3,974 research outputs found

    Bayesian off-line detection of multiple change-points corrupted by multiplicative noise : application to SAR image edge detection

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    This paper addresses the problem of Bayesian off-line change-point detection in synthetic aperture radar images. The minimum mean square error and maximum a posteriori estimators of the changepoint positions are studied. Both estimators cannot be implemented because of optimization or integration problems. A practical implementation using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods is proposed. This implementation requires a priori knowledge of the so-called hyperparameters. A hyperparameter estimation procedure is proposed that alleviates the requirement of knowing the values of the hyperparameters. Simulation results on synthetic signals and synthetic aperture radar images are presented

    Patch-based adaptive temporal filter and residual evaluation

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    In coherent imaging systems, speckle is a signal-dependent noise that visually strongly degrades images' appearance. A huge amount of SAR data has been acquired from different sensors with different wavelengths, resolutions, incidences and polarizations. We extend the nonlocal filtering strategy to the temporal domain and propose a patch-based adaptive temporal filter (PATF) to take advantage of well-registered multi-temporal SAR images. A patch-based generalised likelihood ratio test is processed to suppress the changed object effects on the multitemporal denoising results. Then, the similarities are transformed into corresponding weights with an exponential function. The denoised value is calculated with a temporal weighted average. Spatial adaptive denoising methods can improve the patch-based weighted temporal average image when the time series is limited. The spatial adaptive denoising step is optional when the time series is large enough. Without reference image, we propose using a patch-based auto-covariance residual evaluation method to examine the ratio image between the noisy and denoised images and look for possible remaining structural contents. It can process automatically and does not rely on a supervised selection of homogeneous regions. It also provides a global score for the whole image. Numerous results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed time series denoising method and the usefulness of the residual evaluation method

    A multi-family GLRT for detection in polarimetric SAR images

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    This paper deals with detection from multipolarization SAR images. The problem is cast in terms of a composite hypothesis test aimed at discriminating between the Polarimetric Covariance Matrix (PCM) equality (absence of target in the tested region) and the situation where the region under test exhibits a PCM with at least an ordered eigenvalue smaller than that of a reference covariance. This last setup reflects the physical condition where the back scattering associated with the target leads to a signal, in some eigen-directions, weaker than the one gathered from a reference area where it is apriori known the absence of targets. A Multi-family Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (MGLRT) approach is pursued to come up with an adaptive detector ensuring the Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) property. At the analysis stage, the behaviour of the new architecture is investigated in comparison with a benchmark (but non-implementable) and some other adaptive sub-optimum detectors available in open literature. The study, conducted in the presence of both simulated and real data, confirms the practical effectiveness of the new approach

    SAR Ship Detection for Rough Sea Conditions

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    In the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) framework many detection algorithms and techniques have been published in the recent literature; however the detection of vessels whose dimensions are in the order of the image spatial resolution is still challenging in rough sea state scenarios. This issue is addressed in the paper presented here by comparing rationale and performance of two detectors developed by the same authors: the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) and the Intensity Dual-Polarization Ratio Anomaly Detector (iDPolRAD). Both detectors are tested on a dual-polarization VV/VH Interferometric Wide Swath Sentinel-1 image acquired over the Suruga Bay on the Pacific Coast of Japan. The theory is presented here and the two detectors are compared against the Cell Average-Constant False Alarm Algorithm (CA-CFAR) showing both better performance than CFAR in terms of false alarms rejection

    A multi-family GLRT-based algorithm for oil spill detection

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    This paper deals with detection of oil spills from multi-polarization SAR images. The problem is cast in terms of a composite hypothesis test aimed at discriminating between the Polarimetric Covariance Matrix (PCM) equality (absence of oil spills in the tested region) and the situation where the region under test exhibits a PCM with at least an ordered eigenvalue smaller than that of a reference covariance. This last setup reflects the physical condition where the back scattering associated with the oil spills leads to a signal, in some eigen-directions, weaker than the one gathered from a reference area where it is a-priori known the absence of any oil slicks. A Multi-family Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (MGLRT) approach is pursued to come up with an adaptive detector ensuring the Constant Alarm False Rate (CFAR) property. At the analysis stage, the behavior of the new architecture is investigated in comparison with a benchmark (but non-implementable) structure and some other sub-optimum adaptive detectors available in open literature. The study, conducted in the presence of both simulated and real data, confirms the practical effectiveness of the new approach

    Analytic Expressions for Stochastic Distances Between Relaxed Complex Wishart Distributions

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    The scaled complex Wishart distribution is a widely used model for multilook full polarimetric SAR data whose adequacy has been attested in the literature. Classification, segmentation, and image analysis techniques which depend on this model have been devised, and many of them employ some type of dissimilarity measure. In this paper we derive analytic expressions for four stochastic distances between relaxed scaled complex Wishart distributions in their most general form and in important particular cases. Using these distances, inequalities are obtained which lead to new ways of deriving the Bartlett and revised Wishart distances. The expressiveness of the four analytic distances is assessed with respect to the variation of parameters. Such distances are then used for deriving new tests statistics, which are proved to have asymptotic chi-square distribution. Adopting the test size as a comparison criterion, a sensitivity study is performed by means of Monte Carlo experiments suggesting that the Bhattacharyya statistic outperforms all the others. The power of the tests is also assessed. Applications to actual data illustrate the discrimination and homogeneity identification capabilities of these distances.Comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing journa

    Change Detection Techniques with Synthetic Aperture Radar Images: Experiments with Random Forests and Sentinel-1 Observations

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    This work aims to clarify the potential of incoherent and coherent change detection (CD) approaches for detecting and monitoring ground surface changes using sequences of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Nowadays, the growing availability of remotely sensed data collected by the twin Sentinel-1A/B sensors of the European (EU) Copernicus constellation allows fast mapping of damage after a disastrous event using radar data. In this research, we address the role of SAR (amplitude) backscattered signal variations for CD analyses when a natural (e.g., a fire, a flash flood, etc.) or a human-induced (disastrous) event occurs. Then, we consider the additional pieces of information that can be recovered by comparing interferometric coherence maps related to couples of SAR images collected between a principal disastrous event date. This work is mainly concerned with investigating the capability of different coherent/incoherent change detection indices (CDIs) and their mutual interactions for the rapid mapping of "changed" areas. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have been demonstrated to be beneficial for handling the different information coming from coherent/incoherent CDIs in a unique corpus. Specifically, we used CDIs that synthetically describe ground surface changes associated with a disaster event (i.e., the pre-, cross-, and post-disaster phases), based on the generation of sigma nought and InSAR coherence maps. Then, we trained a random forest (RF) to produce CD maps and study the impact on the final binary decision (changed/unchanged) of the different layers representing the available synthetic CDIs. The proposed strategy was effective for quickly assessing damage using SAR data and can be applied in several contexts. Experiments were conducted to monitor wildfire's effects in the 2021 summer season in Italy, considering two case studies in Sardinia and Sicily. Another experiment was also carried out on the coastal city of Houston, Texas, the US, which was affected by a large flood in 2017; thus, demonstrating the validity of the proposed integrated method for fast mapping of flooded zones using SAR data
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