186 research outputs found

    Strong Electronic Identification: Survey & Scenario Planning

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    The deployment of more high-risk services such as online banking and government services on the Internet has meant that the need and demand for strong electronic identity is bigger today more than ever. Different stakeholders have different reasons for moving their services to the Internet, including cost savings, being closer to the customer or citizen, increasing volume and value of services among others. This means that traditional online identification schemes based on self-asserted identities are no longer sufficient to cope with the required level of assurance demanded by these services. Therefore, strong electronic identification methods that utilize identifiers rooted in real world identities must be provided to be used by customers and citizens alike on the Internet. This thesis focuses on studying state-of-the-art methods for providing reliable and mass market strong electronic identity in the world today. It looks at concrete real-world examples that enable real world identities to be transferred and used in the virtual world of the Internet. The thesis identifies crucial factors that determine what constitutes a strong electronic identity solution and through these factors evaluates and compares the example solutions surveyed in the thesis. As the Internet become more pervasive in our lives; mobile devices are becoming the primary devices for communication and accessing Internet services. This has thus, raised the question of what sort of strong electronic identity solutions could be implemented and how such solutions could adapt to the future. To help to understand the possible alternate futures, a scenario planning and analysis method was used to develop a series of scenarios from underlying key economic, political, technological and social trends and uncertainties. The resulting three future scenarios indicate how the future of strong electronic identity will shape up with the aim of helping stakeholders contemplate the future and develop policies and strategies to better position themselves for the future

    Strong Electronic Identification: Survey & Scenario Planning

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    The deployment of more high-risk services such as online banking and government services on the Internet has meant that the need and demand for strong electronic identity is bigger today more than ever. Different stakeholders have different reasons for moving their services to the Internet, including cost savings, being closer to the customer or citizen, increasing volume and value of services among others. This means that traditional online identification schemes based on self-asserted identities are no longer sufficient to cope with the required level of assurance demanded by these services. Therefore, strong electronic identification methods that utilize identifiers rooted in real world identities must be provided to be used by customers and citizens alike on the Internet. This thesis focuses on studying state-of-the-art methods for providing reliable and mass market strong electronic identity in the world today. It looks at concrete real-world examples that enable real world identities to be transferred and used in the virtual world of the Internet. The thesis identifies crucial factors that determine what constitutes a strong electronic identity solution and through these factors evaluates and compares the example solutions surveyed in the thesis. As the Internet become more pervasive in our lives; mobile devices are becoming the primary devices for communication and accessing Internet services. This has thus, raised the question of what sort of strong electronic identity solutions could be implemented and how such solutions could adapt to the future. To help to understand the possible alternate futures, a scenario planning and analysis method was used to develop a series of scenarios from underlying key economic, political, technological and social trends and uncertainties. The resulting three future scenarios indicate how the future of strong electronic identity will shape up with the aim of helping stakeholders contemplate the future and develop policies and strategies to better position themselves for the future

    Proposed Model for Outsourcing PKI

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    PKI is often referred to as a pervasive substrate. This terminology is used to describe the technological layer that permeates the entirety of the organisation on which PKI services are established. From the mid 1970s when Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman published their paper New Directions in Cryptography the concept of Public Key Cryptography, for the first time, allowed two entities with no previous relationship to communicate secure information over unsecured channels. PKI provides the infrastructure that allows Public Key Cryptography to function within a hierarchical structure, providing between two entities, an acceptable level of trust. Outsourcing is the process of acquiring sources or services from an external source. With the modular structure of today's organisations it can also mean that goods and services can be procured from one segment of the organisation to another through inhouse service-supplier agreements. Outsourcing has evolved from the days of heavy industry and manufacturing in the 1960s to the total solution management of today. This dissertation brings together the concepts of both PKI and Outsourcing. It details our AB-5C Model for organisations to outsource a PKI system within the scope of the businesses strategic goals and objectives. Our proposed model takes into account the need to use existing models, procedures and practices in support of an outsourced PKI Model. These include a process or processes to ensure that any outsourced solution adds value to the organisation, and that there is a business strategy that allows the alignment of the outsourcing strategy to the organisations strategic plan

    A trust-driven privacy architecture for vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    Vehicular Ad-Hoc NETworks (VANETs) are an emerging technology which aims to improve road safety by preventing and reducing traffic accidents. While VANETs offer a great variety of promising applications, such as, safety-related and infotainment applications, they remain a number of security and privacy related research challenges that must be addressed. A common approach to security issues widely adopted in VANETs is the use of Public Key Infrastructures (PKI) and digital certificates in order to enable authentication, authorization and confidentiality. These approaches usually rely on a large set of regional Certification Authorities (CAs). Despite the advantages of PKI-based approaches, there are two main problems that arise, i) the secure interoperability among the different and usually unknown- issuing CAs, and ii) the sole use of PKI in a VANET environment cannot prevent privacy related attacks, such as, linking a vehicle with an identifier, tracking vehicles ¿big brother scenario" and user profiling. Additionally, since vehicles in VANETs will be able to store great amounts of information including private information, unauthorized access to such information should be carefully considered. This thesis addresses authentication and interoperability issues in vehicular communications, considering an inter-regional scenario where mutual authentication between nodes is needed. To provide interoperability between vehicles and services among different domains, an Inter-domain Authentication System (AS) is proposed. The AS supplies vehicles with a trusted set of authentication credentials by implementing a near real-time certificate status service. The proposed AS also implements a mechanism to quantitatively evaluate the trust level of a CA, in order to decide on-the-y if an interoperability relationship can be created. This research work also contributes with a Privacy Enhancing Model (PEM) to deal with important privacy issues in VANETs. The PEM consists of two PKI-based privacy protocols: i) the Attribute-Based Privacy (ABP) protocol, and ii) the Anonymous Information Retrieval (AIR) protocol. The ABP introduces Attribute-Based Credentials (ABC) to provide conditional anonymity and minimal information disclosure, which overcome with the privacy issues related to linkability (linking a vehicle with an identifier) and vehicle tracking (big brother scenario). The AIR protocol addresses user profiling when querying Service Providers (SPs), by relying in a user collaboration privacy protocol based on query forgery and permutation; and assuming that neither participant nodes nor SPs could be completely trusted. Finally, the Trust Validation Model (TVM) is proposed. The TVM supports decision making by evaluating entities trust based on context information, in order to provide i) access control to driver and vehicle's private information, and ii) public information trust validation

