13,974 research outputs found

    Magmatic record of India-Asia collision

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    This work was financially co-supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB03010301) and other Chinese funding agencies (Project 973: 2011CB403102 and 2015CB452604; NSFC projects: 41225006, 41273044, and 41472061).New geochronological and geochemical data on magmatic activity from the India-Asia collision zone enables recognition of a distinct magmatic flare-up event that we ascribe to slab breakoff. This tie-point in the collisional record can be used to back-date to the time of initial impingement of the Indian continent with the Asian margin. Continental arc magmatism in southern Tibet during 80-40 Ma migrated from south to north and then back to south with significant mantle input at 70-43 Ma. A pronounced flare up in magmatic intensity (including ignimbrite and mafic rock) at ca. 52-51 Ma corresponds to a sudden decrease in the India-Asia convergence rate. Geological and geochemical data are consistent with mantle input controlled by slab rollback from ca. 70 Ma and slab breakoff at ca. 53 Ma. We propose that the slowdown of the Indian plate at ca. 51 Ma is largely the consequence of slab breakoff of the subducting Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, rather than the onset of the India-Asia collision as traditionally interpreted, implying that the initial India-Asia collision commenced earlier, likely at ca. 55 Ma.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    How to effectively design and create a concept mobile application to aid in the management of type 1 diabetes in adolescents

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    Diabetes is one of the eight most prevalent chronic health conditions in the World; therefore there is a wide range of diabetes-related mobile applications available to the public to aid in glycaemic control and self-management. Statistically, adherence to medication is extremely low in adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), therefore it is crucial that adolescents adhere to their medication from a young age and adopt good medication regimes. This paper focuses on the research and design of an interactive and educational concept mobile application aimed at adolescents, aged 11 to 16 years old, to aid in their understanding of T1DM. As visual elements are an essential part to the design of a mobile application, this research outlines how the visual components of the application were designed specifically for the target audience of adolescents with T1DM

    Towards structured, block-based PDF

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    The Portable Document Format (PDF), defined by Adobe Systems Inc. as the basis of its Acrobat product range, is discussed in some detail. Particular emphasis is given to its flexible object-oriented structure, which has yet to be fully exploited. It is currently used to represent not logical structure but simply a series of pages and associated resources. A definition of an Encapsulated PDF (EPDF) is presented, in which EPDF blocks carry with them their own resource requirements, together with geometrical and logical information. A block formatter called Juggler is described which can lay out EPDF blocks from various sources onto new pages. Future revisions of PDF supporting uniquely-named EPDF blocks tagged with semantic information would assist in composite-pagemakeup and could even lead to fully revisable PDF

    SCUdent Books: A University-Focused Bookselling Platform

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    As the beginning of each university semester or quarter commences, so does the rush to acquire books for classes. The search for school books is a busy and important task for many students. However, an entire slew of problems and frustrations emerge with this academic race to gather books. To begin, students have to deal with the traditional frustrations of expensive textbooks sold at the university bookstore which is especially troublesome for those on a tight budget. Additionally, required textbooks for classes may not be available at the bookstore or require restocking which can take an unknown amount of time. Because of this, students turn to cheaper, faster, and more efficient alternatives for acquiring school books including online retailers such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble. While the Internet makes book shopping appear easier, there exist issues that come with it. Students have to put in more effort ordering online, pay for extra shipping, and wait for their books to arrive. Also, online shopping for books is incredibly decentralized with no convenient platform to cater to students\u27 needs. Students must first spend time finding out which books are required for each class and then spend even more time comparing prices from multiple online retailers. In addition, once a student completes a class he or she may no longer need the book. As a result, the student has no convenient method of disposing the book and must now sell it, throw it away, or keep it. Overall, the process of acquiring books in university is disorganized, stressful, and inconvenient for students

    Eco-cosplay: Upcycling as a Sustainable Method of Costume Construction

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    This research addresses sustainability in the apparel industry from the specific perspective of repurposing materials for use in costume development. Repurposing discarded materials, also referred to as upcycling, is examined as a viable approach to waste management and evaluated for its impact on sustainability in apparel and textile production, especially in relation to costume development. Current issues in sustainability in the apparel industry that are a focus for this research include waste from production as well as post-consumer waste. The project includes the design and construction of two costume pieces based on a style of costume known as cosplay. Cosplay is a subculture of costume enthusiasts that dress up to resemble one or more characters from a fan universe. The rise of popularity in cosplay contiguous to upcycling is one reason the project combines the two concepts. Secondly, cosplay costume development can repurpose materials beyond textiles, such as plastics, glass, metal, and wood. Finally, many cosplay hobbyists may have budget constraints that can be resolved by purchasing materials to upcycle from resale stores. Resale stores are a source of materials because the maintenance of the discarded materials removes a portion of cleaning from the project. Results of the research are the established efficacy of upcycling in costume development as an approach to waste management, the determination of acceptable aesthetic quality of upcycled costumes, and general guidance for cosplay participants to follow with the intention to utilize as much repurposed or upcycled materials as individual skills allow

