9 research outputs found

    A memetic algorithm for minimizing the makespan in the Job Shop Scheduling problem

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    The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSP) is a combinatorial optimization problem cataloged as type NP-Hard. To solve this problem, several heuristics and metaheuristics have been used. In order to minimize the makespan, we propose a Memetic Algorithm (MA), which combines the exploration of the search space by a Genetic Algorithm (GA), and the exploitation of the solutions using a local search based on the neighborhood structure of Nowicki and Smutnicki. The genetic strategy uses an operation-based representation that allows generating feasible schedules, and a selection probability of the best individuals that are crossed using the JOX operator. The results of the implementation show that the algorithm is competitive with other approaches proposed in the literature

    An Efficient Improvement Of Ant Colony System Algorithm For Handling Capacity Vehicle Routing Problem

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    Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is considered as one of the most famous specialized forms of VRP that has attracted considerable attention from researchers. This problem belongs to complex combinatorial optimization problems included in the NP-Hard Problem category, which is a problem that needs difficult computation. This paper presents an improvement of Ant Colony System (ACS) to solve this problem. In this study, the problem deals with a few vehicles which are used for transporting products to specific places. Each vehicle starts from a main location at different times every day. The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) is defined to serve a group of delivery customers with known demands. The proposed study seeks to find the best solution of CVRP by using improvement ACS with the accompanying targets: (1) To decrease the distance as long distances negatively affect the course of the process since it consumes a great time to visit all customers. (2) To implement the improvement of ACS algorithm on new data from the database of CVRP. Through the implementation of the proposed algorithm better results were obtained from the results of other methods and the results were compared

    Solving the vehicle routing problem using hybrid cellular evolutionary algorithm

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    Problem usmjeravanja vozila (VRP) kompleksan je kombinatorički problem s kojim se svakodnevno susreću tvrtke koje obavljaju dostavu robe. Njegovim učinkovitim rješavanjem moguće je značajno smanjiti troškove dostave. Metaheurističkim metodama moguće je relativno brzo pronaći visoko kvalitetna rješenja. Stanični evolucijski algoritam metaheuristički je algoritam kod kojeg su jedinke iz populacije raspoređene unutar toroidalne mreže i mogu biti u interakciji samo sa obližnjim jedinkama. Podešavanjem selekcijskog pritiska moguće je postići odgovarajući omjer diverzifikacije i intenzifikacije koji je ključan za uspješnost algoritma. Hibridizacija postupkom pretraživanja velikog susjedstva ubrzava pronalazak visoko kvalitetnih rješenja. Razvijeni algoritam testiran je na nekoliko skupova ispitnih zadataka te na problemima dostave hrvatskih tvrtki. Rezultati ostvareni na ispitnim zadacima pokazuju da učinkovitost algoritma ne odstupa mnogo od najboljih poznatih algoritama za ovu vrstu problema, dok rezultati ostvareni na problemima hrvatskih tvrtki pokazuju da je primjenom algoritma moguće postići značajne uštede.Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a complex combinatorial problem encountered daily by companies that are dealing with goods delivery. With its ecient solving it is possible to signicantly reduce the cost of delivery. Metaheuristic methods are capable of nding high-quality solutions in reasonable amount of time. The cellular evolutionary algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm in which the individuals from the population are distributed within the toroidal grid and can interact only with nearby entities. By adjusting the selection pressure, it is possible to achieve the appropriate ratio of diversication and intensication that is crucial to the success of the algorithm. Hybridization by a large neighborhood search accelerates the nding of high quality solutions. The developed algorithm has been tested on several sets of benchmarks and on the delivery problems of Croatian companies. The results obtained on the benchmarks show that the eciency of the algorithm does not dier much from the best-known algorithms for this type of problem, while the results achieved on the problems of Croatian companies show that it is possible to achieve signicant savings by algorithm application

