Beamforming and Direction of Arrival Estimation Based on Vector Sensor Arrays


Array signal processing is a technique linked closely to radar and sonar systems. In communication, the antenna array in these systems is applied to cancel the interference, suppress the background noise and track the target sources based on signals'parameters. Most of existing work ignores the polarisation status of the impinging signals and is mainly focused on their direction parameters. To have a better performance in array processing, polarized signals can be considered in array signal processing and their property can be exploited by employing various electromagnetic vector sensor arrays. In this thesis, firstly, a full quaternion-valued model for polarized array processing is proposed based on the Capon beamformer. This new beamformer uses crossed-dipole array and considers the desired signal as quaternion-valued. Two scenarios are dealt with, where the beamformer works at a normal environment without data model errors or with model errors under the worst-case constraint. After that, an algorithm to solve the joint DOA and polarisation estimation problem is proposed. The algorithm applies the rank reduction method to use two 2-D searches instead of a 4-D search to estimate the joint parameters. Moreover, an analysis is given to introduce the difference using crossed-dipole sensor array and tripole sensor array, which indicates that linear crossed-dipole sensor array has an ambiguity problem in the estimation work and the linear tripole sensor array avoid this problem effectively. At last, we study the problem of DOA estimation for a mixture of single signal transmission (SST) signals and duel signal transmission (DST) signals. Two solutions are proposed: the first is a two-step method to estimate the parameters of SST and DST signals separately; the second one is a unified one-step method to estimate SST and DST signals together, without treating them separately in the estimation process

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