17 research outputs found

    A phonocardiographic-based fiber-optic sensor and adaptive filtering system for noninvasive continuous fetal heart rate monitoring

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    This paper focuses on the design, realization, and verification of a novel phonocardiographic-based fiber-optic sensor and adaptive signal processing system for noninvasive continuous fetal heart rate (fHR) monitoring. Our proposed system utilizes two Mach-Zehnder interferometeric sensors. Based on the analysis of real measurement data, we developed a simplified dynamic model for the generation and distribution of heart sounds throughout the human body. Building on this signal model, we then designed, implemented, and verified our adaptive signal processing system by implementing two stochastic gradient-based algorithms: the Least Mean Square Algorithm (LMS), and the Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) Algorithm. With this system we were able to extract the fHR information from high quality fetal phonocardiograms (fPCGs), filtered from abdominal maternal phonocardiograms (mPCGs) by performing fPCG signal peak detection. Common signal processing methods such as linear filtering, signal subtraction, and others could not be used for this purpose as fPCG and mPCG signals share overlapping frequency spectra. The performance of the adaptive system was evaluated by using both qualitative (gynecological studies) and quantitative measures such as: Signal-to-Noise Ratio-SNR, Root Mean Square Error-RMSE, Sensitivity-S+, and Positive Predictive Value-PPV.Web of Science174art. no. 89

    Magnetic resonance imaging compatible non-invasive fibre-optic sensors based on the Bragg gratings and interferometers in the application of monitoring heart and respiration rate of the human body: A comparative study

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    The publication presents a comparative study of two fibre-optic sensors in the application of heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) monitoring of the human body. After consultation with clinical practitioners, two types of non-invasive measuring and analysis systems based on fibre Bragg grating (FBG) and fibre-optic interferometer (FOI) have been designed and assembled. These systems use probes (both patent pending) that have been encapsulated in the bio-compatible polydimethylsiloxane (PMDS). The main advantage of PDMS is that it is electrically non-conductive and, as well as optical fibres, has low permeability. The initial verification measurement of the system designed was performed on four subjects in a harsh magnetic resonance (MR) environment under the supervision of a senior radiology assistant. A follow-up comparative study was conducted, upon a consent of twenty volunteers, in a laboratory environment with a minimum motion load and discussed with a head doctor of the Radiodiagnostic Institute. The goal of the laboratory study was to perform measurements that would simulate as closely as possible the environment of harsh MR or the environment of long-term health care facilities, hospitals and clinics. Conventional HR and RR measurement systems based on ECG measurements and changes in the thoracic circumference were used as references. The data acquired was compared by the objective Bland-Altman (B-A) method and discussed with practitioners. The results obtained confirmed the functionality of the designed probes, both in the case of RR and HR measurements (for both types of B-A, more than 95% of the values lie within the +/- 1.96 SD range), while demonstrating higher accuracy of the interferometric probe (in case of the RR determination, 95.66% for the FOI probe and 95.53% for the FBG probe, in case of the HR determination, 96.22% for the FOI probe and 95.23% for the FBG probe).Web of Science1811art. no. 371

    Nondestructive fiber optic sensor system for measurement of traffic speed

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    Disertační práce popisuje návrh, realizaci a otestování nového způsobu detekce a měření rychlosti vozidel s primárním zaměřením na silniční provoz do rychlosti 100km/h, který lze využít v koncepci SMART Cities. Uvedené výsledky v této práci potvrzují, že podobný přístup lze využít rovněž pro monitorování tramvajového provozu, provozu metra a vlakových souprav na železnici. Popsaný měřicí systém je založen na využití interference v optických vláknech. Základem řešení je sériové zapojení senzorických jednotek na bázi Mach-Zehnderova interferometru pracujících s jednovidovými telekomunikačními optickými vlákny standardu G.652.D. a G.653, vlnovou délkou 1550nm a nároky na výkon zdroje záření v řádech jednotek mW. Řešení popsaná v této disertační práci jsou v současné době chráněna autorským osvědčením (patent číslo 306992). Základem tohoto řešení je imunita vůči elektromagnetickým interferencím (EMI) a jednoduchá implementace, protože senzorické jednotky není nutné instalovat destruktivně do vozovky nebo kolejiště. Vzhledem k masivnímu rozšíření optických kabelů podél silnic a železničních tratí, které zabezpečují telekomunikační a bezpečnostní služby, je významnou výhodou i možnost přímého napojení senzorů na stávající infrastrukturu a možnost vzdáleného vyhodnocení. Měřicí systém byl dlouhodobě testován v reálném provozu a je charakterizován chybou v toleranci ± 3km/h udávané u úsekových měřicích systémů do rychlosti 100km/h v České republice.My dissertation thesis describes a design, implementation, and testing of a new way of vehicles detection and speed measurement primarily used in the road transport with the speed limit up to 100kph, which can be utilized in the concept of SMART Cities. Results published in this thesis confirm that a similar approach can be also used for the monitoring of tram, underground and railway transport. The proposed measuring system is based on the interference in optical fibers. The key condition is that sensory units are connected in series on the basis of Mach-Zehnder interferometer working with single-mode optical fibers of G.652.D. and G.653 standards, with the wavelength of 1550nm and demands on the radiation source output in the range of mW. Solutions described in this dissertation thesis are currently protected by copyright (the patent No.306992). The basis of this solution lies in electromagnetic interference immunity (EMI) and simple implementation as the sensory units do not need to be installed destructively into the roadway or railway. With regard to a massive use of optical fibers along roads and railway tracks, which provides telecommunications and security services, the important advantage is also the possibility of direct connections of sensors to existing infrastructure and the possibility of remote evaluation. The measuring system was tested in real traffic over a long period and is characterized by an error with the tolerance of ± 3kph which is given by sectional speed measuring systems up to 100kph in the Czech Republic.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Processing of Signals from Fiber-Optic Interfererometric Sensors for Heart Rate Activity Monitoring

