90,499 research outputs found

    Non-local MRI upsampling.

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    International audienceIn Magnetic Resonance Imaging, image resolution is limited by several factors such as hardware or time constraints. In many cases, the acquired images have to be upsampled to match a specific resolution. In such cases, image interpolation techniques have been traditionally applied. However, traditional interpolation techniques are not able to recover high frequency information of the underlying high resolution data. In this paper, a new upsampling method is proposed to recover some of this high frequency information by using a data-adaptive patch-based reconstruction in combination with a subsampling coherence constraint. The proposed method has been evaluated on synthetic and real clinical cases and compared with traditional interpolation methods. The proposed method is shown to outperform classical interpolation methods compared in terms of quantitative measures and visual observation

    Automatic Estimation of Wheat Grain Morphometry from CT Data

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    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain size and morphology are playing an increasingly important role as agronomic traits. Whole spikes from two disparate strains, the commercial type Capelle and the landrace Indian Shot Wheat, were imaged using a commercial computed tomography system. Volumetric information was obtained using a standard back-propagation approach. To extract individual grains within the spikes, we used an image processing pipeline that included adaptive thresholding, morphological filtering, persistence aspects and volumetric reconstruction. This is a fully automated, data-driven pipeline. Subsequently, we extracted several morphometric measures from the individual grains. Taking the location and morphology of the grains into account, we show distinct differences between the commercial and landrace types. For example, average volume is significantly greater for the commercial type (P = 0.0024), as is the crease depth (P = 1.61 × 10−5). This pilot study shows that the fully automated approach described can retain developmental information and reveal new morphology information at an individual grain level.</jats:p

    Geometry-Aware Neighborhood Search for Learning Local Models for Image Reconstruction

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    Local learning of sparse image models has proven to be very effective to solve inverse problems in many computer vision applications. To learn such models, the data samples are often clustered using the K-means algorithm with the Euclidean distance as a dissimilarity metric. However, the Euclidean distance may not always be a good dissimilarity measure for comparing data samples lying on a manifold. In this paper, we propose two algorithms for determining a local subset of training samples from which a good local model can be computed for reconstructing a given input test sample, where we take into account the underlying geometry of the data. The first algorithm, called Adaptive Geometry-driven Nearest Neighbor search (AGNN), is an adaptive scheme which can be seen as an out-of-sample extension of the replicator graph clustering method for local model learning. The second method, called Geometry-driven Overlapping Clusters (GOC), is a less complex nonadaptive alternative for training subset selection. The proposed AGNN and GOC methods are evaluated in image super-resolution, deblurring and denoising applications and shown to outperform spectral clustering, soft clustering, and geodesic distance based subset selection in most settings.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures and 5 table

    Fast Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representations of Speech Signals

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Published version: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 5(5): 1025-1031, Sep 2011. DOI: 10.1109/JSTSP.2011.2157892
