26 research outputs found

    CHOReOS perspective on the Future Internet and initial conceptual model (D1.2)

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    The D1.2 deliverable outlines the CHOReOS perspective on the Future Internet and its conceptualization. In particular, the deliverable focuses on: - Definition of the Future Internet and related Future Internet of Services and (Smart) Things, as considered within CHOReOS, further stressing the many dimensions underpinning the Ultra-Large Scale of the Future Internet; - Definition of the initial conceptual model of the CHOReOS Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the Future Internet, identifying the impact of the ULS dimensions upon the traditional SOA paradigms and associated infrastructure

    KPI-related monitoring, analysis, and adaptation of business processes

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    In today's companies, business processes are increasingly supported by IT systems. They can be implemented as service orchestrations, for example in WS-BPEL, running on Business Process Management (BPM) systems. A service orchestration implements a business process by orchestrating a set of services. These services can be arbitrary IT functionality, human tasks, or again service orchestrations. Often, these business processes are implemented as part of business-to-business collaborations spanning several participating organizations. Service choreographies focus on modeling how processes of different participants interact in such collaborations. An important aspect in BPM is performance management. Performance is measured in terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which reflect the achievement towards business goals. KPIs are based on domain-specific metrics typically reflecting the time, cost, and quality dimensions. Dealing with KPIs involves several phases, namely monitoring, analysis, and adaptation. In a first step, KPIs have to be monitored in order to evaluate the current process performance. In case monitoring shows negative results, there is a need for analyzing and understanding the reasons why KPI targets are not reached. Finally, after identifying the influential factors of KPIs, the processes have to be adapted in order to improve the performance. %The goal thereby is to enable these phases in an automated manner. This thesis presents an approach how KPIs can be monitored, analyzed, and used for adaptation of processes. The concrete contributions of this thesis are: (i) an approach for monitoring of processes and their KPIs in service choreographies; (ii) a KPI dependency analysis approach based on classification learning which enables explaining how KPIs depend on a set of influential factors; (iii) a runtime adaptation approach which combines monitoring and KPI analysis in order to enable proactive adaptation of processes for improving the KPI performance; (iv) a prototypical implementation and experiment-based evaluation.Die Ausführung von Geschäftsprozessen wird heute zunehmend durch IT-Systeme unterstützt und auf Basis einer serviceorientierten Architektur umgesetzt. Die Prozesse werden dabei häufig als Service Orchestrierungen implementiert, z.B. in WS-BPEL. Eine Service Orchestrierung interagiert mit Services, die automatisiert oder durch Menschen ausgeführt werden, und wird durch eine Prozessausführungsumgebung ausgeführt. Darüber hinaus werden Geschäftsprozesse oft nicht in Isolation ausgeführt sondern interagieren mit weiteren Geschäftsprozessen, z.B. als Teil von Business-to-Business Beziehungen. Die Interaktionen der Prozesse werden dabei in Service Choreographien modelliert. Ein wichtiger Aspekt des Geschäftsprozessmanagements ist die Optimierung der Prozesse in Bezug auf ihre Performance, die mit Hilfe von Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) gemessen wird. KPIs basieren auf Prozessmetriken, die typischerweise die Dimensionen Zeit, Kosten und Qualität abbilden, und evaluieren diese in Bezug auf die Erreichung von Unternehmenszielen. Die Optimierung der Prozesse in Bezug auf ihre KPIs umfasst mehrere Phasen. Im ersten Schritt müssen KPIs durch Monitoring der Prozesse zur Laufzeit erhoben werden. Falls die KPI Werte nicht zufriedenstellend sind, werden im nächsten Schritt die Faktoren analysiert, die die KPI Werte beeinflussen. Schließlich werden auf Basis dieser Analyse die Prozesse angepasst um die KPIs zu verbessern. In dieser Arbeit wird ein integrierter Ansatz für das Monitoring, die Analyse und automatisierte Adaption von Prozessen mit dem Ziel der Optimierung hinsichtlich der KPIs vorgestellt. Die Beiträge der Arbeit sind wie folgt: (i) ein Ansatz zum Monitoring von KPIs über einzelne Prozesse hinweg in Service Choreographien, (ii) ein Ansatz zur Analyse von beeinflussenden Faktoren von KPIs auf Basis von Entscheidungsbäumen, (iii) ein Ansatz zur automatisierten, proaktiven Adaption von Prozessen zur Laufzeit auf Basis des Monitorings und der KPI Analyse, (iv) eine prototypische Implementierung und experimentelle Evaluierung

