66,881 research outputs found

    Horizon Report 2009

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    El informe anual Horizon investiga, identifica y clasifica las tecnologías emergentes que los expertos que lo elaboran prevén tendrån un impacto en la enseñanza aprendizaje, la investigación y la producción creativa en el contexto educativo de la enseñanza superior. También estudia las tendencias clave que permiten prever el uso que se harå de las mismas y los retos que ellos suponen para las aulas. Cada edición identifica seis tecnologías o pråcticas. Dos cuyo uso se prevé emergerå en un futuro inmediato (un año o menos) dos que emergerån a medio plazo (en dos o tres años) y dos previstas a mås largo plazo (5 años)

    SPEC Kit 356 Diversity and Inclusion

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    Today, diversity is defined beyond racial and ethnic groups and includes gender, sexual orientation, ability, language, religious belief, national origin, age, and ideas. The increase of published literature about cultural competencies, microaggressions, and assessment of diversity issues, as well as the inclusion of social justice movements in libraries, suggests diversity-related activities have increased and evolved over the last seven years. Over this time span, several libraries have obtained funding to support strategies to increase the number of minority librarians on their staff and support their advancement within the organization. There also appears to be an increase in the number of diversity or multicultural groups at the local, state, and national levels. However, these changes have not been consistently documented. Therefore, it is important to re-examine this topic to evaluate the impact of evolving endeavors, to see if more ARL libraries are involved, to see how diversity plans have changed over the years, and to document the current practices of research libraries. The main purpose of this survey was to identify diversity trends and changes in managing diversity issues in ARL libraries through exploring the components of diversity plans and initiatives since 2010, acknowledge library efforts since the 1990s, provide evidence of best practices and future trends, and identify current strategies that increase the number of minority librarians in research libraries and the types of programs that foster a diverse workplace and climate. The survey was conducted between May 1 and June 5, 2017. Sixty-eight of the 124 ARL member institutions responded to the survey for a 55% response rate. Interestingly, only 22 of the respondents to the 2010 SPEC survey participated in this survey, but this provides an opportunity to explore the diversity and inclusion efforts of a new set of institutions in addition to seeing what changes those 22 institutions have made since 2010. The SPEC Survey on Diversity and Inclusion was designed by Toni Anaya, Instruction Coordinator, and Charlene Maxey-Harris, Research and Instructional Services Chair, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. These results are based on responses from 68 of the 124 ARL member libraries (55%) by the deadline of June 12, 2017. The survey’s introductory text and questions are reproduced below, followed by the response data and selected comments from the respondents. The purpose of this survey is to explore the components of diversity plans created since 2010, identify current recruitment and retention strategies that aim to increase the number of minority librarians in research libraries, identify staff development programs that foster an inclusive workplace and climate, identify how diversity programs have changed, and gather information on how libraries assess these efforts

    Special Libraries, September 1969

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    Volume 60, Issue 7https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1969/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Passengers as Drivers of Innovation in Public Transport Planning? Conceptual Issue and Experiences

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    According to economic theory, market forces guarantee efficiency and customer orientation. But in public transport, such a market often does not exist, given that most services are provided under licenses which guarantee the operator an exclusive right to provide the service, thus evidently limiting customer choice. Public transport services are also subject to intense political influences. The paper examines the position of passengers as stakeholders in transport planning and policy. After the introduction, the main elements of the passengers’ interests are presented. The main part discusses the role and scope of citizens’ participation in urban and transport planning. A series of case studies illustrates different, more or less formalised, approaches to participation as well as typical planning issues for public transport development. In the Italian context, the Carta dei Servizi and the activities of consumer associations and civic action committees are the most noteworthy forms of involvement. The examples demonstrate that different methods can be used to permit a greater role of the citizens in planning. An unbalanced approach, one which takes place at the wrong time or is not respected by the other stakeholders, however, is likely to be seen as an obstacle and cause for frustration. Well-designed participation can, on the other hand, lead to better and more accepted planning schemes. To achieve this, it is necessary to choose the necessary methods with caution, considering the topic, environment and the setting of the scheme in the wider planning and decision-making process.Public transport, participation, civic involvement, consumer organisations, user representation, transport planning, transport policy, timetable procedure, Carta dei Servizi, Citizens Jury, consultative forum, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom

    All-Payer Claims Database Development Manual: Establishing a Foundation for Health Care Transparency and Informed Decision Making

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    With support from the Gary and Mary West Health Policy Center, the APCD Council has developed a manual for states to develop all-payer claims databases. Titled All-Payer Claims Database Development Manual: Establishing a Foundation for Health Care Transparency and Informed Decision Making, the manual is a first-of its-kind resource that provides states with detailed guidance on common data standards, collection, aggregation and analysis involved with establishing these databases

    The Digitalisation of African Agriculture Report 2018-2019

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    An inclusive, digitally-enabled agricultural transformation could help achieve meaningful livelihood improvements for Africa’s smallholder farmers and pastoralists. It could drive greater engagement in agriculture from women and youth and create employment opportunities along the value chain. At CTA we staked a claim on this power of digitalisation to more systematically transform agriculture early on. Digitalisation, focusing on not individual ICTs but the application of these technologies to entire value chains, is a theme that cuts across all of our work. In youth entrepreneurship, we are fostering a new breed of young ICT ‘agripreneurs’. In climate-smart agriculture multiple projects provide information that can help towards building resilience for smallholder farmers. And in women empowerment we are supporting digital platforms to drive greater inclusion for women entrepreneurs in agricultural value chains
