6 research outputs found

    A New Relational Spatial OLAP Approach For Multi-resolution and Spatio-multidimensional Analysis of Incomplete Field Data

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    International audienceIntegrating continuous spatial data into SOLAP systems is a new research challenge. Moreover, representation of field data at different scales or resolutions is often mandatory for an effective analysis. Thus, in this paper, we propose a logical model to integrate spatial dimensions representing incomplete field data at different resolutions in a classical SOLAP architecture

    Gerenciamento de restrições de integridade para dados geoespaciais multi-escala

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    Orientador: Claudia Maria Bauzer MedeirosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Trabalhar em questões relativas a dados geoespaciais presentes em múltiplas escalas apresenta inúmeros desafios que têm sido atacados pelos pesquisadores da área de GIS (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica). De fato, um dado problema do mundo real deve frequentemente ser estudado em escalas distintas para ser resolvido. Outro fator a ser considerado é a possibilidade de manter o histórico de mudanças em cada escala. Além disso, uma das principais metas de ambientes multi-escala _e garantir a manipulação de informações sem qualquer contradição entre suas diferentes representações. A noção de escala extrapola inclusive a questão espacial, pois se aplica também, por exemplo, _a escala temporal. Estes problemas serão analisados nesta dissertação, resultando nas seguintes contribuições: (a) proposta do modelo DBV (Database Version) multi-escala para gerenciar de forma transparente dados de múltiplas escalas sob a perspectiva de bancos de dados; (b) especificação de restrições de integridade multi-escala; (c) implementação de uma plataforma que suporte o modelo e as restrições, testados com dados reais multi-escalaAbstract: Work on multi-scale issues concerning geospatial data presents countless challenges that have been long attacked by GIScience (Geographic Information Science) researchers. Indeed, a given real world problem must often be studied at distinct scales in order to be solved. Another factor to be considered is the possibility of maintaining the history of changes at each scale. Moreover, one of the main goals of multi-scale environments is to guarantee the manipulation of information without any contradiction among the different representations. The concept of scale goes beyond issues of space, since it also applies, for instance, to time. These problems will be analyzed in this thesis, resulting in the following contributions: (a) the proposal of the DBV (Database Version) multi-scale model to handle data at multiple scales from a database perspective; (b) the specification of multi-scale integrity constraints; (c) the implementation of a platform to support model and constraints, tested with real multi-scale dataMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Adaptive Management of Multigranular Spatio-Temporal Object Attributes

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    In applications involving spatio-temporal modelling, granularities of data may have to adapt according to the evolving semantics and significance of data. In this paper we define ST 2_ODMGe, a multigranular spatio-temporal model supporting evolutions , which encompass the dynamic adaptation of attribute granularities, and the deletion of attribute values. Evolutions are specified as Event - Condition - Action rules and are executed at run-time. The event, the condition, and the action may refer to a period of time and a geographical area. The evolution may also be constrained by the attribute values. The ability of dynamically evolving the object attributes results in a more flexible management of multigranular spatio-temporal data but it requires revisiting the notion of object consistency with respect to class definitions and access to multigranular object values. Both issues are formally investigated in the paper

    Modélisation des bases de données multidimensionnelles : analyse par fonctions d'agrégation multiples

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    Le résumé en français n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur.Le résumé en anglais n'a pas été communiqué par l'auteur

    Modélisation des bases de données multidimensionnelles : analyse par fonctions d'agrégation multiples

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    Providing Multi-scale Consistency For Multi-scale Geospatial Data

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    We are immersed in a world in which we constantly deal (and cope) with objects and phenomena in a variety of scales in space and time. With the increase in collaborative and interdisciplinary research, there appeared a growing need for handling data in multiple scales and representations, within a single environment. The so called multi-scale environments must guarantee the manipulation of information while ensuring consistency. This paper is concerned with the challenges of managing data in multiple scales, while preserving consistency across scales. Its main contributions are the following: (a) the specification of generic, extensible multiscale integrity constraints; and (b) the implementation of a prototype based on data versioning, which supports the maintenance of these constraints. This prototype was tested using watershed data from Brazil. 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