455 research outputs found

    Homomorphisms of Lifted Planning Tasks: The Case for Delete-free Relaxation Heuristics

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    Additive Pattern Databases for Decoupled Search

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    Abstraction heuristics are the state of the art in optimal classical planning as heuristic search. Despite their success for explicit-state search, though, abstraction heuristics are not available for decoupled state-space search, an orthogonal reduction technique that can lead to exponential savings by decomposing planning tasks. In this paper, we show how to compute pattern database (PDB) heuristics for decoupled states. The main challenge lies in how to additively employ multiple patterns, which is crucial for strong search guidance of the heuristics. We show that in the general case, for arbitrary collections of PDBs, computing the heuristic for a decoupled state is exponential in the number of leaf components of decoupled search. We derive several variants of decoupled PDB heuristics that allow to additively combine PDBs avoiding this blow-up and evaluate them empirically

    Error Analysis and Correction for Weighted A*'s Suboptimality (Extended Version)

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    Weighted A* (wA*) is a widely used algorithm for rapidly, but suboptimally, solving planning and search problems. The cost of the solution it produces is guaranteed to be at most W times the optimal solution cost, where W is the weight wA* uses in prioritizing open nodes. W is therefore a suboptimality bound for the solution produced by wA*. There is broad consensus that this bound is not very accurate, that the actual suboptimality of wA*'s solution is often much less than W times optimal. However, there is very little published evidence supporting that view, and no existing explanation of why W is a poor bound. This paper fills in these gaps in the literature. We begin with a large-scale experiment demonstrating that, across a wide variety of domains and heuristics for those domains, W is indeed very often far from the true suboptimality of wA*'s solution. We then analytically identify the potential sources of error. Finally, we present a practical method for correcting for two of these sources of error and experimentally show that the correction frequently eliminates much of the error.Comment: Published as a short paper in the 12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search, SoCS 201

    Counterexample-guided cartesian abstraction refinement and saturated cost partitioning for optimal classical planning

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    Heuristic search with an admissible heuristic is one of the most prominent approaches to solving classical planning tasks optimally. In the first part of this thesis, we introduce a new family of admissible heuristics for classical planning, based on Cartesian abstractions, which we derive by counterexample-guided abstraction refinement. Since one abstraction usually is not informative enough for challenging planning tasks, we present several ways of creating diverse abstractions. To combine them admissibly, we introduce a new cost partitioning algorithm, which we call saturated cost partitioning. It considers the heuristics sequentially and uses the minimum amount of costs that preserves all heuristic estimates for the current heuristic before passing the remaining costs to subsequent heuristics until all heuristics have been served this way. In the second part, we show that saturated cost partitioning is strongly influenced by the order in which it considers the heuristics. To find good orders, we present a greedy algorithm for creating an initial order and a hill-climbing search for optimizing a given order. Both algorithms make the resulting heuristics significantly more accurate. However, we obtain the strongest heuristics by maximizing over saturated cost partitioning heuristics computed for multiple orders, especially if we actively search for diverse orders. The third part provides a theoretical and experimental comparison of saturated cost partitioning and other cost partitioning algorithms. Theoretically, we show that saturated cost partitioning dominates greedy zero-one cost partitioning. The difference between the two algorithms is that saturated cost partitioning opportunistically reuses unconsumed costs for subsequent heuristics. By applying this idea to uniform cost partitioning we obtain an opportunistic variant that dominates the original. We also prove that the maximum over suitable greedy zero-one cost partitioning heuristics dominates the canonical heuristic and show several non-dominance results for cost partitioning algorithms. The experimental analysis shows that saturated cost partitioning is the cost partitioning algorithm of choice in all evaluated settings and it even outperforms the previous state of the art in optimal classical planning

