28 research outputs found

    Design and development of e-learning contents and online activities

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    A presentation on design and development of e-learning materials for CELPAD e-learning workshop, IIUM at De Palma Hotel, Ampang on 11 November, 2011

    EDGOM – Game Design Accelerates Students’ Performance

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    Educational computer game is one of the potential applications that is being researched to replace traditional method of teaching and learning.   It is believed that with the use of computer games in education, it is able to make learning process easier and student can grasp knowledge efficiently.   The way the game is designed is very crucial to ensure it can be adapted in the learning environment.  The purpose of this paper is to identify factors regarding game design that can enhance learning process.  This paper also highlights problems that lead to the development of EDGOM and the way EDGOM will be developed

    State-of-the-Art Duolingo Features and Applications

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    Duolingo is a rapidly growing on-line platform for language learning. In this paper learning theories that are embodied in its design are analyzed and certain shortcomings are identified. In the past two years, Duolingo has expanded its platform with the addition of new applications and features. State-of-the-art updates are reviewed in order to uncover whether they address limitations of Duolingo’s original design or provide enhancements to the learning platform

    Studi Komparasi Elemen Formal dalam Psikoedukasi Seksual Anak Usia Dini Berbasis Game Digital

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    Seiring meningkatnya kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak, berbagai upaya pencegahan melalui pendidikan seksual dilakukan. Salah satu bentuk media edukasi yang sesuai untuk diberikan kepada anak-anak adalah permainan. Meski game edukasi digital telah banyak dikembangkan, pengembangan game pada topik pendidikan seksual untuk anak usai dini masih sangat terbatas. Pembelajaran seks untuk anak usia dini melalui game memerlukan strategi khusus agar materi dapat tersampaikan dengan baik melalui aktivitas bermain yang dilakukan dalam game. Maka, struktur penyusun game menjadi elemen penting dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan struktur formal game dengan topik pembelajaran seksual untuk anak usia dini dengan genre permainan role play dan quiz-simulasi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan analisis deskriptif pada konten game berdasarkan teori formal elements of game. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa kedua genre game memiliki perbedaan cara penyampaian materi melalui penyusunan elemen formal, namun keduanya dapat memberikan pemahaman praktis dalam lingkungan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, nyaman, dan aman untuk membahas topik pembelajaran seksual yang sesuai untuk anak usai dini. 

    VALUES-BASED DIGITAL GAMES: Designing a digital game platform to foster sustainability in early childhood

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    Research suggests that many digital games include violence and about half of the violent incidents have negative repercussions such as increased aggression, serious injuries or death in the real world (APA, 2015; Children Now, 2015; Gentile 2014). This influential nature (Bogost, 2006) of digital games calls for research on ways in which the digital games can be leveraged instead. This is especially relevant for the early childhood context when players are most malleable (Gentile, 2014; Tootell, Freeman, & Freeman, 2014). Most individuals develop their value systems, habits, and attitudes through play in these early years (Epper, Derryberry, and Jackson 2012). “Play”, in today’s digital age, is facilitated by technology in the form of digital games. This makes digital games a powerful means of fostering values, attitudes, and developing social and emotional learning in children (Hromek and Roffey 2009). Using design science research, this research aims to tap into the power of digital games by creating a platform for designing digital games that foster values, including sustainability principles in early childhood

    Using Technology-Mediated Board Game on Young Learners

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    Background: The use of games and technology for educational purposes can be an appropriate method of enhancing learning performance. Therefore, this study presents a technology-mediated board game and its related course to engage young learners in Indonesia for learning English vocabulary. The study investigated young learners' vocabulary learning performance and learning motivation as the effects of using technology-mediated board game in the course. Methodology: This study employed a quasi-experimental design involving 67 students of one urban and one rural primary school. The vocabularies of fruits and vegetables were implemented online in the game by using QR codes. The instructional practices are to improve students' learning achievement and to find out students' learning motivation. The pre-test, post-test, and Keller's ARCS motivation model were conducted to analyze the effectiveness of technology-mediated board game for learning English vocabulary. Findings: The main finding indicated that technology-mediated board games could improve students' English vocabulary learning achievement. Moreover, the use of technology-mediated board games encouraged young learners to have strong learning motivation. On the other hand, the game could promote students to have a concept in gardening that can be encounter in their daily life. Conclusion: These findings imply that technology-mediated board game becomes an effective way of teaching English vocabulary to young learners in Indonesia


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    Purpose: This study aims to review the literature of the therapeutic strategies in gamification and a game-based learning for elderly people. During the increasing of the aging city in Thailand, how to prepare and how to live up the society are challenged. Gamification as a Game-based learning is a key issue in terms of conception. The conception of the game focuses on establishing trust with players and finding the right way to motivate the players to care for their health and to encourage the players to set goals. Methodology:A survey of healthcare for aging people was conducted in regard to technology-driven gamification.Gamified training appears to be highly engaging and does boost participant motivation.The survey attempts to examine Thai culture in terms of game technology and family networks and supports the influence the health-promoting behaviors among older persons. Main Findings:The reviews illustrate the role of game-based learning in therapeutic strategies. In accordance with the Gamification Concept, the concepts of games are broad in scope,encompassing various contexts, such as training. The results of this findings may influence Thai elderly to care their healthy by using gamification. The game design shows the Health Care Training Game and Gamification prototype. Implications:Gamification strategies may contribute to sustainable healthcare in Thailand.The designing game examines the therapeutic strategy game by establishing a technology-driven trust relationship with players, and then determining the best way to motivate the players to care for their health. Originality:Knowledge and skills can be improved by using game-based learning. A learning game is a self-contained unit with start, game play and ending activities. The games are based on a combination of well-known game-design principles and principles of task-oriented training and involve the manipulation of everyday physical objects

    Creative and Learning Processes using Game-Based Activities

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    This paper gains a better understanding of how gameplay activities facilitate the creative learning process, reviews learning objects as game elements that influence creativity and learning outcomes, and focuses on learning activity in terms of a series of actions, namely goals, action and interaction, and interpretation. The series should be an element of object learning through game elements, that are adapted from a collection of content items, practice items, and assessment within game tasks. The findings illustrate the relationship between the series of actions within classroom activities, show the significant impact of learning outcomes and the series of actions' learning, and facilitate creative learning processes. The paper proposes a method for understanding the relationships between the learning processes that players undertake during gameplay, and the components of the game that allow these processes to occur. This method was synthesized from the focus group by considering the relationships of their learning outcomes and creative processes within game activities. Previous research studied the creative potential in puzzle game play in the process. The pilot participants in the study adapted the process that was observed during the game "Online Gunz 2: The Second Duel", and were recorded their learning outcomes. The anticipated outcomes represented how video games foster learning processes and creative processes. The results illustrate a significant conceptual method as interrelationships between meaningful learning and creative potential within a game-based activities