31 research outputs found

    Factors effective on Familiarity and Usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Iran

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    AbstractIn today's world, professionals with little or no knowledge of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have a much more difficult task before them in comparison to co-workers at the same level but with a reasonable knowledge of ICT. To insure an effective competitive status in educational organizations, and universities there is a need to improve the ability of such organizations to improve consistently their ICT capabilities. The main goals of the research have been to determine the level of Familiarity and Usage of university college of Agriculture and Natural resources, University of Tehran's staff members (Faculty and Experts). A researcher's made questionnaire was used. The sample population based on Cochran's formula has been 124 staff members and the reliability of the questionnaire was approved by experts’ opinion and the validity was approved by calculating the Cronbach's alpha which has been 0.95. The results indicated that the areas of familiarity of most of the members was more of public websites, for example search engines such as Yahoo and Google, and largely used software like Microsoft Office Word, and the University of Tehran's e-office system. There was a positive relationship between the level of ICT usage and field of education and academic ranking, and negatively related to work experience, and there was no correlation to age. The results of mean analysis showed a difference between the amount of usage of and familiarity with ICT between men and women and the variance analysis results showed that the amount of familiarity with and usage of ICT is different between different levels of education, academic ranks and different types of employment. Regression analysis showed that the three variables of level of education, type of employment and age had a meaningful effect on the dependent variable of amount of familiarity with organizational ICT, and the three variables of familiarity, type of employment and gender had a meaningful effect on the dependent variable of the level of usage of organizational ICT. In general familiarity with organizational ICT is the most important factor effecting organization usage of ICT opportunities

    Technophobia as a factor of digital divide

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    Danas se nalazimo u vremenu ubrzanog razvoja tehnologije koja nam donosi dobre i loše promjene. Neke od loših promjena na koje razvoj tehnologije utječe je digitalna podjela, koja dijeli osobe na one koji imaju mogućnost korištenja tehnologije i one koji tu mogućnost nemaju. Nadalje, postoje i oni koji iz određenih razloga odbijaju koristiti tehnologiju. Takva pojava ima i svoj nazivtehnofobija. Postoji niz različitih razloga zašto osobe odbijaju koristiti blagodati koje nam nudi današnje vrijeme i razvoj tehnologije. Najčešći razlog odbijanja korištenja je starost korisnika, odnosno osobe starije životne dobi slabije koriste tehnologiju od onih mlađih, zatim stupanj obrazovanja korisnika te strah od štete koja bi mogla biti načinjena na tehnologiji. U teorijskom dijelu rada polazi se od povijesnog razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije koji doprinio podjelama u društvu, zatim se razrađuje sama digitalna podjela te potom tehnofobija i što ona obuhvaća. Instrument istraživanja bio je upitnik putem kojeg je ispitano 260 osoba o njihovim načinima korištenja računala, Interneta, mobitela i pametnih telefona (smartphon-a), te kakvi su njihovi stavovi o tehnologiji. Analizom rezultata potvrđeno je da osobe starije životne dobi iskazuju strah prema tehnologiji, te osobe s manje iskustva iskazuju više strah prema tehnologiji, no kod stupnja obrazovanja ispitanika taj strah nije izražen. Iz dobivenih rezultata još možemo zaključiti da se žene više koriste tehnologijom nego muškarci, takve rezultate možemo pripisati tome da se žene sve više okreću karijeri, a manje zasnivanju obitelji, što uvelike doprinosi povećanju ženskih korisnika tehnologije

    Technophobia as a factor of digital divide

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    Danas se nalazimo u vremenu ubrzanog razvoja tehnologije koja nam donosi dobre i loše promjene. Neke od loših promjena na koje razvoj tehnologije utječe je digitalna podjela, koja dijeli osobe na one koji imaju mogućnost korištenja tehnologije i one koji tu mogućnost nemaju. Nadalje, postoje i oni koji iz određenih razloga odbijaju koristiti tehnologiju. Takva pojava ima i svoj nazivtehnofobija. Postoji niz različitih razloga zašto osobe odbijaju koristiti blagodati koje nam nudi današnje vrijeme i razvoj tehnologije. Najčešći razlog odbijanja korištenja je starost korisnika, odnosno osobe starije životne dobi slabije koriste tehnologiju od onih mlađih, zatim stupanj obrazovanja korisnika te strah od štete koja bi mogla biti načinjena na tehnologiji. U teorijskom dijelu rada polazi se od povijesnog razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije koji doprinio podjelama u društvu, zatim se razrađuje sama digitalna podjela te potom tehnofobija i što ona obuhvaća. Instrument istraživanja bio je upitnik putem kojeg je ispitano 260 osoba o njihovim načinima korištenja računala, Interneta, mobitela i pametnih telefona (smartphon-a), te kakvi su njihovi stavovi o tehnologiji. Analizom rezultata potvrđeno je da osobe starije životne dobi iskazuju strah prema tehnologiji, te osobe s manje iskustva iskazuju više strah prema tehnologiji, no kod stupnja obrazovanja ispitanika taj strah nije izražen. Iz dobivenih rezultata još možemo zaključiti da se žene više koriste tehnologijom nego muškarci, takve rezultate možemo pripisati tome da se žene sve više okreću karijeri, a manje zasnivanju obitelji, što uvelike doprinosi povećanju ženskih korisnika tehnologije

    Pengaruh Cyberloafing Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Self Control Sebagai Variable Moderasi

