465 research outputs found

    Real-Time Compressive Sensing MRI Reconstruction Using GPU Computing and Split Bregman Methods

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    Compressive sensing (CS) has been shown to enable dramatic acceleration of MRI acquisition in some applications. Being an iterative reconstruction technique, CS MRI reconstructions can be more time-consuming than traditional inverse Fourier reconstruction. We have accelerated our CS MRI reconstruction by factors of up to 27 by using a split Bregman solver combined with a graphics processing unit (GPU) computing platform. The increases in speed we find are similar to those we measure for matrix multiplication on this platform, suggesting that the split Bregman methods parallelize efficiently. We demonstrate that the combination of the rapid convergence of the split Bregman algorithm and the massively parallel strategy of GPU computing can enable real-time CS reconstruction of even acquisition data matrices of dimension 40962 or more, depending on available GPU VRAM. Reconstruction of two-dimensional data matrices of dimension 10242 and smaller took ~0.3 s or less, showing that this platform also provides very fast iterative reconstruction for small-to-moderate size images

    Deep learning-based parameter mapping for joint relaxation and diffusion tensor MR Fingerprinting

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    Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) enables the simultaneous quantification of multiple properties of biological tissues. It relies on a pseudo-random acquisition and the matching of acquired signal evolutions to a precomputed dictionary. However, the dictionary is not scalable to higher-parametric spaces, limiting MRF to the simultaneous mapping of only a small number of parameters (proton density, T1 and T2 in general). Inspired by diffusion-weighted SSFP imaging, we present a proof-of-concept of a novel MRF sequence with embedded diffusion-encoding gradients along all three axes to efficiently encode orientational diffusion and T1 and T2 relaxation. We take advantage of a convolutional neural network (CNN) to reconstruct multiple quantitative maps from this single, highly undersampled acquisition. We bypass expensive dictionary matching by learning the implicit physical relationships between the spatiotemporal MRF data and the T1, T2 and diffusion tensor parameters. The predicted parameter maps and the derived scalar diffusion metrics agree well with state-of-the-art reference protocols. Orientational diffusion information is captured as seen from the estimated primary diffusion directions. In addition to this, the joint acquisition and reconstruction framework proves capable of preserving tissue abnormalities in multiple sclerosis lesions

    Accelerating fibre orientation estimation from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging using GPUs

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    With the performance of central processing units (CPUs) having effectively reached a limit, parallel processing offers an alternative for applications with high computational demands. Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) are massively parallel processors that can execute simultaneously thousands of light-weight processes. In this study, we propose and implement a parallel GPU-based design of a popular method that is used for the analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). More specifically, we are concerned with a model-based approach for extracting tissue structural information from diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI data. DW-MRI offers, through tractography approaches, the only way to study brain structural connectivity, non-invasively and in-vivo. We parallelise the Bayesian inference framework for the ball & stick model, as it is implemented in the tractography toolbox of the popular FSL software package (University of Oxford). For our implementation, we utilise the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming model. We show that the parameter estimation, performed through Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), is accelerated by at least two orders of magnitude, when comparing a single GPU with the respective sequential single-core CPU version. We also illustrate similar speed-up factors (up to 120x) when comparing a multi-GPU with a multi-CPU implementation

    Using GPUs to accelerate computational diffusion MRI: from microstructure estimation to tractography and connectomes

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    The great potential of computational diffusion MRI (dMRI) relies on indirect inference of tissue microstructure and brain connections, since modelling and tractography frameworks map diffusion measurements to neuroanatomical features. This mapping however can be computationally highly expensive, particularly given the trend of increasing dataset sizes and the complexity in biophysical modelling. Limitations on computing resources can restrict data exploration and methodology development. A step forward is to take advantage of the computational power offered by recent parallel computing architectures, especially Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). GPUs are massive parallel processors that offer trillions of floating point operations per second, and have made possible the solution of computationally-intensive scientific problems that were intractable before. However, they are not inherently suited for all problems. Here, we present two different frameworks for accelerating dMRI computations using GPUs that cover the most typical dMRI applications: a framework for performing biophysical modelling and microstructure estimation, and a second framework for performing tractography and long-range connectivity estimation. The former provides a front-end and automatically generates a GPU executable file from a user-specified biophysical model, allowing accelerated non-linear model fitting in both deterministic and stochastic ways (Bayesian inference). The latter performs probabilistic tractography, it can generate whole-brain connectomes and supports new functionality for imposing anatomical constraints, such as inherent consideration of surface meshes (GIFTI files) along with volumetric images. We validate the frameworks against well-established CPU-based implementations and we show that despite the very different challenges for parallelising these problems, a single GPU achieves better performances than 200 CPU cores thanks to our parallel designs

    Efficient transfer entropy analysis of non-stationary neural time series

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    Information theory allows us to investigate information processing in neural systems in terms of information transfer, storage and modification. Especially the measure of information transfer, transfer entropy, has seen a dramatic surge of interest in neuroscience. Estimating transfer entropy from two processes requires the observation of multiple realizations of these processes to estimate associated probability density functions. To obtain these observations, available estimators assume stationarity of processes to allow pooling of observations over time. This assumption however, is a major obstacle to the application of these estimators in neuroscience as observed processes are often non-stationary. As a solution, Gomez-Herrero and colleagues theoretically showed that the stationarity assumption may be avoided by estimating transfer entropy from an ensemble of realizations. Such an ensemble is often readily available in neuroscience experiments in the form of experimental trials. Thus, in this work we combine the ensemble method with a recently proposed transfer entropy estimator to make transfer entropy estimation applicable to non-stationary time series. We present an efficient implementation of the approach that deals with the increased computational demand of the ensemble method's practical application. In particular, we use a massively parallel implementation for a graphics processing unit to handle the computationally most heavy aspects of the ensemble method. We test the performance and robustness of our implementation on data from simulated stochastic processes and demonstrate the method's applicability to magnetoencephalographic data. While we mainly evaluate the proposed method for neuroscientific data, we expect it to be applicable in a variety of fields that are concerned with the analysis of information transfer in complex biological, social, and artificial systems.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PLOS ON

    Open-source magnetic resonance imaging : Improving access, science, and education through global collaboration

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    The authors would like to thank all the authors that are sharing their work open-source and all the supporters of the Open Source Imaging Initiative (OSI2). The project (21NRM05 and 22HLT02 A4IM) has received funding from the European Partnership on Metrology, co-financed by the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme and by the Participating States. This research is funded by dtec.bw- Digitalization and Technology Research Center of the Bundeswehr. dtec.bw is funded by the European Union - NextGeneration EU. Part of the image reconstruction used here was developed by the CCP PETMR and CCP SynerBi (https://www.ccppetmr.ac.uk/), UK EPSRC grants EP/P022200/1, EP/M022587/1 and EP/T026693/1. This work made use of computational support by CoSeC, the Computational Science Centre for Research Communities via CCP-SyneRBI and CCPi. RG Nunes acknowledges funding from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (grants UIDP/50009/2020 and LA/P/0083/2020). Ruben Pellicer-Guridi has been funded by the European Union's Marie Skłodowska-Curie project nr. 101030868. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.Peer reviewe