61 research outputs found

    Content-based indexing of low resolution documents

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    In any multimedia presentation, the trend for attendees taking pictures of slides that interest them during the presentation using capturing devices is gaining popularity. To enhance the image usefulness, the images captured could be linked to image or video database. The database can be used for the purpose of file archiving, teaching and learning, research and knowledge management, which concern image search. However, the above-mentioned devices include cameras or mobiles phones have low resolution resulted from poor lighting and noise. Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is considered among the most interesting and promising fields as far as image search is concerned. Image search is related with finding images that are similar for the known query image found in a given image database. This thesis concerns with the methods used for the purpose of identifying documents that are captured using image capturing devices. In addition, the thesis also concerns with a technique that can be used to retrieve images from an indexed image database. Both concerns above apply digital image processing technique. To build an indexed structure for fast and high quality content-based retrieval of an image, some existing representative signatures and the key indexes used have been revised. The retrieval performance is very much relying on how the indexing is done. The retrieval approaches that are currently in existence including making use of shape, colour and texture features. Putting into consideration these features relative to individual databases, the majority of retrievals approaches have poor results on low resolution documents, consuming a lot of time and in the some cases, for the given query image, irrelevant images are obtained. The proposed identification and indexing method in the thesis uses a Visual Signature (VS). VS consists of the captures slides textual layout’s graphical information, shape’s moment and spatial distribution of colour. This approach, which is signature-based are considered for fast and efficient matching to fulfil the needs of real-time applications. The approach also has the capability to overcome the problem low resolution document such as noisy image, the environment’s varying lighting conditions and complex backgrounds. We present hierarchy indexing techniques, whose foundation are tree and clustering. K-means clustering are used for visual features like colour since their spatial distribution give a good image’s global information. Tree indexing for extracted layout and shape features are structured hierarchically and Euclidean distance is used to get similarity image for CBIR. The assessment of the proposed indexing scheme is conducted based on recall and precision, a standard CBIR retrieval performance evaluation. We develop CBIR system and conduct various retrieval experiments with the fundamental aim of comparing the accuracy during image retrieval. A new algorithm that can be used with integrated visual signatures, especially in late fusion query was introduced. The algorithm has the capability of reducing any shortcoming associated with normalisation in initial fusion technique. Slides from conferences, lectures and meetings presentation are used for comparing the proposed technique’s performances with that of the existing approaches with the help of real data. This finding of the thesis presents exciting possibilities as the CBIR systems is able to produce high quality result even for a query, which uses low resolution documents. In the future, the utilization of multimodal signatures, relevance feedback and artificial intelligence technique are recommended to be used in CBIR system to further enhance the performance

    Giving eyes to ICT!, or How does a computer recognize a cow?

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    Het door Schouten en andere onderzoekers op het CWI ontwikkelde systeem berust op het beschrijven van beelden met behulp van fractale meetkunde. De menselijke waarneming blijkt mede daardoor zo efficiënt omdat zij sterk werkt met gelijkenissen. Het ligt dus voor de hand het te zoeken in wiskundige methoden die dat ook doen. Schouten heeft daarom beeldcodering met behulp van 'fractals' onderzocht. Fractals zijn zelfgelijkende meetkundige figuren, opgebouwd door herhaalde transformatie (iteratie) van een eenvoudig basispatroon, dat zich daardoor op steeds kleinere schalen vertakt. Op elk niveau van detaillering lijkt een fractal op zichzelf (Droste-effect). Met fractals kan men vrij eenvoudig bedrieglijk echte natuurvoorstellingen maken. Fractale beeldcodering gaat ervan uit dat het omgekeerde ook geldt: een beeld effectief opslaan in de vorm van de basispatronen van een klein aantal fractals, samen met het voorschrift hoe het oorspronkelijke beeld daaruit te reconstrueren. Het op het CWI in samenwerking met onderzoekers uit Leuven ontwikkelde systeem is mede gebaseerd op deze methode. ISBN 906196502