    Counterexample-Guided Cartesian Abstraction Refinement for Classical Planning

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    Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) is a method for incrementally computing abstractions of transition systems. We propose a CEGAR algorithm for computing abstraction heuristics for optimal classical planning. Starting from a coarse abstraction of the planning task, we iteratively compute an optimal abstract solution, check if and why it fails for the concrete planning task and refine the abstraction so that the same failure cannot occur in future iterations. A key ingredient of our approach is a novel class of abstractions for classical planning tasks that admits efficient and very fine-grained refinement. Since a single abstraction usually cannot capture enough details of the planning task, we also introduce two methods for producing diverse sets of heuristics within this framework, one based on goal atoms, the other based on landmarks. In order to sum their heuristic estimates admissibly we introduce a new cost partitioning algorithm called saturated cost partitioning. We show that the resulting heuristics outperform other state-of-the-art abstraction heuristics in many benchmark domains

    Merge-and-shrink abstractions for classical planning : theory, strategies, and implementation

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    Classical planning is the problem of finding a sequence of deterministic actions in a state space that lead from an initial state to a state satisfying some goal condition. The dominant approach to optimally solve planning tasks is heuristic search, in particular A* search combined with an admissible heuristic. While there exist many different admissible heuristics, we focus on abstraction heuristics in this thesis, and in particular, on the well-established merge-and-shrink heuristics. Our main theoretical contribution is to provide a comprehensive description of the merge-and-shrink framework in terms of transformations of transition systems. Unlike previous accounts, our description is fully compositional, i.e. can be understood by understanding each transformation in isolation. In particular, in addition to the name-giving merge and shrink transformations, we also describe pruning and label reduction as such transformations. The latter is based on generalized label reduction, a new theory that removes all of the restrictions of the previous definition of label reduction. We study the four types of transformations in terms of desirable formal properties and explain how these properties transfer to heuristics being admissible and consistent or even perfect. We also describe an optimized implementation of the merge-and-shrink framework that substantially improves the efficiency compared to previous implementations. Furthermore, we investigate the expressive power of merge-and-shrink abstractions by analyzing factored mappings, the data structure they use for representing functions. In particular, we show that there exist certain families of functions that can be compactly represented by so-called non-linear factored mappings but not by linear ones. On the practical side, we contribute several non-linear merge strategies to the merge-and-shrink toolbox. In particular, we adapt a merge strategy from model checking to planning, provide a framework to enhance existing merge strategies based on symmetries, devise a simple score-based merge strategy that minimizes the maximum size of transition systems of the merge-and-shrink computation, and describe another framework to enhance merge strategies based on an analysis of causal dependencies of the planning task. In a large experimental study, we show the evolution of the performance of merge-and-shrink heuristics on planning benchmarks. Starting with the state of the art before the contributions of this thesis, we subsequently evaluate all of our techniques and show that state-of-the-art non-linear merge-and-shrink heuristics improve significantly over the previous state of the art

    The 2011 International Planning Competition

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    After a 3 years gap, the 2011 edition of the IPC involved a total of 55 planners, some of them versions of the same planner, distributed among four tracks: the sequential satisficing track (27 planners submitted out of 38 registered), the sequential multicore track (8 planners submitted out of 12 registered), the sequential optimal track (12 planners submitted out of 24 registered) and the temporal satisficing track (8 planners submitted out of 14 registered). Three more tracks were open to participation: temporal optimal, preferences satisficing and preferences optimal. Unfortunately the number of submitted planners did not allow these tracks to be finally included in the competition. A total of 55 people were participating, grouped in 31 teams. Participants came from Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Spain, UK and USA. For the sequential tracks 14 domains, with 20 problems each, were selected, while the temporal one had 12 domains, also with 20 problems each. Both new and past domains were included. As in previous competitions, domains and problems were unknown for participants and all the experimentation was carried out by the organizers. To run the competition a cluster of eleven 64-bits computers (Intel XEON 2.93 Ghz Quad core processor) using Linux was set up. Up to 1800 seconds, 6 GB of RAM memory and 750 GB of hard disk were available for each planner to solve a problem. This resulted in 7540 computing hours (about 315 days), plus a high number of hours devoted to preliminary experimentation with new domains, reruns and bugs fixing. The detailed results of the competition, the software used for automating most tasks, the source code of all the participating planners and the description of domains and problems can be found at the competition’s web page: http://www.plg.inf.uc3m.es/ipc2011-deterministicThis booklet summarizes the participants on the Deterministic Track of the International Planning Competition (IPC) 2011. Papers describing all the participating planners are included

