279 research outputs found

    Flowsim: A Modular Simulation Platform for Microscopic Behavior Analysis of City-Scale Connected Autonomous Vehicles

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    As connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) become increasingly prevalent, there is a growing need for simulation platforms that can accurately evaluate CAV behavior in large-scale environments. In this paper, we propose Flowsim, a novel simulator specifically designed to meet these requirements. Flowsim offers a modular and extensible architecture that enables the analysis of CAV behaviors in large-scale scenarios. It provides researchers with a customizable platform for studying CAV interactions, evaluating communication and networking protocols, assessing cybersecurity vulnerabilities, optimizing traffic management strategies, and developing and evaluating policies for CAV deployment. Flowsim is implemented in pure Python in approximately 1,500 lines of code, making it highly readable, understandable, and easily modifiable. We verified the functionality and performance of Flowsim via a series of experiments based on realistic traffic scenarios. The results show the effectiveness of Flowsim in providing a flexible and powerful simulation environment for evaluating CAV behavior and data flow. Flowsim is a valuable tool for researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals who are involved in the development, evaluation, and deployment of CAVs. The code of Flowsim is publicly available on GitHub under the MIT license

    Decentralized Federated Learning: Fundamentals, State-of-the-art, Frameworks, Trends, and Challenges

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    In the last decade, Federated Learning (FL) has gained relevance in training collaborative models without sharing sensitive data. Since its birth, Centralized FL (CFL) has been the most common approach in the literature, where a central entity creates a global model. However, a centralized approach leads to increased latency due to bottlenecks, heightened vulnerability to system failures, and trustworthiness concerns affecting the entity responsible for the global model creation. Decentralized Federated Learning (DFL) emerged to address these concerns by promoting decentralized model aggregation and minimizing reliance on centralized architectures. However, despite the work done in DFL, the literature has not (i) studied the main aspects differentiating DFL and CFL; (ii) analyzed DFL frameworks to create and evaluate new solutions; and (iii) reviewed application scenarios using DFL. Thus, this article identifies and analyzes the main fundamentals of DFL in terms of federation architectures, topologies, communication mechanisms, security approaches, and key performance indicators. Additionally, the paper at hand explores existing mechanisms to optimize critical DFL fundamentals. Then, the most relevant features of the current DFL frameworks are reviewed and compared. After that, it analyzes the most used DFL application scenarios, identifying solutions based on the fundamentals and frameworks previously defined. Finally, the evolution of existing DFL solutions is studied to provide a list of trends, lessons learned, and open challenges

