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    A new methodology using beam elements for the analysis of steel frames subjected to non-uniform temperatures due to fires

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    [EN] Non-uniform heating in structures under fire involves the appearance of 3D-phenomena and typically requires the use of complex models built with finite elements shell or solid. Although different procedures have been developed to model the complex thermo-mechanical phenomenon, there is no simple, accurate, and low-cost computational methodology involving the space-time variation of the temperature and displacement fields that opens the path advancing more easily towards modeling more complex structural problems in a fire situation. To overcome this knowledge-gap, this paper presents a new methodology that fulfills those conditions, making it possible to carry out more complex analyses that require many simulations in a short time and at low computational costs. The new methodology to obtain the thermo-mechanical response to non-uniform heating and mechanical loads is general, simple, accurate, and avoids using complex and high-cost finite elements, simplifying the structural modeling, and reducing the computational analysis cost. As a result, complex structural fire engineering problems such as probabilistic and optimization analysis can be handled much more easily, representing a significant step toward the generalized application of performance-based approaches to deal with fire effects on structures. The procedure uses simple but advanced TimoshenkoÂżs beam-type finite elements and represents the non-uniform temperature space-time field through a mean value of the temperature and the two mean values of the section thermal gradients which are variable in time during the fire. The methodology is satisfactorily validated with results (experimental and numerical) of the Cardington frame test and captures 3D-phenomena such as buckling, flexural-torsional buckling, and warping.Thanks are due to the FundaciĂłn Carolina, the Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia, and the Universidad Surcolombiana for the support given to this research through the 2018-2019 Ph.D. scholarship.Pallares-Muñoz, MR.; Paya-Zaforteza, I.; Hospitaler PĂ©rez, A. (2021). A new methodology using beam elements for the analysis of steel frames subjected to non-uniform temperatures due to fires. Structures. 31:462-483. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2021.02.008S46248331Shan, S., & Li, S. (2020). Fire-induced progressive collapse mechanisms of steel frames with partial infill walls. Structures, 25, 347-359. doi:10.1016/j.istruc.2020.03.023Shakib, H., Zakersalehi, M., Jahangiri, V., & Zamanian, R. (2020). Evaluation of Plasco Building fire-induced progressive collapse. Structures, 28, 205-224. doi:10.1016/j.istruc.2020.08.058HorovĂĄ, K., JĂĄna, T., & Wald, F. (2013). Temperature heterogeneity during travelling fire on experimental building. Advances in Engineering Software, 62-63, 119-130. doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2013.05.001Xu, L., & Zhuang, Y. (2012). Storey-based stability of unbraced steel frames at elevated temperature. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 78, 79-87. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2012.06.010Jacques, L., BĂ©chet, E., & Kerschen, G. (2017). Finite element model reduction for space thermal analysis. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 127, 6-15. doi:10.1016/j.finel.2017.01.001B.D. R, M. SK. Behaviour of steel columns with realistic boundary restraints under standard fire. Structures 2020;28:626–37. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2020.08.028.Alos-Moya, J., Paya-Zaforteza, I., Hospitaler, A., & Loma-Ossorio, E. (2019). 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    Overview of Dynamic Facility Layout Planning as a Sustainability Strategy

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    [EN] The facility layout design problem is significantly relevant within the business operations strategies framework and has emerged as an alternate strategy towards supply chain sustainability. However, its wide coverage in the scientific literature has focused mainly on the static planning approach and disregarded the dynamic approach, which is very useful in real-world applications. In this context, the present article offers a literature review of the dynamic facility layout problem (DFLP). First, a taxonomy of the reviewed papers is proposed based on the problem formulation current trends (related to the problem type, planning phase, planning approach, number of facilities, number of floors, number of departments, space consideration, department shape, department dimensions, department area, and materials handling configuration); the mathematical modeling approach (regarding the type of model, type of objective function, type of constraints, nature of market demand, type of data, and distance metric), and the considered solution approach. Then, the extent to which recent research into DFLP has contributed to supply chain sustainability by addressing its three performance dimensions (economic, environmental, social) is described. Finally, some future research guidelines are provided.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities Project CADS4.0, grant number RTI2018-101344-B-I00; and the Valencian Community ERDF Programme 2014-2020, grant number IDIFEDER/2018/025.PĂ©rez-Gosende, P.; Mula, J.; DĂ­az-Madroñero Boluda, FM. (2020). Overview of Dynamic Facility Layout Planning as a Sustainability Strategy. Sustainability. 12(19):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12198277S1161219Ghassemi Tari, F., & Neghabi, H. (2015). A new linear adjacency approach for facility layout problem with unequal area departments. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 37, 93-103. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2015.09.003Kheirkhah, A., Navidi, H., & Messi Bidgoli, M. (2015). Dynamic Facility Layout Problem: A New Bilevel Formulation and Some Metaheuristic Solution Methods. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62(3), 396-410. doi:10.1109/tem.2015.2437195Altuntas, S., & Selim, H. (2012). 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    Variable-speed rotor helicopters: Performance comparison between continuously variable and fixed-ratio transmissions