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    The term cyberloafing is used to describe the voluntary act of employees using their company's Internet access for non-work-related purposes during working hours. Some examples of cyberloafing behavior by employees are online shopping, browsing, browsing social media, looking for work, sending and receiving personal emails, and downloading files that are not related to work. Cyberloafing has a significant positive effect on employee performance at the Surakarta State Property and Auction Service Office, so it can be concluded that the higher the level of cyberloafing carried out by employees, the better the employee performance, and conversely the lower the level of cyberloafing carried out by employees, the employee's performance will decrease. Self control moderates the relationship between cyberloafing on the performance of employees of the Surakarta State Wealth Service Office and Auction, with a significant negative effect, so it can be concluded that the higher the level of cyberloafing carried out by employees will reduce employee self control thereby reducing employee performance, and vice versa, the lower the level of cyberloafing carried out by employees will increase self-control so that employee performance will also increase

    Understanding User Intentions To Download Games On Mobile Phones: Technology Adoption And User Demographic Perspective

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    In recent years, various forms of mobile technology based hedonic services are emerging. As this is a relatively new and unexplored practice which seems to be more popular among young generation, there is a need to examine its acceptance among student community who use mobile phones for many purposes including entertainment. We thus report a study which examines a segment of the Australian students‟ acceptance of downloading games on their mobile phones using Technology Adoption Model as a theoretical lens. We further highlight the role of student demographic characteristics on their perceptions. The implications of our findings are discussed

    Gender Differences Among Online Shopping Factors in Pakistan

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    Pakistan is a huge consumer market, where very little is known about the aspects of consumers in online shopping environment. Consumer demographics such as gender are important factors in determining behaviour of individuals towards online shopping. This study finds relationships between gender and online shopping factors in Pakistan. With a survey sample of 286 respondents from various disciplines, exploratory factor analysis was used as an extraction method on the items of the proposed latent variables. MANOVA was then conducted to find gender differences among online shopping factors. Findings showed that shopping patterns differed between genders due to the influence of online shopping factors. This research may facilitate national and multinational organisations to streamline e-tailing strategies in order to gain business opportunities in emerging markets such as Pakistan

    Examination of factors influencing employees’ adoption of mobile commerce and services in Turkey

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    This study first reviews and discusses mobile technology issues from a global perspective, and then investigates the impact of demographic (gender, age, income), personal (ICT experience, work experience), and organisational (sector) factors related to employees on adopting mobile commerce (m-commerce) and mobile services (m-services). A survey is conducted among employees from government- and private-sector organisations for this purpose, assuming that this group plays an important role in helping to adopt new technologies in societies. Based on this survey, the results indicate that gender, experience, and sector have an impact on attitude towards using m-technologies and that such attitude has a significant effect on the actual use of m-technologies

    Influence of education levels on dissemination of soil fertility management information in the central highlands of Kenya

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    Inadequate links between researchers and farmers has resulted in low uptake of research advances recommended to improve food security in the central highlands of Kenya. Access to timely and accurate information by extension agents and farmers is paramount in dissemination of soil fertility management practices. Hence, the study sought to investigate the effect of education levels on communication channels used to disseminate soil fertility technologies in the Central highlands of Kenya. Questionnaires were used to elicit information from 105 extension agents and 240 farmers. About 50.5% of the extension officers were certificate holders while 29.5% were diploma holders from agricultural institutes. Majority of the farmers had attained primary education (59.6%) while 25.8% and 9.2% had attained secondary and post secondary education, respectively. Research institutions were the most accessible sources of information on soil fertility management practices by extension agents while internet and scientific conferences were the least scored as accessible sources of soil fertility management information by extension agents. Education levels significantly influenced preference of individual approach methods by farmers. There was a significant positive relationship between education and accessibility of internet as a source of information on green manure. The implication of the study was that education levels influenced the mode of communication used in the transfer of soil fertility research outputs to the end users. Consequently, it is extremely important to consider education levels in selection of dissemination pathways used in agriculture

    Perception des TIC dans l'entreprise : les seniors et la fracture numérique.

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    Compte tenu du vieillissement de la population française qui va s’accélérer dans les prochaines années, de la nouvelle réforme des retraites allongeant la durée de l’activité professionnelle, l’intégration des seniors dans l’entreprise apparaît comme une problématique phare pour les managers. Parallèlement le développement des TIC (technologies de l’information et de la communication) dans les entreprises confère à cette question une importance et une acuité croissantes. Les résultats d’une étude empirique portant sur plus de 10000 personnes dont 815 seniors 1 mettent en évidence des différences de perception significatives entre les plus et les moins de 50 ans dont les conséquences managériales sont susceptibles d’être importantes.Considering the ageing of the French population, the extension of the working life and the new reform of pensions, the seniors’ integration in the firms appears as a major managerial topic. Besides the development of the information and communication technologies in the organizations imparts the subject an increasing significance. The result of a survey on 10000 persons and 815 seniors points out significative differences of perception between the young and the seniors. Their managerial consequences might be important.numeric fracture; perception of information technology; fracture numérique; perception TIC; Senior;

    Employee benefit status from e-employee service

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    The internet is the one of the most important global network and information source in information age. The internet has changed employee’s life enormously. The purpose of this study is to clarify the benefitting situations of employees from e-employee services. For this purpose, a 20-item data collection tool, based on the e-employee services put forward by the Information Council Turkey was developed. Maintained measurement tool was applied on 515 employees residing different regions and provinces of Turkey in the 2014 academic year. As a result, it was observed that employees benefitted from social, health and education oriented services of e-employee at “medium frequency”, whereas they “rarely” benefitted from the economic-oriented services of e-employee. It was found that women used e-employee services more than men. 30-year of age and younger people used e-employee services more often than older people. In addition, those who have higher incomes use e-employee services more frequently than those who have medium or low incomes. Those working in education and finance sectors benefit from the e-employee services more often than those in other sectors