    Knowledge assisted data management and retrieval in multimedia database sistems

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    With the proliferation of multimedia data and ever-growing requests for multimedia applications, there is an increasing need for efficient and effective indexing, storage and retrieval of multimedia data, such as graphics, images, animation, video, audio and text. Due to the special characteristics of the multimedia data, the Multimedia Database management Systems (MMDBMSs) have emerged and attracted great research attention in recent years. Though much research effort has been devoted to this area, it is still far from maturity and there exist many open issues. In this dissertation, with the focus of addressing three of the essential challenges in developing the MMDBMS, namely, semantic gap, perception subjectivity and data organization, a systematic and integrated framework is proposed with video database and image database serving as the testbed. In particular, the framework addresses these challenges separately yet coherently from three main aspects of a MMDBMS: multimedia data representation, indexing and retrieval. In terms of multimedia data representation, the key to address the semantic gap issue is to intelligently and automatically model the mid-level representation and/or semi-semantic descriptors besides the extraction of the low-level media features. The data organization challenge is mainly addressed by the aspect of media indexing where various levels of indexing are required to support the diverse query requirements. In particular, the focus of this study is to facilitate the high-level video indexing by proposing a multimodal event mining framework associated with temporal knowledge discovery approaches. With respect to the perception subjectivity issue, advanced techniques are proposed to support users’ interaction and to effectively model users’ perception from the feedback at both the image-level and object-level

    Content Based Image Retrieval by Preprocessing Image Database

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    Increase in communication bandwidth, information content and the size of the multimedia databases have given rise to the concept of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Content based image retrieval is a technique that enables a user to extract similar images based on a query, from a database containing a large amount of images. A basic issue in designing a content based image retrieval system is to select the image features that best represent image content in a database. Current research in this area focuses on improving image retrieval accuracy. In this work, we have presented an ecient system for content based image retrieval. The system exploits the multiple features such as color, edge density, boolean edge density and histogram information features. The existing methods are concentrating on the relevance feedback techniques to improve the count of similar images related to a query from the raw image database. In this thesis, we propose a dierent strategy called preprocessing image database using k means clustering and genetic algorithm so that it will further helps to improve image retrieval accuracy. This can be achieved by taking multiple feature set, clustering algorithm and tness function for the genetic algorithms. Preprocessing image database is to cluster the similar images as homogeneous as possible and separate the dissimilar images as heterogeneous as possible. The main aim of this work is to nd the images that are most similar to the query image and new method is proposed for preprocessing image database via genetic algorithm for improved content based image retrieval system. The accuracy of our approach is presented by using performance metrics called confusion matrix, precison graph and F-measures. The clustering purity in more than half of the clusters has been above 90 percent purity

    Recuperação multimodal e interativa de informação orientada por diversidade

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    Orientador: Ricardo da Silva TorresTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Os métodos de Recuperação da Informação, especialmente considerando-se dados multimídia, evoluíram para a integração de múltiplas fontes de evidência na análise de relevância de itens em uma tarefa de busca. Neste contexto, para atenuar a distância semântica entre as propriedades de baixo nível extraídas do conteúdo dos objetos digitais e os conceitos semânticos de alto nível (objetos, categorias, etc.) e tornar estes sistemas adaptativos às diferentes necessidades dos usuários, modelos interativos que consideram o usuário mais próximo do processo de recuperação têm sido propostos, permitindo a sua interação com o sistema, principalmente por meio da realimentação de relevância implícita ou explícita. Analogamente, a promoção de diversidade surgiu como uma alternativa para lidar com consultas ambíguas ou incompletas. Adicionalmente, muitos trabalhos têm tratado a ideia de minimização do esforço requerido do usuário em fornecer julgamentos de relevância, à medida que mantém níveis aceitáveis de eficácia. Esta tese aborda, propõe e analisa experimentalmente métodos de recuperação da informação interativos e multimodais orientados por diversidade. Este trabalho aborda de forma abrangente a literatura acerca da recuperação interativa da informação e discute sobre os avanços recentes, os grandes desafios de pesquisa e oportunidades promissoras de trabalho. Nós propusemos e avaliamos dois métodos de aprimoramento do balanço entre relevância e diversidade, os quais integram múltiplas informações de imagens, tais como: propriedades visuais, metadados textuais, informação geográfica e descritores de credibilidade dos usuários. Por sua vez, como integração de técnicas de recuperação interativa e de promoção de diversidade, visando maximizar a cobertura de múltiplas interpretações/aspectos de busca e acelerar a transferência de informação entre o usuário e o sistema, nós propusemos e avaliamos um método multimodal de aprendizado para ranqueamento utilizando realimentação de relevância sobre resultados diversificados. Nossa análise experimental mostra que o uso conjunto de múltiplas fontes de informação teve impacto positivo nos algoritmos de balanceamento entre relevância e diversidade. Estes resultados sugerem que a integração de filtragem e re-ranqueamento multimodais é eficaz para o aumento da relevância dos resultados e também como mecanismo de potencialização dos métodos de diversificação. Além disso, com uma análise experimental minuciosa, nós investigamos várias questões de pesquisa relacionadas à possibilidade de aumento da diversidade dos resultados e a manutenção ou até mesmo melhoria da sua relevância em sessões interativas. Adicionalmente, nós analisamos como o esforço em diversificar afeta os resultados gerais de uma sessão de busca e como diferentes abordagens de diversificação se comportam para diferentes modalidades de dados. Analisando a eficácia geral e também em cada iteração de realimentação de relevância, nós mostramos que introduzir diversidade nos resultados pode prejudicar resultados iniciais, enquanto que aumenta significativamente a eficácia geral em uma sessão de busca, considerando-se não apenas a relevância e diversidade geral, mas também o quão cedo o usuário é exposto ao mesmo montante de itens relevantes e nível de diversidadeAbstract: Information retrieval methods, especially considering multimedia data, have evolved towards the integration of multiple sources of evidence in the analysis of the relevance of items considering a given user search task. In this context, for attenuating the semantic gap between low-level features extracted from the content of the digital objects and high-level semantic concepts (objects, categories, etc.) and making the systems adaptive to different user needs, interactive models have brought the user closer to the retrieval loop allowing user-system interaction mainly through implicit or explicit relevance feedback. Analogously, diversity promotion has emerged as an alternative for tackling ambiguous or underspecified queries. Additionally, several works have addressed the issue of minimizing the required user effort on providing relevance assessments while keeping an acceptable overall effectiveness. This thesis discusses, proposes, and experimentally analyzes multimodal and interactive diversity-oriented information retrieval methods. This work, comprehensively covers the interactive information retrieval literature and also discusses about recent advances, the great research challenges, and promising research opportunities. We have proposed and evaluated two relevance-diversity trade-off enhancement work-flows, which integrate multiple information from images, such as: visual features, textual metadata, geographic information, and user credibility descriptors. In turn, as an integration of interactive retrieval and diversity promotion techniques, for maximizing the coverage of multiple query interpretations/aspects and speeding up the information transfer between the user and the system, we have proposed and evaluated a multimodal learning-to-rank method trained with relevance feedback over diversified results. Our experimental analysis shows that the joint usage of multiple information sources positively impacted the relevance-diversity balancing algorithms. Our results also suggest that the integration of multimodal-relevance-based filtering and reranking was effective on improving result relevance and also boosted diversity promotion methods. Beyond it, with a thorough experimental analysis we have investigated several research questions related to the possibility of improving result diversity and keeping or even improving relevance in interactive search sessions. Moreover, we analyze how much the diversification effort affects overall search session results and how different diversification approaches behave for the different data modalities. By analyzing the overall and per feedback iteration effectiveness, we show that introducing diversity may harm initial results whereas it significantly enhances the overall session effectiveness not only considering the relevance and diversity, but also how early the user is exposed to the same amount of relevant items and diversityDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da ComputaçãoP-4388/2010140977/2012-0CAPESCNP

    Using contour information and segmentation for object registration, modeling and retrieval

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    This thesis considers different aspects of the utilization of contour information and syntactic and semantic image segmentation for object registration, modeling and retrieval in the context of content-based indexing and retrieval in large collections of images. Target applications include retrieval in collections of closed silhouettes, holistic w ord recognition in handwritten historical manuscripts and shape registration. Also, the thesis explores the feasibility of contour-based syntactic features for improving the correspondence of the output of bottom-up segmentation to semantic objects present in the scene and discusses the feasibility of different strategies for image analysis utilizing contour information, e.g. segmentation driven by visual features versus segmentation driven by shape models or semi-automatic in selected application scenarios. There are three contributions in this thesis. The first contribution considers structure analysis based on the shape and spatial configuration of image regions (socalled syntactic visual features) and their utilization for automatic image segmentation. The second contribution is the study of novel shape features, matching algorithms and similarity measures. Various applications of the proposed solutions are presented throughout the thesis providing the basis for the third contribution which is a discussion of the feasibility of different recognition strategies utilizing contour information. In each case, the performance and generality of the proposed approach has been analyzed based on extensive rigorous experimentation using as large as possible test collections

