12 research outputs found

    Eigenvector centrality and its variability over time are promising indicators of alterations in brain function due to early amyloid deposition.

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    This scientific commentary refers to 'Eigenvector centrality dynamics are related to Alzheimer's disease pathological changes in non-demented individuals', by Lorenzini et al. (https://doi.org/10.1093/braincomms/fcad088)

    Noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation modulates spatial memory in young healthy adults

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    Optimising Cognitive Enhancement: Systematic Assessment of the Effects of tDCS Duration in Older Adults

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) supports cognition and brain function in older adults but there is an absence of research to devise optimal stimulation protocols. This is the first systematic exploration into the effects of stimulation duration in the ageing population. Ten minutes of anodal stimulation significantly improved task-switching speed from baseline. Sham-control and 20 min variants did not. The findings are a vital step towards the refinement of stimulation to enhance executive function in older adults

    Brain Networks Modulation in Young and Old Subjects During Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Applied on Prefrontal and Parietal Cortex

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    Published Online 15 October 2021Evidence indicates that the transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has the potential to transiently modulate cognitive function, including age-related changes in brain performance. Only a small number of studies have explored the interaction between the stimulation sites on the scalp, task performance, and brain network connectivity within the frame of physiological aging. We aimed to evaluate the spread of brain activation in both young and older adults in response to anodal tDCS applied to two different scalp stimulation sites: Prefrontal cortex (PFC) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC). EEG data were recorded during tDCS stimulation and evaluated using the Small World (SW) index as a graph theory metric. Before and after tDCS, participants performed a behavioral task; a performance accuracy index was computed and correlated with the SW index. Results showed that the SW index increased during tDCS of the PPC compared to the PFC at higher EEG frequencies only in young participants. tDCS at the PPC site did not exert significant effects on the performance, while tDCS at the PFC site appeared to influence task reaction times in the same direction in both young and older participants. In conclusion, studies using tDCS to modulate functional connectivity and influence behavior can help identify suitable protocols for the aging brain.This work was partially supported by the Italian Ministry of Health for Institutional Research (Ricerca corrente) and by Basque Government through the BERC 2018–2021 progra

    Opposite pattern of transcranial direct current stimulation effects in middle-aged and older adults: behavioral and neurophysiological evidence

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    Introduction: Episodic memory (EM) exhibits an age-related decline, with overall increased impairment after the age of 65. The application of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to ameliorate cognitive decline in ageing has been extensively investigated, but its efficacy has been reported with mixed results. In this study, we aimed to assess whether age contributes to interindividual variability in tDCS efficacy. Methods: Thirty-eight healthy adults between 50 and 81 years old received anodal tDCS over the left prefrontal cortex during images encoding and then performed an EM recognition task while event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded. Results: Our results showed an opposite pattern of effect between middle-aged (50-64 years) and older (65-81 years) adults. Specifically, performance in the recognition task after tDCS was enhanced in older adults and was worsened in middle-aged adults. Moreover, ERPs acquired during the recognition task showed that two EM components related to familiarity and post-retrieval monitoring, i.e., Early Frontal and Late Frontal Old-New effects, respectively, were significantly reduced in middle-aged adults after anodal tDCS. Discussion: These results support an age-dependent effect of prefrontal tDCS on EM processes and its underlying electrophysiological substrate, with opposing modulatory trajectories along the aging lifespan

    Somatosensory Stimulation With XNKQ Acupuncture Modulates Functional Connectivity of Motor Areas

