386 research outputs found

    IT service management: towards a contingency theory of performance measurement

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    Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) focuses on IT service creation, design, delivery and maintenance. Measurement is one of the basic underlying elements of service science and this paper contributes to service science by focussing on the selection of performance metrics for ITSM. Contingency theory is used to provide a theoretical foundation for the study. Content analysis of interviews of ITSM managers at six organisations revealed that selection of metrics is influenced by a discrete set of factors. Three categories of factors were identified: external environment, parent organisationand IS organisation. For individual cases, selection of metrics was contingent on factors such as organisation culture, management philosophy and perspectives, legislation, industry sector, and customers, although a common set of four factors influenced selection of metrics across all organisations. A strong link was identified between the use of a corporate performance framework and clearly articulated ITSM metrics

    IT service management: process capability, process performance, and business performance

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    As technology is at the core of almost every leading industry, organizations are increasingly scrutinizing their Information Technology (IT) group’s performance so that it is more in line with overall business performance and contributes to the business’ bottom line. Many IT departments are not equipped to meet these increasing IT service demands. They continue to operate as passive-reactive service providers, utilizing antiquated methods that do not adequately provide the quality, real-time solutions that organizations need to be competitive. Organizations need efficient Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) processes in order to cut costs, but ironically, in order to implement highly capable processes, there are significant costs involved, both in terms of time and resources. A potential way to achieve better performing and higher capable processes is to employ methods to compare an organization’s processes against best-practice standards to identify gaps and receive guidance to improve the processes. Many of the existing methods require large investments. Holding back progress towards best practice for financial benefit in the IT industry is the reluctance of many IT organizations to embrace the business side (specifically Service Portfolio Management and IT Financial Management) aspects of ITSM. Service Portfolio Management (SPM) is used to manage investments in Service Management across an organization, in terms of financial values. SPM enables managers to assess the quality requirements and associated costs. IT Financial Management aims to provide information on the IT assets and resources used to deliver IT services. Providing a Service Portfolio and practicing IT Financial Management requires a high level of maturity for an organization. It seems reasonable and logical that the organization’s Chief Information Officer should be able to articulate and justify the IT services provided, report the costs (by service) incurred in delivering these services, and can communicate the demand for those services, that is, how they are being consumed and projections on how they will be consumed in the future. However, a major investment in terms of time and resources may be needed to catalogue such information and report on it. The research problem that this paper addresses is the lack of a pragmatic model and method that associates ITSM process maturity (process capability and performance) with financial performance for organizations that lack mature ITSM processes. Previous studies have reported on cost savings, but there is currently no measurement model to associate ITSM maturity with financial profitability; which in turn prompts the research question: How can the association of ITSM process capability and process performance with financial performance of an organization be determined? This research iteratively develops and applies a measurement model that presents a pragmatic and cost-effective method to link ITSM process capability and process performance with business performance by operationalizing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to support Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and associating CSFs with business risks to determine business performance. This study employs a scholar-practitioner approach to changing/improving processes using action research and an adaptation of the Keys to IT Service Management Excellence Technique (KISMET) model to guide the process improvement initiative. This technique leads to the second research question: How can the ITSM measurement framework be demonstrated for CSI? The research was based on a single case study of a global financial services firm Company X that had implemented the ITIL® framework to improve the quality of its IT services. The study found that the measurement framework developed can be used as a starting point for self-improvement for businesses, identifying gaps in processes, benchmarking within an organization as well as guiding an organization’s process improvement efforts. The measurement model can be used to conduct What-If analyses to model the impacts of future business decisions on KPIs and CSFs. The measurement model presented in this study can be quickly implemented, adapted and evolved to meet the organization’s needs. The research offers an example from which other organizations can learn to measure their financial return on investment in ITSM improvement