    Erkennung und Vermeidung von Fehlverhalten in fahrzeugbasierten DTNs

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    Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are a suitable technology for many applications when the network suffers from intermittent connections and significant delays. In current vehicular networks, due to the high mobility of vehicles, the connectivity in vehicular networks can be highly unstable, links may change or break soon after they have been established and the network topology varies significantly depending on time and location. When the density of networked vehicles is low, connectivity is intermittent and with only a few transmission opportunities. This makes forwarding packets very difficult. For the next years, until a high penetration of networked vehicles is realized, delay-tolerant methods are a necessity in vehicular networks, leading to Vehicular DTNs (VDTNs). By implementing a store-carry-forward paradigm, VDTNs can make sure that even under difficult conditions, the network can be used by applications. However, we cannot assume that all vehicles are altruistic in VDTNs. Attackers can penetrate the communication systems of vehicles trying their best to destroy the network. Especially if multiple attackers collude to disrupt the network, the characteristics of VDTNs, without continuous connectivity, make most traditional strategies of detecting attackers infeasible. Additionally, selfish nodes may be reluctant to cooperate considering their profit, and due to hard- or software errors some vehicles cannot send or forward data. Hence, efficient mechanisms to detect malicious nodes in VDTNs are imperative. In this thesis, two classes of Misbehavior Detection Systems (MDSs) are proposed to defend VDTNs against malicious nodes. Both MDSs use encounter records (ERs) as proof to document nodes' behavior during previous contacts. By collecting and securely exchanging ERs, depending on different strategies in different classes of MDSs, a reputation system is built in order to punish bad behavior while encouraging cooperative behavior in the network. With independently operating nodes and asynchronous exchange of observations through ERs, both systems are very well suited for VDTNs, where there will be no continuous, ubiquitous network in the foreseeable future. By evaluating our methods through extensive simulations using different DTN routing protocols and different realistic scenarios, we find that both MDS classes are able to efficiently protect the system with low overhead and prevent malicious nodes from further disrupting the network.In Netzwerken mit zeitweisen Unterbrechungen oder langen Verzögerungen sind Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) eine geeignete Technologie fĂŒr viele Anwendungen. Die KonnektivitĂ€t in Fahrzeugnetzen ist bedingt durch die hohe MobilitĂ€t und die geringe Verbreitung von netzwerkfĂ€higen Fahrzeugen oft instabil. Bis zur flĂ€chendeckenden Verbreitung von netzwerkfĂ€higen Fahrzeugen ist es daher zwingend notwendig auf Methoden des Delay Tolerant Networking zurĂŒckzugreifen um die bestmögliche Kommunikation zu gewĂ€hrleisten. In diesem Zusammenhang wird von Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks (VDTNs) gesprochen. Durch das Store-Carry-Forward-Prinzip kann ein VDTN Kommunikation fĂŒr Anwendungen ermöglichen. Allerdings ist davon auszugehen, dass sich nicht alle Fahrzeuge altruistisch verhalten: Angreifer können Fahrzeuge ĂŒbernehmen und das Netzwerk attackieren oder Knoten sind aus egoistischen Motiven oder auf Grund von Defekten unkooperativ. Verfahren, die Fehlverhalten in stabilen Netzen durch direkte Beobachtung erkennen können, sind in VDTNs nicht anwendbar. Daher sind Methoden, die Fehlverhalten in VDTNs nachweisen können, zwingend erforderlich. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Klassen von Misbehavior Detection Systems (MDSs) vorgestellt. Beide Systeme basieren auf Encounter Records (ERs): Nach einem Kontakt tauschen zwei Knoten kryptografisch signierte Meta-Informationen zu den erfolgten Datentransfers aus. Diese ERs dienen bei darauffolgenden Kontakten mit anderen Netzwerkteilnehmern als vertrauenswĂŒrdiger Nachweis fĂŒr das Verhalten eines Knotens in der Vergangenheit. Basierend auf der Auswertung gesammelter ERs wird ein Reputationssystem entwickelt, das kooperatives Verhalten belohnt und unkooperatives Verhalten bestraft. Dauerhaft unkooperative Knoten werden aus dem Netzwerk ausgeschlossen. Durch den asynchronen Austausch von Informationen kann jeder Knoten das Verhalten seiner Nachbarn selbststĂ€ndig und unabhĂ€ngig evaluieren. Dadurch sind die vorgestellten MDS-Varianten sehr gut fĂŒr den Einsatz in einem VDTN geeignet. Durch umfangreiche Evaluationen wird gezeigt, dass sich die entwickelten MDS-Verfahren fĂŒr verschiedene Routingprotokolle und in unterschiedlichen Szenarien anwenden lassen. In allen FĂ€llen ist das MDS in der Lage das System mit geringem Overhead gegen Angreifer zu verteidigen und eine hohe ServicequalitĂ€t im Netzwerk zu gewĂ€hrleisten

