9,487 research outputs found

    Training methods for facial image comparison: a literature review

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    This literature review was commissioned to explore the psychological literature relating to facial image comparison with a particular emphasis on whether individuals can be trained to improve performance on this task. Surprisingly few studies have addressed this question directly. As a consequence, this review has been extended to cover training of face recognition and training of different kinds of perceptual comparisons where we are of the opinion that the methodologies or findings of such studies are informative. The majority of studies of face processing have examined face recognition, which relies heavily on memory. This may be memory for a face that was learned recently (e.g. minutes or hours previously) or for a face learned longer ago, perhaps after many exposures (e.g. friends, family members, celebrities). Successful face recognition, irrespective of the type of face, relies on the ability to retrieve the to-berecognised face from long-term memory. This memory is then compared to the physically present image to reach a recognition decision. In contrast, in face matching task two physical representations of a face (live, photographs, movies) are compared and so long-term memory is not involved. Because the comparison is between two present stimuli rather than between a present stimulus and a memory, one might expect that face matching, even if not an easy task, would be easier to do and easier to learn than face recognition. In support of this, there is evidence that judgment tasks where a presented stimulus must be judged by a remembered standard are generally more cognitively demanding than judgments that require comparing two presented stimuli Davies & Parasuraman, 1982; Parasuraman & Davies, 1977; Warm and Dember, 1998). Is there enough overlap between face recognition and matching that it is useful to look at the literature recognition? No study has directly compared face recognition and face matching, so we turn to research in which people decided whether two non-face stimuli were the same or different. In these studies, accuracy of comparison is not always better when the comparator is present than when it is remembered. Further, all perceptual factors that were found to affect comparisons of simultaneously presented objects also affected comparisons of successively presented objects in qualitatively the same way. Those studies involved judgments about colour (Newhall, Burnham & Clark, 1957; Romero, Hita & Del Barco, 1986), and shape (Larsen, McIlhagga & Bundesen, 1999; Lawson, Bülthoff & Dumbell, 2003; Quinlan, 1995). Although one must be cautious in generalising from studies of object processing to studies of face processing (see, e.g., section comparing face processing to object processing), from these kinds of studies there is no evidence to suggest that there are qualitative differences in the perceptual aspects of how recognition and matching are done. As a result, this review will include studies of face recognition skill as well as face matching skill. The distinction between face recognition involving memory and face matching not involving memory is clouded in many recognition studies which require observers to decide which of many presented faces matches a remembered face (e.g., eyewitness studies). And of course there are other forensic face-matching tasks that will require comparison to both presented and remembered comparators (e.g., deciding whether any person in a video showing a crowd is the target person). For this reason, too, we choose to include studies of face recognition as well as face matching in our revie

    Catching More Offenders with EvoFIT Facial Composites: Lab Research and Police Field Trials

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    Often the only evidence of an offender s identity comes from the memory of an eyewitness For over 12 years we have been developing software called EvoFIT to help eyewitnesses recover their memories of offenders faces to assist police investigations EvoFIT requires eyewitnesses to repeatedly select from arrays of faces with breeding to evolve a face Recently police forces have been formally evaluating EvoFIT in criminal cases The current paper describes four such police audits It is reported that EvoFIT composites directly led to an arrest in 25 4 of cases overall the arrest rate was 38 5 for forces that used a newer less detailed face-recall interview These results are similar to those found in the laboratory using simulated procedures Here we also evaluate the impact of interviewing techniques and outline further work that has improved system performanc

    Determinants of estimated face composite quality

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (p. 142-157 ).This thesis addresses the evaluation of an investigative tool commonly used by police forces around the world, namely a face composite or facial likeness. The process of constructing a composite involves a number of cognitive elements, all of which contribute to the final composite quality. This thesis examines elements of the construction process and assessment of the final composite quality in research and practice. There are three main aspects to the empirical work reported here. The first, consisting of two experimental studies, investigates the possibility of reinstating context as a way of improving composite quality. The second examines composite construction and use within the South African Police Service. The third examined the measurement of composite quality itself

    Evaluation of facial composites utilizing the EvoFIT software program

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    Facial composites are traditionally created with the assistance of a sketch artist, and the resulting image is then circulated in the police force as well as the public community. However, with the advance of computer technologies and a better understanding of how facial composites are created, composite software systems have developed greatly. EvoFIT, an abbreviation for Evolutionary Facial Imaging Technique, is a computer program used to create composites based on the Darwinian concept. It allows a witness to select for global features of the face, that will in turn be combined together to create new faces that have a greater likeness to the offender. The EvoFIT program aims to boost the low recognition values of facial composite methods currently used. The purpose of this study is to evaluate production of two composites from the same person as a mechanism for improving performance. The use of a second composite, paired composites, and morphed composites is examined as mechanisms for boosting recognition. Ten sets of composites representing ten different volunteers (targets) were created using EvoFIT. The first composite in each set was named correctly 8.3% of the time, the second composites at 18.3%, the paired composites at 20%, and the morphed composites at 23.33%. The results support the theory that use of a second composite, a pair of composites, and morphed composites increases the number of instances in which namers correctly identify the target. This research suggests that it is valuable for a witness to construct a second composite using EvoFIT or similar software