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na prostudování možností využití funkčního vzorku optovláknového interferometrického senzoru v biomedicinských aplikacích. Teoretická část se zaměřuje na prostudování problematiky zpracování optovláknových interferometrických signálů pomocí různých pokročilých metod zpracování signálu. Výstupem této části byly zvoleny hodnotící metody, které dle rešerše dosahují nejlepších výsledků. Jedná se o metody vlnkové transformace (WT), empirické modální dekompozice (EMD) a Hilbertovy transformace (HT). Experimentální část byla realizována na reálných datech, naměřených pomocí optovláknových interferometrů. Hodnocení bylo provedeno na základě stanovené celkové pravděpodobnosti správné detekce (ACC), senzitivity (SE), pozitivní prediktivní hodnoty (PPV) a harmonického průměru mezi SE a PPV (F1). Funkcionalita systému byla verifikována vůči relevantní referenci v podobě naměřeného EKG signálu, ze kterého byly odhadnuty referenční anotace. Tato práce ukázala, že nejlepších výsledků dosáhla hodnotící metoda WT.This diploma thesis is focused on studying the possibilities of using a functional sample of an optical fiber interferometric sensor in biomedical applications. The theoretical part focuses on the study of optical fiber interferometric signal processing using various advanced signal processing methods. The output of this part was chosen evaluation methods that achieve the best results according to the results. These methods are wavelet transform (WT), empirical mode decomposition (EMD), and Hilbert transform (HT). The experimental part was realized on real data measured using optical fiber interferometers. The evaluation was demonstrated by determining the overall probability of correct detection (ACC), sensitivity (SE), positive predictive value (PPV), and harmonic mean between SE and PPV (F1). The functionality of the system was verified using appropriate references in the form of a measured ECG signal, from which we estimated the reference annotation. This work influences that the best results are achieved by WT evaluation methods.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    First International Microgravity Laboratory experiment descriptions

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    Brief descriptions of the experiments for the First International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-1) which is scheduled for launch from KSC aboard the Orbiter Discovery in early 1992 are presented

    First International Microgravity Laboratory

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    This colorful booklet presents capsule information on every aspect of the International Microgravity Laboratory (IML). As part of Spacelab, IML is divided into Life Science Experiments and Materials Science Experiments. Because the life and materials sciences use different Spacelab resources, they are logically paired on the IML missions. Life science investigations generally require significant crew involvement, and crew members often participate as test subjects or operators. Materials missions capitalize on these complementary experiments. International cooperation consists in participation by the European Space Agency, Canada, France, Germany, and Japan who are all partners in developing hardware and experiments of IML missions. IML experiments are crucial to future space ventures, like the development of Space Station Freedom, the establishment of lunar colonies, and the exploration of other planets. Principal investigators are identified for each experiment

    WOFEX 2021 : 19th annual workshop, Ostrava, 1th September 2021 : proceedings of papers

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    The workshop WOFEX 2021 (PhD workshop of Faculty of Electrical Engineer-ing and Computer Science) was held on September 1st September 2021 at the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava. The workshop offers an opportunity for students to meet and share their research experiences, to discover commonalities in research and studentship, and to foster a collaborative environment for joint problem solving. PhD students are encouraged to attend in order to ensure a broad, unconfined discussion. In that view, this workshop is intended for students and researchers of this faculty offering opportunities to meet new colleagues.Ostrav

