13 research outputs found

    Integrating multiple clusters for compute-intensive applications

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    Multicluster grids provide one promising solution to satisfying the growing computational demands of compute-intensive applications. However, it is challenging to seamlessly integrate all participating clusters in different domains into a single virtual computational platform. In order to fully utilize the capabilities of multicluster grids, computer scientists need to deal with the issue of joining together participating autonomic systems practically and efficiently to execute grid-enabled applications. Driven by several compute-intensive applications, this theses develops a multicluster grid management toolkit called Pelecanus to bridge the gap between user\u27s needs and the system\u27s heterogeneity. Application scientists will be able to conduct very large-scale execution across multiclusters with transparent QoS assurance. A novel model called DA-TC (Dynamic Assignment with Task Containers) is developed and is integrated into Pelecanus. This model uses the concept of a task container that allows one to decouple resource allocation from resource binding. It employs static load balancing for task container distribution and dynamic load balancing for task assignment. The slowest resources become useful rather than be bottlenecks in this manner. A cluster abstraction is implemented, which not only provides various cluster information for the DA-TC execution model, but also can be used as a standalone toolkit to monitor and evaluate the clusters\u27 functionality and performance. The performance of the proposed DA-TC model is evaluated both theoretically and experimentally. Results demonstrate the importance of reducing queuing time in decreasing the total turnaround time for an application. Experiments were conducted to understand the performance of various aspects of the DA-TC model. Experiments showed that our model could significantly reduce turnaround time and increase resource utilization for our targeted application scenarios. Four applications are implemented as case studies to determine the applicability of the DA-TC model. In each case the turnaround time is greatly reduced, which demonstrates that the DA-TC model is efficient for assisting application scientists in conducting their research. In addition, virtual resources were integrated into the DA-TC model for application execution. Experiments show that the execution model proposed in this thesis can work seamlessly with multiple hybrid grid/cloud resources to achieve reduced turnaround time

    Feedback Admission Control for Workflow Management Systems

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    We propose a novel feedback admission control (FAC) algorithm based on control theory as a unified framework to improve the real-time scheduling (RTS) performance in industrial workflow management systems (WMSs). Our FAC algorithm is based on four main principles. First, it does not require the knowledge of RTS parameters of jobs prior to their arrival to the system for scheduling and processing. Second, it does not require a change of the scheduling architecture/policy in the industrial WMS which is a requirement in some industries including the one under consideration in this thesis. Third, we derive dynamic models for computing systems for the purpose of performance control. Finally, we apply established control laws to manage the trade-offs in meeting deadlines and increasing platform utilisation (classical RTS objectives). The generality and efficiency of our proposed FAC algorithm are demonstrated by its application in three typical scheduling scenarios in industry. First, we tested our algorithm with simple tasks that are periodic and independent. For this application, we developed two FAC versions based on basic and advanced control laws to compare their performance with respect to the RTS objectives. Second, we added task dependencies as a scheduling constraint because they are witnessed in some industrial workloads. We evaluated our FAC algorithm against other baseline algorithms like the completion-ratio admission controller with respect to the RTS objectives. Third, we extended our FAC algorithm to support enterprise resource planning decisions in acquiring additional computing processors in real-time to further achieve the RTS objectives while constrained by industrial projects’ financial budgets

    Supercomputing futures : the next sharing paradigm for HPC resources : economic model, market analysis and consequences for the Grid