    A Secure and Distributed Architecture for Vehicular Cloud and Protocols for Privacy-preserving Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Given the enormous interest in self-driving cars, Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) are likely to be widely deployed in the near future. Cloud computing is also gaining widespread deployment. Marriage between cloud computing and VANETs would help solve many of the needs of drivers, law enforcement agencies, traffic management, etc. The contributions of this dissertation are summarized as follows: A Secure and Distributed Architecture for Vehicular Cloud: Ensuring security and privacy is an important issue in the vehicular cloud; if information exchanged between entities is modified by a malicious vehicle, serious consequences such as traffic congestion and accidents can occur. In addition, sensitive data could be lost, and human lives also could be in danger. Hence, messages sent by vehicles must be authenticated and securely delivered to vehicles in the appropriate regions. In this dissertation, we present a secure and distributed architecture for the vehicular cloud which uses the capabilities of vehicles to provide various services such as parking management, accident alert, traffic updates, cooperative driving, etc. Our architecture ensures the privacy of vehicles and supports secure message dissemination using the vehicular infrastructure. A Low-Overhead Message Authentication and Secure Message Dissemination Scheme for VANETs: Efficient, authenticated message dissemination in VANETs are important for the timely delivery of authentic messages to vehicles in appropriate regions in the VANET. Many of the approaches proposed in the literature use Road Side Units (RSUs) to collect events (such as accidents, weather conditions, etc.) observed by vehicles in its region, authenticate them, and disseminate them to vehicles in appropriate regions. However, as the number of messages received by RSUs increases in the network, the computation and communication overhead for RSUs related to message authentication and dissemination also increases. We address this issue and present a low-overhead message authentication and dissemination scheme in this dissertation. On-Board Hardware Implementation in VANET: Design and Experimental Evaluation: Information collected by On Board Units (OBUs) located in vehicles can help in avoiding congestion, provide useful information to drivers, etc. However, not all drivers on the roads can benefit from OBU implementation because OBU is currently not available in all car models. Therefore, in this dissertation, we designed and built a hardware implementation for OBU that allows the dissemination of messages in VANET. This OBU implementation is simple, efficient, and low-cost. In addition, we present an On-Board hardware implementation of Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol for VANETs. Privacy-preserving approach for collection and dissemination of messages in VANETs: Several existing schemes need to consider safety message collection in areas where the density of vehicles is low and roadside infrastructure is sparse. These areas could also have hazardous road conditions and may have poor connectivity. In this dissertation, we present an improved method for securely collecting and disseminating safety messages in such areas which preserves the privacy of vehicles. We propose installing fixed OBUs along the roadside of dangerous roads (i.e., roads that are likely to have more ice, accidents, etc., but have a low density of vehicles and roadside infrastructure) to help collect data about the surrounding environment. This would help vehicles to be notified about the events on such roads (such as ice, accidents, etc.).Furthermore, to enhance the privacy of vehicles, our scheme allows vehicles to change their pseudo IDs in all traffic conditions. Therefore, regardless of whether the number of vehicles is low in the RSU or Group Leader GL region, it would be hard for an attacker to know the actual number of vehicles in the RSU/GL region