    Gamification in IT Service Management: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Despite the benefits of adopting IT Service Management (ITSM) reference models, such initiatives do not always produce the expected results. The research literature in this area concludes that motivation, engagement, skills, experience, performance and willingness to change of the personnel involved are among the critical factors for an effective ITSM implementation. Gamification has the capability to improve people's motivation and engagement and to drive people's behavior to meet the objectives set. Besides, gamification is widely used in learning systems for increasing students' skills and competences. In the last years, many researchers have added gamification to their process improvement initiatives to increase the motivation and engagement of process participants and to address their behavior throughout the process. Thus, we consider that adopting gamification in ITSM processes can be an interesting area of study. In this paper, we conducted a systematic mapping study to analyze the actual state of research in the field of ITSM gamification and identify the key challenges that justify future research. The results of our study highlight the positive impact of adopting gamification in ITSM processes and that ITSM gamification is a novel an attractive research area with many action possibilities

    Relevant Research Areas in IT Service Management: An Examination of Academic and Practitioner Literatures

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    Practitioners and academics alike have highlighted that information systems (IS) research may currently have limited use and value to practitioners. Further, research provides examples of positive links between management practices prevalent in the media and their influence on societal views. We focus on increasing relevance of future academic research to practitioners by identifying sources of misalignment between practitioner and academic literatures on the topic of information technology service management (ITSM) and by developing a possible research agenda to address these misalignments. We employ an entity annotator and keyword analysis to compare the main topics evident in academic and practitioner literatures on ITSM and focus on those salient in practitioner literature. Our results suggest that the topics of framework co-implementation, regulations, ITSM tools, gamification, and cloud computing all present fertile grounds for relevant research in ITSM and IS more broadly. Thus, our paper offers a unique way for academics to understand how they can best assist practitioners while increasing the relevance of academic research

    IT Service Management: A Cross-national Study of ITIL Adoption

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    IT Service Management (ITSM) is transforming the management of the IT function on a global scale with major changes in work practices. The intent of this study is to empirically explore how IT service management is adopted in today’s global economy. The article examines the adoption of ITSM processes as defined in the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®). The adoption of operational processes is compared to that of tactical/strategic level processes and the contribution of country, size, and industry sector to variation in adoption of ITIL processes is assessed. Institutional theory is used as a foundation for the study. The analysis is based on 623 responses to three surveys conducted in the UK, USA, DACH (German-speaking countries) and Australia. The study found organisations adopting ITIL implemented more operational level processes than the tactical/strategic level processes. DACH countries exhibit higher ITIL process adoption than the UK, USA, and Australia. Adoption varied on industry sector, and, in part, on organisation size. Based on a discussion of theory and practice, the article derives insights for academics and industry when introducing ITSM in the IT function

    A Qualitative Case Study Identifying Metrics for ITIL Request Fulfillment Process: Perspectives of an Information Technology Service Provider Group

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    Without metrics, the quality and effectiveness of the IT services cannot be measured or managed. This study examined the request fulfillment process of an IT service provider group, identified that group’s perceptions of the most important metrics of the process, and created dashboards to display those metrics. Results found 12 metrics perceived by the group as most important. Three dashboard pages were created using iDashboards. This study should be meaningful to a growing number of IT practitioners because it addressed metrics, measurements, and evaluation of IT processes on which very little previous empirical work has been conducted

    Perancangan Configuration Management Database Perusahaan untuk Meningkatan Kinerja Layanan Teknologi Informasi

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    Makalah ini membahas perancangan configuration management database di PT. Northstar Pacific Capital untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnis dengan ketersediaan layanan teknologi informasi yang baik. Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) memberikan referensi-referensi best practice mengenai tata kelola layanan teknologi informasi. Salah satu bagian dari framework ITIL adalah CMDB atau Configuration Management Database yang merupakan sebuah hubungan strategis dengan menggunakan hubungan diantara komponen-komponen IT atau disebut juga Configuration Item (CI). Nilai strategis dari CMDB dapat diperoleh apabila sebagian atau seluruh CI dapat dipetakan kedalam sebuah CMDB yang dapat menggambarkan hubungan antar CI. CMDB dapat membantu Perusahaan dan organisasi IT dalam pengelolaan komponen-komponen infrastruktur. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan mengambil framework ITIL. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan korelasi yang baik antara hasil rancangan CMDB dengan peningkatan kinerja layanan teknologi informasi di PT. Northstar Pacific Capital yang akan mendukung kegiatan operasional seperti yang diharapka