    Symbolic search and abstraction heuristics for cost-optimal planning in automated planning

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorLa Planificación Automática puede ser definida como el problema de encontrar una secuencia de acciones (un plan) para conseguir una meta, desde un punto inicial, asumiendo que las acciones tienen efectos deterministas. La Planificación Automática es independiente de dominio porque los planificadores toman como información inicial una descripción del problema y deben resolverlo sin ninguna información adicional. Esta tesis trata en particular de planificación automática ´optima, en la cual las acciones tienen un coste asociado. Los planificadores óptimos deben encontrar un plan y probar que no existe ningún otro plan de menor coste. La mayoría de los planificadores óptimos están basados en la búsqueda de estados explícita. Sin lugar a dudas, esta aproximación ha sido la dominante en planificación automática óptima durante los últimos años. No obstante, la búsqueda simbólica se presenta como una alternativa interesante. En esta tesis, proponemos dos mejoras ortogonales para la planificación basada en búsqueda simbólica. En primer lugar, estudiamos diferentes métodos para mejorar la computación de la “imagen”, operación que calcula el conjunto de estados sucesores a partir de un conjunto de estados. Posteriormente, analizamos cómo explotar las invariantes de estado para mejorar el rendimiento de la búsqueda simbólica. Estas propuestas suponen una mejora significativa en el desempeño de los algoritmos simbólicos en la mayoría de los dominios analizados. Hemos analizado dos tipos de heurísticas de abstracción con el objetivo de extrapolar las mejoras que se han realizado en la búsqueda explícita durante los últimos años a la búsqueda simbólica. Las heurísticas analizadas son: las bases de datos de patrones (pattern databases, PDBs) y una generalización de estas, mergeand-shrink (M&S). Mientras que las PDBs se han utilizado con anterioridad en búsqueda simbólica, hemos estudiado el uso de M&S, que es más general. En esta tesis se muestra que determinados tipos de heurísticas de M&S (aquellas que son generadas mediante una estrategia de “merge” lineal) pueden ser representadas como BDDs, con un coste computacional polinomial en el tamaño de la abstracción y la descripción del problema; y por lo tanto, pueden ser utilizadas de forma eficiente en la búsqueda simbólica. También proponemos una nueva heurística”symbolic perimeter merge-andshrink” (SPM&S) que combina la fuerza de la búsqueda hacia atrás simbólica con la flexibilidad de M&S. Los resultados experimentales muestran que SPM&S es capaz de superar, no solo las dos técnicas que combina, sino también otras heurísticas del estado del arte. Finalmente, hemos integrado las abstracciones simbólicas de perímetro, SPM&S, en la búsqueda simbólica bidireccional. En resumen, esta tesis estudia diferentes propuestas para planificación óptima basada en Búsqueda simbólica. Hemos implementado diferentes planificadores simbólicos basados en la Búsqueda bidireccional y las abstracciones de perímetro. Los resultados experimentales muestran cómo los planificadores presentados como resultado de este trabajo son altamente competitivos y frecuentemente superan al resto de planificadores del estado del arte.Domain-independent planning is the problem of finding a sequence of actions for achieving a goal from an initial state assuming that actions have deterministic effects. It is domain-independent because planners take as input the description of a problem and must solve it without any additional information. In this thesis, we deal with cost-optimal planning problems, in which actions have an associated cost and the planner must find a plan and prove that no other plan of lower cost exists. Most cost-optimal planners are based on explicit-state search. While this has undoubtedly been the dominant approach to cost-optimal planning in the last years, symbolic search is an interesting alternative. In symbolic search, sets of states are succinctly represented as binary decision diagrams, BDDs. The BDD representation does not only reduce the memory needed to store sets of states, but also allows the planner to efficiently manipulate sets of states reducing the search time. We propose two orthogonal enhancements for symbolic search planning. On the one hand, we study different methods for image computation, which usually is the bottleneck of symbolic search planners. On the other hand, we analyze how to exploit state invariants to prune symbolic search. Our techniques significantly improve the performance of symbolic search algorithms in most benchmark domains. Moreover, the enhanced version of symbolic bidirectional search is one of the strongest approaches to domain-independent planning even though it does not use any heuristic. Explicit-state search planners are commonly guided with admissible heuristics, which optimistically estimate the cost from any state to the goal. Heuristics are automatically derived from the problem description and can be classified into different families according to their underlying ideas. In order to bring the improvements on heuristics that have been made in explicit-state search to symbolic search, we analyze two types of abstraction heuristics: pattern databases (PDBs) and a generalization of them, merge-and-shrink (M&S). While PDBs had already been used in symbolic search, we analyze the use of the more general M&S heuristics. We show that certain types of M&S heuristics (those generated with a linear merging strategy) can be represented as BDDs with at most a polynomial overhead and, thus, efficiently used in symbolic search. We also propose a new heuristic, symbolic perimeter merge-and-shrink (SPM&S) that combines the strength of symbolic regression search with the flexibility of M&S heuristics. Our experiments show that SPM&S is able to beat, not only the two techniques it combines, but also other state-of-the-art heuristics. Finally, we integrate our symbolic perimeter abstraction heuristics in symbolic bidirectional search. The heuristic used by the bidirectional search is computed by means of another symbolic bidirectional search in an abstract state space. We show how, even though the combination of symbolic bidirectional search and abstraction heuristics has an overall performance similar to the simpler symbolic bidirectional blind search, it can sometimes solve more problems in particular domains. In summary, this thesis studies different enhancements on symbolic search. We implement different symbolic search planners based on bidirectional search and perimeter abstraction heuristics. Experimental results show that the resulting planners are highly competitive and often outperform other state-of-the-art planners.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: José Manuel Molina López..- Vocal: Malte Helmert .- Secretario: Andrés Jonsso