    Security and privacy issues in some special-puropse networks

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    This thesis is about providing security and privacy to new emergent applications which are based on special-purpose networks. More precisely, we study different aspects regarding security and privacy issues related to sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, vehicular ad hoc networks and social networks.Sensor networks consist of resource-constrained wireless devices with sensor capabilities. This emerging technology has a wide variety of applications related to event surveillance like emergency response, habitat monitoring or defense-related networks.Ad hoc networks are suited for use in situations where deploying an infrastructure is not cost effective or is not possible for any other reason. When the nodes of an ad hoc network are small mobile devices (e.g. cell phones or PDAs), such a network is called mobile ad hoc network. One of many possible uses of MANETs is to provide crisis management services applications, such as in disaster recovery, where the entire communication infrastructure is destroyed and reestablishing communication quickly is crucial. Another useful situation for MANETs is a scenario without fixed communication systems where there is the need for any kind of collaborative computing. Such situation can occur in both business and military environments.When the mobile nodes of a MANET are embedded in cars, such a network is called Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). This kind of networks can be very useful to increase the road traffic safety and they will be deployed for real use in the forthcoming years. As a proof of that, eight important European vehicle manufacturers have founded the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. This non-profit organisation is dedicated to the objective of further increasing traffic safety and efficiency by means of inter-vehicle communications.Social networks differ from the special-purpose networks commented above in that they are not physical networks. Social networks are applications that work through classic networks. They can be defined as a community of web users where each user can publish and share information and services. Social networks have become an object of study both in computer and social sciences, with even dedicated journals and conferences.The special-purpose networks described above provide a wide range of new services and applications. Even though they are expected to improve the society in several ways, these innovative networks and their related applications bring also security and privacy issues that must be addressed.This thesis solves some security and privacy issues related to such new applications and services. More specifically, it focuses on:·Secure information transmission in many-to-one scenarios with resource-constrained devices such as sensor networks.·Secure and private information sharing in MANETs.·Secure and private information spread in VANETs.·Private resource access in social networks.Results presented in this thesis include four contributions published in ISI JCR journals (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks (2) and Computer Communications) and two contributions published in two international conferences (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).Esta tesis trata diversos problemas de seguridad y privacidad que surgen al implantar en escenarios reales novedosas aplicaciones basadas en nuevos y emergentes modelos de red. Estos nuevos modelos de red difieren significativamente de las redes de computadores clĂĄsicas y son catalogadas como redes de propĂłsito especial. EspecĂ­ficamente, en este trabajo se estudian diferentes aspectos relacionados con la seguridad de la informaciĂłn y la privacidad de los usuarios en redes de sensores, redes ad hoc mĂłviles (MANETs), redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANETs) y redes sociales.Las redes de sensores estĂĄn formadas por dispositivos inalĂĄmbricos muy limitados a nivel de recursos (capacidad de computaciĂłn y baterĂ­a) que detectan eventos o condiciones del entorno donde se instalan. Esta tecnologĂ­a tiene una amplia variedad de aplicaciones entre las que destacan la detecciĂłn de emergencias o la creaciĂłn de perĂ­metros de seguridad. Una MANET esta formada por nodos mĂłviles conectados entre ellos mediante conexiones inalĂĄmbricas y de forma auto-organizada. Este tipo de redes se constituye sin la ayuda de infraestructuras, por ello son especialmente Ăștiles en situaciones donde implantar una infraestructura es inviable por ser su coste demasiado elevado o por cualquier otra razĂłn. Una de las muchas aplicaciones de las MANETs es proporcionar servicio en situaciones crĂ­ticas (por ejemplo desastres naturales) donde la infraestructura de comunicaciones ha sido destruida y proporcionar conectividad rĂĄpidamente es crucial. Otra aplicaciĂłn directa aparece en escenarios sin sistemas de comunicaciĂłn fijos donde existe la necesidad de realizar algĂșn tipo de computaciĂłn colaborativa entre diversas mĂĄquinas. Esta situaciĂłn se da tanto en ĂĄmbitos empresariales como militares.Cuando los nodos mĂłviles de una MANET se asocian a vehĂ­culos (coches, camiones.), dicha red se denomina red ad hoc vehicular o VANET. Este tipo de redes pueden ser muy Ăștiles para incrementar la seguridad vial y se espera su implantaciĂłn para uso real en los prĂłximos años. Como prueba de la gran importancia que tiene esta tecnologĂ­a, los ocho fabricantes europeos mĂĄs importantes han fundado la CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium. Esta organizaciĂłn tiene como objetivo incrementar la seguridad y la eficiencia del trĂĄfico mediante el uso de comunicaciones entre los vehĂ­culos.Las redes sociales se diferencian de las redes especiales descritas anteriormente en que Ă©stas no son redes fĂ­sicas. Las redes sociales son aplicaciones que funcionan a travĂ©s de las redes de computadores clĂĄsicas. Una red de este tipo puede ser definida como una comunidad de usuarios web en donde dichos usuarios pueden publicar y compartir informaciĂłn y servicios. En la actualidad, las redes sociales han adquirido gran importancia ofreciendo un amplio abanico de posibilidades a sus usuarios: trabajar de forma colaborativa, compartir ficheros, bĂșsqueda de nuevos amigos, etc.A continuaciĂłn se resumen las aplicaciones en las que esta tesis se centra segĂșn el tipo de red asociada:·TransmisiĂłn segura de informaciĂłn en escenarios muchos-a-uno (mĂșltiples emisores y un solo receptor) donde los dispositivos en uso poseen recursos muy limitados. Este escenario es el habitual en redes de sensores.·DistribuciĂłn de informaciĂłn de forma segura y preservando la privacidad de los usuarios en redes ad hoc mĂłviles.·DifusiĂłn de informaciĂłn (con el objeto de incrementar la seguridad vial) fidedigna preservando la privacidad de los usuarios en redes ad hoc vehiculares.·Acceso a recursos en redes sociales preservando la privacidad de los usuarios. Los resultados de la tesis incluyen cuatro publicaciones en revistas ISI JCR (IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Computer Networks (2) y Computer Communications) y dos publicaciones en congresos internacionales(Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