    Do KPIs used by CIOs Decelerate Digital Business Transformation? The Case of ITIL

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    This study provides a critical assessment of the current KPI-driven steering practices carried out by Chief Information Officers (CIOs). It explores how the use of ITIL KPIs affect the IT Service Management (ITSM) organization’s learning behavior and how this behavior impacts on Digital Business Transformation. The results indicate that, when used to steer the ITSM organization, ITIL KPIs will reduce the organization’s willingness to transform the current ITSM environment (i.e. current processes, work routines, services, policies and technologies) into the digital era. The findings suggest that, in order to successfully manage Digital Business Transformation, CIOs will need new types of management techniques which would endorse the organization’s norm-challenging and innovative learning abilities but also assure the operative effectiveness of the ITSM environment


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    The article studies the development and complexity of information technology (IT). The dependence of modern businesses on the extent and efficiency of applying IT is argued. On this basis, attention is brought to problems related to the orientation of information services (IS) towards the provision of services. Grounds are given that it is based on and is determined by the achievements of IT service management (ITSM). Different approaches to improving IS are presented and the trend towards transforming current IS divisions into ones offering services is outlined

    DevOps practices in incident management process

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    This research aims to investigate how DevOps culture can be applied in the incident management process to improve it. Given the exploratory approach of the research, it was performed a case study. For this case study an application management team was studied where a sample of 10 persons were interviewed. This team solves incidents and provides the necessary support to the users in their daily business tasks using DevOps practices. During this case study three data collection methods were used: semi structured interviews, document analysis and observation. This research provides novel findings about a possible relation between DevOps practices and incident management phases as well as on “why” and “how” can these practices help incident management. The results are supported by metrics, like time between releases, total of over delivered incidents solutions and releases per month, to justify how this team’s performance have increased after the implementation of DevOps practices. The novelty of the findings brings advantages for academics, and due to the exploratory nature of this research, it extends the body of knowledge. It also provides contributions for practitioners, by showing how these practices can be applied and the result of the implementation of these practices. Directions of future work are also presented.O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar como a cultura DevOps pode ser aplicada ao processo de gestão de incidentes e como pode melhorá-lo. Dada a abordagem exploratória para esta pesquisa, foi feito um caso de estudo. O objeto de estudo para esta pesquisa, foi uma equipa de gestão aplicacional em gestão de incidentes, onde um conjunto de 10 pessoas foi entrevistado. Esta equipa resolve incidentes e fornece o suporte necessário aos utilizadores de negócio, nas suas tarefas do dia a dia, utilizando práticas DevOps. Durante a elaboração deste caso de estudo, foi feita a triangulação de três métodos de recolha de dados: entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise documental e observação. Esta pesquisa fornece novas conclusões sobre uma possível relação entre práticas de DevOps e as fases do processo de gestão de incidentes, tal como o “porquê” e o “como” estas práticas podem ajudar o processo de gestão de incidentes. São apresentados resultados, como o tempo entre entregas, total de soluções de incidentes entregues a mais do que estava planeado e o número de entregas por mês, de forma a justificar como existiu uma melhoria de desempenho desta equipa após a implementação destas práticas. As conclusões que são apresentadas nesta pesquisa trazem vantagens tanto para académicos devido à natureza exploratória deste estudo que estende o corpo de conhecimento científico. E também para profissionais, por demonstrar como aplicar estas práticas e os seus resultados após implementação. Direções para trabalho futuro são também apresentadas
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