    Applying psychology to forensic facial identification: perception and identification of facial composite images and facial image comparison

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    Eyewitness recognition is acknowledged to be prone to error but there is less understanding of difficulty in discriminating unfamiliar faces. This thesis examined the effects of face perception on identification of facial composites, and on unfamiliar face image comparison. Facial composites depict face memories by reconstructing features and configurations to form a likeness. They are generally reconstructed from an unfamiliar face memory, and will be unavoidably flawed. Identification will require perception of any accurate features, by someone who is familiar with the suspect and performance is typically poor. In typical face perception, face images are processed efficiently as complete units of information. Chapter 2 explored the possibility that holistic processing of inaccurate composite configurations will impair identification of individual features. Composites were split below the eyes and misaligned to impair holistic analysis (cf. Young, Hellawell, & Jay, 1987); identification was significantly enhanced, indicating that perceptual expertise with inaccurate configurations exerts powerful effects that can be reduced by enabling featural analysis. Facial composite recognition is difficult, which means that perception and judgement will be influence by an affective recognition bias: smiles enhance perceived familiarity, while negative expressions produce the opposite effect. In applied use, facial composites are generally produced from unpleasant memories and will convey negative expression; affective bias will, therefore, be important for facial composite recognition. Chapter 3 explored the effect of positive expression on composite identification: composite expressions were enhanced, and positive affect significantly increased identification. Affective quality rather than expression strength mediated the effect, with subtle manipulations being very effective. Facial image comparison (FIC) involves discrimination of two or more face images. Accuracy in unfamiliar face matching is typically in the region of 70%, and as discrimination is difficult, may be influenced by affective bias. Chapter 4 explored the smiling face effect in unfamiliar face matching. When multiple items were compared, positive affect did not enhance performance and false positive identification increased. With a delayed matching procedure, identification was not enhanced but in contrast to face recognition and simultaneous matching, positive affect improved rejection of foil images. Distinctive faces are easier to discriminate. Chapter 5 evaluated a systematic caricature transformation as a means to increase distinctiveness and enhance discrimination of unfamiliar faces. Identification of matching face images did not improve, but successful rejection of non-matching items was significantly enhanced. Chapter 6 used face matching to explore the basis of own race bias in face perception. Other race faces were manipulated to show own race facial variation, and own race faces to show African American facial variation. When multiple face images were matched simultaneously, the transformation impaired performance for all of the images; but when images were individually matched, the transformation improved perception of other race faces and discrimination of own race faces declined. Transformation of Japanese faces to show own race dimensions produced the same pattern of effects but failed to reach significance. The results provide support for both perceptual expertise and featural processing theories of own race bias. Results are interpreted with reference to face perception theories; implications for application and future study are discussed

    Face Recognition Methodologies Using Component Analysis: The Contemporary Affirmation of The Recent Literature

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    This paper explored the contemporary affirmation of the recent literature in the context of face recognition systems, a review motivated by contradictory claims in the literature. This paper shows how the relative performance of recent claims based on methodologies such as PCA and ICA, which are depend on the task statement. It then explores the space of each model acclaimed in recent literature. In the process, this paper verifies the results of many of the face recognition models in the literature, and relates them to each other and to this work

    EvoFIT: A Holistic, Evolutionary Facial Imaging System

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    This thesis details the development and evaluation of a new photofitting approach. The motivation for this work is that current photofit systems used by the police - whether manual or computerized - do not appear to work very well. Part of the problem with these approaches is they involve a single facial representation that necessitates a verbal interaction. When a multiple presentation is considered, our innate ability to recognize faces is capitalized (and the potentially disruptive effect of the verbal component is reduced). The approach works by employing Genetic Algorithms to evolve a small group of faces to be more like a desired target. The main evolutionary influence is via user input that specifies the similarity of the presented images with the target under construction. The thesis follows three main phases of development. The first involves a simple system modelling the internal components of a face (eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth) containing features in a fixed relationship with each other. The second phase applies external facial features (hair and ears) along with an appropriate head shape and changes in the relationship between features. That the underlying model is based on Principal Components Analysis captures the statistics of how faces vary in terms of shading, shape and the relationship between features. Modelling was carried out in this way to create more realistic looking photofits and to guard against implausible featural relationships possible with traditional approaches. The encouraging results of these two sections prompted the development of a full photofit system: EvoFIT. This software is shown to have continued promise both in the lab and in a real case. Future work is directed particularly at resolving issues concerning the anonymity of the database faces and the creation of photofits from the subject's memory of a target

    Toward a social psychophysics of face communication

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    As a highly social species, humans are equipped with a powerful tool for social communication—the face, which can elicit multiple social perceptions in others due to the rich and complex variations of its movements, morphology, and complexion. Consequently, identifying precisely what face information elicits different social perceptions is a complex empirical challenge that has largely remained beyond the reach of traditional research methods. More recently, the emerging field of social psychophysics has developed new methods designed to address this challenge. Here, we introduce and review the foundational methodological developments of social psychophysics, present recent work that has advanced our understanding of the face as a tool for social communication, and discuss the main challenges that lie ahead