147,018 research outputs found

    SPECS: Secure and privacy enhancing communications schemes for VANETs

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    This journal issue entitled: Advances in Ad Hoc Networks (I)Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is an emerging type of networks which facilitates vehicles on roads to communicate for driving safety. The basic idea is to allow arbitrary vehicles to broadcast ad hoc messages (e.g. traffic accidents) to other vehicles. However, this raises the concern of security and privacy. Messages should be signed and verified before they are trusted while the real identity of vehicles should not be revealed, but traceable by authorized party. Existing solutions either rely heavily on a tamper-proof hardware device, or cannot satisfy the privacy requirement and do not have an effective message verification scheme. In this paper, we provide a software-based solution which makes use of only two shared secrets to satisfy the privacy requirement (with security analysis) and gives lower message overhead and at least 45% higher successful rate than previous solutions in the message verification phase using the bloom filter and the binary search techniques (through simulation study). We also provide the first group communication protocol to allow vehicles to authenticate and securely communicate with others in a group of known vehicles. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.postprin

    Improving the Routing Layer of Ad Hoc Networks Through Prediction Techniques

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    Cada dia és més evident el paper clau que juguen la informàtica/computació mòbil i les tecnologies sense fils a les nostres activitats diàries. Estar sempre connectat, en qualsevol moment i lloc, és actualment més una necessitat que un luxe. Els escenaris de computació ubics creats en base a aquests avenços tecnològics, permeten a les persones proporcionar i consumir informació compartida. En aquests escenaris, les xarxes que donen suport a aquestes comunicacions són típicament sense fils i ad hoc. Les característiques dinàmiques i canviants de les xarxes ad hoc, fan que el treball realitzat per la capa d'enrutament tingui un gran impacte en el rendiment d'aquestes xarxes. És molt important que la capa d'enrutament reaccioni ràpidament als canvis que es produeixen, i fins i tot s'avanci als que es produiran en un futur proper, mitjançant l'aplicació de tècniques de predicció. Aquesta tesi investiga si les tècniques de predicció poden millorar la capa d'enrutament de les xarxes ad hoc. Com a primer pas en aquesta direcció, explorem la potencialitat d'una estratègia de Predictor-Basat-en-Història (HBP) per predir la Informació de Control Topològic (TCI) generada pels protocols d'enrutament. Demostrem que hi ha una gran oportunitat per predir TCI, i aquesta predicció pot centrar-se en un petit subconjunt de missatges. En base a les nostres troballes, implementem el predictor OLSR-HBP i l'avaluem respecte al protocol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). OLSR-HBP aconsegueix disminucions importants de TCI (sobrecàrrega de senyalització), sense afectar el funcionament de la xarxa i necessita una quantitat de recursos petita i assequible. Finalment, en referència a l'impacte de la predicció en les dades d'enrutament tant de la informació de Qualitat d'Enllaç como de Ruta (o Extrem-a-Extrem), demostrem que l'Anàlisi de Sèries Temporals és un enfocament prometedor per predir amb precisió, tant la Qualitat d'Enllaç como la Qualitat d'Extrem a Extrem en Xarxes Comunitàries.Cada día es más evidente el papel clave que juegan la informática/computación móvil y las tecnologías inalámbricas en nuestras actividades diarias. Estar siempre conectado, en cualquier momento y lugar, es actualmente más una necesidad que un lujo. Los escenarios de computación ubicuos creados en base a estos avances tecnológicos, permiten a las personas proporcionar y consumir información compartida. En estos escenarios, las redes que dan soporte a estas comunicaciones son típicamente inalámbricas y ad hoc. Las características dinámicas y cambiantes de las redes ad hoc, hacen que el trabajo realizado por la capa de enrutamiento tenga un gran impacto en el rendimiento de estas redes. Es muy importante que la capa de enrutamiento reaccione rápidamente a los cambios que se producen, e incluso se adelante a los que sucederán en un futuro cercano, mediante la aplicación de técnicas de predicción. Esta tesis investiga si las técnicas de predicción pueden mejorar la capa de enrutamiento de las redes ad hoc. Como primer paso en esta dirección, exploramos la potencialidad de una estrategia de Predictor-Basado-en-Historia (HBP) para predecir la Información de Control Topológico (TCI) generada por los protocolos de enrutamiento. Demostramos que hay una gran oportunidad para predecir TCI, y esta predicción puede centrarse en un pequeño subconjunto de mensajes. En base a nuestros hallazgos, implementamos el predictor OLSR-HBP y lo evaluamos con respecto al protocolo Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR). OLSR-HBP consigue disminuciones importantes de TCI (sobrecarga de señalización), sin afectar al funcionamiento de la red, y necesita una cantidad de recursos pequeña y asequible. Finalmente, en referencia al impacto de la predicción en los datos de enrutamiento tanto de la información de Calidad de Enlace como de Ruta (o Extremo-a-Extremo), demostramos que el Análisis de Series Temporales es un enfoque prometedor para predecir con precisión, tanto la Calidad de Enlace como la Calidad de Extremo a Extremo en Redes Comunitarias.Everyday becomes more evident the key role that mobile computing and wireless technologies play in our daily activities. Being always connected, anytime, and anywhere is today more a necessity than a luxury. The ubiquitous computing scenarios created based on these technology advances allow people to provide and consume shared information. In these scenarios, the supporting communication networks are typically wireless and ad hoc. The dynamic and changing characteristics of the ad hoc networks, makes the work done by the routing layer to have a high impact on the performance of these networks. It is very important for the routing layer to quickly react to changes that happen, and even be advanced to what will happen in the near future, by applying prediction techniques. This thesis investigates whether prediction techniques can improve the routing layer of ad hoc networks. As a first step in this direction, in this thesis we explored the potentiality of a History-Based Predictor (HBP) strategy to predict the Topology Control Information (TCI) generated by routing protocols. We demonstrated that there is a high opportunity for predicting theTCI, and this prediction can be just focused on a small subset of messages. Based on our findings we implemented the OLSR-HBP predictor and evaluated it with regard to the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol. OLSR History-Based Predictor (OLSR-HBP) achieved important decreases of TCI (signaling overhead), without disturbing the network operation, and requiring a small and affordable amount of resources. Finally, regarding the impact of Prediction on the routing data for both Link and Path (or End-to-End) Quality information, we demonstrated that Time-series analysis is a promising approach to accurately predict both Link and End-to-End Quality in Community Networks