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    Variable speed rotor studies represent a promising research field for rotorcraft performance improvement and fuel consumption reduction. The problems related to employing a main rotor variable speed are numerous and require an interdisciplinary approach. There are two main variable speed concepts, depending on the type of transmission employed: Fixed Ratio Transmission (FRT) and Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) rotors. The impact of the two types of transmission upon overall helicopter performance is estimated when both are operating at their optimal speeds. This is done by using an optimization strategy able to find the optimal rotational speeds of main rotor and turboshaft engine for each flight condition. The process makes use of two different simulation tools: a turboshaft engine performance code and a helicopter trim simulation code for steady-state level flight. The first is a gas turbine performance simulator (TSHAFT) developed and validated at the University of Padova. The second is a simple tool used to evaluate the single blade forces and integrate them over the 360 degree-revolution of the main rotor, and thus to predict an average value of the power load required by the engine. The results show that the FRT does not present significant performance differences compared to the CVT for a wide range of advancing speeds. However, close to the two conditions of maximum interest, i.e. hover and cruise forward flight, the discrepancies between the two transmission types become relevant: in fact, engine performance is found to be penalized by FRT, stating that significant fuel reductions can be obtained only by employing the CVT concept. In conclusion, FRT is a good way to reduce fuel consumption at intermediate advancing speeds; CVT advantages become relevant only near hover and high speed cruise condition

    Addendum to Informatics for Health 2017: Advancing both science and practice

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    This article presents presentation and poster abstracts that were mistakenly omitted from the original publication

    Bioadditive manufacturing of hybrid tissue scaffolds for controlled release kinetics

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    Development of engineered tissue scaffolds with superior control over cell-protein interactions is still very much infancy. Advancing through heterogeneous multifold scaffolds with controlled release fashion enables synchronization of regenerating tissue with the release kinetics of loaded biomolecules. This might be an engineering challenge and promising approach for improved and efficient tissue regeneration. The most critical limitations: the selection of proper protein(s) incorporation, and precise control over concentration gradient and timing should be overcome. Hence, tissue scaffolds need to be fabricated in a way that proteins or growth factors should be incorporated and released in a specific spatial and temporal orientation to mimic the natural tissue regeneration process. Spatial and temporal control over heterogeneous porous tissue scaffolds can be achieved by controlling two important parameters: (i) internal architecture with enhanced fluid transport, and (ii) distribution of scaffold base material and loaded modifiers. In this research, heterogeneous tissue scaffolds are designed considering both the parameters. Firstly, the three-dimensional porous structures of the scaffold are geometrically partition into functionally uniform porosity regions and controlled spatial micro-architecture has been achieved using a functionally gradient porosity function. The bio-fabrication of the designed internal porous architecture has been performed using a single nozzle bioadditive manufacturing system. The internal architecture scheme is developed to enhance fluid transport with continuous base material deposition Next, the hybrid tissue scaffolds are modeled with varying material characteristics to mediate the release of base material and enclosed biological modifiers are proposed based on tissue engineering requirements. The hybrid scaffolds are fabricated for spatial control of biomolecules and base material to synchronize the release kinetics with tissue regeneration. A pressure-assisted multi-chamber single nozzle bioadditive manufacturing system is used to fabricate hybrid scaffolds

    Advancing Alternative Analysis: Integration of Decision Science.

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    Decision analysis-a systematic approach to solving complex problems-offers tools and frameworks to support decision making that are increasingly being applied to environmental challenges. Alternatives analysis is a method used in regulation and product design to identify, compare, and evaluate the safety and viability of potential substitutes for hazardous chemicals.Assess whether decision science may assist the alternatives analysis decision maker in comparing alternatives across a range of metrics.A workshop was convened that included representatives from government, academia, business, and civil society and included experts in toxicology, decision science, alternatives assessment, engineering, and law and policy. Participants were divided into two groups and prompted with targeted questions. Throughout the workshop, the groups periodically came together in plenary sessions to reflect on other groups' findings.We conclude the further incorporation of decision science into alternatives analysis would advance the ability of companies and regulators to select alternatives to harmful ingredients, and would also advance the science of decision analysis.We advance four recommendations: (1) engaging the systematic development and evaluation of decision approaches and tools; (2) using case studies to advance the integration of decision analysis into alternatives analysis; (3) supporting transdisciplinary research; and (4) supporting education and outreach efforts

    New Hampshire University Research and Industry Plan: A Roadmap for Collaboration and Innovation

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    This University Research and Industry plan for New Hampshire is focused on accelerating innovation-led development in the state by partnering academia’s strengths with the state’s substantial base of existing and emerging advanced industries. These advanced industries are defined by their deep investment and connections to research and development and the high-quality jobs they generate across production, new product development and administrative positions involving skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)

    Automation and control in surface irrigation systems: current status and expected future trends

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    Surface irrigation systems are the most popular methods for irrigating crops and pastures not only in Australia but the world over. However, these systems are often labour intensive and exhibit low water use efficiency. Rising labour costs especially in the developed world and competition for scarce water resources have generated renewed interest in the automation of surface irrigation systems. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the current level of automation and control of surface irrigation systems. The automation techniques discussed utilise various devices including mechanical, electronic, pneumatic and hydraulic means. The use of telemetry is also discussed. With the almost universal access to high performance computers and fast internet, the concept of real-time control in surface irrigation is not far-fetched. Towards this end, an on-going research project at USQ aimed at modernising furrow irrigation by use of automatic control systems in real time is discusse
