202 research outputs found

    Linear-Quadratic Control of a MEMS Micromirror Using Kalman Filtering

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    The deflection limitations of electrostatic flexure-beam actuators are well known. Specifically, as the beam is actuated and the gap traversed, the restoring force necessary for equilibrium increases proportionally with the displacement to first order, while the electrostatic actuating force increases with the inverse square of the gap. Equilibrium, and thus stable open-loop voltage control, ceases at one-third the total gap distance, leading to actuator snap-in. A Kalman Filter is designed with an appropriately complex state dynamics model to accurately estimate actuator deflection given voltage input and capacitance measurements, which are then used by a Linear Quadratic controller to generate a closed-loop voltage control signal. The constraints of the latter are designed to maximize stable control over the entire gap. The design and simulation of the Kalman Filter and controller are presented and discussed, with static and dynamic responses analyzed, as applied to basic, 100 micrometer by 100 micrometer square, flexure-beam-actuated micromirrors fabricated by PolyMUMPs. Successful application of these techniques enables demonstration of smooth, stable deflections of 50% and 75% of the gap

    SMA Actuator Priming using Resistance Feedback

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    Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are a group of alloys that demonstrate the unique ability of returning back to a previously defined shape or size if subjected to the appropriate thermal procedure. They have been implemented as actuators in a wide range of applications spanning several fields such as robotics, aeronautics, automotive and even in medicine. Several controllers, linear and nonlinear, have been designed to control these actuators. However, controlling these actuators is no simple task as they are highly nonlinear due to the hysteresis inherent in them. In fact, their control depends on two important factors: the thermal conditions they are subjected to and the stress applied to them. The former can be further divided into air flow and ambient temperatures. These thermal conditions determine the amount of power needed to heat the SMA wire. In the SMA data sheets, manufacturers specify what they refer to as the "safe current" which is the maximum current value that can be applied to the SMA wire indefinitely without burning it. However, they specify this current value at room temperature and under certain convection conditions. In the work presented here, the focus was the control of SMA actuators under different ambient temperatures. Thus, in this research, the main goal was to design and implement a controller that will actuate, or contract, the SMA wire in approximately the same amount of time regardless of the ambient temperatures with a fixed load applied to it

    Advanced Control of Piezoelectric Actuators.

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    168 p.A lo largo de las últimas décadas, la ingeniería de precisión ha tenido un papel importante como tecnología puntera donde la tendencia a la reducción de tamaño de las herramientas industriales ha sido clave. Los procesos industriales comenzaron a demandar precisión en el rango de nanómetros a micrómetros. Pese a que los actuadores convencionales no pueden reducirse lo suficiente ni lograr tal exactitud, los actuadores piezoeléctricos son una tecnología innovadora en este campo y su rendimiento aún está en estudio en la comunidad científica. Los actuadores piezoeléctricos se usan comúnmente en micro y nanomecatrónica para aplicaciones de posicionamiento debido a su alta resolución y fuerza de actuación (pueden llegar a soportar fuerzas de hasta 100 Newtons) en comparación con su tamaño. Todas estas características también se pueden combinar con una actuación rápida y rigidez, según los requisitos de la aplicación. Por lo tanto, con estas características, los actuadores piezoeléctricos pueden ser utilizados en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones industriales. Los efectos negativos, como la fluencia, vibraciones y la histéresis, se estudian comúnmente para mejorar el rendimiento cuando se requiere una alta precisión. Uno de los efectos que más reduce el rendimiento de los PEA es la histéresis. Esto se produce especialmente cuando el actuador está en una aplicación de guiado, por lo que la histéresis puede inducir errores que pueden alcanzar un valor de hasta 22%. Este fenómeno no lineal se puede definir como un efecto generado por la combinación de acciones mecánicas y eléctricas que depende de estados previos. La histéresis se puede reducir principalmente mediante dos estrategias: rediseño de materiales o algoritmos de control tipo feedback. El rediseño de material comprende varias desventajas por lo que el motivo principal de esta tesis está enfocado al diseño de algoritmos de control para reducir la histéresis. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de estrategias de control avanzadas que puedan mejorar la precisión de seguimiento de los actuadores piezoeléctricos comerciale

    Hybrid intelligent machine systems : design, modeling and control

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    To further improve performances of machine systems, mechatronics offers some opportunities. Traditionally, mechatronics deals with how to integrate mechanics and electronics without a systematic approach. This thesis generalizes the concept of mechatronics into a new concept called hybrid intelligent machine system. A hybrid intelligent machine system is a system where two or more elements combine to play at least one of the roles such as sensor, actuator, or control mechanism, and contribute to the system behaviour. The common feature with the hybrid intelligent machine system is thus the presence of two or more entities responsible for the system behaviour with each having its different strength complementary to the others. The hybrid intelligent machine system is further viewed from the system’s structure, behaviour, function, and principle, which has led to the distinction of (1) the hybrid actuation system, (2) the hybrid motion system (mechanism), and (3) the hybrid control system. This thesis describes a comprehensive study on three hybrid intelligent machine systems. In the case of the hybrid actuation system, the study has developed a control method for the “true” hybrid actuation configuration in which the constant velocity motor is not “mimicked” by the servomotor which is treated in literature. In the case of the hybrid motion system, the study has resulted in a novel mechanism structure based on the compliant mechanism which allows the micro- and macro-motions to be integrated within a common framework. It should be noted that the existing designs in literature all take a serial structure for micro- and macro-motions. In the case of hybrid control system, a novel family of control laws is developed, which is primarily based on the iterative learning of the previous driving torque (as a feedforward part) and various feedback control laws. This new family of control laws is rooted in the computer-torque-control (CTC) law with an off-line learned torque in replacement of an analytically formulated torque in the forward part of the CTC law. This thesis also presents the verification of these novel developments by both simulation and experiments. Simulation studies are presented for the hybrid actuation system and the hybrid motion system while experimental studies are carried out for the hybrid control system

    Real-time surface formation using a network of interconnected programmable actuators

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    This research has explored methods for developing a large interactive dynamic 3D surface using an array of interconnected pneumatically actuated cylinders. People can control the surface using body movement, sound or pre-programmed sequences. The main contribution is a method for accurately positioning cylinders without the need for position feedback

    Soft Gloves: A Review on Recent Developments in Actuation, Sensing, Control and Applications

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    Interest in soft gloves, both robotic and haptic, has enormously grown over the past decade, due to their inherent compliance, which makes them particularly suitable for direct interaction with the human hand. Robotic soft gloves have been developed for hand rehabilitation, for ADLs assistance, or sometimes for both. Haptic soft gloves may be applied in virtual reality (VR) applications or to give sensory feedback in combination with prostheses or to control robots. This paper presents an updated review of the state of the art of soft gloves, with a particular focus on actuation, sensing, and control, combined with a detailed analysis of the devices according to their application field. The review is organized on two levels: a prospective review allows the highlighting of the main trends in soft gloves development and applications, and an analytical review performs an in-depth analysis of the technical solutions developed and implemented in the revised scientific research. Additional minor evaluations integrate the analysis, such as a synthetic investigation of the main results in the clinical studies and trials referred in literature which involve soft gloves

    Advances in Solid State Circuit Technologies

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    This book brings together contributions from experts in the fields to describe the current status of important topics in solid-state circuit technologies. It consists of 20 chapters which are grouped under the following categories: general information, circuits and devices, materials, and characterization techniques. These chapters have been written by renowned experts in the respective fields making this book valuable to the integrated circuits and materials science communities. It is intended for a diverse readership including electrical engineers and material scientists in the industry and academic institutions. Readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the latest technologies in the various fields