49,153 research outputs found

    Visual SLAM for flying vehicles

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    The ability to learn a map of the environment is important for numerous types of robotic vehicles. In this paper, we address the problem of learning a visual map of the ground using flying vehicles. We assume that the vehicles are equipped with one or two low-cost downlooking cameras in combination with an attitude sensor. Our approach is able to construct a visual map that can later on be used for navigation. Key advantages of our approach are that it is comparably easy to implement, can robustly deal with noisy camera images, and can operate either with a monocular camera or a stereo camera system. Our technique uses visual features and estimates the correspondences between features using a variant of the progressive sample consensus (PROSAC) algorithm. This allows our approach to extract spatial constraints between camera poses that can then be used to address the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem by applying graph methods. Furthermore, we address the problem of efficiently identifying loop closures. We performed several experiments with flying vehicles that demonstrate that our method is able to construct maps of large outdoor and indoor environments. © 2008 IEEE

    Simultaneous Parameter Calibration, Localization, and Mapping

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    The calibration parameters of a mobile robot play a substantial role in navigation tasks. Often these parameters are subject to variations that depend either on changes in the environment or on the load of the robot. In this paper, we propose an approach to simultaneously estimate a map of the environment, the position of the on-board sensors of the robot, and its kinematic parameters. Our method requires no prior knowledge about the environment and relies only on a rough initial guess of the parameters of the platform. The proposed approach estimates the parameters online and it is able to adapt to non-stationary changes of the configuration. We tested our approach in simulated environments and on a wide range of real-world data using different types of robotic platforms. (C) 2012 Taylor & Francis and The Robotics Society of Japa

    Reference face graph for face recognition

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    Face recognition has been studied extensively; however, real-world face recognition still remains a challenging task. The demand for unconstrained practical face recognition is rising with the explosion of online multimedia such as social networks, and video surveillance footage where face analysis is of significant importance. In this paper, we approach face recognition in the context of graph theory. We recognize an unknown face using an external reference face graph (RFG). An RFG is generated and recognition of a given face is achieved by comparing it to the faces in the constructed RFG. Centrality measures are utilized to identify distinctive faces in the reference face graph. The proposed RFG-based face recognition algorithm is robust to the changes in pose and it is also alignment free. The RFG recognition is used in conjunction with DCT locality sensitive hashing for efficient retrieval to ensure scalability. Experiments are conducted on several publicly available databases and the results show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods without any preprocessing necessities such as face alignment. Due to the richness in the reference set construction, the proposed method can also handle illumination and expression variation

    Active SLAM for autonomous underwater exploration

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    Exploration of a complex underwater environment without an a priori map is beyond the state of the art for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Despite several efforts regarding simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and view planning, there is no exploration framework, tailored to underwater vehicles, that faces exploration combining mapping, active localization, and view planning in a unified way. We propose an exploration framework, based on an active SLAM strategy, that combines three main elements: a view planner, an iterative closest point algorithm (ICP)-based pose-graph SLAM algorithm, and an action selection mechanism that makes use of the joint map and state entropy reduction. To demonstrate the benefits of the active SLAM strategy, several tests were conducted with the Girona 500 AUV, both in simulation and in the real world. The article shows how the proposed framework makes it possible to plan exploratory trajectories that keep the vehicle’s uncertainty bounded; thus, creating more consistent maps.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    New and simple algorithms for stable flow problems

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    Stable flows generalize the well-known concept of stable matchings to markets in which transactions may involve several agents, forwarding flow from one to another. An instance of the problem consists of a capacitated directed network, in which vertices express their preferences over their incident edges. A network flow is stable if there is no group of vertices that all could benefit from rerouting the flow along a walk. Fleiner established that a stable flow always exists by reducing it to the stable allocation problem. We present an augmenting-path algorithm for computing a stable flow, the first algorithm that achieves polynomial running time for this problem without using stable allocation as a black-box subroutine. We further consider the problem of finding a stable flow such that the flow value on every edge is within a given interval. For this problem, we present an elegant graph transformation and based on this, we devise a simple and fast algorithm, which also can be used to find a solution to the stable marriage problem with forced and forbidden edges. Finally, we study the stable multicommodity flow model introduced by Kir\'{a}ly and Pap. The original model is highly involved and allows for commodity-dependent preference lists at the vertices and commodity-specific edge capacities. We present several graph-based reductions that show equivalence to a significantly simpler model. We further show that it is NP-complete to decide whether an integral solution exists

    Energy-efficient algorithms for non-preemptive speed-scaling

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    We improve complexity bounds for energy-efficient speed scheduling problems for both the single processor and multi-processor cases. Energy conservation has become a major concern, so revisiting traditional scheduling problems to take into account the energy consumption has been part of the agenda of the scheduling community for the past few years. We consider the energy minimizing speed scaling problem introduced by Yao et al. where we wish to schedule a set of jobs, each with a release date, deadline and work volume, on a set of identical processors. The processors may change speed as a function of time and the energy they consume is the α\alphath power of its speed. The objective is then to find a feasible schedule which minimizes the total energy used. We show that in the setting with an arbitrary number of processors where all work volumes are equal, there is a 2(1+ε)(5(1+ε))α1B~α=Oα(1)2(1+\varepsilon)(5(1+\varepsilon))^{\alpha -1}\tilde{B}_{\alpha}=O_{\alpha}(1) approximation algorithm, where B~α\tilde{B}_{\alpha} is the generalized Bell number. This is the first constant factor algorithm for this problem. This algorithm extends to general unequal processor-dependent work volumes, up to losing a factor of ((1+r)r2)α(\frac{(1+r)r}{2})^{\alpha} in the approximation, where rr is the maximum ratio between two work volumes. We then show this latter problem is APX-hard, even in the special case when all release dates and deadlines are equal and rr is 4. In the single processor case, we introduce a new linear programming formulation of speed scaling and prove that its integrality gap is at most 12α112^{\alpha -1}. As a corollary, we obtain a (12(1+ε))α1(12(1+\varepsilon))^{\alpha -1} approximation algorithm where there is a single processor, improving on the previous best bound of 2α1(1+ε)αB~α2^{\alpha-1}(1+\varepsilon)^{\alpha}\tilde{B}_{\alpha} when α25\alpha \ge 25

    STV-based Video Feature Processing for Action Recognition

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    In comparison to still image-based processes, video features can provide rich and intuitive information about dynamic events occurred over a period of time, such as human actions, crowd behaviours, and other subject pattern changes. Although substantial progresses have been made in the last decade on image processing and seen its successful applications in face matching and object recognition, video-based event detection still remains one of the most difficult challenges in computer vision research due to its complex continuous or discrete input signals, arbitrary dynamic feature definitions, and the often ambiguous analytical methods. In this paper, a Spatio-Temporal Volume (STV) and region intersection (RI) based 3D shape-matching method has been proposed to facilitate the definition and recognition of human actions recorded in videos. The distinctive characteristics and the performance gain of the devised approach stemmed from a coefficient factor-boosted 3D region intersection and matching mechanism developed in this research. This paper also reported the investigation into techniques for efficient STV data filtering to reduce the amount of voxels (volumetric-pixels) that need to be processed in each operational cycle in the implemented system. The encouraging features and improvements on the operational performance registered in the experiments have been discussed at the end