153 research outputs found

    Adding Rule-Based Model Transformation to Modelling Languages in MetaEdit+

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    MetaEdit+ is a commercial tool by MetaCase for creating domain-specific, syntax-directed visual modelling environments. MetaEdit+ synthesizes such environments from user-provided metamodels and contains a Generator Editor for code/report generation. An API is provided to allow external manipulation of models through SOAP. Currently, the MetaEdit+ tool does not natively support rule-based model-to-model transformation. Such transformations are useful as they allow domain experts to intuitively (using domain-specific notations) model either operational semantics (a simulator) or denotational semantics (through model-to-model transformation onto a model in a known formalism) of a modelling language. We will demonstrate how to add rule-based operational semantics to modelling languages in MetaEdit+. In our approach, transformation rules are visually created in MetaEdit+. The rule editor is synthesized using modified versions of the original language's metamodel. This modification is performed in a structured fashion using a process called RAMification. Both the model and the rules are exported from MetaEdit+ to Python code. This code is combined with Py-T-Core, our library of transformation language primitives, to apply the rules on the model. Our demonstration has a client-server architecture, with the MetaEdit+ visual modelling environment as the client and the transformation engine as the server. After each transformation step, in-place changes to the model are propagated to MetaEdit+ for visualization using the SOAP API. A simple (manufacturing) Production System modelling language is used as an example

    Generation of Simulation Views for Domain Specic Modeling Languages based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework

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    The generation of tools for domain specific modeling languages (DSMLs) is a key issue in model-driven development. Various tools already support the generation of domain-specific visual editors from models, but tool generation for visual behavior modeling languages is not yet supported in a satisfactory way. In this paper we propose a generic approach to specify DSML environments visually by models and transformation rules based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). Editing rules define the behavior of generated visual editors, whereas simulation rules describe a model's operational semantics. From a DSML definition (model and transformation rules), an Eclipse plug-in is generated, implementing a visual DSML environment including an editor and (possibly multiple) simulators for different simulation views on the model. We present the basic components of Tiger2, our EMF-based generation environment, and demonstrate the environment generation process for a small DSML modeling the behavior of ants in an ant hill

    Test-driven Language Derivation with Graph Transformation-Based Dynamic Meta Modeling

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    Deriving a new language L_B from an already existing one L_A is a typical task in domain-specific language engineering. Here, besides adjusting L_A's syntax, the language engineer has to modify the semantics of L_A to derive L_B's semantics. Particularly, in case of behavioral modeling languages, this is a difficult and error-prone task, as changing the behavior of language elements or adding behavior for new elements might have undesired side effects. Therefore, we propose a test-driven language derivation process. In a first step, the language engineer creates example models containing the changed or newly added elements in different contexts. For each of these models, the language engineer also precisely describes the expected behavior. In a second step, each example model and its description of behavior is transformed into an executable test case. Finally, these test cases are used when deriving the actual semantics of L_B - at any time, the language engineer can run the tests to verify whether the changes he performed on L_A's semantics indeed produce the desired behavior. In this paper, we illustrate the approach using our graph transformation-based semantics specification technique Dynamic Meta Modeling. This is once more an example where the graph transformation approach shows its strengths and appropriateness to support software engineering tasks as, e.g., model transformations, software specifications, or tool development

    Generating Meta-Model-Based Freehand Editors

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    Most visual languages as of today (e.g., UML) are specified using a model in a meta-model-based approach. Editors for such languages have supported structured editing as the only editing mode so far. Free-hand editing that leaves the user more freedom during editing was not supported by any editor or editor framework since parsing has not yet been considered for meta-model-based specifications. This paper describes the diagram editor generator framework DiaMeta that makes use of meta-model-based language specifications and supports free-hand as well as structured editing. For analyzing freely drawn diagrams, DiaMeta parses a graph representation of the diagram by solving a constraint satisfaction problem

    Efficient Generation of Graphical Model Views via Lazy Model-to-Text Transformation