    Opportunistic Spectrum Utilization for Vehicular Communication Networks

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    Recently, vehicular networks (VANETs), has become the key technology of the next-generation intelligent transportation systems (ITS). By incorporating wireless communication and networking capabilities into automobiles, information can be efficiently and reliably disseminated among vehicles, road side units, and infrastructure, which enables a number of novel applications enhancing the road safety and providing the drivers/passengers with an information-rich environment. With the development of mobile Internet, people want to enjoy the Internet access in vehicles just as anywhere else. This fact, along with the soaring number of connected vehicles and the emerging data-craving applications and services, has led to a problem of spectrum scarcity, as the current spectrum bands for VANETs are difficult to accommodate the increasing mobile data demands. In this thesis, we aim to solve this problem by utilizing extra spectrum bands, which are not originally allocated for vehicular communications. In this case, the spectrum usage is based on an opportunistic manner, where the spectrum is not available if the primary system is active, or the vehicle is outside the service coverage due to the high mobility. We will analyze the features of such opportunistic spectrum, and design efficient protocols to utilize the spectrum for VANETs. Firstly, the application of cognitive radio technologies in VANETs, termed CR-VANETs, is proposed and analyzed. In CR-VANETs, the channel availability is severely affected by the street patterns and the mobility features of vehicles. Therefore, we theoretically analyze the channel availability in urban scenario, and obtain its statistics. Based on the knowledge of channel availability, an efficient channel access scheme for CR-VANETs is then designed and evaluated. Secondly, using WiFi to deliver mobile data, named WiFi offloading, is employed to deliver the mobile data on the road, in order to relieve the burden of the cellular networks, and provide vehicular users with a cost-effective data pipe. Using queueing theory, we analyze the offloading performance with respect to the vehicle mobility model and the users' QoS preferences. Thirdly, we employ device-to-device (D2D) communications in VANETs to further improve the spectrum efficiency. In a vehicular D2D (V-D2D) underlaying cellular network, proximate vehicles can directly communicate with each other with a relatively small transmit power, rather than traversing the base station. Therefore, many current transmissions can co-exist on one spectrum resource block. By utilizing the spatial diversity, the spectrum utilization is greatly enhanced. We study the performance of the V-D2D underlaying cellular network, considering the vehicle mobility and the street pattern. We also investigate the impact of the preference of D2D/cellular mode on the interference and network throughput, and obtain the theoretical results. In summary, the analysis and schemes developed in this thesis are useful to understand the future VANETs with heterogeneous access technologies, and provide important guidelines for designing and deploying such networks

    Dynamic Vehicular Routing in Urban Environments

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    Traffic congestion is a persistent issue that most of the people living in a city have to face every day. Traffic density is constantly increasing and, in many metropolitan areas, the road network has reached its limits and cannot easily be extended to meet the growing traffic demand. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is a world wide trend in traffic monitoring that uses technology and infrastructure improvements in advanced communication and sensors to tackle transportation issues such as mobility efficiency, safety, and traffic congestion. The purpose of ITS is to take advantage of all available technologies to improve every aspect of mobility and traffic. Our focus in this thesis is to use these advancements in technology and infrastructure to mitigate traffic congestion. We discuss the state of the art in traffic flow optimization methods, their limitations, and the benefits of a new point of view. The traffic monitoring mechanism that we propose uses vehicular telecommunication to gather the traffic information that is fundamental to the creation of a consistent overview of the traffic situation, to provision real-time information to drivers, and to optimizing their routes. In order to study the impact of dynamic rerouting on the traffic congestion experienced in the urban environment, we need a reliable representation of the traffic situation. In this thesis, traffic flow theory, together with mobility models and propagation models, are the basis to providing a simulation environment capable of providing a realistic and interactive urban mobility, which is used to test and validate our solution for mitigating traffic congestion. The topology of the urban environment plays a fundamental role in traffic optimization, not only in terms of mobility patterns, but also in the connectivity and infrastructure available. Given the complexity of the problem, we start by defining the main parameters we want to optimize, and the user interaction required, in order to achieve the goal. We aim to optimize the travel time from origin to destination with a selfish approach, focusing on each driver. We then evaluated constraints and added values of the proposed optimization, providing a preliminary study on its impact on a simple scenario. Our evaluation is made in a best-case scenario using complete information, then in a more realistic scenario with partial information on the global traffic situation, where connectivity and coverage play a major role. The lack of a general-purpose, freely-available, realistic and dependable scenario for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) creates many problems in the research community in providing and comparing realistic results. To address these issues, we implemented a synthetic traffic scenario, based on a real city, to evaluate dynamic routing in a realistic urban environment. The Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario is based on the mobility derived from the City of Luxembourg. The scenario is built for the Simulator of Urban MObiltiy (SUMO) and it is compatible with Vehicles in Network Simulation (VEINS) and Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++ (OMNet++), allowing it to be used in VANET simulations. In this thesis we present a selfish traffic optimization approach based on dynamic rerouting, able to mitigate the impact of traffic congestion in urban environments on a global scale. The general-purpose traffic scenario built to validate our results is already being used by the research community, and is freely-available under the MIT licence, and is hosted on GitHub

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks
