7,908 research outputs found

    Architectural Considerations for a Self-Configuring Routing Scheme for Spontaneous Networks

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    Decoupling the permanent identifier of a node from the node's topology-dependent address is a promising approach toward completely scalable self-organizing networks. A group of proposals that have adopted such an approach use the same structure to: address nodes, perform routing, and implement location service. In this way, the consistency of the routing protocol relies on the coherent sharing of the addressing space among all nodes in the network. Such proposals use a logical tree-like structure where routes in this space correspond to routes in the physical level. The advantage of tree-like spaces is that it allows for simple address assignment and management. Nevertheless, it has low route selection flexibility, which results in low routing performance and poor resilience to failures. In this paper, we propose to increase the number of paths using incomplete hypercubes. The design of more complex structures, like multi-dimensional Cartesian spaces, improves the resilience and routing performance due to the flexibility in route selection. We present a framework for using hypercubes to implement indirect routing. This framework allows to give a solution adapted to the dynamics of the network, providing a proactive and reactive routing protocols, our major contributions. We show that, contrary to traditional approaches, our proposal supports more dynamic networks and is more robust to node failures

    The essence of P2P: A reference architecture for overlay networks

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    The success of the P2P idea has created a huge diversity of approaches, among which overlay networks, for example, Gnutella, Kazaa, Chord, Pastry, Tapestry, P-Grid, or DKS, have received specific attention from both developers and researchers. A wide variety of algorithms, data structures, and architectures have been proposed. The terminologies and abstractions used, however, have become quite inconsistent since the P2P paradigm has attracted people from many different communities, e.g., networking, databases, distributed systems, graph theory, complexity theory, biology, etc. In this paper we propose a reference model for overlay networks which is capable of modeling different approaches in this domain in a generic manner. It is intended to allow researchers and users to assess the properties of concrete systems, to establish a common vocabulary for scientific discussion, to facilitate the qualitative comparison of the systems, and to serve as the basis for defining a standardized API to make overlay networks interoperable

    On Compact Routing for the Internet

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    While there exist compact routing schemes designed for grids, trees, and Internet-like topologies that offer routing tables of sizes that scale logarithmically with the network size, we demonstrate in this paper that in view of recent results in compact routing research, such logarithmic scaling on Internet-like topologies is fundamentally impossible in the presence of topology dynamics or topology-independent (flat) addressing. We use analytic arguments to show that the number of routing control messages per topology change cannot scale better than linearly on Internet-like topologies. We also employ simulations to confirm that logarithmic routing table size scaling gets broken by topology-independent addressing, a cornerstone of popular locator-identifier split proposals aiming at improving routing scaling in the presence of network topology dynamics or host mobility. These pessimistic findings lead us to the conclusion that a fundamental re-examination of assumptions behind routing models and abstractions is needed in order to find a routing architecture that would be able to scale ``indefinitely.''Comment: This is a significantly revised, journal version of cs/050802

    A Pragmatic Approach to DHT Adoption

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    Despite the peer-to-peer community's obvious wish to have its systems adopted, specific mechanisms to facilitate incremental adoption have not yet received the same level of attention as the many other practical concerns associated with these systems. This paper argues that ease of adoption should be elevated to a first-class concern and accordingly presents HOLD, a front-end to existing DHTs that is optimized for incremental adoption. Specifically, HOLD is backwards-compatible: it leverages DNS to provide a key-based routing service to existing Internet hosts without requiring them to install any software. This paper also presents applications that could benefit from HOLD as well as the trade-offs that accompany HOLD. Early implementation experience suggests that HOLD is practical

    Multicast in DKS(N, k, f) Overlay Networks

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    Recent developments in the area of peer-to-peer computing show that structured overlay networks implementing distributed hash tables scale well and can serve as infrastructures for Internet scale applications. We are developing a family of infrastructures, DKS(N; k; f), for the construction of peer-to-peer applications. An instance of DKS(N; k; f) is an overlay network that implements a distributed hash table and which has a number of desirable properties: low cost of communication, scalability, logarithmic lookup length, fault-tolerance and strong guarantees of locating any data item that was inserted in the system. In this paper, we show how multicast is achieved in DKS(N, k, f) overlay networks. The design presented here is attractive in three main respects. First, members of a multicast group self-organize in an instance of DKS(N, k, f) in a way that allows co-existence of groups of different sizes, degree of fault-tolerance, and maintenance cost, thereby, providing flexibility. Second, each member of a group can multicast, rather than having single source multicast. Third, within a group, dissemination of a multicast message is optimal under normal system operation in the sense that there are no redundant messages despite the presence of outdated routing information

    Fault Tolerant Scalable Support for Network Portability and Traffic Engineering

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    The P-SHIM6 architecture provides ISP independence to IPv6 sites without compromising scalability. This architecture is based on a middle-box, the P-SHIM6, which manages the SHIM6 protocol exchange on behalf of the nodes of a site, which are configured with provider independent addresses. Incoming and outgoing packets are processed by the P-SHIM6 box, which can assign different locators to a given communication, either when it is started, or dynamically after the communication has been established. As a consequence, changes required for provider portability are minimized, and fine-grained Traffic Engineering can be enforced at the P-SHIM6 box, in addition to the fault tolerance support provided by SHIM6.This project has been supported by the RiNG project IST-2005-035167 and by the IMPROVISA project TSI2005-07384-C03-02.Publicad
