1,552 research outputs found

    A Multiscale Thermo-Fluid Computational Model for a Two-Phase Cooling System

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    In this paper, we describe a mathematical model and a numerical simulation method for the condenser component of a novel two-phase thermosyphon cooling system for power electronics applications. The condenser consists of a set of roll-bonded vertically mounted fins among which air flows by either natural or forced convection. In order to deepen the understanding of the mechanisms that determine the performance of the condenser and to facilitate the further optimization of its industrial design, a multiscale approach is developed to reduce as much as possible the complexity of the simulation code while maintaining reasonable predictive accuracy. To this end, heat diffusion in the fins and its convective transport in air are modeled as 2D processes while the flow of the two-phase coolant within the fins is modeled as a 1D network of pipes. For the numerical solution of the resulting equations, a Dual Mixed-Finite Volume scheme with Exponential Fitting stabilization is used for 2D heat diffusion and convection while a Primal Mixed Finite Element discretization method with upwind stabilization is used for the 1D coolant flow. The mathematical model and the numerical method are validated through extensive simulations of realistic device structures which prove to be in excellent agreement with available experimental data

    Observability of Forming Planets and their Circumplanetary Disks I. -- Parameter Study for ALMA

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    We present mock observations of forming planets with ALMA. The possible detections of circumplanetary disks (CPDs) were investigated around planets of Saturn, 1, 3, 5, and 10 Jupiter-masses that are placed at 5.2 AU from their star. The radiative, three dimensional hydrodynamic simulations were then post-processed with RADMC3D and the ALMA Observation Simulator. We found that even though the CPDs are too small to be resolved, they are hot due to the accreting planet in the optically thick limit, therefore the best chance to detect them with continuum observations in this case is at the shortest ALMA wavelengths, such as Band 9 (440 microns). Similar fluxes were found in the case of Saturn and Jupiter-mass planets, as for the 10 MJup\mathrm{M_{Jup}} gas-giant, due to temperature weighted optical depth effects: when no deep gap is carved, the planet region is blanketed by the optically thick circumstellar disk leading to a less efficient cooling there. A test was made for a 52 AU orbital separation, showed that optically thin CPDs are also detectable in band 7 but they need longer integration times (>>5hrs). Comparing the gap profiles of the same simulation at various ALMA bands and the hydro simulation confirmed that they change significantly, first because the gap is wider at longer wavelengths due to decreasing optical depth; second, the beam convolution makes the gap shallower and at least 25% narrower. Therefore, caution has to be made when estimating planet masses based on ALMA continuum observations of gaps.Comment: Accepted for publication at MNRAS. Typos are corrected since previous version. 11 pages, 5 tables, 4 figure

    Damping rates and frequency corrections of Kepler LEGACY stars

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    Linear damping rates and modal frequency corrections of radial oscillation modes in selected LEGACY main-sequence stars are estimated by means of a nonadiabatic stability analysis. The selected stellar sample covers stars observed by Kepler with a large range of surface temperatures and surface gravities. A nonlocal, time-dependent convection model is perturbed to assess stability against pulsation modes. The mixing-length parameter is calibrated to the surface-convection-zone depth of a stellar model obtained from fitting adiabatic frequencies to the LEGACY observations, and two of the nonlocal convection parameters are calibrated to the corresponding LEGACY linewidth measurements. The remaining nonlocal convection parameters in the 1D calculations are calibrated so as to reproduce profiles of turbulent pressure and of the anisotropy of the turbulent velocity field of corresponding 3D hydrodynamical simulations. The atmospheric structure in the 1D stability analysis adopts a temperature-optical-depth relation derived from 3D hydrodynamical simulations. Despite the small number of parameters to adjust, we find good agreement with detailed shapes of both turbulent pressure profiles and anisotropy profiles with depth, and with damping rates as a function of frequency. Furthermore, we find the absolute modal frequency corrections, relative to a standard adiabatic pulsation calculation, to increase with surface temperature and surface gravity.Comment: accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS); 15 pages, 8 figure


