11 research outputs found

    The Flip Diameter of Rectangulations and Convex Subdivisions

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    We study the configuration space of rectangulations and convex subdivisions of nn points in the plane. It is shown that a sequence of O(nlogn)O(n\log n) elementary flip and rotate operations can transform any rectangulation to any other rectangulation on the same set of nn points. This bound is the best possible for some point sets, while Θ(n)\Theta(n) operations are sufficient and necessary for others. Some of our bounds generalize to convex subdivisions of nn points in the plane.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, an extended abstract has been presented at LATIN 201

    A Stable Greedy Insertion Treemap Algorithm for Software Evolution Visualization

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    Computing treemap layouts for time-dependent (dynamic) trees is an open problem in information visualization. In particular, the constraints of spatial quality (cell aspect ratio) and stability (small treemap changes mandated by given tree-data changes) are hard to satisfy simultaneously. Most existing treemap methods focus on spatial quality, but are not inherently designed to address stability. We propose here a new treemapping method that aims to jointly optimize both these constraints. Our method is simple to implement, generic (handles any types of dynamic hierarchies), and fast. We compare our method with 14 state of the art treemaping algorithms using four quality metrics, over 28 dynamic hierarchies extracted from evolving software codebases. The comparison shows that our proposal jointly optimizes spatial quality and stability better than existing methods

    Time-Oriented Cartographic Treemaps for the Visualization of Public Healthcare Data

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    Visualization of dynamic multidimensional and hierarchical datasets

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    When it comes to tools and techniques designed to help understanding complex abstract data, visualization methods play a prominent role. They enable human operators to lever age their pattern finding, outlier detection, and questioning abilities to visually reason about a given dataset. Many methods exist that create suitable and useful visual represen tations of static abstract, non-spatial, data. However, for temporal abstract, non-spatial, datasets, in which the data changes and evolves through time, far fewer visualization tech niques exist. This thesis focuses on the particular cases of temporal hierarchical data representation via dynamic treemaps, and temporal high-dimensional data visualization via dynamic projec tions. We tackle the joint question of how to extend projections and treemaps to stably, accurately, and scalably handle temporal multivariate and hierarchical data. The literature for static visualization techniques is rich and the state-of-the-art methods have proven to be valuable tools in data analysis. Their temporal/dynamic counterparts, however, are not as well studied, and, until recently, there were few hierarchical and high-dimensional methods that explicitly took into consideration the temporal aspect of the data. In addi tion, there are few or no metrics to assess the quality of these temporal mappings, and even fewer comprehensive benchmarks to compare these methods. This thesis addresses the abovementioned shortcomings. For both dynamic treemaps and dynamic projections, we propose ways to accurately measure temporal stability; we eval uate existing methods considering the tradeoff between stability and visual quality; and we propose new methods that strike a better balance between stability and visual quality than existing state-of-the-art techniques. We demonstrate our methods with a wide range of real-world data, including an application of our new dynamic projection methods to support the analysis and classification of hyperkinetic movement disorder data.Quando se trata de ferramentas e técnicas projetadas para ajudar na compreensão dados abstratos complexos, métodos de visualização desempenham um papel proeminente. Eles permitem que os operadores humanos alavanquem suas habilidades de descoberta de padrões, detecção de valores discrepantes, e questionamento visual para a raciocinar sobre um determinado conjunto de dados. Existem muitos métodos que criam representações visuais adequadas e úteis de para dados estáticos, abstratos, e não-espaciais. No entanto, para dados temporais, abstratos, e não-espaciais, isto é, dados que mudam e evoluem no tempo, existem poucas técnicas apropriadas. Esta tese concentra-se nos casos específicos de representação temporal de dados hierárquicos por meio de treemaps dinâmicos, e visualização temporal de dados de alta dimen sionalidade via projeções dinâmicas. Nós abordar a questão conjunta de como estender projeções e treemaps de forma estável, precisa e escalável para lidar com conjuntos de dados hierárquico-temporais e multivariado-temporais. Em ambos os casos, a literatura para técnicas estáticas é rica e os métodos estado da arte provam ser ferramentas valiosas em análise de dados. Suas contrapartes temporais/dinâmicas, no entanto, não são tão bem estudadas e, até recentemente, existiam poucos métodos hierárquicos e de alta dimensão que explicitamente levavam em consideração o aspecto temporal dos dados. Além disso, existiam poucas métricas para avaliar a qualidade desses mapeamentos visuais temporais, e ainda menos benchmarks abrangentes para comparação esses métodos. Esta tese aborda as deficiências acima mencionadas para treemaps dinâmicos e projeções dinâmicas. Propomos maneiras de medir com precisão a estabilidade temporal; avalia mos os métodos existentes, considerando o compromisso entre estabilidade e qualidade visual; e propomos novos métodos que atingem um melhor equilíbrio entre estabilidade e a qualidade visual do que as técnicas estado da arte atuais. Demonstramos nossos mé todos com uma ampla gama de dados do mundo real, incluindo uma aplicação de nossos novos métodos de projeção dinâmica para apoiar a análise e classificação dos dados de transtorno de movimentos

