227 research outputs found

    MATASCI (Damiano), BANDEIRA JERÓNIMO (Miguel) et GONÇALVES DORES (Hugo) (dir.), Repenser la « mission civilisatrice ». L’éducation dans le monde colonial et postcolonial au XXe siècle

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    Avec ce nouvel ouvrage collectif, Damiano Matasci, Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo et Hugo Gonçalves Dores poursuivent leur travail de renouvellement des recherches en histoire de l’éducation en contexte colonial. En 2020 et 2021, les mêmes historiens avaient déjà dirigé l’ouvrage Education and Development in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa. Policies, Paradigms, and Entanglements, 1890s-1980s et le dossier « Imperialism, internationalism, and education in Africa: connected histories » dans la revue..

    Palaeolimnological evidence for an east-west climate see-saw in the Mediterranean since AD 900

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    During the period of instrumental records, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) has strongly influenced inter-annual precipitation variations in the western Mediterranean, while some eastern parts of the basin have shown an anti-phase relationship in precipitation and atmospheric pressure. Here we explore how the NAO and other atmospheric circulation modes operated over the longer timescales of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and Little Ice Age (LIA). High-resolution palaeolimnological evidence from opposite ends of the Mediterranean basin, supplemented by other palaeoclimate data, is used to track shifts in regional hydro-climatic conditions. Multiple geochemical, sedimentological, isotopic and palaeoecological proxies from Estanya and Montcortés lakes in northeast Spain and Nar lake in central Turkey have been cross-correlated at decadal time intervals since AD 900. These dryland lakes capture sensitively changes in precipitation/evaporation (P/E) balance by adjustments in water level and salinity, and are especially valuable for reconstructing variability over decadal-centennial timescales. Iberian lakes show lower water levels and higher salinities during the 11th to 13th centuries synchronous with the MCA and generally more humid conditions during the 'LIA' (15th-19th centuries). This pattern is also clearly evident in tree-ring records from Morocco and from marine cores in the western Mediterranean Sea. In the eastern Mediterranean, palaeoclimatic records from Turkey, Greece and the Levant show generally drier hydro-climatic conditions during the LIA and a wetter phase during the MCA. This implies that a bipolar climate see-saw has operated in the Mediterranean for the last 1100. years. However, while western Mediterranean aridity appears consistent with persistent positive NAO state during the MCA, the pattern is less clear in the eastern Mediterranean. Here the strongest evidence for higher winter season precipitation during the MCA comes from central Turkey in the northeastern sector of the Mediterranean basin. This in turn implies that the LIA/MCA hydro-climatic pattern in the Mediterranean was determined by a combination of different climate modes along with major physical geographical controls, and not by NAO forcing alone, or that the character of the NAO and its teleconnections have been non-stationary. © 2011 Elsevier B.V

    SOAS Arbitration in Africa Survey Report: Africa-connected Arbitration Perspectives on Major Global Issues

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    Unlisted Property Funds and the Emerging Property Markets

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    This paper sets out to describe the changing nature of global property investment, to provide background information regarding the nature of unlisted property funds and their managers and investors, and especially the role played by unlisted property funds in facilitating cross-border investing. In particular, it focuses on the development of unlisted funds as intermediary structures carrying institutional capital from developed to developing markets. It presents the results of new research by UK research firm Property Funds Research (PFR) and the University of Reading which explores the extent to which this new vehicle has been effective in delivering capital to emerging markets. The research relates the number of funds targetting particular countries and to population and GDP per capita. It finds that there is a very strong relationship between the popularity of a country for investment through this vehicle format and these independent variables. More interesting, perhaps, is the identification of outlier countries where the amount of investment is significantly less - or greater - than that predicted by population and GDP per capita.unlisted property funds, developing and emerging markets