    Modeling of fiber optic sensors with Bragg gratings

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    Optovláknové Braggovské mřížky představují alternativní přístup pro senzorické aplikace a postupně nahrazují standardní typy senzorů. Jedná se o bodové senzory, které lze velmi snadno multiplexovat. Tato práce se zabývá modelováním optovláknových senzorů s Braggovskými mřížkami využívající vlnový multiplex. Cílem práce je návrh matematického modelu, který popisuje pomocí obecných rovnic senzorickou větev a parametry jednotlivých Braggovských mřížek a slouží pro návrh reálné senzorické větve s Braggovskými senzory. Tento návrh umožňuje efektivně využít omezenou šířku spektra zdroje záření pro dosažení co největšího počtu Braggovských senzorů v senzorické větvi.Fiber optic Bragg gratings represent an alternative approach for sensory applications and gradually replace the standard types of sensors. These single point sensors can be easily multiplexed. The aim of this work is a proposal of the mathematical model describing the sensory network, individual FBGs, and their parameters. The main contribution of the mathematical model is an effective design of the sensory network. This effective design is very important due to the limited spectral width of the light source.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Spacelab Science Results Study

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    Beginning with OSTA-1 in November 1981 and ending with Neurolab in March 1998, a total of 36 Shuttle missions carried various Spacelab components such as the Spacelab module, pallet, instrument pointing system, or mission peculiar experiment support structure. The experiments carried out during these flights included astrophysics, solar physics, plasma physics, atmospheric science, Earth observations, and a wide range of microgravity experiments in life sciences, biotechnology, materials science, and fluid physics which includes combustion and critical point phenomena. In all, some 764 experiments were conducted by investigators from the U.S., Europe, and Japan. The purpose of this Spacelab Science Results Study is to document the contributions made in each of the major research areas by giving a brief synopsis of the more significant experiments and an extensive list of the publications that were produced. We have also endeavored to show how these results impacted the existing body of knowledge, where they have spawned new fields, and if appropriate, where the knowledge they produced has been applied

    Microgravity Science and Applications: Program Tasks and Bibliography for Fiscal Year 1996

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    NASA's Microgravity Science and Applications Division (MSAD) sponsors a program that expands the use of space as a laboratory for the study of important physical, chemical, and biochemical processes. The primary objective of the program is to broaden the value and capabilities of human presence in space by exploiting the unique characteristics of the space environment for research. However, since flight opportunities are rare and flight research development is expensive, a vigorous ground-based research program, from which only the best experiments evolve, is critical to the continuing strength of the program. The microgravity environment affords unique characteristics that allow the investigation of phenomena and processes that are difficult or impossible to study an Earth. The ability to control gravitational effects such as buoyancy driven convection, sedimentation, and hydrostatic pressures make it possible to isolate phenomena and make measurements that have significantly greater accuracy than can be achieved in normal gravity. Space flight gives scientists the opportunity to study the fundamental states of physical matter-solids, liquids and gasses-and the forces that affect those states. Because the orbital environment allows the treatment of gravity as a variable, research in microgravity leads to a greater fundamental understanding of the influence of gravity on the world around us. With appropriate emphasis, the results of space experiments lead to both knowledge and technological advances that have direct applications on Earth. Microgravity research also provides the practical knowledge essential to the development of future space systems. The Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications (OLMSA) is responsible for planning and executing research stimulated by the Agency's broad scientific goals. OLMSA's Microgravity Science and Applications Division (MSAD) is responsible for guiding and focusing a comprehensive program, and currently manages its research and development tasks through five major scientific areas: biotechnology, combustion science, fluid physics, fundamental physics, and materials science. FY 1996 was an important year for MSAD. NASA continued to build a solid research community for the coming space station era. During FY 1996, the NASA Microgravity Research Program continued investigations selected from the 1994 combustion science, fluid physics, and materials science NRAS. MSAD also released a NASA Research Announcement in microgravity biotechnology, with more than 130 proposals received in response. Selection of research for funding is expected in early 1997. The principal investigators chosen from these NRAs will form the core of the MSAD research program at the beginning of the space station era. The third United States Microgravity Payload (USMP-3) and the Life and Microgravity Spacelab (LMS) missions yielded a wealth of microgravity data in FY 1996. The USMP-3 mission included a fluids facility and three solidification furnaces, each designed to examine a different type of crystal growth