    Solving the vehicle routing problem using hybrid cellular evolutionary algorithm

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    Problem usmjeravanja vozila (VRP) kompleksan je kombinatorički problem s kojim se svakodnevno susreću tvrtke koje obavljaju dostavu robe. Njegovim učinkovitim rješavanjem moguće je značajno smanjiti troškove dostave. Metaheurističkim metodama moguće je relativno brzo pronaći visoko kvalitetna rješenja. Stanični evolucijski algoritam metaheuristički je algoritam kod kojeg su jedinke iz populacije raspoređene unutar toroidalne mreže i mogu biti u interakciji samo sa obližnjim jedinkama. Podešavanjem selekcijskog pritiska moguće je postići odgovarajući omjer diverzifikacije i intenzifikacije koji je ključan za uspješnost algoritma. Hibridizacija postupkom pretraživanja velikog susjedstva ubrzava pronalazak visoko kvalitetnih rješenja. Razvijeni algoritam testiran je na nekoliko skupova ispitnih zadataka te na problemima dostave hrvatskih tvrtki. Rezultati ostvareni na ispitnim zadacima pokazuju da učinkovitost algoritma ne odstupa mnogo od najboljih poznatih algoritama za ovu vrstu problema, dok rezultati ostvareni na problemima hrvatskih tvrtki pokazuju da je primjenom algoritma moguće postići značajne uštede.Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a complex combinatorial problem encountered daily by companies that are dealing with goods delivery. With its ecient solving it is possible to signicantly reduce the cost of delivery. Metaheuristic methods are capable of nding high-quality solutions in reasonable amount of time. The cellular evolutionary algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm in which the individuals from the population are distributed within the toroidal grid and can interact only with nearby entities. By adjusting the selection pressure, it is possible to achieve the appropriate ratio of diversication and intensication that is crucial to the success of the algorithm. Hybridization by a large neighborhood search accelerates the nding of high quality solutions. The developed algorithm has been tested on several sets of benchmarks and on the delivery problems of Croatian companies. The results obtained on the benchmarks show that the eciency of the algorithm does not dier much from the best-known algorithms for this type of problem, while the results achieved on the problems of Croatian companies show that it is possible to achieve signicant savings by algorithm application

    Solving the vehicle routing problem using hybrid cellular evolutionary algorithm

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    Problem usmjeravanja vozila (VRP) kompleksan je kombinatorički problem s kojim se svakodnevno susreću tvrtke koje obavljaju dostavu robe. Njegovim učinkovitim rješavanjem moguće je značajno smanjiti troškove dostave. Metaheurističkim metodama moguće je relativno brzo pronaći visoko kvalitetna rješenja. Stanični evolucijski algoritam metaheuristički je algoritam kod kojeg su jedinke iz populacije raspoređene unutar toroidalne mreže i mogu biti u interakciji samo sa obližnjim jedinkama. Podešavanjem selekcijskog pritiska moguće je postići odgovarajući omjer diverzifikacije i intenzifikacije koji je ključan za uspješnost algoritma. Hibridizacija postupkom pretraživanja velikog susjedstva ubrzava pronalazak visoko kvalitetnih rješenja. Razvijeni algoritam testiran je na nekoliko skupova ispitnih zadataka te na problemima dostave hrvatskih tvrtki. Rezultati ostvareni na ispitnim zadacima pokazuju da učinkovitost algoritma ne odstupa mnogo od najboljih poznatih algoritama za ovu vrstu problema, dok rezultati ostvareni na problemima hrvatskih tvrtki pokazuju da je primjenom algoritma moguće postići značajne uštede.Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a complex combinatorial problem encountered daily by companies that are dealing with goods delivery. With its ecient solving it is possible to signicantly reduce the cost of delivery. Metaheuristic methods are capable of nding high-quality solutions in reasonable amount of time. The cellular evolutionary algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm in which the individuals from the population are distributed within the toroidal grid and can interact only with nearby entities. By adjusting the selection pressure, it is possible to achieve the appropriate ratio of diversication and intensication that is crucial to the success of the algorithm. Hybridization by a large neighborhood search accelerates the nding of high quality solutions. The developed algorithm has been tested on several sets of benchmarks and on the delivery problems of Croatian companies. The results obtained on the benchmarks show that the eciency of the algorithm does not dier much from the best-known algorithms for this type of problem, while the results achieved on the problems of Croatian companies show that it is possible to achieve signicant savings by algorithm application

    An estimation of distribution algorithm coupled with the generalized Mallows distribution for a school bus routing problem with bus stop selection.

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    [ES] Aunque los algoritmos de estimación de distribuciones fueron originalmente diseñados para resolver problemas con dominio de valores reales o enteros, en esta contribución se utilizan para la resolución de un problema basado en permutaciones. El ruteo de autobuses escolares con selección de paradas es resuelto utilizando la distribución generalizada de Mallows como un intento para describir y obtener una distribución de probabilidad explicita sobre un conjunto de rutas de autobuses escolares. Además, un operador de mutación es considerado para mejorar la estimación de la permutación central, un parámetro de la distribución de Mallows. Diferentes y diversas instancias sirvieron como parámetro de entrada y prueba para mostrar que problemas basados en permutaciones tales como el ruteo de autobuses escolares con selección de paradas pueden ser resueltos por medio de un modelo de probabilidad, y mejorar la estimación de la permutación central ayuda al desempeño del algoritmo.[EN] Although the estimation of distribution algorithms were originally designed for solving integer or real-valued domains, this contribution applies the algorithms mentioned to deal with a permutation-based problem, called school bus routing problem with bus stop selection, using the generalized Mallows distribution as an attempt to describe and obtain an explicit probability distribution over a set of school bus routes. In addition, a mutation operator is considered for improving the estimation of the central permutation, a parameter of the Mallows distribution. 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