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    Producing graphical views from software and system models is often desirable for communication and comprehension purposes, even when graphical model editing capabilities are not required -- because the preferred editable concrete syntax of the models is text-based, or for models extracted via reverse engineering. To support such scenarios, we present a novel approach for efficient rule-based generation of transient graphical views from models using lazy model-to-text transformation, and an implementation of the proposed approach in the form of an open-source Eclipse plugin named Picto. Picto builds on top of mature visualisation software such as Graphviz and PlantUML and supports, among others, composite views, layers, and multi-model visualisation. We illustrate how Picto can be used to produce various forms of graphical views such as node-edge diagrams, tables and sequence-like diagrams, and we demonstrate the efficiency benefits of lazy view generation approach against batch model-to-text transformation for generating views from large models

    Pristup integraciji tehničkih prostora zasnovan na preslikavanjima iinženjerstvu vođenom modelima

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    In order to automate development of integration adapters in industrial settings, a model-driven approach to adapter specification is devised. In this approach, a domain-specific modeling language is created to allow specification of mappings between integrated technical spaces. Also proposed is the mapping automation engine that comprises reuse and alignment algorithms. Based on mapping specifications, executable adapters are automatically generated and executed. Results of approach evaluations indicate that it is possible to use a model-driven approach to successfully integrate technical spaces and increase the automation by reusing domainspecific mappings from previously created adapters.За потребе повећања степена аутоматизације развоја адаптера за интеграцију у индустријском окружењу, осмишљен је моделом вођен приступ развоју адаптера. У оквиру овог приступа развијен је наменски језик за спецификацију пресликавања између техничких простора који су предмет интеграције. Приступ обухвата и алгоритме за поравнање и поновно искориштење претходно креираних пресликавања са циљем аутоматизације процеса спецификације. На основу креираних пресликавања, могуће je аутоматски генерисати извршиви код адаптера. У испитивањима приступа, показано је да је могуће успешно применити моделом вођен приступ у интеграцији техничких простора као и да је могуће успешно повећати степен аутоматизације поновним искоришћењем претходно креираних пресликавања.Za potrebe povećanja stepena automatizacije razvoja adaptera za integraciju u industrijskom okruženju, osmišljen je modelom vođen pristup razvoju adaptera. U okviru ovog pristupa razvijen je namenski jezik za specifikaciju preslikavanja između tehničkih prostora koji su predmet integracije. Pristup obuhvata i algoritme za poravnanje i ponovno iskorištenje prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja sa ciljem automatizacije procesa specifikacije. Na osnovu kreiranih preslikavanja, moguće je automatski generisati izvršivi kod adaptera. U ispitivanjima pristupa, pokazano je da je moguće uspešno primeniti modelom vođen pristup u integraciji tehničkih prostora kao i da je moguće uspešno povećati stepen automatizacije ponovnim iskorišćenjem prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja

    7th International Workshop on Graph Based Tools (GraBaTs 2012): Preface

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    The 7th International Workshop on Graph Based Tools is the continuation of the GraBaTs series of workshops which provides a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the development and application of graph-based tools. The purpose of this workshop is to survey the state of the art of graph-based tools, bring together developers of graph-based tools in different application fields and to encourage new tool development cooperations. GraBaTs 2012 is the 7th edition in a line of workshops which started 10 years ago at ICGT'02

    A Generic Technique for Domain-Specific Visual Language Model Refactoring to Patterns

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    As the popularity of domain-specific visual languages (DSVLs) grows, concerns have arisen regarding quality assurance and evolvability of their meta-models and model instances. In this paper we address aspects of automated DSVL model instance modification for quality improvement based on refactoring specifications. We propose a graph transformation-based visual language approach for DSVL authors to specify the matching and discovery of DSVL “bad model smells” and the application of pattern-based solutions in a DSVL meta-tool. As an outcome, DSVL users are provided with pattern-based design evolution support as refactorings for their DSVL-based domain models