799 research outputs found

    Design of Flight Control Systems for a Hypersonic Aircraft Using sliding-PID Control

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    The paper presents the application of sliding-PID control to the design of robust flight control system for a hypersonic aircraft. The proposed controller uses an approach that combines the high-order PID controller with high-order sliding mode (HOSM) control. The PID uses high-order time-derivative (HOTD) function of the sliding mode variable while the HOSM uses the signum function of the HOTD function. HOTD is built using the relative degree nonlinear dynamics of multivariable systems driven by affine control inputs. A displacement autopilot is designed for pitch control of an air-breathing hypersonic vehicle model. Numerical simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed controller and shows its advantages as compared to the quasi-homogenous HOSM controller

    Continuous higher order sliding mode control with adaptation of air breathing hypersonic missile

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Yu, P., Shtessel, Y., and Edwards, C. (2016) Continuous higher order sliding mode control with adaptation of air breathing hypersonic missile. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, which has been published in final form at 10.1002/acs.2664. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving: http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-820227.html#terms}Hypersonic missile control in the terminal phase is addressed using continuous higher order sliding mode (AHOSM) control with adaptation. The AHOSM self-tuning controller is proposed and studied. The double-layer adaptive algorithm is based on equivalent control concepts and ensures non-overestimation of the control gain to help mitigates control chattering. The proposed continuous AHOSM control is validated via simulations of a hypersonic missile in the terminal phase. The robustness and high accuracy output tracking in the presence of matched and unmatched external disturbances and missile model uncertainties is demonstrate

    Guidance Law and Neural Control for Hypersonic Missile to Track Targets

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    Hypersonic technology plays an important role in prompt global strike. Because the flight dynamics of a hypersonic vehicle is nonlinear, uncertain, and highly coupled, the controller design is challenging, especially to design its guidance and control law during the attack of a maneuvering target. In this paper, the sliding mode control (SMC) method is used to develop the guidance law from which the desired flight path angle is derived. With the desired information as control command, the adaptive neural control in discrete time is investigated ingeniously for the longitudinal dynamics of the hypersonic missile. The proposed guidance and control laws are validated by simulation of a hypersonic missile against a maneuvering target. It is demonstrated that the scheme has good robustness and high accuracy to attack a maneuvering target in the presence of external disturbance and missile model uncertainty

    Mathematical control of complex systems 2013

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    Mathematical control of complex systems have already become an ideal research area for control engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, and biologists to understand, manage, analyze, and interpret functional information/dynamical behaviours from real-world complex dynamical systems, such as communication systems, process control, environmental systems, intelligent manufacturing systems, transportation systems, and structural systems. This special issue aims to bring together the latest/innovative knowledge and advances in mathematics for handling complex systems. Topics include, but are not limited to the following: control systems theory (behavioural systems, networked control systems, delay systems, distributed systems, infinite-dimensional systems, and positive systems); networked control (channel capacity constraints, control over communication networks, distributed filtering and control, information theory and control, and sensor networks); and stochastic systems (nonlinear filtering, nonparametric methods, particle filtering, partial identification, stochastic control, stochastic realization, system identification)

    New advances in H∞ control and filtering for nonlinear systems

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    The main objective of this special issue is to summarise recent advances in H∞ control and filtering for nonlinear systems, including time-delay, hybrid and stochastic systems. The published papers provide new ideas and approaches, clearly indicating the advances made in problem statements, methodologies or applications with respect to the existing results. The special issue also includes papers focusing on advanced and non-traditional methods and presenting considerable novelties in theoretical background or experimental setup. Some papers present applications to newly emerging fields, such as network-based control and estimation

    Observer-Based Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Adaptive Control with State Constraints