    Flexible modeling and execution of choreographies

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    Approaches to address domain specific problems often share overlapping requirements but typically satisfy them in a unique manner for example using service-oriented concepts. The notion of Collaborative, Dynamic & Complex (CDC) systems has been proposed in literature to address the requirements of application domains such as eScience and Collective Adaptive Systems in a unified, generic manner. CDC systems are characterized by dealing with potentially large amounts of data and/or participating applications which engage in complex interactions specified by some collaboration protocol. Furthermore, the need for adaptation mechanisms is a common requirement and users from these application domains are typically no IT experts. The choreography concept originally known from collaborations in the business domain captures the interaction between independent parties from a global perspective. Each party is denoted as a choreography participant, which is implemented by a workflow or a service. This concept provides a way to model and execute for example complex eScience experiments involving multiple scientific fields, scientific methods, and time and/or length scales as a set of coupled workflows. However, typical choreography concepts as described in literature do not provide the desired level of flexibility and ease of use in both modeling and execution to address the requirements of users in CDC system application domains such as eScience. Thus, existing choreography concepts have to be considerably extended by introducing the Model-as-you-go for Choreographies approach in this thesis as a central notion providing capabilities for the flexible modeling and execution of choreographies. In the context of this approach, we provide a concept for fostering reuse in choreography modeling in the form of so-called choreography fragments. Such fragments can be extracted from existing and inserted into new choreography models in order to save time as well as reuse established and approved logic by inexperienced modelers in a less error-prone manner. Furthermore, we provide support for the user-driven control of the complete choreography life cycle. This effectively allows users to automatically deploy the workflow models implementing a choreography as well as starting, pausing, resuming, and terminating a choreography instance, which is formed through the collective execution of workflow instances. Most importantly, the underlying complexity of managing a set of coupled workflow instances is completely hidden from the users. Additional flexibility is given by a concept that allows to re-run already executed choreography logic in order to enforce the convergence of a calculation towards a particular result or to react to errors with parameter changes. The proposed concepts are implemented in a message-based system, the ChorSystem, which is able to handle the challenges of choreography life cycle management from deployment, to run time control and the re-run of logic. Furthermore, the modeling and run time monitoring are integrated into one graphical tool supporting the seamless transition from modeling to execution of choreographies. The concepts, their supporting algorithms, and the prototypical ChorSystem are validated by a set of case studies from different CDC system application domains and evaluated by performance measurements showing the practical applicability

    PenChain: A Blockchain-Based Platform for Penalty-Aware Service Provisioning

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    Service provisioning is of paramount importance as we are now heading towards a world of integrated services giving rise to the next generation of service ecosystems. The huge number of service offerings that will be available to customers in future scenarios require a novel approach to service registry and discovery that allows customers to choose the offerings that best match their preferences. One way to achieve this is to introduce the provider’s reputation, i.e., a quality indicator of the provisioned service, as an additional search criterion. Now, with blockchain technology in our hands, automated regulation of service-level agreements (SLAs) that capture mutual agreements between all involved parties has regained momentum. In this article, we report on our full-fledged work on the conception, design, and construction of a platform for SLA-minded service provisioning called PenChain. With our work, we demonstrate that penalty-aware SLAs of general services–if represented in machine-readable logic and assisted by distributed ledger technology–are programmatically enforceable. We devise algorithms for ranking services in a search result taking into account the digitized values of the SLAs. We offer two scenario-based evaluations of PenChain in the field of precision agriculture and in the domain of automotive manufacturing. Furthermore, we examine the scalability and data security of PenChain for precision agriculture

    SLA management of non-computational services.