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    À la croisée des chemins du génie informatique, de la finance et de l'économétrie, cette thèse se veut fondamentalement un exercice en ingénierie économique dont l' objectif est de contribuer un système novateur, durable et adaptatif pour le partage de resources de calcul haute-performance. Empruntant à la finance fondamentale et à l'analyse technique, le modèle proposé construit des ratios et des indices de marché à partir de statistiques transactionnelles. Cette approche, encourageant les comportements stratégiques, pave la voie à une métaphore de partage plus efficace pour la Grid, où l'échange de ressources se voit maintenant pondéré. Le concept de monnaie de Grid, un instrument beaucoup plus liquide et utilisable que le troc de resources comme telles est proposé: les Grid Credits. Bien que les indices proposés ne doivent pas être considérés comme des indicateurs absolus et contraignants, ils permettent néanmoins aux négociants de se faire une idée de la valeur au marché des différentes resources avant de se positionner. Semblable sur de multiples facettes aux bourses de commodités, le Grid Exchange, tel que présenté, permet l'échange de resources via un mécanisme de double-encan. Néanmoins, comme les resources de super-calculateurs n'ont rien de standardisé, la plate-forme permet l'échange d'ensemble de commodités, appelés requirement sets, pour les clients, et component sets, pour les fournisseurs. Formellement, ce modèle économique n'est qu'une autre instance de la théorie des jeux non-coopératifs, qui atteint éventuellement ses points d'équilibre. Suivant les règles du "libre-marché", les utilisateurs sont encouragés à spéculer, achetant, ou vendant, à leur bon vouloir, l'utilisation des différentes composantes de superordinateurs. En fin de compte, ce nouveau paradigme de partage de resources pour la Grid dresse la table à une nouvelle économie et une foule de possibilités. Investissement et positionnement stratégique, courtiers, spéculateurs et même la couverture de risque technologique sont autant d'avenues qui s'ouvrent à l'horizon de la recherche dans le domaine

    Workload characterization, modeling, and prediction in grid Computing

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    Workloads play an important role in experimental performance studies of computer systems. This thesis presents a comprehensive characterization of real workloads on production clusters and Grids. A variety of correlation structures and rich scaling behavior are identified in workload attributes such as job arrivals and run times, including pseudo-periodicity, long range dependence, and strong temporal locality. Based on the analytic results workload models are developed to fit the real data. For job arrivals three different kinds of autocorrelations are investigated. For short to middle range dependent data, Markov modulated Poisson processes (MMPP) are good models because they can capture correlations between interarrival times while remaining analytically tractable. For long range dependent and multifractal processes, the multifractal wavelet model (MWM) is able to reconstruct the scaling behavior and it provides a coherent wavelet framework for analysis and synthesis. Pseudo-periodicity is a special kind of autocorrelation and it can be modeled by a matching pursuit approach. For workload attributes such as run time a new model is proposed that can fit not only the marginal distribution but also the second order statistics such as the autocorrelation function (ACF). The development of workload models enable the simulation studies of Grid scheduling strategies. By using the synthetic traces, the performance impacts of workload correlations in Grid scheduling is quantitatively evaluated. The results indicate that autocorrelations in workload attributes can cause performance degradation, in some situations the difference can be up to several orders of magnitude. The larger the autocorrelation, the worse the performance, it is proved both at the cluster and Grid level. This study shows the importance of realistic workload models in performance evaluation studies. Regarding performance predictions, this thesis treats the targeted resources as a ``black box'' and takes a statistical approach. It is shown that statistical learning based methods, after a well-thought and fine-tuned design, are able to deliver good accuracy and performance.UBL - phd migration 201

    Putting the User at the Centre of the Grid: Simplifying Usability and Resource Selection for High Performance Computing

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    Computer simulation is finding a role in an increasing number of scientific disciplines, concomitant with the rise in available computing power. Realizing this inevitably re- quires access to computational power beyond the desktop, making use of clusters, supercomputers, data repositories, networks and distributed aggregations of these re- sources. Accessing one such resource entails a number of usability and security prob- lems; when multiple geographically distributed resources are involved, the difficulty is compounded. However, usability is an all too often neglected aspect of computing on e-infrastructures, although it is one of the principal factors militating against the widespread uptake of distributed computing. The usability problems are twofold: the user needs to know how to execute the applications they need to use on a particular resource, and also to gain access to suit- able resources to run their workloads as they need them. In this thesis we present our solutions to these two problems. Firstly we propose a new model of e-infrastructure resource interaction, which we call the user–application interaction model, designed to simplify executing application on high performance computing resources. We describe the implementation of this model in the Application Hosting Environment, which pro- vides a Software as a Service layer on top of distributed e-infrastructure resources. We compare the usability of our system with commonly deployed middleware tools using five usability metrics. Our middleware and security solutions are judged to be more usable than other commonly deployed middleware tools. We go on to describe the requirements for a resource trading platform that allows users to purchase access to resources within a distributed e-infrastructure. We present the implementation of this Resource Allocation Market Place as a distributed multi- agent system, and show how it provides a highly flexible, efficient tool to schedule workflows across high performance computing resources

    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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    16th SC@RUG 2019 proceedings 2018-2019

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