7 research outputs found

    Adaptive Beamforming for Vector-Sensor Arrays Based on Reweighted Zero-Attracting Quaternion-Valued LMS Algorithm

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    In this work, reference signal based adaptive beamforming for vector sensor arrays consisting of crossed dipoles is studied. In particular, we focus on how to reduce the number of sensors involved in the adaptation so that reduced system complexity and energy consumption can be achieved while an acceptable performance can still be maintained, which is especially useful for large array systems. As a solution, a reweighted zero attracting quaternion-valued least mean square algorithm is proposed. Simulation results show that the algorithm can work effectively for beamforming while enforcing a sparse solution for the weight vector where the corresponding sensors with zerovalued coefficients can be removed from the system

    Quaternion-Valued Adaptive Signal Processing and Its Applications to Adaptive Beamforming and Wind Profile Prediction

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    Quaternion-valued signal processing has received more and more attentions in the past ten years due to the increasing need to process three or four-dimensional signals, such as colour images, vector-sensor arrays, three-phase power systems, dual-polarisation based wireless communica- tion systems, and wind profile prediction. One key operation involved in the derivation of all kinds of adaptive signal processing algorithms is the gradient operator. Although there are some derivations of this operator in literature with different level of details in the quaternion domain, it is still not fully clear how this operator can be derived in the most general case and how it can be applied to various signal processing problems. In this study, we will give a detailed derivation of the quaternion-valued gradient operator with associated properties and then apply it to different areas. In particular, it will be employed to derive the quaternion-valued LMS (QLMS) algorithm and its sparse versions for adaptive beamforming for vector sensor arrays, and another one is its application to wind profile prediction in combination with the classic computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. For the adaptive beamforming problem for vector sensor arrays, we consider the crossed- dipole array and the problem of how to reduce the number of sensors involved in the adap- tive beamforming process, so that reduced system complexity and energy consumption can be achieved, whereas an acceptable performance can still be maintained, which is particularly use- ful for large array systems. The quaternion-valued steering vector model for crossed-dipole arrays will be employed, and a reweighted zero attracting (RZA) QLMS algorithm is then pro- posed by introducing a RZA term to the cost function of the original QLMS algorithm. The RZA term aims to have a closer approximation to the l0 norm so that the number of non-zero valued coefficients can be reduced more effectively in the adaptive beamforming process. For wind profile prediction, it can be considered as a signal processing problem and we can solve it using traditional linear and non-linear prediction techniques, such as the proposed QLMS algorithm and its enhanced frequency-domain multi-channel version. On the other hand,it using traditional linear and non-linear prediction techniques, such as the proposed QLMS algorithm and its enhanced frequency-domain multi-channel version. On the other hand,wind flow analysis is also a classical problem in the CFD field, which employs various simulation methods and models to calculate the speed of wind flow at different time. It is accurate but time-consuming with high computational cost. To tackle the problem, a combined approach based on synergies between the statistical signal processing approach and the CFD approach is proposed. There are different ways of combining the signal processing approach and the CFD approach to obtain a more effective and efficient method for wind profile prediction. In the combined method, the signal processing part employs the QLMS algorithm, while for the CFD part, large eddy simulation (LES) based on the Smagorinsky subgrid-scale (SGS) model will be employed so that more efficient wind profile prediction can be achieved

    Fully Quaternion-Valued Adaptive Beamforming Based on Crossed-Dipole Arrays

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    Based on crossed-dipole antenna arrays, quaternion-valued data models have been developed for both direction of arrival estimation and beamforming in the past. However, for almost all the models, and especially for adaptive beamforming, the desired signal is still complex-valued as in the quaternion-valued Capon beamformer. Since the complex-valued desired signal only has two components, while there are four components in a quaternion, only two components of the quaternion-valued beamformer output are used and the remaining two are simply discarded, leading to significant redundancy in its implementation. In this work, we consider a quaternion-valued desired signal and develop a fully quaternion-valued Capon beamformer which has a better performance and a much lower complexity. Furthermore, based on this full quaternion model, the robust beamforming problem is also studied in the presence of steering vector errors and a worst-case-based robust beamformer is developed. The performance of the proposed methods is verified by computer simulations

    Compressive sensing based sparse antenna array design for directional modulation

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    Directional modulation (DM) can be achieved based on uniform linear arrays where the maximum spacing between adjacent antennas is half-wavelength of the frequency of interest in order to avoid spatial aliasing. To exploit the additional degrees of freedom provided in the spatial domain, sparse antenna arrays can be employed for more effective DM. In this study, the spare array design problem in the context of DM is formulated from the viewpoint of compressive sensing (CS), so that it can be solved using standard convex optimisation toolboxes in the CS area. In detail, a common set of active antennas needs to be found for all modulation symbols generating a response close to the desired one. The key to the solution is to realise that group sparsity has to be employed, as a common antenna set cannot be guaranteed if the antenna locations are optimised for each modulation symbol individually. Moreover, two practical scenarios are considered for the proposed design: robust design with model errors and design with practical non-zero-sized antennas, and corresponding solutions are found by modifying the proposed standard solution

    Variable parameter resized zero attracting least mean fourth control for grid-tied pv system

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    This paper presents the variable parameter resized zero attracting least mean fourth (VP-RZA-LMF) control algorithm for grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) system. The proposed control algorithm is superior over the conventional control algorithms in terms of swift response and handling the irregular nature of solar irradiations. The DC bus voltage control is incorporated in voltage source converter (VSC) control. The boost converter utilizes the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm for producing its gating sequence to keep PV array voltage constant. - BEIESP

    Beamforming and Direction of Arrival Estimation Based on Vector Sensor Arrays

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    Array signal processing is a technique linked closely to radar and sonar systems. In communication, the antenna array in these systems is applied to cancel the interference, suppress the background noise and track the target sources based on signals'parameters. Most of existing work ignores the polarisation status of the impinging signals and is mainly focused on their direction parameters. To have a better performance in array processing, polarized signals can be considered in array signal processing and their property can be exploited by employing various electromagnetic vector sensor arrays. In this thesis, firstly, a full quaternion-valued model for polarized array processing is proposed based on the Capon beamformer. This new beamformer uses crossed-dipole array and considers the desired signal as quaternion-valued. Two scenarios are dealt with, where the beamformer works at a normal environment without data model errors or with model errors under the worst-case constraint. After that, an algorithm to solve the joint DOA and polarisation estimation problem is proposed. The algorithm applies the rank reduction method to use two 2-D searches instead of a 4-D search to estimate the joint parameters. Moreover, an analysis is given to introduce the difference using crossed-dipole sensor array and tripole sensor array, which indicates that linear crossed-dipole sensor array has an ambiguity problem in the estimation work and the linear tripole sensor array avoid this problem effectively. At last, we study the problem of DOA estimation for a mixture of single signal transmission (SST) signals and duel signal transmission (DST) signals. Two solutions are proposed: the first is a two-step method to estimate the parameters of SST and DST signals separately; the second one is a unified one-step method to estimate SST and DST signals together, without treating them separately in the estimation process