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    El incremento en el uso de arquitecturas orientadas a servicios en los últimos 15 años ha propiciado la propuesta de numerosas técnicas para automatizar y dar soporte al uso de dichos servicios. Un elemento fundamental en la provisión de servicios es el Acuerdo de Nivel de Servicio (ANS), donde se formalizan los requisitos y garantías de consumidor y proveedor respecto del rendimiento del servicio. Las propuestas para servicios computacionales, además de proveer modelos formales para describirlos, proponen la automatización de las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida del ANS, tales como la negociación de las garantías para crear un ANS, el despliegue de servicios basados en el ANS, o la gestión de los recursos para cumplir las garantías provistas en el mismo. Sin embargo, en los servicios tradicionales, no computacionales, es decir, los servicios que no son ejecutados por recursos computacionales, tales como los servicios de logística o de desarrollo de software, la gestión de sus ANSs todavía se realiza por medios ad-hoc. Así, las soluciones existentes no pueden ser reutilizadas por diferentes servicios. Y, en la mayoría de los casos, esta gestión se hace de manera manual (p.e. revisión de los objetivos acordados en los ANSs de servicios de transporte), por lo que la evaluación de estos ANSs es susceptible a errores y se suele retrasar respecto a la ejecución del servicio (p.e. cuando el ANS ha finalizado), por lo que no se pueden tomar acciones preventivas para evitar el incumplimiento del ANS o estas acciones no son rentables. En estos escenarios, aparecen, además, acuerdos marco para un periodo largo (p.e. 1 aõ), durante el cual pueden aparecen ANSs relacionados con éste para un periodo más específico y el análisis de la coherencia entre acuerdos marco y acuerdos específicos es complicada de hacer durante la ejecución del servicio. En esta tesis, nos proponemos automatizar parcialmente la gestión de los ANSs de servicios no computacionales. Así, por un lado, proponemos que los modelos para servicios computacionales se extiendan a servicios no computacionales, de manera que permitan describir la operativa del servicio y sus garantías. Y, por otro lado, basado en estos modelos, proporcionamos el diseño de operaciones para gestionar el ciclo de vida de los ANS. Concretamente, estas operaciones se basan en las fases de despligue y evaluación del ANS. De forma específica, esta tesis propone tres contribuciones principales. Primero, (A) extender iAgree para dar soporte al modelado de los ANS de servicios no computacionales. Segundo, (B) dar soporte al ciclo de vida de dichos ANS mediante la formalización de las operaciones citadas (configuración del servicio basada en el ANS y monitorización del mismo) y, a partir de estas operaciones, implementamos una arquitectura de referencia para estas operaciones. Y, por último, (C) proveemos el modelado de la relación entre acuerdos marco y específicos que relacione sus términos junto con la formalización de las operaciones para el análisis que aparecen entre ellos. Otros aspectos del ciclo de vida del servicio y del ANS, como la gestión de los recursos para mejorar el rendimiento del servicio o el uso de técnicas (como machine learning) para la predicción del cumplimiento de los ANSs están fuera del contexto de esta tesis, pero se plantean como futuras líneas de extensión. Este trabajo se ha basado en ANSs reales de diferentes dominios, tales como servicios de Transporte y Logística, proveedores de Cloud or outsourcing de desarrollo TIC, que se han utilizado para validar las propuestas. Además, las contribuciones presentadas se han aplicado en el contexto de proyectos reales de soporte de sistemas TIC.The rise of computational services in the last 15 years brought the proposal of a number of techniques to automate and support their enactment. One key element in services is the Service Level Agreement (SLA), where the requirements of service customer are matched with the performance levels from the service provider to define service level guarantees and related responsibilities. The proposals from computational domains are oriented to automate the different stages in the SLA Lifecycle, such as the negotiation of terms which will form the SLA, the deployment of services based on the SLA artifact or the management of computational resources to accomplish SLA goals on runtime. However, traditional non-computational services, that is, services which are not performed by computational resources, such as logistics or software development services, are still supported by ad-hoc mechanisms. Therefore, the existing solutions for the management of their SLAs cannot be reused for other services. This management is usually manually performed (e.g.: reviewing of the goals of an SLA in transport service), so their evaluation is error-prone and delayed regarding the service execution (e.g.: when the SLA is finished), so preemptive actions to avoid SLA violations cannot be taken or/and are expensive to perform. Furthermore, these SLAs are sometimes described on a long term basis (frame agreements), and related SLAs can appear for a shorter term (specific agreements) and the analysis of the validity among them is complex to perform on runtime. In this dissertation, we aim at partially automate the management of SLAs in noncomputational services. On the one hand, we suggest that existing models for computational services can be extended to non computational services and enable the description of the service operative and their guarantees. And, on the other hand, we provide a design for operations to partially support the SLA Lifecycle, based on the previous models. Specifically, these operations are mainly focused on the deployment and fulfillment stages of the SLA. Therefore, the contributions of this dissertation are three. First, (A) providing a model to describe Service Level Agreements of non computational services, as an extension of iAgree, an existing model for SLAs of computational services. Second side, (B) supporting the SLA Lifecycle with the design of the aforementioned operations (service configuration based on SLA and monitoring of SLA) and implementing a reference architecture for such operations. And, lastly, (C) providing a model for frame and specific agreements which relates their terms and formalises the analysis operations among them. Other related operations of the service lifecycle as the management of resources to improve service performance or the use of novel techniques (such as machine learning) to predict the SLA accomplishment are out of the scope of this thesis but planned as future line of extension. The current dissertation has been based on real SLAs from different domains, such as Transport & Logistics, public Cloud providers or IT Maintenance outsourcing, which have been used to validate the proposal. And, furthermore, the contributions have been applied in the context of real IT Maintenance outsourcing projects