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    Xingnao Kaiqiao (XNKQ) acupuncture is an acupuncture technique used for stroke patients. In 24 healthy volunteers, we applied this complex acupuncture intervention, which consists of a manual needle-stimulation on five acupuncture points (DU26 unilaterally, PC6, and SP6 bilaterally). XNKQ was compared to three control conditions: (1) insertion of needles on the XNKQ acupuncture points without stimulation, (2) manual needle-stimulation on five nearby non-acupuncture points, and (3) insertion of needles on the non-acupuncture points without stimulation. In a within-subject design, we investigated functional connectivity changes in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) by means of the data-driven eigenvector centrality (EC) approach. With a 2 Ă— 2 factorial within-subjects design with two-factor stimulation (stimulation vs. non-stimulation) and location (acupuncture points vs. non-acupuncture points), we found decreased EC in the precuneus after needle-stimulation (stimulation<non-stimulation), whereas the factor location showed no statistically significant EC differences. XNKQ acupuncture compared with needle-stimulation on non-acupuncture points showed decreased EC primarily in subcortical structures such as the caudate nucleus, subthalamic nucleus, and red nucleus. Post-hoc seed-based analysis revealed that the decrease in EC was mainly driven by reduced temporal correlation to primary sensorimotor cortices. The comparison of XNKQ acupuncture with the other two (non-stimulation) interventions showed no significant differences in EC. Our findings support the importance of the stimulation component of the acupuncture intervention and hint toward the modulation of functional connectivity by XNKQ acupuncture, especially in areas involved in motor function. As a next step, similar mechanisms should be validated in stroke patients suffering from motor deficits.ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT0245390

    Investigating the neural mechanisms of transcranial direct current stimulation effects on human cognition: current issues and potential solutions

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been studied extensively for its potential to enhance human cognitive functions in healthy individuals and to treat cognitive impairment in various clinical populations. However, little is known about how tDCS modulates the neural networks supporting cognition and the complex interplay with mediating factors that may explain the frequently observed variability of stimulation effects within and between studies. Moreover, research in this field has been characterized by substantial methodological variability, frequent lack of rigorous experimental control and small sample sizes, thereby limiting the generalizability of findings and translational potential of tDCS. The present manuscript aims to delineate how these important issues can be addressed within a neuroimaging context, to reveal the neural underpinnings, predictors and mediators of tDCS-induced behavioral modulation. We will focus on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), because it allows the investigation of tDCS effects with excellent spatial precision and sufficient temporal resolution across the entire brain. Moreover, high resolution structural imaging data can be acquired for precise localization of stimulation effects, verification of electrode positions on the scalp and realistic current modeling based on individual head and brain anatomy. However, the general principles outlined in this review will also be applicable to other imaging modalities. Following an introduction to the overall state-of-the-art in this field, we will discuss in more detail the underlying causes of variability in previous tDCS studies. Moreover, we will elaborate on design considerations for tDCS-fMRI studies, optimization of tDCS and imaging protocols and how to assure high-level experimental control. Two additional sections address the pressing need for more systematic investigation of tDCS effects across the healthy human lifespan and implications for tDCS studies in age-associated disease, and potential benefits of establishing large-scale, multidisciplinary consortia for more coordinated tDCS research in the future. We hope that this review will contribute to more coordinated, methodologically sound, transparent and reproducible research in this field. Ultimately, our aim is to facilitate a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms by which tDCS modulates human cognitive functions and more effective and individually tailored translational and clinical applications of this technique in the future

    A Modular Data Analytic Pipeline for Feature Selection in High Dimensional Microbial Data Sets

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    The demand on the global food supply is ever increasing. With a finite amount of land to grow crops, soil health is crucial to ensuring a continued reliable food supply. Understanding how soil microbiomes affect plant growth has proven difficult in part because of the sheer number of microbes per gram of soil. This challenge is akin to the “large p, small n” problem in statistics. We have proposed a pipeline to analyze data of this nature with the help of network analysis. Networks, which are commonly referred to in computer science as graphs, are sets of nodes and edges. For the experiments in this thesis, the nodes represent microbes and edges represent their relationships with one another. These relationships are determined by calculating pairwise correlations on the data set. The data used to test the pipeline is an Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) abundance table, where columns are OTUs and rows are the samples. Four types of network centralities have been implemented and are used to measure the “importance” of a microbe. Each of these centralities have different interpretations for how to quantify importance. A sensitivity analysis was performed on a smooth brome invasion dataset using the pipeline. This analysis explored the implications of varying the pipeline parameters, with respect to performance and result consistency. The trade-offs of the parameters are discussed as it is recognized that different users may value different features. This pipeline has been used as part of an application that successfully detected microbes that responded to externalities regardless of abundance

    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Use in Warfighting: Benefits, Risks, and Future Prospects