    New perspectives on cost partitioning for optimal classical planning

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    Admissible heuristics are the main ingredient when solving classical planning tasks optimally with heuristic search. There are many such heuristics, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. As higher admissible heuristic values are more accurate, the maximum over several admissible heuristics dominates each individual one. Operator cost partitioning is a well-known technique to combine admissible heuristics in a way that dominates their maximum and remains admissible. But are there better options to combine the heuristics? We make three main contributions towards this question: Extensions to the cost partitioning framework can produce higher estimates from the same set of heuristics. Cost partitioning traditionally uses non-negative cost functions. We prove that this restriction is not necessary, and that allowing negative values as well makes the framework more powerful: the resulting heuristic values can be exponentially higher, and unsolvability can be detected even if all component heuristics have a finite value. We also generalize operator cost partitioning to transition cost partitioning, which can differentiate between different contexts in which an operator is used. Operator-counting heuristics reason about the number of times each operator is used in a plan. Many existing heuristics can be expressed in this framework, which gives new theoretical insight into their relationship. Different operator-counting heuristics can be easily combined within the framework in a way that dominates their maximum. Potential heuristics compute a heuristic value as a weighted sum over state features and are a fast alternative to operator-counting heuristics. Admissible and consistent potential heuristics for certain feature sets can be described in a compact way which means that the best heuristic from this class can be extracted in polynomial time. Both operator-counting and potential heuristics are closely related to cost partitioning. They offer a new look on cost-partitioned heuristics and already sparked research beyond their use as classical planning heuristics

    Symbolic Search in Planning and General Game Playing

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    Search is an important topic in many areas of AI. Search problems often result in an immense number of states. This work addresses this by using a special datastructure, BDDs, which can represent large sets of states efficiently, often saving space compared to explicit representations. The first part is concerned with an analysis of the complexity of BDDs for some search problems, resulting in lower or upper bounds on BDD sizes for these. The second part is concerned with action planning, an area where the programmer does not know in advance what the search problem will look like. This part presents symbolic algorithms for finding optimal solutions for two different settings, classical and net-benefit planning, as well as several improvements to these algorithms. The resulting planner was able to win the International Planning Competition IPC 2008. The third part is concerned with general game playing, which is similar to planning in that the programmer does not know in advance what game will be played. This work proposes algorithms for instantiating the input and solving games symbolically. For playing, a hybrid player based on UCT and the solver is presented