228 research outputs found

    Practical applications of multi-agent systems in electric power systems

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    The transformation of energy networks from passive to active systems requires the embedding of intelligence within the network. One suitable approach to integrating distributed intelligent systems is multi-agent systems technology, where components of functionality run as autonomous agents capable of interaction through messaging. This provides loose coupling between components that can benefit the complex systems envisioned for the smart grid. This paper reviews the key milestones of demonstrated agent systems in the power industry and considers which aspects of agent design must still be addressed for widespread application of agent technology to occur

    Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: State of Affairs and the Road Ahead

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    The continuous integration of software-intensive systems together with the ever-increasing computing power offer a breeding ground for intelligent agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) more than ever before. Over the past two decades, a wide variety of languages, models, techniques and methodologies have been proposed to engineer agents and MAS. Despite this substantial body of knowledge and expertise, the systematic engineering of large-scale and open MAS still poses many challenges. Researchers and engineers still face fundamental questions regarding theories, architectures, languages, processes, and platforms for designing, implementing, running, maintaining, and evolving MAS. This paper reports on the results of the 6th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2018, 14th-15th of July, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden), where participants discussed the issues above focusing on the state of affairs and the road ahead for researchers and engineers in this area

    Interaction protocols for cross-organisational workflows

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    Workflow technologies are widely used in industry and commerce to assist in the specification, execution and completion of well defined processes within organisations. As industrial and commercial relations have evolved, based on advances on information and communications technologies, cross-organisational workflow integration has become an important issue. Since organisations can have very different workflows, the creation of compatible workflows so that organisations can collaborate and/or carry out mutual transactions automatically in an integrated fashion can be a very complex and time consuming process. As a consequence, the development of technologies to support the creation and execution of compatible workflows is a most relevant issue. In the present article we introduce the JamSession coordination platform as a tool to implement cross-organisational workflow integration. JamSession is declarative and based on algebraic specification methods, and therefore workflow integration implemented using this platform can profit from formal behavioural analysis, based on which desired features and properties can be verified and/or obtained

    Promoting Increased Energy Efficiency in Smart Grids by Empowerment of Customers

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    Contributions to an anthropological approach to the cultural adaptation of migrant agents

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    This thesis proposes the use of Cultural Anthropology as a source of inspiration for solutions to the problem of adaptation of autonomous, intelligent, computational agents that migrate to societies of agents with distinctive features from the ones of the society where those agents were originally conceived. This has implications for interoperation of disparate Multi-Agent Systems. In particular, the cognitive approach to anthropology is argued to be a suitable theoretical foun-dation for this topic. Fieldwork practice in social anthropology is also indicated as an useful source of ideas. A pragmatic theory of intensionality is incorporated in this anthropological approach, resulting in a mechanism that allows agents to ascribe intensional ontologies of terms to societies that use unfamiliar means of communication; also, taxonomical relations among the terms in such ontologies can be retrieved, by means of a process inspired by the counterpart activity of ethnographers. This is presented using the Z notation for formal specification of systems, and illustrated on a set of terms from the game of cricket. Subsequently, a simulation of a game of cricket is described where one of the players is unfamiliar with the game, and therefore needs to learn the game by observing the other players. A reasonable behaviour for such a player is obtained, and the simulation offers grounds for further anthropologically-based studies. Further, a study of theories of moral sentiments is presented, and the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma is used in simulations based on those ideas. The results of the simulations show clearly the positive impact, on groups of agents, of altruistic behaviour; this can only be coherently obtained in autonomous agents by modelling emotions, which are relevant for this project as anthropologists recognise them as an essential cross-cultural link. Finally, the consequences of this project to conceptions of Distributed Artificial Intelligence are discussed

    Topologies of agents interactions in knowledge intensive multi-agentsystems for networked information services

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    Agents in a multi-agent system (mAS) could interact and cooperate in many different ways. The topology of agent interaction determines how the agents control and communicate with each other, what are the control and communication capabilities of each agent and the whole system, and how efficient the control and communications are. In consequence, the topology affects the agents’ ability to share knowledge, integrate knowledge, and make efficient use of knowledge in MAS. This paper presents an overview of four major MAS topologic models, assesses their advantages and disadvantages in terms of agent autonomy, adaptation, scalability, and efficiency of cooperation. Some insights into the applicability for each of the topologies to different environment and domain specific applications are explored. A design example of the topological models to an information service management application is attempted to illustrate the practical merits of each topology

    Archetype based intelligent system for healthcare interoperability

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    Tese doutoramento - Programa Doutoral em Engenharia BiomĂ©dicaThe healthcare arena configures an environment of both complexity and cooperation, in which numerous and distinct information systems must exchange information in a expedite and consolidated manner. Where healthcare interoperability is concerned several techniques, methodologies, architectures and standards exist. However subjects such as service distribution, fault tolerance, standards, communication flavoring and tightly-bound systems still are a major issue of concern. This work studies and researches the best methodologies to imbue intelligent behaviours combined with ontology and moral awareness into multi-agents system applied to healthcare environments. Its core objective is to propose, develop, implement and evaluate an archetype for an interoperability platform oriented towards the healthcare environment. This archetype was validated in several implementation in different major healthcare institutions. It is based in an agent framework named JADE and is adapted and oriented towards the healthcare environment. Henceforth the resulting archetype addresses the existing limitations in past and present solutions regarding healthcare interoperability. It explores the limits of intelligent behaviours in multi-agent systems applied to interoperation procedures in healthcare, towards the improvement of the reliability and quality of information exchanged.A ĂĄrea da saĂșde configura um ambiente de grande complexidade e cooperação onde inĂșmeros e distintos sistemas de informação tĂȘm que trocar informação entre si de uma forma expedita e consolidada. No Ăąmbito da interoperabilidade hospitalar existem vĂĄrias tĂ©cnicas, metodologias, arquiteturas e standards. No entanto, temas como distribuição de serviços, tolerĂąncia Ă  falha, standards, flavouring de comunicaçÔes e sistemas fortemente acoplados, continuam a ser um importante fonte de preocupação. Este trabalho estuda e pesquiza as melhores metodologias de embeber comportamentos inteligentes combinados com ontologias e noçÔes morais em sistemas multi-agentes aplicados a ambientes hospitalares. O seu objectivo principal Ă© propor, desenvolver, implementar e avaliar um arquĂ©tipo para uma plataforma de interoperabilidade orientada para o ambiente hospitalar. Este arquĂ©tipo foi validado em diferentes implementaçÔes em instituiçÔes de saĂșde portuguesas de grande dimensĂŁo. Esta plataforma Ă© baseada numa framework de agentes denominada JADE e foi adaptada e orientada para o ambiente hospitalar.. Desta forma o arquĂ©tipo resultante Ă© orientado para resolver as limitaçÔes existentes nas soluçÔes atuais de interoperabilidade hospitalar. Este explora os limites dos comportamentos inteligentes em sistemas multi-agente quando aplicados em procedimentos de interoperabilidade na ĂĄrea da saĂșde para melhorar a fiabilidade e qualidade da informação trocada entre estes sistemas