    Algorithms for cartographic visualization

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    Maps are effective tools for communicating information to the general public and help people to make decisions in, for example, navigation, spatial planning and politics. The mapmaker chooses the details to put on a map and the symbols to represent them. Not all details need to be geographic: thematic maps, which depict a single theme or attribute, such as population, income, crime rate, or migration, can very effectively communicate the spatial distribution of the visualized attribute. The vast amount of data currently available makes it infeasible to design all maps manually, and calls for automated cartography. In this thesis we presented efficient algorithms for the automated construction of various types of thematic maps. In Chapter 2 we studied the problem of drawing schematic maps. Schematic maps are a well-known cartographic tool; they visualize a set of nodes and edges (for example, highway or metro networks) in simplified form to communicate connectivity information as effectively as possible. Many schematic maps deviate substantially from the underlying geography since edges and vertices of the original network are moved in the simplification process. This can be a problem if we want to integrate the schematized network with a geographic map. In this scenario the schematized network has to be drawn with few orientations and links, while critical features (cities, lakes, etc.) of the base map are not obscured and retain their correct topological position with respect to the network. We developed an efficient algorithm to compute a collection of non-crossing paths with fixed orientations using as few links as possible. This algorithm approximates the optimal solution to within a factor that depends only on the number of allowed orientations. We can also draw the roads with different thicknesses, allowing us to visualize additional data related to the roads such as trafic volume. In Chapter 3 we studied methods to visualize quantitative data related to geographic regions. We first considered rectangular cartograms. Rectangular cartograms represent regions by rectangles; the positioning and adjacencies of these rectangles are chosen to suggest their geographic locations to the viewer, while their areas are chosen to represent the numeric values being communicated by the cartogram. One drawback of rectangular cartograms is that not every rectangular layout can be used to visualize all possible area assignments. Rectangular layouts that do have this property are called area-universal. We show that area-universal layouts are always one-sided, and we present algorithms to find one-sided layouts given a set of adjacencies. Rectangular cartograms often provide a nice visualization of quantitative data, but cartograms deform the underlying regions according to the data, which can make the map virtually unrecognizable if the data value differs greatly from the original area of a region or if data is not available at all for a particular region. A more direct method to visualize the data is to place circular symbols on the corresponding region, where the areas of the symbols correspond to the data. However, these maps, so-called symbol maps, can appear very cluttered with many overlapping symbols if large data values are associated with small regions. In Chapter 4 we proposed a novel type of quantitative thematic map, called necklace map, which overcomes these limitations. Instead of placing the symbols directly on a region, we place the symbols on a closed curve, the necklace, which surrounds the map. The location of a symbol on the necklace should be chosen in such a way that the relation between symbol and region is as clear as possible. Necklace maps appear clear and uncluttered and allow for comparatively large symbol sizes. We developed algorithms to compute necklace maps and demonstrated our method with experiments using various data sets and maps. In Chapter 5 and 6 we studied the automated creation of ow maps. Flow maps are thematic maps that visualize the movement of objects, such as people or goods, between geographic regions. One or more sources are connected to several targets by lines whose thickness corresponds to the amount of ow between a source and a target. Good ow maps reduce visual clutter by merging (bundling) lines smoothly and by avoiding self-intersections. We developed a new algorithm for drawing ow trees, ow maps with a single source. Unlike existing methods, our method merges lines smoothly and avoids self-intersections. Our method is based on spiral trees, a new type of Steiner trees that we introduced. Spiral trees have an angle restriction which makes them appear smooth and hence suitable for drawing ow maps. We study the properties of spiral trees and give an approximation algorithm to compute them. We also show how to compute ow trees from spiral trees and we demonstrate our approach with extensive experiments

    Adjacency-preserving spatial treemaps

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    Rectangular layouts, subdivisions of an outer rectangle into smaller rectangles, have many applications in visualizing spatial information, for instance in rectangular cartograms in which the rectangles represent geographic or political regions. A spatial treemap is a rectangular layout with a hierarchical structure: the outer rectangle is subdivided into rectangles that are in turn subdivided into smaller rectangles. We describe algorithms for transforming a rectangular layout that does not have this hierarchical structure, together with a clustering of the rectangles of the layout, into a spatial treemap that respects the clustering and also respects to the extent possible the adjacencies of the input layout

    Adjacency-preserving spatial treemaps

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    Rectangular layouts, subdivisions of an outer rectangle into smaller rectangles, have many applications in visualizing spatial information, for instance in rectangular cartograms in which the rectangles represent geographic or political regions. A spatial treemap is a rectangular layout with a hierarchical structure: the outer rectangle is subdivided into rectangles that are in turn subdivided into smaller rectangles. We describe algorithms for transforming a rectangular layout that does not have this hierarchical structure, together with a clustering of the rectangles of the layout, into a spatial treemap that respects the clustering and also respects to the extent possible the adjacencies of the input layout.</pre

    Adjacency-preserving spatial treemaps

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    Rectangular layouts, subdivisions of an outer rectangle into smaller rectangles, have many applications in visualizing spatial information, for instance in rectangular cartograms in which the rectangles represent geographic or political regions. A spatial treemap is a rectangular layout with a hierarchical structure: the outer rectangle is subdivided into rectangles that are in turn subdivided into smaller rectangles. We describe algorithms for transforming a rectangular layout that does not have this hierarchical structure, together with a clustering of the rectangles of the layout, into a spatial treemap that respects the clustering and also respects to the extent possible the adjacencies of the input layout