    Service level agreement specification for IoT application workflow activity deployment, configuration and monitoring

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    PhD ThesisCurrently, we see the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) within various domains such as healthcare, smart homes, smart cars, smart-x applications, and smart cities. The number of applications based on IoT and cloud computing is projected to increase rapidly over the next few years. IoT-based services must meet the guaranteed levels of quality of service (QoS) to match users’ expectations. Ensuring QoS through specifying the QoS constraints using service level agreements (SLAs) is crucial. Also because of the potentially highly complex nature of multi-layered IoT applications, lifecycle management (deployment, dynamic reconfiguration, and monitoring) needs to be automated. To achieve this it is essential to be able to specify SLAs in a machine-readable format. currently available SLA specification languages are unable to accommodate the unique characteristics (interdependency of its multi-layers) of the IoT domain. Therefore, in this research, we propose a grammar for a syntactical structure of an SLA specification for IoT. The grammar is based on a proposed conceptual model that considers the main concepts that can be used to express the requirements for most common hardware and software components of an IoT application on an end-to-end basis. We follow the Goal Question Metric (GQM) approach to evaluate the generality and expressiveness of the proposed grammar by reviewing its concepts and their predefined lists of vocabularies against two use-cases with a number of participants whose research interests are mainly related to IoT. The results of the analysis show that the proposed grammar achieved 91.70% of its generality goal and 93.43% of its expressiveness goal. To enhance the process of specifying SLA terms, We then developed a toolkit for creating SLA specifications for IoT applications. The toolkit is used to simplify the process of capturing the requirements of IoT applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the toolkit using a remote health monitoring service (RHMS) use-case as well as applying a user experience measure to evaluate the tool by applying a questionnaire-oriented approach. We discussed the applicability of our tool by including it as a core component of two different applications: 1) a contextaware recommender system for IoT configuration across layers; and 2) a tool for automatically translating an SLA from JSON to a smart contract, deploying it on different peer nodes that represent the contractual parties. The smart contract is able to monitor the created SLA using Blockchain technology. These two applications are utilized within our proposed SLA management framework for IoT. Furthermore, we propose a greedy heuristic algorithm to decentralize workflow activities of an IoT application across Edge and Cloud resources to enhance response time, cost, energy consumption and network usage. We evaluated the efficiency of our proposed approach using iFogSim simulator. The performance analysis shows that the proposed algorithm minimized cost, execution time, networking, and Cloud energy consumption compared to Cloud-only and edge-ward placement approaches

    From event streams to process models and back: Challenges and opportunities

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    The domains of complex event processing (CEP) and business process management (BPM) have different origins but for many aspects draw on similar concepts. While specific combinations of BPM and CEP have attracted research attention, resulting in solutions to specific problems, we attempt to take a broad view at the opportunities and challenges involved. We first illustrate these by a detailed example from the logistics domain. We then propose a mapping of this area into four quadrants — - two quadrants drawing from CEP to create or extend process models and two quadrants starting from a process model to address how it can guide CEP. Existing literature is reviewed and specific challenges and opportunities are indicated for each of these quadrants. Based on this mapping, we identify challenges and opportunities that recur across quadrants and can be considered as the core issues of this combination. We suggest that addressing these issues in a generic manner would form a sound basis for future applications and advance this area significantly