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique which provides unique potential to directly improve human capability on a temporary, at needs, basis. The purpose of this paper is to consider the utility of tDCS through analysis of the potential risks and benefits in the context of defence service personnel. First, we look at the potential benefits, focusing primarily on warfighter survivability and enriching cognition quality in support of command and control. Second, we look at the potential detriments to tDCS military use, focusing on adverse effects, safety considerations, and risk. Third, we examine how the level of risk can be mitigated through military doctrine development focusing on safety parameters and exclusion criteria. Finally, we explore the future prospects of military tDCS use, particularly in terms of addressing gaps in the literature so that tDCS can be used ethically and efficaciously at the level of individual personnel

    Investigating the neural substrates of gambling disorder using multiple neuromodulation and neuroimaging approaches

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    Introduction : Le trouble du jeu de hasard et d'argent (GD) est caractérisé par un comportement de jeu inadapté qui interfère avec les activités personnelles ou professionnelles. Ce trouble psychiatrique est difficile à traiter avec les thérapies actuelles et les rechutes sont fréquentes. Les symptômes dépressifs et cognitifs (e.g., l'impulsivité), ainsi que le "craving" (désir intense de jouer) sont des facteurs prédictifs de rechutes. Une meilleure compréhension des substrats neuronaux et leurs significations cliniques pourraient mener au développement de nouveaux traitements. La stimulation transcrânienne à courant direct (tDCS) pourrait être l'un de ceux-ci car elle permet de cibler des circuits neuronaux spécifiques. De plus, la tDCS ciblant le cortex dorsolatéral préfrontal (DLPFC) pourrait améliorer les symptômes dépressifs et cognitifs et réduire le craving. Cependant, les effets précis de la tDCS sur la fonction cérébrale, ainsi que leurs significations cliniques, demeurent à être élucidés. Par ailleurs, étant donné que les patients avec GD présentent souvent des différences morphométriques par rapport aux individus en santé, il est possible de faire l'hypothèse que la morphométrie cérébrale influence les effets de la tDCS. Objectifs : Ce travail avait trois objectifs principaux. Le premier objectif était d'explorer s'il y avait des associations entre les substrats neuronaux et les symptômes cliniques et cognitifs. Le deuxième objectif était d'examiner les effets de la tDCS sur la fonction cérébrale. Le troisième objectif était d'explorer si la morphométrie du site de stimulation (DLPFC) pouvait influencer les effets de la tDCS sur les substrats neuronaux. Méthode : Nous avons réalisé quatre études différentes. Dans la première étude, nous avons mesuré la morphométrie cérébrale en utilisant l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) structurelle. Nous avons mesuré les corrélations entre la morphométrie et les symptômes cliniques (dépression, sévérité et durée du GD) et cognitifs (impulsivité). De plus, nous avons comparé la morphométrie des patients à celui d'une base de données normative (individus en santé) en contrôlant pour plusieurs facteurs comme l'âge. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons mesuré la fonction cérébrale (connectivité fonctionnelle) des patients avec l'IRM fonctionnelle. Nous avons examiné s'il y avait des liens entre la connectivité fonctionnelle et les symptômes cognitifs (impulsivité et prise de risque) et cliniques (sévérité et durée du GD). Dans la troisième étude, nous avons étudié les effets de la tDCS sur la connectivité fonctionnelle et si la morphométrie du DLPFC pouvait influencer ces effets. Dernièrement, dans la quatrième étude, nous avons examiné si la morphométrie du DLPFC pouvait influencer les effets de la tDCS sur la neurochimie (avec la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique). Résultats : Nous avons démontré deux corrélations positives entre la superficie du cortex occipital et les symptômes dépressifs (étude I). Nous avons également mis en évidence une corrélation positive entre la connectivité fonctionnelle d'un réseau occipital et l'impulsivité (étude II). De plus, il y avait une corrélation positive entre la connectivité fonctionnelle de ce réseau et la sévérité du GD. Par ailleurs, il y avait des corrélations positives entre la connectivité fonctionnelle de l'opercule frontal droit et la prise de risque (étude II). En outre, la connectivité fonctionnelle d'un réseau cérébelleux était corrélée avec les symptômes dépressifs (étude II). Les patients avaient aussi plusieurs différences morphométriques par rapport aux individus en santé (cortex occipital, préfrontal, etc.). Nous avons démontré également que la tDCS appliquée sur le DLPFC a augmenté la connectivité fonctionnelle d'un réseau fronto-pariétal (étude III). Finalement, cette thèse a montré que la morphométrie du DLPFC influence les augmentations induites par la tDCS sur la connectivité fonctionnelle du