    Between Africa and India: Thinking comparatively across the western

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    Scholarship on the Indian Ocean is generally comparative in its approach. In this paper, we draw from our research experiences on the Swahili and Gujarati coasts in order to discuss some of the epistemological consequences of comparison for the ways in which East Africa and Western India have been understood. We critically examine the frames and terms of comparison in the work of the historian Thomas Metcalf and the anthropologists A.H.J. Prins, Helene Basu and David F. Pocock. We suggest that the personal journeys of scholars, as well as the sources they use, have profoundly influenced the ways in which they have been able to write and problematize their own material

    Analysis of Digital Legal Acceptance based on the Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3)

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    This study aims to analyze the acceptance of the PeduliLindungi application from a public perspective using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) concept. The government requires the PeduliLindung application to track community activities through the Decree of the Minister of Communication and Informatics No. 171 of 2020. The Indonesian government hopes that this application records the mobility of infected patients and becomes a solution to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. However, PeduliLindungi is a new application that developed after the pandemic. Thus, the user acceptance of this app is questionable. This is a survey analysis from 102 respondents using Structural Equation Model-PLS. The results found that perceived usefulness, system failure, and social influences affect the user intent of the PeduliLindungi app while perceived ease of use is not. This app was applicable to record individual movement as virus prevention in the future. This is a contribution to theory and practice in economics and business. In theory, this research provides a new and more comprehensive view of fundamental human behaviour idea. In practice, this research is able to measure the effectiveness of government regulations in responding to an unexpected global crisisKeywords: Behavioral Intention, Technology Acceptance Model, PeduliLindungi Ap

    European Union (EU)-China-Africa Triangular Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative: The Way Forward

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    The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) offers a platform for trans-regional cooperation, connects Asia and Europe with Africa, strengthens European Union (EU)-China-Africa triangular cooperation and provides development opportunities for the African countries. In the region of Africa, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is perceived as a mechanism for interregional dialogue with concrete results in the areas of peace, security, infrastructure, sustainable development and in assisting African states to achieve the SDG’s. The trilateral cooperation is enriched by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) for a deeper economic integration and for promoting regional security in Africa

    An empirical assessment of trade engagement: linking China, Africa and the Belt and Road initiative

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    Dentro y fuera, comunidad y conflicto: las experiencias transnacionales de Elizabeth Cecil Wilson como educadora americana progresista

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    This essay takes a feminist educational biographical approach to the transnational life and work of the American educator Elizabeth Cecil Wilson (1913-1994). Central to this interpretation is the way in which Wilson’s life exemplifies the concept of “internal exile” as a result of her transnational movements in China, Korea, and the United States. Wilson’s early experiences with internationalism, all-women’s education and American progressive education shaped her interpretation of her later work in educational administration, leading her to develop a unique perspective about being both an “insider” and an “outsider” in her world. Raised in a variety of close and strongly identified communities, in her later professional life she experienced a sense of isolation and displacement in the structured hierarchical environments of international organizations and American state school systems. Late in life, she articulated this challenge in feminism when she argued for women’s inclusion in formal educational leadership.Este ensayo aborda desde una perspectiva biográfica educativa feminista la vida y el trabajo transnacional de la educadora norteamericana Elizabeth Cecil Wilson (1913-1994). Se hace central en esta  interpretación el modo en que la vida de Wilson ejemplifica el concepto de «exilio interior », como el resultado de sus movimientos transnacionales a China, Korea y Estados Unidos. Las prontas experiencias con el internacionalismo, la educación progresiva norteamericana y la educación de las mujeres dieron forma a su postrero trabajo de interpretación, llevándola al desarrollo de una única visión desde «dentro» y desde «fuera» en su mundo. Crecida en una variedad de comunidades cerradas y de fuerte identidad, experimentó en la última parte de su vida profesional un sentido de aislamiento y desplazamiento en entornos de estructuras jerárquicas de organizaciones internacional y de los sistemas escolares estatales americanos. Al final de su vida articuló este desafío en el feminismo cuando argumentó la inclusión de las mujeres en el liderazgo educativo formal