45,050 research outputs found

    Time-Varying Graphs and Dynamic Networks

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    The past few years have seen intensive research efforts carried out in some apparently unrelated areas of dynamic systems -- delay-tolerant networks, opportunistic-mobility networks, social networks -- obtaining closely related insights. Indeed, the concepts discovered in these investigations can be viewed as parts of the same conceptual universe; and the formal models proposed so far to express some specific concepts are components of a larger formal description of this universe. The main contribution of this paper is to integrate the vast collection of concepts, formalisms, and results found in the literature into a unified framework, which we call TVG (for time-varying graphs). Using this framework, it is possible to express directly in the same formalism not only the concepts common to all those different areas, but also those specific to each. Based on this definitional work, employing both existing results and original observations, we present a hierarchical classification of TVGs; each class corresponds to a significant property examined in the distributed computing literature. We then examine how TVGs can be used to study the evolution of network properties, and propose different techniques, depending on whether the indicators for these properties are a-temporal (as in the majority of existing studies) or temporal. Finally, we briefly discuss the introduction of randomness in TVGs.Comment: A short version appeared in ADHOC-NOW'11. This version is to be published in Internation Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed System

    Temporal Reachability Graphs

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    While a natural fit for modeling and understanding mobile networks, time-varying graphs remain poorly understood. Indeed, many of the usual concepts of static graphs have no obvious counterpart in time-varying ones. In this paper, we introduce the notion of temporal reachability graphs. A (tau,delta)-reachability graph} is a time-varying directed graph derived from an existing connectivity graph. An edge exists from one node to another in the reachability graph at time t if there exists a journey (i.e., a spatiotemporal path) in the connectivity graph from the first node to the second, leaving after t, with a positive edge traversal time tau, and arriving within a maximum delay delta. We make three contributions. First, we develop the theoretical framework around temporal reachability graphs. Second, we harness our theoretical findings to propose an algorithm for their efficient computation. Finally, we demonstrate the analytic power of the temporal reachability graph concept by applying it to synthetic and real-life datasets. On top of defining clear upper bounds on communication capabilities, reachability graphs highlight asymmetric communication opportunities and offloading potential.Comment: In proceedings ACM Mobicom 201

    The Social Climbing Game

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    The structure of a society depends, to some extent, on the incentives of the individuals they are composed of. We study a stylized model of this interplay, that suggests that the more individuals aim at climbing the social hierarchy, the more society's hierarchy gets strong. Such a dependence is sharp, in the sense that a persistent hierarchical order emerges abruptly when the preference for social status gets larger than a threshold. This phase transition has its origin in the fact that the presence of a well defined hierarchy allows agents to climb it, thus reinforcing it, whereas in a "disordered" society it is harder for agents to find out whom they should connect to in order to become more central. Interestingly, a social order emerges when agents strive harder to climb society and it results in a state of reduced social mobility, as a consequence of ergodicity breaking, where climbing is more difficult.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Portunes: analyzing multi-domain insider threats

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    The insider threat is an important problem in securing information systems. Skilful insiders use attack vectors that yield the greatest chance of success, and thus do not limit themselves to a restricted set of attacks. They may use access rights to the facility where the system of interest resides, as well as existing relationships with employees. To secure a system, security professionals should therefore consider attacks that include non-digital aspects such as key sharing or exploiting trust relationships among employees. In this paper, we present Portunes, a framework for security design and audit, which incorporates three security domains: (1) the security of the computer system itself (the digital domain), (2) the security of the location where the system is deployed (the physical domain) and (3) the security awareness of the employees that use the system (the social domain). The framework consists of a model, a formal language and a logic. It allows security professionals to formally model elements from the three domains in a single framework, and to analyze possible attack scenarios. The logic enables formal specification of the attack scenarios in terms of state and transition properties

    Epidemic processes in complex networks

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    In recent years the research community has accumulated overwhelming evidence for the emergence of complex and heterogeneous connectivity patterns in a wide range of biological and sociotechnical systems. The complex properties of real-world networks have a profound impact on the behavior of equilibrium and nonequilibrium phenomena occurring in various systems, and the study of epidemic spreading is central to our understanding of the unfolding of dynamical processes in complex networks. The theoretical analysis of epidemic spreading in heterogeneous networks requires the development of novel analytical frameworks, and it has produced results of conceptual and practical relevance. A coherent and comprehensive review of the vast research activity concerning epidemic processes is presented, detailing the successful theoretical approaches as well as making their limits and assumptions clear. Physicists, mathematicians, epidemiologists, computer, and social scientists share a common interest in studying epidemic spreading and rely on similar models for the description of the diffusion of pathogens, knowledge, and innovation. For this reason, while focusing on the main results and the paradigmatic models in infectious disease modeling, the major results concerning generalized social contagion processes are also presented. Finally, the research activity at the forefront in the study of epidemic spreading in coevolving, coupled, and time-varying networks is reported.Comment: 62 pages, 15 figures, final versio

    Determining the Solution Space of Vertex-Cover by Interactions and Backbones

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    To solve the combinatorial optimization problems especially the minimal Vertex-cover problem with high efficiency, is a significant task in theoretical computer science and many other subjects. Aiming at detecting the solution space of Vertex-cover, a new structure named interaction between nodes is defined and discovered for random graph, which results in the emergence of the frustration and long-range correlation phenomenon. Based on the backbones and interactions with a node adding process, we propose an Interaction and Backbone Evolution Algorithm to achieve the reduced solution graph, which has a direct correspondence to the solution space of Vertex-cover. By this algorithm, the whole solution space can be obtained strictly when there is no leaf-removal core on the graph and the odd cycles of unfrozen nodes bring great obstacles to its efficiency. Besides, this algorithm possesses favorable exactness and has good performance on random instances even with high average degrees. The interaction with the algorithm provides a new viewpoint to solve Vertex-cover, which will have a wide range of applications to different types of graphs, better usage of which can lower the computational complexity for solving Vertex-cover

    Mapping Fusion and Synchronized Hyperedge Replacement into Logic Programming

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    In this paper we compare three different formalisms that can be used in the area of models for distributed, concurrent and mobile systems. In particular we analyze the relationships between a process calculus, the Fusion Calculus, graph transformations in the Synchronized Hyperedge Replacement with Hoare synchronization (HSHR) approach and logic programming. We present a translation from Fusion Calculus into HSHR (whereas Fusion Calculus uses Milner synchronization) and prove a correspondence between the reduction semantics of Fusion Calculus and HSHR transitions. We also present a mapping from HSHR into a transactional version of logic programming and prove that there is a full correspondence between the two formalisms. The resulting mapping from Fusion Calculus to logic programming is interesting since it shows the tight analogies between the two formalisms, in particular for handling name generation and mobility. The intermediate step in terms of HSHR is convenient since graph transformations allow for multiple, remote synchronizations, as required by Fusion Calculus semantics.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, to appear in a special issue of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, minor revisio