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    The need for optimal air vessel sizing tools, in protecting large pipe networks from undue transient pressures is well known. Graphical and other heuristic methods reported in literature are limited to sizing the air vessels for simple rising mains. Although attempts have been made to utilize optimization techniques, they have been largely unsuccessful due to their impractical computational requirements. This research work proposes a robust framework for developing surge protection design tools and demonstrates the usefulness of the framework through an example air vessel sizing tool. Efficiency and robustness of the proposed framework are demonstrated by developing a design aid for air vessel sizing for protecting large pipe network systems against excessive high pressures generated by rapid valve closures. The essence of the proposed framework is in identification of key transient response parameters influencing air vessel parameters from seemingly unmanageable transient response data. This parameterization helps in exploiting the similarity between transient responses of small pipe networks and sub-sections of large pipe networks. The framework employs an extensive knowledgebase of transient pressure and flow scenarios defined from several small network models and corresponding optimal air vessel sizes obtained from a genetic algorithm optimizer. A regression model based on an artificial neural network was used on this knowledgebase to identify key parameters influencing air vessel sizes. These key parameters were used as input variables and the corresponding air vessel parameters as output variables to train the neural network model. The trained neural network model was successfully applied for large complex pipe networks to obtain optimal air vessel sizes for transient protection. The neural network model predictions were compared with optimal air vessel parameters to assess the efficacy of the proposed framework. The validity and limitation of the design aid developed and areas in the framework that need further research are also presented. The proposed frame work requires generation of hundreds of optimization data for small and simple network systems which is a daunting task since genetic algorithm-based optimization is computationally expensive. Selection of a numerically efficient and sufficiently accurate transient analysis method for use inside a genetic algorithm based optimization scheme is crucial as any reduction in transient analysis time for a network system would tremendously reduce the computational costs of bi-level genetic algorithm optimization scheme. This research work also demonstrate that the Wave Plan Method is computationally more efficient than the Method of Characteristics for similar accuracies and the resulting savings in computational costs in the transient analysis of pipe networks and subsequently in the genetic algorithm based optimization schemes are significant

    Cost Minimization Model of Gas Transmission Line for Indonesian SIJ Pipeline Network

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    Optimization of Indonesian SIJ gas pipeline network is being discussed here. Optimum pipe diameters together with the corresponding pressure distribution are obtained from minimization of total cost function consisting of investment and operating costs and subjects to some physical (Panhandle A and Panhandle B equations) constraints. Iteration technique based on Generalized Steepest-Descent and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used here. The resulting diameters from this continuous optimization are then rounded to the closest available discrete sizes. We have also calculated toll fee along each segment and safety factor of the network by determining the pipe wall thickness, using ANSI B31.8 standard. Sensitivity analysis of toll fee for variation of flow rates is shown here. The result will gives the diameter and compressor size and compressor location that feasible to use for the SIJ pipeline project. The Result also indicates that the east route cost relatively less expensive than the west cost

    Computational optimization of gas compressor stations: MINLP models versus continuous reformulations

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    When considering cost-optimal operation of gas transport networks, compressor stations play the most important role. Proper modeling of these stations leads to nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems. In this article, we give an isothermal and stationary description of compressor stations, state MINLP and GDP models for operating a single station, and discuss several continuous reformulations of the problem. The applicability and relevance of different model formulations, especially of those without discrete variables, is demonstrated by a computational study on both academic examples and real-world instances. In addition, we provide preliminary computational results for an entire network.German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technolog

    Cost Minimization Model of Gas Transmission Line for Indonesian SIJ Pipeline Network

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    Optimization of Indonesian SIJ gas pipeline network is being discussed here. Optimum pipe diameters together with the corresponding pressure distribution are obtained from minimization of total cost function consisting of investment and operating costs and subjects to some physical (Panhandle A and Panhandle B equations) constraints. Iteration technique based on Generalized Steepest-Descent and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used here. The resulting diameters from this continuous optimization are then rounded to the closest available discrete sizes. We have also calculated toll fee along each segment and safety factor of the network by determining the pipe wall thickness, using ANSI B31.8 standard. Sensitivity analysis of toll fee for variation of flow rates is shown here. The result will gives the diameter and compressor size and compressor location that feasible to use for the SIJ pipeline project. The Result also indicates that the east route cost relatively less expensive than the west cost
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