    Implementation of CAVENET and its usage for performance evaluation of AODV, OLSR and DYMO protocols in vehicular networks

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    Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a kind of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) that establishes wireless connection between cars. In VANETs and MANETs, the topology of the network changes very often, therefore implementation of efficient routing protocols is very important problem. In MANETs, the Random Waypoint (RW) model is used as a simulation model for generating node mobility pattern. On the other hand, in VANETs, the mobility patterns of nodes is restricted along the roads, and is affected by the movement of neighbour nodes. In this paper, we present a simulation system for VANET called CAVENET (Cellular Automaton based VEhicular NETwork). In CAVENET, the mobility patterns of nodes are generated by an 1-dimensional cellular automata. We improved CAVENET and implemented some routing protocols. We investigated the performance of the implemented routing protocols by CAVENET. The simulation results have shown that DYMO protocol has better performance than AODV and OLSR protocols.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    QoS routing in ad-hoc networks using GA and multi-objective optimization

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    Much work has been done on routing in Ad-hoc networks, but the proposed routing solutions only deal with the best effort data traffic. Connections with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, such as voice channels with delay and bandwidth constraints, are not supported. The QoS routing has been receiving increasingly intensive attention, but searching for the shortest path with many metrics is an NP-complete problem. For this reason, approximated solutions and heuristic algorithms should be developed for multi-path constraints QoS routing. Also, the routing methods should be adaptive, flexible, and intelligent. In this paper, we use Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and multi-objective optimization for QoS routing in Ad-hoc Networks. In order to reduce the search space of GA, we implemented a search space reduction algorithm, which reduces the search space for GAMAN (GA-based routing algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) to find a new route. We evaluate the performance of GAMAN by computer simulations and show that GAMAN has better behaviour than GLBR (Genetic Load Balancing Routing).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Delay Tolerant Networking over the Metropolitan Public Transportation

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    We discuss MDTN: a delay tolerant application platform built on top of the Public Transportation System (PTS) and able to provide service access while exploiting opportunistic connectivity. Our solution adopts a carrier-based approach where buses act as data collectors for user requests requiring Internet access. Simulations based on real maps and PTS routes with state-of-the-art routing protocols demonstrate that MDTN represents a viable solution for elastic nonreal-time service delivery. Nevertheless, performance indexes of the considered routing policies show that there is no golden rule for optimal performance and a tailored routing strategy is required for each specific case

    An Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for the Existing Protocols and Applications

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any existing fixed network infrastructure. And it's an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to be dynamically and some time act as routers at the same time, and we discuss in this paper the distinct characteristics of traditional wired networks, including network configuration may change at any time, there is no direction or limit the movement and so on, and thus needed a new optional path Agreement (Routing Protocol) to identify nodes for these actions communicate with each other path, An ideal choice way the agreement should not only be able to find the right path, and the Ad Hoc Network must be able to adapt to changing network of this type at any time. and we talk in details in this paper all the information of Mobile Ad Hoc Network which include the History of ad hoc, wireless ad hoc, wireless mobile approaches and types of mobile ad Hoc networks, and then we present more than 13 types of the routing Ad Hoc Networks protocols have been proposed. In this paper, the more representative of routing protocols, analysis of individual characteristics and advantages and disadvantages to collate and compare, and present the all applications or the Possible Service of Ad Hoc Networks.Comment: 24 Pages, JGraph-Hoc Journa