    Erilaiset tunnistautumismenetelmät web-sovelluksissa

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    Today various modern software applications are implemented as web applications. The applications are running on a web server and only the user interfaces and interactions are transferred over the internet. It is also very common that the applications have limitations that who can use them and therefore an access control system is needed. A usual way to limit the access is to show user a login page and require a correct combination of the username and password. Though this may be the most ordinary way, it is definitely not the most secure way. When the security requirements for the system are higher, a better solution is needed. Fortunately, there are more secure ways to authenticate users. They include, for example, fingerprint scanning, voice recognition and smart cards. In this thesis we are concentrating on the last one of those: smart cards. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate possibility of using smart card authentication in web applications. This thesis was written as a part of a customer project that also included a proof of concept system implementation and documentation. The authentication system was implemented as a feature to an existing web application. Objective of the project was to develop an end-to-end demo and to find out what would it need to productize such a system. In the developed proof of concept authentication system, users were able to log in to the application by using smart cards. In the demo system, not all the features that would be needed for a complete smart card authentication solution were implemented but they were identified and documented. Implementing a complete authentication system would require a full infrastructure for managing the smart cards. With enough time it would be possible to develop such a system

    Efficient Key Management Schemes for Smart Grid

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    With the increasing digitization of different components of Smart Grid by incorporating smart(er) devices, there is an ongoing effort to deploy them for various applications. However, if these devices are compromised, they can reveal sensitive information from such systems. Therefore, securing them against cyber-attacks may represent the first step towards the protection of the critical infrastructure. Nevertheless, realization of the desirable security features such as confidentiality, integrity and authentication relies entirely on cryptographic keys that can be either symmetric or asymmetric. A major need, along with this, is to deal with managing these keys for a large number of devices in Smart Grid. While such key management can be easily addressed by transferring the existing protocols to Smart Grid domain, this is not an easy task, as one needs to deal with the limitations of the current communication infrastructures and resource-constrained devices in Smart Grid. In general, effective mechanisms for Smart Grid security must guarantee the security of the applications by managing (1) key revocation; and (2) key exchange. Moreover, such management should be provided without compromising the general performance of the Smart Grid applications and thus needs to incur minimal overhead to Smart Grid systems. This dissertation aims to fill this gap by proposing specialized key management techniques for resource and communication constrained Smart Grid environments. Specifically, motivated by the need of reducing the revocation management overhead, we first present a distributed public key revocation management scheme for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) by utilizing distributed hash trees (DHTs). The basic idea is to enable sharing of the burden among smart meters to reduce the overall overhead. Second, we propose another revocation management scheme by utilizing cryptographic accumulators, which reduces the space requirements for revocation information significantly. Finally, we turn our attention to symmetric key exchange problem and propose a 0-Round Trip Time (RTT) message exchange scheme to minimize the message exchanges. This scheme enables a lightweight yet secure symmetric key-exchange between field devices and the control center in Smart Gird by utilizing a dynamic hash chain mechanism. The evaluation of the proposed approaches show that they significantly out-perform existing conventional approaches

    Post-Quantum Authentication in TLS 1.3: A Performance Study

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    The potential development of large-scale quantum computers is raising concerns among IT and security research professionals due to their ability to solve (elliptic curve) discrete logarithm and integer factorization problems in polynomial time. All currently used public key algorithms would be deemed insecure in a post-quantum (PQ) setting. In response, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has initiated a process to standardize quantum-resistant crypto algorithms, focusing primarily on their security guarantees. Since PQ algorithms present significant differences over classical ones, their overall evaluation should not be performed out-of-context. This work presents a detailed performance evaluation of the NIST signature algorithm candidates and investigates the imposed latency on TLS 1.3 connection establishment under realistic network conditions. In addition, we investigate their impact on TLS session throughput and analyze the trade-off between lengthy PQ signatures and computationally heavy PQ cryptographic operations. Our results demonstrate that the adoption of at least two PQ signature algorithms would be viable with little additional overhead over current signature algorithms. Also, we argue that many NIST PQ candidates can effectively be used for less time-sensitive applications, and provide an in-depth discussion on the integration of PQ authentication in encrypted tunneling protocols, along with the related challenges, improvements, and alternatives. Finally, we propose and evaluate the combination of different PQ signature algorithms across the same certificate chain in TLS. Results show a reduction of the TLS handshake time and a significant increase of a server\u27s TLS tunnel connection rate over using a single PQ signature scheme