réseau fronto-pariétal (étude III) et le niveau de GABA frontal (étude IV). Conclusions : Cette thèse démontre une importance clinique potentielle pour les régions occipitales, frontales et cérébelleuses, particulièrement pour les patients ayant des symptômes dépressifs ou cognitifs. De plus, elle montre que la tDCS peut renforcer le fonctionnement d'un réseau fronto-pariétal connu pour son rôle dans les fonctions exécutives. Il reste à déterminer si un plus grand nombre de sessions pourrait apporter des bénéfices cliniques additionnels afin d'aider les patients à résister le jeu. Finalement, les résultats de cette thèse suggèrent que la morphométrie des régions sous les électrodes pourrait aider à identifier les meilleurs candidats pour la tDCS et pourrait être considéré pour la sélection des cibles de stimulation.Introduction: Gambling disorder (GD) is characterised by maladaptive gambling behaviour that interferes with personal or professional activities. This psychiatric disorder is difficult to treat with currently available treatments and relapse rates are high. Several factors can predict relapse, including depressive and cognitive (e.g., impulsivity, risk taking) symptoms, in addition to craving (strong desire to gamble). A better understanding of neural substrates and their clinical significance could help develop new treatments. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) might be one of these since it can target specific neural circuits. In addition, tDCS targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) could improve depressive and cognitive symptoms as well as reduce craving. However, the precise effects of tDCS on brain function, as well as their clinical significance, remain to be elucidated. Furthermore, considering that patients with GD often display morphometric differences as compared to healthy individuals, it may be worth investigating whether brain morphometry influences the effects of tDCS. Objectives: This work had three main objectives. The first objective was to explore whether there were associations between neural substrates and clinical and cognitive symptoms. The second objective was to examine the effects of tDCS on brain function. The third objective was to explore whether morphometry of the stimulation site (DLPFC) influenced the effects of tDCS on neural substrates. Methods: We carried out four different studies. In the first study, we investigated brain morphometry using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We tested for correlations between morphometry and clinical symptoms (depression, GD severity, GD duration) and cognitive symptoms (impulsivity). In addition, we compared the morphometry of patients with GD to that of a normative database (healthy individuals) while controlling for several factors such as age. In a second study, we assessed brain function (functional connectivity) in patients with functional MRI (fMRI). We examined whether there were associations between brain function and cognitive symptoms (impulsivity and risk taking) as well as clinical symptoms (GD severity and duration). In the third study, we examined tDCS-induced effects on brain function and whether morphometry of the DLPFC influenced these effects. Lastly, in the fourth study, we examined whether DLPFC morphometry influenced tDCS-induced effects on neurochemistry (using magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging). Results: Firstly, we found two positive correlations between surface area of the occipital cortex and depressive symptoms (study I). We also showed a positive correlation between functional connectivity of an occipital network and impulsivity (study II). In addition, there was a positive correlation between functional connectivity of this network and GD severity (study II). In addition, there were positive correlations between functional connectivity of the right frontal operculum and risk-taking (study II). Also, functional connectivity of a cerebellar network was positively correlated with depressive symptoms (study II). Moreover, patients with GD had several morphometric differences as compared to healthy individuals (occipital and prefrontal cortices, etc.). Furthermore, we observed that tDCS over the DLPFC increased functional connectivity of a fronto-parietal circuit during stimulation (study III). Lastly, this thesis indicated that DLPFC morphometry influenced tDCS-induced elevations on fronto-parietal functional connectivity (study III) and frontal GABA levels (study IV). Conclusions: This thesis suggests the potential clinical relevance of occipital, frontal, and cerebellar regions, particularly for those with depressive and cognitive symptoms. It also indicates that tDCS can strengthen the functioning of a fronto-parietal network known to be implicated in executive functions. It remains to be seen whether a greater number of tDCS sessions could lead to clinical benefits to help patients resist gambling. Finally, the results of this thesis suggest that morphometry of the regions under the electrodes might help predict better candidates for tDCS and could be considered to select stimulation targets