    Web service composition: A survey of techniques and tools

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    Web services are a consolidated reality of the modern Web with tremendous, increasing impact on everyday computing tasks. They turned the Web into the largest, most accepted, and most vivid distributed computing platform ever. Yet, the use and integration of Web services into composite services or applications, which is a highly sensible and conceptually non-trivial task, is still not unleashing its full magnitude of power. A consolidated analysis framework that advances the fundamental understanding of Web service composition building blocks in terms of concepts, models, languages, productivity support techniques, and tools is required. This framework is necessary to enable effective exploration, understanding, assessing, comparing, and selecting service composition models, languages, techniques, platforms, and tools. This article establishes such a framework and reviews the state of the art in service composition from an unprecedented, holistic perspective

    An architectur of a workflow execution engine to enable network based execution of dynamic workflows

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    Workflow Engines dienen der Ausführung von Geschäftsprozesse welche durch eine Prozessbeschreibung definiert werden. Eine Prozessbeschreibung besteht aus mehreren Aktivitäten und dient der Erreichung eines bestimmten Zieles oder Zustandes. Aktuelle Workflow Engines vertrauen darauf, dass sich der Ersteller der Prozessbeschreibung um alle nötigen Fehlerbehandlungen kümmert welche während der Ausführung gebraucht werden könnten. Ist dies nicht ausreichend, können vordefinierte Reperaturstrategien angewendet werden. Diese Strategien sind Bestandteil der Workflow Engine selbst oder werden durch ein Plugin zur Verfügung gestellt. Adaptive Workflow Engines erlauben während der Ausführung bestimmte Modifikation an der Workflowumgebung oder an der Prozessbeschreibung, wobei diese Modifikationen durch ein vordefiniertes Set an Möglichkeitenlimitiert werden. In dieser Masterarbeit wird das Konzept der ``Dynamic Workflows" vorgestellt, welche die starren APIs aktueller Workflow Engines überwinden sollen. Wir schlagen dabei eine Architektur vor, die Workflows durch die Kollaboration von mehreren externen Services abarbeitet. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Workflow Execution Engine welche sich auf die Kontrollflußaspekte konzentriert. Andere Aufgaben wie z.b. Monitoring oder Reperatur werden von autonomen Services durchgeführt die in die Ausführung des Workflows mithilfe von Schnittstellen eingreifen. Anders als in traditionellen Workflow Engines streben wir dabei einen hohen Freiheitsgrad an was die Möglichkeiten betrifft die diese Schnittstellen zur Verfügung stellen sollen. Externe Services können sowohl die Ausführungsumgebung als auch die Prozessbeschreibung nach Belieben verändern. Die von uns vorschlagene Modularisierung fördert nicht nur die Integration in verteilten Systemen (wie z.b. Clouds), sondern ermöglichen es auch die diveresen Komponenten an die eigenen Bedürfnisse anzupassen oder zu ersetzen. Die Umsetzbarkeit unserer Architektur wird anhand einer Prototyp-Implementierung, welche über ein REST API verfügt, demonstriert.Workflow engines deal with the execution of a business process specified by a process description. A process description contains a set of activities that realize a business objective or policy goal. Current workflow engines rely on the workflow designer to include error handling logic for all problems that occur during execution. Whenever this is not sufficient, the workflow engine applies predefined recovery or modification strategies. These strategies are part of the workflow engine itself or realized as a plugin. Adaptive workflow engines allow to apply specific modifications to the workflow environment or the process descriptions during execution with a set of APIs. This thesis introduces a concept called “Dynamic Workflows” to overcome the static and inflexible APIs provided by these workflow engines. We propose an architecture that executes a workflow through a collaboration with external services. The core of our architecture is a workflow execution engine that concentrates on the control flow aspects. Other facets like monitoring or repair are handled by autonomous services. The services can intervene into the workflow execution through interfaces. Other than in current workflow engines, we pursue to provide a high degree of latitude. External services are able to modify the environment and the process description ad libitum. The modularization fosters not only the integration in distributed environments (like clouds, service oriented architectures) but also enables to customize or replace components, that are until now part of the workflow engine. To demonstrate the feasibility of our architecture, we also demonstrate a prototype implementation that is accessible through a RESTful API