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    Hypersonic vehicle research and development has grown recently in the aerospace industry due to the powerful potential of operating a vehicle that flies at substantially higher speeds than typical aircraft. From a guidance, navigation and control perspective, hypersonic vehicles are particularly interesting due both to inherent vehicle complexities as well as practical concerns that only arise at high Mach numbers. Challenges inherent to the vehicle include nonlinearities, a wide range of operating conditions, high elasticity, high temperatures and parametric uncertainty. Although these challenges have by no means fully been explored in the literature, in the realm of control theory, they are somewhat common. Hypersonic vehicle control is difficult however, because in addition to these more traditional complexities a control designer must also deal with problems very specific to flying at high speeds such as: inlet unstart, overcoming sensing deficiencies at high speeds and creating an implementable digital control framework for a plant with extremely fast dynamics. This dissertation develops three novel theoretical approaches for addressing these challenges through advances in the nonlinear dynamic inversion adaptive control technique. Although hypersonic vehicle control is the motivation and often the application that the control algorithms in this dissertation are tested on, several of the theoretical developments apply to a general class of nonlinear continuous time systems. First, in order to address the problem of inlet unstart, two state constraint mechanisms which integrate into the nonlinear dynamic inversion adaptive control framework are presented. These state constraining control laws require full state feedback and are capable of restricting the outputs of nonlinear systems containing parameter uncertainty to specific regions of the state-space. The first state constraint mechanism achieves this objective using sliding mode control and the second uses bounding functions to smoothly adjust the control and adaptive laws and drive the states toward the origin when constraints are approached. Stability is proven using Lyapunov analysis and these techniques are demonstrated in a nonlinear simulation of a hypersonic vehicle. Second, an observer-based feedback controller is developed that allows for a nonlinear system to track a reference trajectory with bounded errors and without measuring multiple states. Again, the technique used is nonlinear dynamic inversion adaptive control, but because of uncertainty in the system state, it is not assumed that the nonlinear control effectiveness matrix can be canceled perfectly. A nonlinear observer is implemented to estimate the values of the unknown states. This observer allows for the closed-loop stability of the system to be proven through Lyapunov analysis. It is shown that parametric uncertainty can successfully be accounted for using an adaptive mechanism and that all tracking and estimation errors are uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, a sampled-data nonlinear dynamic inversion adaptive control architecture is introduced. Despite the prevalence of digital controllers in practice, a nonlinear dynamic inversion adaptive control scheme in a sampled-data setting has not previously been developed. The method presented in this dissertation has the capability of extending the benefits of nonlinear dynamic inversion adaptive control - robust control of nonlinear systems with respect to model uncertainty - to more practical platforms

    Adaptive fault-tolerant attitude tracking control for hypersonic vehicle with unknown inertial matrix and states constraints

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    This paper proposes an adaptive fault-tolerant control (FTC) method for hypersonic vehicle (HSV) with unexpected centroid shift, actuator fault, time-varying full state constraints, and input saturation. The occurrence of unexpected centroid shift has three main effects on the HSV system, which are system uncertainties, eccentric moments, and variation of input matrix. In order to ensure the time-varying state constraints, a novel attitude state constraint control strategy, to keep the safe flight of HSV, is technically proposed by a time-varying state constraint function (TVSCF). A unified controller is designed to handle the time-varying state constraints according to the proposed TVSCF. Then, the constrained HSV system can be transformed into a novel free-constrained system based on the TVSCF. For the variation of system input matrix, input saturation and actuator fault, a special Nussbaum-type function is designed to compensate for those time-varying nonlinear terms. Additionally, the auxiliary systems is designed to compensate the constraint of system control inputs. Then, it is proved that the proposed control scheme can guarantee the boundedness of all closed-loop signals based on the Lyapunov stability theory. At last, the simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed fault-tolerant control scheme.</p

    Finite-time control for uncertain systems and application to flight control

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    In this paper, the finite-time control design problem for a class of nonlinear systems with matched and mismatched uncertainty is addressed. The finite-time control scheme is designed by integrating multi power reaching (MPR) law and finite-time disturbance observer (FTDO) into integral sliding mode control, where a novel sliding surface is designed, and the FTDO is applied to estimate the uncertainty. Then the fixed-time reachability of the MPR law is analyzed, and the finite-time stability of the closed-loop system is proven in the framework of Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, numerical simulation and the application to the flight control of hypersonic vehicle (HSV) are provided to show the effectiveness of the designed controller

    Investigations of Model-Free Sliding Mode Control Algorithms including Application to Autonomous Quadrotor Flight

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    Sliding mode control is a robust nonlinear control algorithm that has been used to implement tracking controllers for unmanned aircraft systems that are robust to modeling uncertainty and exogenous disturbances, thereby providing excellent performance for autonomous operation. A significant advance in the application of sliding mode control for unmanned aircraft systems would be adaptation of a model-free sliding mode control algorithm, since the most complex and time-consuming aspect of implementation of sliding mode control is the derivation of the control law with incorporation of the system model, a process required to be performed for each individual application of sliding mode control. The performance of four different model-free sliding mode control algorithms was compared in simulation using a variety of aerial system models and real-world disturbances (e.g. the effects of discretization and state estimation). The two best performing algorithms were shown to exhibit very similar behavior. These two algorithms were implemented on a quadrotor (both in simulation and using real-world hardware) and the performance was compared to a traditional PID-based controller using the same state estimation algorithm and control setup. Simulation results show the model-free sliding mode control algorithms exhibit similar performance to PID controllers without the tedious tuning process. Comparison between the two model-free sliding mode control algorithms showed very similar performance as measured by the quadratic means of tracking errors. Flight testing showed that while a model-free sliding mode control algorithm is capable of controlling realworld hardware, further characterization and significant improvements are required before it is a viable alternative to conventional control algorithms. Large tracking errors were observed for both the model-free sliding mode control and PID based flight controllers and the performance was characterized as unacceptable for most applications. The poor performance of both controllers suggests tracking errors could be attributed to errors in state estimation, which effectively introduce unknown dynamics into the feedback loop. Further testing with improved state estimation would allow for more conclusions to be drawn about the performance characteristics of the model-free sliding mode control algorithms