    Discriminative learning with application to interactive facial image retrieval

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    The amount of digital images is growing drastically and advanced tools for searching in large image collections are therefore becoming urgently needed. Content-based image retrieval is advantageous for such a task in terms of automatic feature extraction and indexing without human labor and subjectivity in image annotations. The semantic gap between high-level semantics and low-level visual features can be reduced by the relevance feedback technique. However, most existing interactive content-based image retrieval (ICBIR) systems require a substantial amount of human evaluation labor, which leads to the evaluation fatigue problem that heavily restricts the application of ICBIR. In this thesis a solution based on discriminative learning is presented. It extends an existing ICBIR system, PicSOM, towards practical applications. The enhanced ICBIR system allows users to input partial relevance which includes not only relevance extent but also relevance reason. A multi-phase retrieval with partial relevance can adapt to the user's searching intention in a from-coarse-to-fine manner. The retrieval performance can be improved by employing supervised learning as a preprocessing step before unsupervised content-based indexing. In this work, Parzen Discriminant Analysis (PDA) is proposed to extract discriminative components from images. PDA regularizes the Informative Discriminant Analysis (IDA) objective with a greatly accelerated optimization algorithm. Moreover, discriminative Self-Organizing Maps trained with resulting features can easily handle fuzzy categorizations. The proposed techniques have been applied to interactive facial image retrieval. Both a query example and a benchmark simulation study are presented, which indicate that the first image depicting the target subject can be retrieved in a small number of rounds

    Structural advances for pattern discovery in multi-relational databases

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    With ever-growing storage needs and drift towards very large relational storage settings, multi-relational data mining has become a prominent and pertinent field for discovering unique and interesting relational patterns. As a consequence, a whole suite of multi-relational data mining techniques is being developed. These techniques may either be extensions to the already existing single-table mining techniques or may be developed from scratch. For the traditionalists, single-table mining algorithms can be used to work on multi-relational settings by making inelegant and time consuming joins of all target relations. However, complex relational patterns cannot be expressed in a single-table format and thus, cannot be discovered. This work presents a new multi-relational frequent pattern mining algorithm termed Multi-Relational Frequent Pattern Growth (MRFP Growth). MRFP Growth is capable of mining multiple relations, linked with referential integrity, for frequent patterns that satisfy a user specified support threshold. Empirical results on MRFP Growth performance and its comparison with the state-of-the-art multirelational data mining algorithms like WARMR and Decentralized Apriori are discussed at length. MRFP Growth scores over the latter two techniques in number of patterns generated and speed. The realm of multi-relational clustering is also explored in this thesis. A multi-Relational Item Clustering approach based on Hypergraphs (RICH) is proposed. Experimentally RICH combined with MRFP Growth proves to be a competitive approach for clustering multi-relational data. The performance and iii quality of clusters generated by RICH are compared with other clustering algorithms. Finally, the thesis demonstrates the applied utility of the theoretical implications of the above mentioned algorithms in an application framework for auto-annotation of images in an image database. The system is called CoMMA which stands for Combining Multi-relational Multimedia for Associations

    Image retrieval using automatic region tagging

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    The task of tagging, annotating or labelling image content automatically with semantic keywords is a challenging problem. To automatically tag images semantically based on the objects that they contain is essential for image retrieval. In addressing these problems, we explore the techniques developed to combine textual description of images with visual features, automatic region tagging and region-based ontology image retrieval. To evaluate the techniques, we use three corpora comprising: Lonely Planet travel guide articles with images, Wikipedia articles with images and Goats comic strips. In searching for similar images or textual information specified in a query, we explore the unification of textual descriptions and visual features (such as colour and texture) of the images. We compare the effectiveness of using different retrieval similarity measures for the textual component. We also analyse the effectiveness of different visual features extracted from the images. We then investigate the best weight combination of using textual and visual features. Using the queries from the Multimedia Track of INEX 2005 and 2006, we found that the best weight combination significantly improves the effectiveness of the retrieval system. Our findings suggest that image regions are better in capturing the semantics, since we can identify specific regions of interest in an image. In this context, we develop a technique to tag image regions with high-level semantics. This is done by combining several shape feature descriptors and colour, using an equal-weight linear combination. We experimentally compare this technique with more complex machine-learning algorithms, and show that the equal-weight linear combination of shape features is simpler and at least as effective as using a machine learning algorithm. We focus on the synergy between ontology and image annotations with the aim of reducing the gap between image features and high-level semantics. Ontologies ease information retrieval. They are used to mine, interpret, and organise knowledge. An ontology may be seen as a knowledge base that can be used to improve the image retrieval process, and conversely keywords obtained from automatic tagging of image regions may be useful for creating an ontology. We engineer an ontology that surrogates concepts derived from image feature descriptors. We test the usability of the constructed ontology by querying the ontology via the Visual Ontology Query Interface, which has a formally specified grammar known as the Visual Ontology Query Language. We show that synergy between ontology and image annotations is possible and this method can reduce the gap between image features and high-level semantics by providing the relationships between objects in the image. In this thesis, we conclude that suitable techniques for image retrieval include fusing text accompanying the images with visual features, automatic region tagging and using an ontology to enrich the semantic meaning of the tagged image regions