    Utilizing Adobe Illustrator's Blend and Transform in Designing Op-Art Items

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    Op-Art can strengthen the product image and can combine culture elements which satisfies consumers’ visual requirement. Some applications of op-art are in security prints, fashion design, packaging design, architecture, interior design, publishing media, and printing designs. The problem is the few softwares specialized in Op-Art production. These softwares are based on geometric shapes in creating visual art items. Concerning the wide facilities of blend and transform options and effects in Adobe Illustrator software, many op-art items can be investigated. The goal is to highlight the importance of these tools options and effects and its ease, efficiency, and functionality in designing countless variety of op-art items. The availability, prevalence, and ease of use of the Adobe softwares are very important advantages that encourage designers to use in most of their works. The research aims to design Op-Art items by using Illustrator's blend and transform and utilizing these items in various designs. Keywords: Op-Art, Adobe Illustrator, Blend, Transform, packaging design, Guilloche.

    Anatomy of the Rotator Cuff

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    Health literacy is the level at which an individual can obtain, comprehend, and retain general health information and available health services. Health literacy determines more than just how well a person understands medical information. It affects how well they can navigate the medical world. There are problems that often reoccur in patient education materials. Most patient education materials should be written at a 5th or 6th grade level (Health Literacy, NIH 2015) whereas most materials are written at an 11th grade level, or higher. Many illustrations included in resources are complex and not designed to give a general overview of the anatomy. Available educational resources are not optimal for patient comprehension and retention. There are 3 simple solutions that can improve patient education materials. Readability tests should be performed on all literature prior to publication for patient use. The creation of clean, simple illustrations that focus only on the lesson being taught. The third solution would be to design educational resources that aid in patient comprehension and retention of procedures and diagnoses

    TravelMacedonia: A Solution for the Discovery of Macedonia as a Place of Travel

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    TravelMacedonia is a thesis, which explores the relationship between interactive design and marketing. Both are studied in respect to create an improved marketing system for Macedonia\u27s tourism, as it is under discovered. A website and app prototype are created in order to meet the goal of increasing awareness of Macedonia and desire to travel there. This topic is relevant to the field of design because of its importance in making the retrieval of information not only accessible, but also to provide this information in an easily accessible and readable way. The website is designed to surprise users of how interesting Macedonia is and to trigger them to want to visit Macedonia with attractive photos and information. To further relate to readers, a survey of interest will be incorporated. Users answer questions and are given suggested itineraries based on what they look for in a trip. In addition, people can find information on traveling to Macedonia, including landmarks, places to eat, and hotels. There is also cultural information available for a more in-depth experience. Users will be encouraged to download the app if they decide that they are going to visit the country. The app prototype is for users that have decided to travel to Macedonia. It serves as a guide of how to make the most of where you are in the country. Here you can find advice on which places to travel to in Macedonia based on your interests. There is also information on culture and how to say useful things in the Macedonian language. Overall, this thesis aims to improve the general knowledge and travel of Macedonia. As of now, Macedonia is considered a mysterious country because not many people know about it. With the application of this thesis, this will change

    Laser cutting and etching textiles and apparel design: an experimental study on the implementation and documentation of laser cutting and etching in the apparel design creative process

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    Textile cutting is a standard pre-production stage in the apparel manufacturing process that has developed from a manual to a fully automated procedure in recent decades. Laser cutting technology has improved the efficiency and sustainability of cutting pattern markers on a large cutting scale, as well as the ability to cut intricate internal patterns and shapes on a smaller cutting scale. CO2 laser technology has been adopted by industry and academia professionals at an exponential rate, but standard material testing for cutting and etching different textiles has been minimally documented. There were three primary objectives that comprise the purpose of this research which were to: (a) perform material testing to document and create a user manual that explains the parameters needed to laser cut and etch various textiles; (b) use Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation theory to examine “perceived attributes of an innovation” (2003, pp. 15-16), which are characteristics that help determine the rate of adoption, to survey apparel design students in order to determine the possible diffusion of laser cutting and the user manual in apparel design educational settings; and (c) apply knowledge from material testing to create a fashion ensemble that portrays the capabilities of laser cutting and etching textiles in apparel design. To meet the objectives, the researcher first tested how 127 textiles from the Basic Swatch Kit provided by Textile Fabric Consultants, Inc. responded to the laser cutter to develop a user manual for students, educators and industry professionals. Second, the researcher used Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation theory to analyze laser cutting and etching in the apparel industry. A sample of 26 undergraduate apparel design students participated in a survey in which the results demonstrated that laser cutting is viewed as a means to enhance their design projects and increase efficiency and precision. Third, the researcher created an experimental garment that incorporated both laser cutting and etching. Although the material testing of the various textiles had been completed, the creation of the experimental garment allowed the researcher to reveal a significant finding related to the impact of overall percentage of area that the raster textile design covers on the job time or efficiency in etching. Also, as a result of this research, a formula is proposed that will allow students, educators, and industry professionals the ability to use the information from the user manual and adjust the parametric percentages to that of their machine specifications