externalization, (c) sharing documented knowledge about user requirements—combination, and (d) applying assimilated knowledge from documented knowledge—internalization. A recommendation is for software engineers to capture their users’ needs and experiences to develop reliable ICT4D software that can assist in delivering interventions to marginalized societies. The implications for positive social change include improving the socioeconomic status of marginalized citizens with ICT4D software applications due to potentially improved requirements engineering practices

    Agent-Oriented Requirement Engineering for Mobile Application Development

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    Mobile application development is receiving much attention nowadays. With the enhancement of mobile application tools like an Android studio, etc. and kinds of online support, the development of the mobile application is getting easier. Indeed, mobile application development is not a trivial task. When given a particular problem, a novice mobile programmer will commonly sketch the mobile interface followed by coding. The rapid prototyping technique and trial from errors have led to issues such as poor domain understanding. We argue that a complete understanding of the domain is needed for mobile application development. Hence, requirements engineering is an important phase. This paper introduces a technique to assist mobile application development through Agent-Oriented Requirements Engineering (AORE). AORE consists of goal modelling to analyse and understand a mobile-based project. With goal modelling, AORE allows a modeller to identify and analyse the functionalities and non-functionalities of the system and present a holistic view of the proposed system. It showcases the services, operations and constraints of the proposed system. AORE is a useful part of the development phase and can complement current steps in mobile application development lifecycle